We Should be Drinking Alone

We do not own Harry Potter. We are not making money from this story. WARNING: If you are a fan on Ron Weasley, you may not want to read this. There will be a lot of Ron Bashing.

"Stupid bloody rain," Hermione mumbled to herself as she stared out the window of the Leaky Cauldron into the Muggle street beyond the barrier and sipped on her half

consumed glass of Fire Whiskey. The shitty day at work turned into a nightmare when she returned home that evening. She came home a little early, being the Minister for Magic was a demanding job and honestly she needed a break. She needed her home, family and sex, a good book and a glass of wine. And Sex. She needed to be able to cook in her kitchen and take a long deserved soak in her jacuzzi tub. And Sex. She needed to be able to feel the warmth of curling up with her husband on her couch under a warm blanket and just staring at the fireplace until they both fell asleep. And Sex But,Ronald Bilius Weasley was the lowest form of slime you could possibly think of. He was in their bed...THEIR BLOODY BED- with that bitch Lavender Fucking Brown that big breasted blonde bimbo. She took another shakey sip of her drink and realized her tears were dripping down her cheeks and leaving a salty taste in her drink.

"Fucking Tramp," she choked out a sob and took an drink. She wasn't even paying attention to the people around her as she plopped onto a seat at the bar.

"By the Gods, I can't even get away from you here, can I Granger!? I just wanted to spend one night getting pissed off about my shitty fucking life, drinking myself into a peaceful oblivion away from you and everyone else who can't leave me the fuck alone!" Draco spat as he slammed his glass on the bartop and sloshed the expensive brandy on top of Hermione's hand.

"Dammit Malfoy!" she spat, wiping the liquid from her hand onto his sleeve and glaring daggers at him. " I don't bloody care why you are here, just leave me alone and let me drink, you are not the only one with a shitty life you bloody arsehole. Drink your drink and fuck off. You are not the center of the universe, you never were. As far as we are concerned you are my assistant and that is where it ends- at work " Hermione slowly turned away and lit a cigarette.

Draco snorted as he took another sip of his drink; leave it to Hermione fucking Granger (Weasley, but he would never call her that) to ruin his one bloody night of self pity.

"I didn't know you smoked Granger," he said cocking an eyebrow and pulling a pack of cigarettes from the pocket inside his jacket.

"Minister Granger-Weasley, Malfoy" she spat. " Remember who the fuck you are speaking too."

" I will never call you Weasley, Minister," Draco sneered. " You just told me to leave work at work so here you are just the- know -it -all swot I have known for twenty years, Granger."

"When did you start smoking?" Draco inquired.

"It's a recent habit I've picked up. What does it matter to you anyway? Didn't I tell you to leave me alone!?" she bit out as she took a long somewhat calming drag from her cigarette.

"It doesn't," he shrugged and lit his own. If she wanted to be a bloody cantankerous bitch he would let her wallow in self pity just as he was doing himself. Alone.

Minutes clicked by as they both sat in silence, each drowning their sorrows with liquor. Hermione was in a rage over Ron and Draco in despair over Astoria. Other people came and went as the hours ticked by and still they remained, locked in a furious silence. Draco stole a glance at the curly head witch fuming beside him. Why did she choose to sit next to him? They weren't friends, they never had been. Frienemies maybe, definitely not friendly. So the question still remained as to why she chose to sit next to him and drown her sorrows. What was she crying about anyway, she was the Minister for Magic, -she was the Golden girl and Harry Bloody Potter's best friend! Sure, her husband was a neanderthal and she had to go home every day and watch him slobber on her sofa but truly she had no reason to be making a fool of herself in public.

Draco dared another glance at her and let his gaze slowly look from her face down to the bottom of that impossibly short dress she was wearing. Her legs were crossed and even sitting down that silky slip of black fabric barely covered her mid thigh; it was indecent but Merlin it was sexy.

"So, what could the Weasel possibly have done to make the prudest woman I have ever met smoke, drink and dress like she wants to get fucked against a wall on a Tuesday night?" Draco muttered. He had not meant to say it loud enough for her to hear but as soon as it left his mouth Hermione's head whipped around to stare at him.

