Her long, slender fingers graze the sticky surface of the counter in the pub. As she plants herself on a bar stool even her best efforts are unable to paint her as anything other than a fish out of water. Her dark tresses flow down her back. Her typically professional attire has been traded for a sleeveless merlot dress that ends abruptly above her knee. Her protracted legs are capped in heeled boots that cut off near her ankle. The music blares, but she remains undeterred from the task at hand. Her rigid, upright posture remains unchanged as the moments pass her by.

She has spent her entire adult life playing a role to her superior, her colleagues, and her pupils. A brief field trip to world of darkness has reminded her that magic alone can no longer sustain her. The innately human side of her has been neglected for too long. Her bourbon colored orbs flick upwards as ruggedly handsome bartender with an angled jaw, and a five o'clock shadow approaches. He greets her his typically flirtatious smile.

"What can I get for the lady?"

"It is quite bold to assume that as I sit alone at a bar, am any sort of lady," she offers a biting response.

"Tips are how I pay the bills," he reminds her.

She nods in understanding, "Jameson."

"Shall I make it a double?"

"The purpose of the outing is to drown my sorrows, not make conversation."

He grins as he pours her a glass. "I appreciate your candor. Most of the folks coming in here are trying to be anything but what, or who they are. I feel obligated to disclose that you are going to find rather unsavory creatures approaching you in an effort to sway you to the dancefloor, and out of your pants, if you choose to linger. You seem to be a woman of certain standards."

"It would appear that I have saved some wretched creature a fair amount of effort as I am not wearing pants. As far as standards go I think we both know that each glass lowers them markedly."

He grins, "You are utterly cold-hearted. Yet, you are surprisingly bewitching. I feel heart-sorry for the bloke that tries to lead you onto that dance floor this evening."

As she polishes off the liquid courage in the glass he's bestowed her she winks, "I am merely human."

He chuckles at the idea, "And I've always dreamed that my life's work would be pouring drinks to people who reek of desperation, and unfulfilled dreams."