Toothless saves Hiccup.

Chapter 6.

After eating something hiccup went upstairs to see if he could find out what was bugging him so much. Toothless was already sleeping on his rock with a smile in his face, and he was laying on his side his wings we're behind him and one under himself. Hiccups yes traced toothless body and rested on the dragon's sheath, he had seen it before and always wondered what his dragon was packing away. So hearing his dragon snore, he must be asleep. Hiccup didn't know that it was a trap from toothless and he was, in fact, awake just faking it. Hiccup came up close and looked at it more in detail. Boy did his Dragon have large balls? He could cup them and they looked so heavy. Didn't toothless have a mate or can he milk himself occasionally?

The bitter, earthy smell of toothless groin made hiccup excited to himself and he unconsciously licked his lips they had changed as his scales had covered his face. Becoming rougher and harder too. Something deep down said to him that he should taste it and see if it's any different. Hiccups face was incredibly close to toothless groin. His interest we're in seeing if the night fury will satisfy him in future. His tongue came out of his mouth and licked the edge of toothless sheath. The intense flavour of it made hiccup drool more and he licked it from top to bottom not caring for being forbidden. Toothless eyes opened up and a smirk came to face. He tried not to moan out but the building fire in his groin let his blood flow into his penis and it started to take up. Hiccup stopped as soon as he felt toothless tip of his dick with his piss slitt show itself. Toothless penis tampered at it's top. And with the licking, it grew more. Hiccup came back from the bottom of it and as he reached the top his tongue struck a bit of toothless pre-cum and he found it tasted good a bit sweet and bitter maybe akin to salty but it tasted nice to him. Toothless fond it very pleased with his rider. He had hardened to his full length. Hiccup saw toothless length now fully aroused. On the underside of there were ridges and near the end was a knot it was a true bestial cock but it was a lovely shade of pink making it look nice to him. His hands started to clap around it as he kneed down. Toothless had gotten up to his hind legs and his maleness was fully awakened. Toothless looked at hiccup as he saw him clap his hands around his flesh and saw how he moved them up and down. Toothless moaned out and more of his pre escaped from the tip. Hiccup started to suck it because of how addictive, it was. Hiccup was also squatting there and his tail grew more in width and length ad it was nearly as long as his legs. It made also his hips wider and the shape of it was changing too. It made walking more difficult on two legs. Hiccup could feel toothless upper paws pushing him onto his dick and small thrust of Toothless into his mouth. Toothless was keeping it quiet as he felt his balls pull up as he came.

Hiccups mouth was flooded with toothless seed and it was nice to him so he swallowed the most of it. It tasted the same as the pre. After it toothless cock retracted back into it's a protective cover. Toothless pulled hiccup close to him and licked hiccups face thanking him for the pleasure and he knew that he could help him soon. Hiccup was pulled in closer to toothless and covered in his wings. He was falling asleep with the taste of toothless salty cum on his tongue and the masculine body smell of toothless. His tail had gone again and it brushed against toothless sheath. It also had grown to the skin like flaps, it was white and had a pale blue on the underside of the tail, like hiccups a belly. The tail went down towards his paws.

Morning came way to fast and hiccup woke up and crawls out from under toothless wings. He gets to his feet and could feel the floor in three different locations two were his feet and the last one as he looked shocked by seeing how much his tail had grown. He also had tailfins but we're different to toothless ones. They were more spherical.

He saw how much his hips also had changed pushing his legs further apart and the thickness of his tail was also there. It seems that his legs were also pushing forward so his tail will be behind him and his legs will grow into a quadrupled position. Hiccup knew to hide this will get impossible so he had to make his way to the elder again and ask her if she can be there with his father so he wouldn't jump to conclusions about toothless putting a curse on him and Gobber need to know to so they would both, have to deal with it.

Hiccups upper body wasn't spared either because it was getting more muscular and gain mass because of the dragon muscle forming. His shirts we're getting to tight to wear and pants we're out of the question. He had a cloak that he had made and discovered that it seems to cover him. He still had his male part of his body it too was covered in scales he wondered when it was going to change. He had to say he was very pretty with his scales. And toothless was very happy with him like this. Hiccup hoped he could talk to toothless soon to see what his plans were and hopefully would give him a family with him.

It's been nearly a year since the change has started and it only has come so far, the change had done his skin, legs, feet, tail and apart of his hips. His underbody had started but it too was changing slowly he also documented he grow in size. He had gotten taller but his legs were shorter than human ones. It seems that his stomach and ribcage we're growing bigger like his spinal cord, it also means that he was getting a reptilian physics. He was also gaining weight with his bones hardening and making him tougher. But these changes occurred very slow and not noticeable to the others

It seemed to be like he was maturing and becoming an adult-like the other teens. He had noticed that on his hips there were growing hip fins Just like toothless. They were still Small but they grew along with his tail. His tail was easy to move and he had control over it very soon. It felt as if he had one already. He knew he was different from the great of berk. It seems that he had a different soul than his body should it with. Maby it should be that he is a dragon. Than human.