Hermione scoffed at his insinuation. "Not that it's any of your fucking business, Malfoy, but I found him in my fucking bed with Lavender Brown. It is our fifteen year anniversary and he is currently entertaining the stupidest most vain waste of air on the planet in our house in our bed. Anything else you would like to know?" she ground out through gritted teeth. She hated Malfoy for prodding into her pitiful existence with his cruel words.

"Is that really a surprise, Granger? Weasel has been screwing everything that fucking walked for years, I suppose you really are the last to know," Draco shrugged and drew in another drag of his cigarette.

Hermione's rage grew within her as he spoke. She hastily stamped her half-smoked cigarette out in the ashtray in front of them and turned to him, her face red with fury. "Are you just going to sit there and torment me all night?" she growled as angry tears began to slide furiously down her cheeks.

Draco snorted into his glass as the burn from his brandy slid down his throat. " You deserve better anyway, you always have Granger. You are the bloody Minister for Magic and you are married to the stupidest prat in London. I really don't feel sorry for you that you finally know the truth about him. Stop crying, not only is it unbecoming of a lady to cry in public it is horrible for your image," Draco placed his glass back onto the bar and turned his entire body to stare at her."You are a bloody Gryffindor, act like it."

Hermione sniffled and rolled her eyes at the great blond prat; she knew he was right, but it didn't help her feel any better. The concept that he was in fact in the same bar as she was looking almost as down as she was dawned on her. She looked at him inquisitively, "What are you doing here anyway? Are you stalking me?" she asked in a small but venomous voice. She wouldn't put it past him.

Draco choked on his drink as he stared at her incredulously, " You are fucking joking, right!? There is no way in hell I would stalk you, you crazy half-wit troll. I don't even particularly like you Granger! But if you must know, as you have said to me, Astoria informed me she is pregnant,"

" I thought you would be happy to have another child."

"I would be ecstatic if the bastard was mine." He growled and slammed his drink back to the bartop.

"Umm, well that...I am sorry, Malfoy," Hermione muttered and diverted her gaze away from his piercing silver eyes.

"We are both drowning our sorrows, Granger; just leave it at that and let me drink."

Hermione raised her hand and beckoned the bartender to bring two shots. Hermione slid one shot toward Draco and waited for him to acknowledge her gesture. Draco looked down at the drink in front of him and looked back at Hermione.

"I should refuse just because I want to be an arsehole tonight," Draco snarled as he picked up the shot and hurriedly drank the smoking liquid. He winced at the burn as it slid down his throat and warmed his body causing even his ears to turn red. "But, I just want to get pissed and forget that cheating witch ever existed. Stop trying to cheer me up. Stop trying to interact with me, Granger, you are playing with fire tonight and you couldn't handle what I need to make me not want to be a...just leave me the hell alone!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and took a large swig of her whiskey. "That was the worst attempt at avoiding an issue that I have ever witnessed in my life." She was confident she could handle anything he threw at her.

"Oh come off it, Malfoy. We both know that you have secretly desired me for years," she chuckled, despite the fact that she indeed was unsure. She simply wanted to torment him as much as he was her.

" You have that backwards, Granger; I have known since third year you fancied me and the only reason you married the Weasel was because I wouldn't think about giving you the time of day! Besides, you couldn't handle me. Not that I am offering." Draco said sarcastically.

"I am assuming you are making a sexual reference and not insulting my intelligence," Hermione shot back at him.

Draco snorted and shook his head. "Like I said, you couldn't handle what I need tonight, Hermione."

She whipped her head around and stared directly at Draco, "You said my name…"

Draco stared back at her. He noticed the little gold flecks in her surprised amber colored eyes with a mossy green rim that gave her the illusion of having cat eyes. Her once bushy hair was now long and tame in a messy bun atop her head as several curls had escaped framing her face and neck in a wispy alluring way.

"Avoidance." He stated and chuckled as he drained his glass and left the empty container on the bar and stood up." Avoidance," he chuckled again as he slipped his jacket back on. Draco picked up his cigarette from the ashtray and took one last drag before smashing the embers from the tip and walked behind Hermione, placing his hands on the sticky bartop on either side of her smaller frame, effectively pinning her. "If I were to take that tight arse of your across my knee and redden it you would then have your answer, Granger. I am not avoiding the issue as much as not acknowledging it. No, you couldn't handle me not now, probably not ever," he whispered in her ear and with a smirk left her sitting at the bar panting.

