A/N: i don't own bones, but you probably already knew that. as much as i didn't really care for hannah or her relationship with booth, i feel like a lot of loose ends were left and i wouldn't have minded if david's wish to have her back in s12 had happened, but that's just me i guess.

It's been over a decade, nearing two in fact, since Hannah Burley had stepped foot in the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building, hell, since she's stepped foot in D.C. in general. It was that disappointing breakup that had sent her away and work that had brought her back. She thinks back to that night over the water, how she told Seeley she didn't think they were done. Part of her still feels that why and maybe that's why she's even at the Hoover in the first place, but part of her also knows it's been a long time and it was completely possible that he had found someone who checked all his boxes, who was the marrying kind. Either way, she was positive she'd leave here today with a satisfying closing to their chapter. She murmured a thank you as she was handed a visitors badge, clipping it to her shirt, her entire body vibrated with both excitement and anxiety as she slipped into the elevator and headed to the fourth floor.

Stepping off, there were faces she vaguely recognized and faces she's never seen before. Even when she and Seeley were together she didn't spend much time here so there were no hard feelings when people brushed by without noticing her. His office came into view, the door propped open. She took that as a good sign, he was here and obviously not caught up in anything. Straightening her blouse and adjusting the bag on her shoulder, Hannah took a deep breath before she continued and knocked gently on the glass. The scene inside the office had her thinking maybe he had moved offices and maybe she was just imagining that everything was still the same as it had been.

The girl behind the desk, with her feet propped up and a book in her hand couldn't have been much older than fourteen and the boy off to the side, too engrossed in his Nintendo to even notice the blonde was no older than nine, maybe ten - the same age Parker had been when Hannah met him. At the knock, the girl looked over her book and Hannah met the bluest eyes - eyes she knows she's seen before, but just can't place. "Can I help you?" The girl asked, brow arching as she straightened her posture and put her book aside. There was the "don't talk to strangers" rule but seeing as if they were in their father's office she had no doubts that if the woman ended up being a threat a single shout would have any agent in earshot ready to defend the Booth kids.

"I'm - I'm sorry," Hannah stammers, laughing slightly. "I was looking for Agent Booth and..." She trailed off slightly, taking in everything from the bobblehead to the hockey pictures to his name still on the desk before continuing, "this still looks like his office and neither of you look old enough to be secretaries let alone agents." She teased with a smirk. This made the girl laugh and she stood this time, making her way around the desk to offer a hand to the woman. "I'm Christine," She told her, plastering on her best charm smile. "and that's Hank." She nodded over to her brother who barely took a moment away from his game to acknowledge the two. "Hannah." The blonde supplied in return, shaking her hand with a small smile. "This is.. Agent Booth's office still though, correct?" She still wasn't entirely sure if she'd imagined all the knick-knacks or not.

"Yes! Yes," Christine chuckles, leaning back against her father's desk. "We're not always here, I promise. We were on our way to lunch when they were called in for an interrogation. They should be done soon though if you want to hang out with us." Hannah wonders for a brief moment if maybe these kids are Seeley's niece and nephew - the part of her that hoped for some reconciliation shoving the idea that they were his right out of her mind - she knew he had a brother though that still doesn't account for the they Christine was referring to and before she could stop herself she blurted out, "Parker. Seeley has a son named Parker." This put Christine on defense slightly, she didn't know this Hannah but it obvious she knew her dad and brother. Nodding slowly, she reaches behind her for a photo on the desk. It was one of the three of them, the three dressed in nice fall colors, surrounded by the changes leaves of the trees in the woods just behind their house. Family portraits became more of a common occurrence after Auntie Angela picked up photography as a hobby. She turned the photo towards Hannah and the woman's heart sank slightly, even though a part of her still whispered just because they were family didn't mean they were siblings.

"I'm sorry," She began as Hannah took the photo for closer inspection. "How do you know my dad?" Ding! Ding! Ding! There it was. The answer she knew but was refusing to acknowledge. "Oh, I'm - just an old friend is all. You guys are beautiful. He's very lucky." She smiled and she meant it as she passed the picture back. Just as she did, her phone went off. It was nothing important just an email but she took it as an opening to excuse herself. "I was going to wait and say hello, but duty calls." She laughed gently. Christine nodded, frowning slightly. "I'm sorry you couldn't see him. I'll let him know you stopped by," "Oh, no, that's alright. I'm sure I'll catch him some other time. It was nice to meet you, Christine and you too, Hank." Both Booth kids returned the sentiment with smiles and nods. She took one more look at them and headed for the door.

As she was waiting for the elevator, she heard his voice. Looking up, she laid eyes on him, maybe three feet away standing with another agent and not to her surprise, the one and only Dr. Temperance Brennan and that was when it clicked. She's seen Christine's eyes before, because she has her mother's eyes because her mother is Temperance. A simple glance to the woman's hands told her Seeley had found the one who checked all his boxes - he'd found her when they were together and some part of her had always assumed it would end up like this. As the doors opened and she waited for people to disembark, she was separated from the Booth family that were making their way towards the exit as well and as she climbed on she could hear Hank's "Dad, some lady came to see you while you guys were gone." And then Booth's voice, "A lady? What lady, bub?" "Hannah." That was the girl who she'd just learned was Christine, "She said her name was Hannah." Booth and Brennan shared a knowing look over the kids between them and the couple caught Hannah's eye for a split second and she offered a smile and raised hand as the door shut.

Yes, Hannah Burley got what she came for. The door between her and Seeley Booth was closed.