Getting back to a topic he had to convince his father not to kill toothless and listen to him. And his father had to explain it to the villagers so they wouldn't raise weapons against them. Most of the warriors we're there on that day when he fell from the sky with toothless. They must have seen the ball of light that hit hiccup and it must have occurred that it was mythical. Toothless didn't mean to harm him in any way. On the way back it was discussed the matter of it.

As the sun was going down and Hiccup was at the elder's hut. The elder talked to hiccup and asked for the chief of Berk to make his presence known. Hiccups Father was making his way up to the hit with gobber and they were talking about the day and what issues with other villagers. Toothless was also inside of the house, he was in his sitting position and hiccup in front of him. Stoick knocked on the door and the elder welcomed the chief in with gobber. They saw hiccup and toothless. Why were they here what could be the reason for this talk?

The Elder began to talk about when hiccup was unconscious and lying in bed. She told that there was something off and normally hiccup would have lost his foot in the fire. She pointed to toothless who was looking at them with slightly spotted eyes. She told them that hiccup had been affected by the blast of toothless and was changing in a good was but permanent way. The dragon didn't mean to do this and she couldn't do anything about it. There was no cure for the change and the Dragon will protect and provide for hiccup. Stoick thought it was a joke but as hiccup let his cloak slide off him and down to the ground, he started. His Sons body was covered in white scales on his back and blueish on his belly. It seems to be that his legs had completely changed and he had a tail. It nearly looked the same as toothless one but was different.

On seeing this Stoic and Gobber had to ask Hiccup if he was happy with what is going on with him? He said it's okay but don't take it out on toothless he was only trying to save me from death. Toothless nodded to that, confirming that he did understand the outcome of it. Maybe that Devil is more intelligent than he looks. They talked about the situation now and that he had to change their heir because of it. Hiccup eventually told that he could end up as a female Dragon and he wants to be with toothless as his mate. Something deep down told him that they would mate for Life. And if he could understand toothless at the end of the turning into a dragon he would be comfortable. Hiccup asked for Stoics blessing for the future if he would become a female to court toothless in mating.

They would have to tell the Village of it soon as possible. But it could end badly for Hiccup and Toothless so they had to the care and had to be intact. It could mean that they would have to leave berk. Stoic told hiccup of a place called the hidden world where the Dragons came from maby there would he be safe. And he would have a word with toothless. This would be the last safe place for them.

Stoick had to decide if he wants them to be together but if it makes his son happy he will allow it. The problem with the Berks future will be dealt with soon but he didn't want hiccup to leave the island yet. Seeing toothless had done only to protect his son and this was unplanned as it progressed. He looked at hiccups body again and saw the same hip fins that toothles had but only sleeker possible feminine for a dragon. And the colour of his scale of hiccup. He actually thought that they are meant to be together and be happy with it.

Gobber was happy for hiccup and would be supportive to them if the village should turn against them to get them out of berk. He knew something was wrong with Hiccup and he was hiding something but this was bigger than normal. He was losing his apprentice but at least he was happy about it, seeing how much love toothless was giving Hiccup was good.

They decided to head back to their houses and Hiccup and toothless went upstairs Toothless walked behind hiccup this time and saw how much effort it was for hiccup to walk on his two legs because of his changing his and growing tail. His hips we're growing lager and so was his tail as it got bigger his asshole, had moved to underneath his penis and balls. They actually seen to be a bit smaller than usual but he could be wrong. Toothless smiled and really wanted to taste that ass of Hiccups. The sight of hiccup gave him pleasure and it made him happy. He can't wait to get onto him and mate him with all his affection. It was like it was meant to happen like this. The wanting to have Cubs and to expand the species of his made it very real. Just thinking about it made his tampered penis stick out of his sheath.

Hiccup did smell that toothless was wanting some attention between his legs seeing his aroused by thinking about him by looking in his dreamy, eyes. He knew it was him he was thinking about and he started to head upstairs with toothless following and watching his now dragonfied hips and tail tease toothless. He still smelled the bitterness in toothless sheath and some of the salty precum what he had. It was nice to hiccup now and he started to love it. Before he could get into bed toothless tail snares around him and pull him into toothless paws to be covered by his wings. Toothless purred while holding hiccup and hiccup trying to escape because he could feel toothless erection from behind and it was warm and poking him.

Toothless had already drifted off to sleep and was happy with his rider lying on to of him. It was comfortable with toothless like this. He gave off much heat and it felt like a fire, that he was sitting next to. Hiccup thought about his or coming her future with toothless if he became a she-dragon and could lay his clutch of eggs. He wondered what Astrid would think about it. If he was dominated by toothless. He keep that toothless would be careful with him because he cared about his riders comfort and it was the right setting to be in. He still images of toothless dick going through his head and it felt good. It made him uncomfortable and he grew a erection it was so big and it would fit him perfectly. He would make sure that toothless would get also as much pleasure from him.

Hiccup was drifting away from the sleepiness and eventually fell asleep. The night went on and his tail grew a bit more in length so did his spine making him longer in the stomach. It also had thickened with new muscle making him stronger and a bit more top-heavy. But not enough to make him walk on all fours like toothless.

Dawn was slowly arriving at Berk and Hiccup and Toothless were still sleeping.

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