Hermione sat in his wake flushed and rather hot. She felt like the very air had been stolen from her lungs. She didn't dare turn to look at him as he left, she wouldn't let him see how he had affected her. Her life had gone to shite and suddenly and without warning she was having unsavory thoughts about Draco bloody Malfoy, the most arrogant man she'd ever had the displeasure of meeting, aside from his own father.

"Bloody wanker," she muttered and finished her whiskey. She had to rationalize this, she was drunk and alcohol automatically made her hot. She was angry so that also made her hot. There it was! She wasn't attracted to Draco Malfoy, she was lonely and sad. That is all there was to it.

She didn't fancy going home, she couldn't walk into that door and fight with Ron tonight. She had every right to kick his arse out and go home but to sleep in that bed that she had slept in for fifteen years with him and knowing that it was defiled made her sick to her stomach. Never would she be able to look at her home or her room the same way again. Hermione laid her head on the bartop and closed her eyes to try and calm her rage. Tomorrow she would deal with this, after all she was the fixer wasn't she? She would fix it tomorrow but tonight she was going to get shit faced drunk and pass out on one of the beds upstairs at the Tavern.

Hermione paid her tab and headed to the bathroom before her long trek up the stairs to pass into the Land of Nod. She closed her eyes and leaned her shoulder against the wall waiting for whoever was occupying the room to emerge when she felt a warm breath against her neck.

"What the…"

"Hush, Granger," Draco whispered as his hand slid around Hermione's torso to rest under her breast.

Hermione's whole body seemed to light on fire as his arm wrapped around her. Her eyes fluttered closed, feeling his hot breath on her bare neck. "Draco…?" she whispered, unable to find her voice.

"I should be passed out in my bed now, Granger; instead I have been standing here looking at this dress that is way too sexy to be worn in public and all I want to do is hike it up and fuck you against this wall. I won't because the press would have a damn field day and I don't want to deal with the fallout, but rest assured, the thought has plagued me all damn night." Draco ran his palm down the front of her silky dress, rested his hand on her hip and pulled her flush against his rock hard erection.

Hermione blushed a deep scarlet and melted against him. She was both turned on and shocked by his words, rendered speechless. The worst part about it was that she almost wished he would. Damned logic. Damn job, Damn Malfoy! Her mind was a flurry of thoughts she'd never thought she'd ever entertain, it wasn't logical and it certainly wasn't a good idea.

Draco ran his hand further down her hip and found the hem of her dress, he lightly ran his fingers around the edge slowly pulling up so he could feel the lace of her knickers. She was positively dripping into his hand by the time his long elegant fingers slid across her sensitive womanhood. Draco slid her knickers to the side only a fraction, just enough that he was able to slide a long elegant finger fully inside of her.

Hermione gasped as his finger entered her. Her back arched against him as she grabbed fistfulls of his trousers. She bit her lip to stifle the moan that threatened to escape her lips.

Draco growled against her ear as he watched her bite her lip. "Kiss me, Hermione," he whispered and traced the outline of her ear with his tongue.

Hermione shivered against him and turned her head to look into his blazing silver eyes, she licked her lips and chastely kissed him.

"You can do better than that, Hermione," he hummed against her slightly parted lips."Kiss me like you mean it, like you want me to ravish you."

Hermione leaned in, crashing her lips onto his. She kissed him with a passion she didn't know she possessed. The kiss was deep and bruising. Small excited moans slipped out as the kiss lit a fire within her.

Draco moved his finger in and out of her with ease "You are so wet, is this all for me?" Draco bit lightly on her earlobe and Hermione bucked against him.

Hermione moaned softly. She was lost in the pleasure that he was causing. "Mmhm…" she whimpered. Her hips began to grind against his hand creating more friction.

Draco covered her mouth with his free hand to muffle her moans as he slipped a second finger inside her and moved them quickly within her.

Hermione was fast approaching her climax. Her walls began to squeeze his fingers as her hips bucked against him. She grabbed his trousers tighter as her impending orgasam was slowly building to a fevered pitch inside of her. "Malfoy," she squealed behind his hand when his thumb flicked her clit and his finger inside her hit that spot that made her see stars.

