A/N: Had this idea a few days ago and now ta-da. I love Snarry, and I love Skillet, which is where I got the inspiration, so...here we go!

Disclaimer: Nope, anything recognizable is JKR's. Also, the song lyrics on the beginning here belong to Skillet. I only own the plot.

"Remember when we'd

Stay up late and we'd talk all night
In a dark room lit by the TV light
Through all the hard times in my life
Those nights kept me alive!
Listen to the radio play all night
Didn't wanna go home to another fight
Through all the hard times in my life
Those nights kept me alive!"


Harry was getting really fucking tired of the arguments.

Ever since the end of the war (well, okay, after Ginny had left Hogwarts), it had been nothing but nonstop arguments between the two. Kreacher had taken to hiding in his cupboard to escape, and when others came over to spend the night - like Hermione and Draco, who had taken temporary refuge at Grimmauld Place - they'd frequently have to cast soundproofing charms just to get a quiet night's sleep.

Even Harry had started trying to avoid the fights. He worked later, snuck into the attic or basement when he came home, took a dose of Sleeping Draught the minute he got to his room so that he was out by the time Ginny found him, anything that could help him avoid her.

Why Ginny had insisted on moving in with Harry, he'd never know. Sure, they'd sort of been dating, but Harry didn't really feel any attraction to her whatsoever. Of course, she didn't know that, and if the constantly-finding-things-to-yell-at-him-about was any indication, she didn't have any feelings for him either, but then that pegged the question: Why had she moved in with him in the first place?

Harry, if he was being completely honest, preferred men anyway, but only a select few people knew that. Namely Luna, Hermione, and Draco - Ron would tease him relentlessly if he ever found out (if only because he had become somewhat of a playboy - a different girl with him every week or two), Harry had little to no doubts that Ginny would just yell at him for it, and Neville...well, Harry wasn't entirely sure what Neville would say.

Harry was down in the basement kitchen with a mug of butterbeer one night, avoiding Ginny, when he was rather abruptly joined by Draco.

"Mind if I join you?" the Slytherin asked, though somewhat unnecessarily as he was already pouring himself some butterbeer.

"Since you're already in here, go ahead," Harry laughed.

Draco sat down opposite him. "You okay?" he asked.

"As well as I can be, what with Ginny going around arguing with me all the fucking time," Harry replied.

"Yeah, what does she even yell at you about, anyway?" Draco questioned, taking a long drink of his butterbeer.

Harry stared into his own. "Everything. Nothing. I don't know anymore. I try to avoid her, as you can see."

Draco nodded sympathetically. "Why does she even live here, anyway?"

"I don't know. I would say ask her, except she'd probably yell at you for it. She drives me insane," Harry sighed. "It doesn't help that I'm not attracted to her in the slightest."

"Yeah, about that," Draco said. "Met anyone that's caught your eye at the Ministry yet?"

"Nope," Harry said flippantly, taking another sip. "I don't know if I will, either, there aren't that many good-looking guys in Auror training."

Draco grinned. "Ah, you'll find someone."

"Speaking of relationships, how's things with Hermione?" Harry asked.

Draco got a faraway look in his eyes. "They could not be more perfect," he said. "I'm still amazed at how quickly she forgave me after the war. Of course, it helped that we both went back to Hogwarts, but still. Hard to believe we're only a year out of school. It doesn't feel like we're nineteen, you know?"

"I know what you mean," Harry agreed. "I've only been in Auror training for maybe half a year, but it's hard to believe we're still only nineteen. I mean, seriously, I defeated Voldemort at age seventeen, but with everything that it took to get there, it doesn't feel like it. I feel like I'm suposed to be a lot older than nineteen."

"Exactly." The two of them fell silent for a moment, both quietly drinking their butterbeer. Then Draco said, "You have any idea how long you'll be able to avoid her?"

Obviously he was referring to Ginny. Harry had no answer for him.

"No idea," he said truthfully. "If I could just find somewhere to escape to..."

That seemed to give Draco an idea. "Hey! I know a place you can escape to!"

"Where exactly would that be, Draco?" Harry asked, somewhat apprehensive.

"Snape's place," Draco said.

Harry stared at him, sure he must be joking. When Draco's expression remained deadly serious, he said, "You have got to be kidding me. Snape?"

"You know, he doesn't hate you as much as he claims," Draco said. "I've been owling him ever since we left Hogwarts. He's actually quite enjoyable once you get to know him."

"Still, I don't see how retreating to Snape's place is going to be much better than here," Harry mused doubtfully.