"Draco," he said and flicked his thumb across her clit once again. "Are you going to come for me, Hermione?"

"Yes, Draco!" she allowed his name to slide off her tongue smoothly.

Draco tightened his hold on her and grabbed the back of her hair to pull her head back against his lips "Come for me, Hermione. Merlin you are gorgeous like this with your skin flushed and your back arched against me. I could stand here all night watching you come apart against me."

"Mione!" Ron yelled through the pub, as he pushed his way through the crowded bar searching for her.

Draco froze as he saw the red headed idiot pushing through the crowd trying to find the woman he currently held in his arms. 'Fuck!' he ground out internally. "Hermione, stop." He hissed in her ear.

"Why?" she whimpered at the loss of his motion.

"Your Neanderthal is yelling for you," he said dryly as he removed his fingers from Hermione, kissed the top of her head and hurried into the bathroom.

Hermione's eyes shot open and her face burned with a rejuvenated fury. "What the fuck!" She hissed under her breath. She fixed the bottom of her dress and gathered her composure to the best of her ability.

"Mione, there you are! I have been looking for you everywhere, I got worried when you didn't come home," Ron stated almost accusingly. "I thought we were going out tonight, isn't that what you asked last night? I mean we could have gone out on Saturday if it was too much or whatever but bloody hell you could have at least told me you were going to be late, Mione."

Hermione stared at Ron incredulously, "You're bloody kidding me right, Ronald? I know you're aware that I caught you cheating on me! How could you possibly think I'd want to see you, let alone go out with you?" She ground out with a venomous tone as she poked her finger into his chest backing him away from the door she was standing in back to the main part of the bar.

"Mione… Stop, I made one mistake and now you're going to hold it against me? I love you. Always have." He chuckled, nervously turning his head from side to side and running his fingers through his hair trying to make himself look better to those around them.

"Absolutely!" she grinned wickedly, " Because if you've done it once, I'm certain you'll do it again. I just hope that Lavender realizes how boring of a shag you truly are."

Ron's jaw nearly hit the floor. He looked as if she'd punched him in the gut and was going to be sick. "I...I don't know what you mean," he laughed nervously again.

"Really, Won Won?" She growled at him. He was trying to play dumb, how quaint.

Ron's eyes went wide as he stared at his wife of fifteen years...oh shit it was their anniversary!

"Happy Anniver…"he started

Hermione shoved him hard enough to cause him to trip and land on his arse in front of a table full of Slytherins. Zabini and Nott had been intently watching the argument as it unfolded and laughed loudly as the ginger fell across their table and slid to the dirty floor.

"Minister," Nott acknowledged as he stood up to glare down at Ron. "Is this man bothering you?"

"I am her bloody husband you fucking snake," Ron growled up at the blonde man staring down at him.

"Are you in need of our assistance, Madam Minister," Blaise drawled in a deep voice from across the table.

Hermione grinned at the fury that flashed across her soon to be ex-husband. "No, gentlemen. I'm certain he's gotten the point. But thank you anyway." She chuckled lightly.

"Anytime, taking out the trash has become my new favorite hobby," Draco chuckled from behind Hermione as he placed his arm on her shoulder.

Hermione faltered for a fraction of a second at his touch but recovered quickly only to watch her husband squirm at the sight before him. His face turned purple with rage as he pushed himself up to stand face to face with Hermione.

"So, you have an army of Slytherin scum now? I should have known." Ron accused.

Nott looked at his fingernails and smirked at Ron's pathetic attempt to turn things around on Hermione.

"I'll bet your fucking at least one if not all of them, Madam Minister!" He ground out.

She scoffed at his insinuation, despite how he'd nearly caught her. She had to make it look good. But before she could speak Draco cut over her.

"Oh yes, you ignorant troll. We have her across the podium in front of the Wizengamot. You show your intelligence quite clearly, Weasel." he clapped very slowly in order to mock the indignant fool standing brazenly in front of the Minister.

"Where she goes, we go," Blaise cut in.

"We are her personal bodyguards," Nott proclaimed.

Hermione whipped her head around to look at the three men, she didn't have bodyguards but the smile that refused to leave her face as she watched the most unlikely men come to her defense she was filled with a warmth she had not felt in years.

"Are you ready, Minister?" Draco proclaimed with his protective arm slung around her once again.

"Get your bloody hands off my wife," Ron bit out in a rage.

"Were you not paying attention?" Nott asked. " We protect the Minister, if she is threatened even by you we stand in front of her. It would be in your best interest to move on."

Ron looked her directly in the eye, "You can bet that Harry will hear about this," he bit out.

"Oh? You're absolutely right, he will hear about this. So will Molly and Ginny and the rest of your family, Ronald. Now leave, I'll be drawing up the divorce papers tomorrow morning. I want nothing from you but for you to sign them and be out of my life," She spat at him contemptuously.

"Divorce!? We shall see about that!" Ron turned a sickly shade of green before turning and hastily storming out without saying another word.

Hermione stood trembling with fury in his wake as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

"I guess I need to go pay for a room," Hermione whispered.

"Uh, No," Draco pronounced as he tugged her toward the fireplace. "Nott, Zabini come on."

The two Slytherins nodded once and followed Malfoy to the fireplace.

Draco pulled her close to him as he threw a handful of floo powder on the floor and called out the name of their destination. They landed in a large foyer and the four of them stepped out from the fireplace. Hermione looked around in awe. She had been almost certain all of Draco's homes would be as dark and uninviting as the Manor. But this place was bright and walls were covered in a cream brocade and trimmed with white. The hard wood floors shined as she took in the almost sparse decorations in the living room beyond where they were standing.

"Where are we?"Hermione asked quietly.

"My flat here in London," Draco answered automatically.

"Mate, I have no idea what that was back there at the Leaky but you know I will step in and help you any time, Nott said as he walked into the living room and plopped down on the dark leather sofa. "That goes for you as well, Minister. Any friend of Draco is a friend of mine."

"Likewise," Blaise nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much for your help back there, but I honestly don't need a bodyguard...or three." Hermione stated as she walked into the living room and sat down on a cream colored wingback chair.

"You have impeccable taste in decor, Draco." Hermione commented as she looked around at the posh setting.

"I'm glad you like it, because it's yours for as long as you feel the need for it." Draco stated, not leaving much room for argument.

"I-I can't accept this Draco. It would be considered bribery unless I paid to stay here."

"Fine, give me a galleon," Draco said as he turned to look at her directly in the eye.

"What? Why?"

"Didn't you just say you can't stay here for free? Give me a galleon."

Hermione dug in her bag and handed Draco a galleon.

Draco waved his wand above Hermione's head, "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy revert this property the penthouse suite at London Imperial Tower to Madam Minister for Magic Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley this property now belongs to her but will still retain all the privileges of Malfoy enterprises including the library and the use of any servant at anytime."

"What the bloody hell did you just do!?" Hermione screeched as the magic settled around her and the apartment shimmered. A piece of parchment appeared on the table in front of the sofa and Draco picked it up to read the change in ownership. He nodded, rolled it up, grabbed Hermione's hand and placed the parchment on it.

"I was changing ownership of this apartment to you, you paid for it so it is now yours."

Hermione's eyes went wide as she stared at Draco. She opened the parchment and read the document.

"But-" she began but just could figure out how to phrase what she wanted to say. "Are you really that drunk that you are now giving people property!?"

"Not people, you," He stated as he walked toward the kitchen. "And, I can assure you I am in complete control of my mind, Granger."

"You're sure about this?" she asked.

"Stop making a big deal out of this, you needed a place to stay and I gave it to you. I have ten other apartments. I will not be homeless, I assure you." Draco shrugged and opened the fridge. Not finding anything he fancied he closed the fridge and wheeled around to the counter once again facing the living room. He took an apple from the fruit bowl and bit into it. "Zabini, Nott. You two are to stay here with her and ensure that she stays safe."

"Draco that is not necess-" she began before she caught the look that told her that he wouldn't budge on the issue.

With that Draco crossed the room to her, took her hand and kissed her knuckles lightly and headed for the fireplace. "I will be seeing you around, Madam Minister." He said in a husky tone as he bowed to her. He stepped into the fireplace and threw a handful of floo powder on the grate and called out his destination, leaving a wide eyed once again hot and bothered Hermione in his wake.