"Just give him a chance," Draco insisted. "Send him an owl tonight, I'll give you the address."

Harry sighed. Draco was not going to give up on this.

"Fine," Harry relented. He pulled out his wand, muttered, "Accio Quill, Ink, and Parchment," then tucked it back in his jacket as said items zoomed from the drawer onto the table in front of him.

He dipped the quill in the ink and started to write.

Severus wasn't expecting an owl today. He really wasn't expecting the snowy owl that now stood on his kitchen table today. He definitely wasn't expecting that the snowy owl would be Hedwig, the owl of none other than Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived to Be Annoying, today.

Hedwig watched him with her large amber eyes, as if to say, Are you going to take the fucking letter or not?

Severus sighed and took the letter out of her beak, then fed her some Owl Pellets to keep her happy. She ate a few, then picked the last couple up in her beak and fluttered up to sit atop his cupboards.

Severus unfolded the letter, recognizing the handwriting as Potter's. Of course; who else would use Hedwig?

The letter read:

Professor Snape,

To be fair: This was not my idea. Draco has been pressuring me to send this to you for an hour. Anyway, I've been searching for a
way to escape from Ginny and her constant yelling at me, so Draco had the absolutely brilliant idea to escape to your place. (That
was sarcasm, by the way - his idea was not brilliant, at all.) I told him that was a ridiculous idea, but he wouldn't stop badgering
me until I wrote this. So, if only to shut Draco up, I ask you this: Would it be alright if I Apparate to your place when Ginny is be-
ing more of a pain in the arse than usual and I need to escape? Send Hedwig back with your reply. (For the record, Draco insists
that you're really rather enjoyable once someone gets to know you, and if I'm being honest I'd rather like to see that for myself.)

- Harry Potter

Severus set down the letter with a smirk. Typical Draco.

He was, however, somewhat unsure. This was Harry Bloody Potter speaking - but at the same time, he had expressed an interest in getting to know Severus a little better, if only to test Draco's theory. Severus didn't know whether to be annoyed or intrigued by the prospect of Potter coming to visit him, least of all on a regular basis.

On the one hand, Potter was an annoying brat. Granted, Severus hadn't seen him in half a year, so he may have changed, but he highly doubted it. On the other hand, it was Draco who had recommended coming to him in the first place, and Potter had seemed genuinely interested in the idea despite the flippant nature of his letter. Besides, if the Weasley girl was giving him trouble...well, Severus knew what that felt like. Perhaps he could relate.

Severus sighed again, pulling out his wand and muttering a quick Accio to summon parchment, quill, and ink for a return letter. He may regret this, but he'd humor Draco - for now.

Snape's reply came back not even an hour after Harry sent the letter. Either Hedwig was just a very fast owl, or Snape lived somewhere close. Harry guessed it might be a combination of the two.

Snape's reply was short but lacked the usual malice Harry was used to receiving from the Potions Master:

Mr. Potter,

I undertand how persistent Draco can be. I get the feeling he will not rest until I say yes, so I might as well get it over with
and spare you the hours of suffering from Draco's stubbornness. Yes, you may Apparate to my place should you feel the n-
eed to escape young Miss Weasley. Considering your career as an Auror, I will be expecting you late in the day. However, do
not Apparate directly into my flat; rather outside of it. I will be waiting for you. And for the record, Potter, I do believe Draco
had a point when telling you that I can be rather enjoyable, but I suppose I shall let you see for yourself.

- Professor S. Snape

Draco had read Snape's reply over Harry's shoulder and looked playfully offended. "He thinks I'm stubborn?"

"You are, Draco," Harry pointed out. Draco laughed.

"Fair enough. Well, now that that's settled, I'm going to bed," Draco said, standing. With a flick of his wand his butterbeer mug washed itself. Another flick sent it flying back into its cupboard.

Harry grinned. "I bet 'Mione will be happy to see you."

Draco blushed. "Shut up, Potter."

"I don't think I will, Malfoy," Harry replied. He enjoyed this friendly banter between them - it was far preferable to being constant enemies like they had been at school.

Draco smiled. "'Night, Harry."

"'Night, Draco," Harry replied. Draco vanished up the stairs, leaving Harry staring at Snape's reply and wondering if he was going to regret ever bringing the topic of Ginny up with Draco in the first place.

Only one way to find out.

On that note, the chapter is done! Hope you enjoyed, this is going to be an agonizingly slow burn between Harry and Severus. Please review!