I Do not own Naruto or Fairy Tail

A 9 year old boy with Blond hair and sapphire blue eyes stood over the Horizon watching the plumes of smoke and fire rise over the night sky. A hand landed on his shoulders and the child looked up to see Kakashi Hatake, his sensei, protector and student of his father, looking down at him with sympathy, not pity, but sympathy born out of understanding.

"Hokage-sama… come on, we gotta keep moving." The silver haired man said.

Naruto's tears had finally dried up after close to an hour of crying. "Why Kakashi-sensei? Why is this world so cruel?"

Kakashi knelt down next to his charge. "I don't know Naruto. I wish i knew, but what i do know. Is that we have to keep moving, we have to. We need to be strong, and we need to stay on the path of light. For without it, there will be nothing but darkness in this world."

The blond boy looked at the ground "I won't be like them, Kakashi-sensei. I won't. I won't let hate consume me. If this is what it brings i want none of it"

Kakashi turned Naruto to face him and gave the boy a hug. It would be a difficult path ahead of them, but he had all his faith on his student that he could make it. "I know you don't Naruto. Now let's go, the others are waiting."

The 2 returned to the group, consisting of another Jounin, Shisui Uchiha and Nara Shikamaru. The last one, not originally being part of the group but the only one out of many, many children that were taken, massacred or left for dead/orphaned.

He only made it out, because his grandfather figure Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage had entrusted all of the most precious secrets (unknown to him however, as he would discover, secrets that all would be useful to him in the future) of the village, History, techniques, contracts, alliances and hidden funds. Sealed in a complex matrix directly over his heart, and had forced him to leave the village before the attack began with 2 of his best Shinobi. Perhaps not the top 3 but ones that Naruto had known to keep him safe.

Why him you may ask? Because of his parentage, his status as a Jinchuuriki, and from the last words his grandfather had spoken to him. He had placed the hope of Konoha into the hands of the boy.

Flash Back

Hiruzen walked back and forth in his office, most of his preparations were complete. On the floor was a complex sealing diagram, an advanced storage seal locked with the blood and chakra of an individual, which was the missing key.

He had no illusion of the Armies marching towards his beloved village. The innocent and frail had long since been evacuated hours earlier, all that remained were shinobi setting traps and ensuring that if the village was going to fall, those bastards would pay dearly.

Kakashi walked in carrying Naruto on his back. Hiruzen felt bad for the boy, this would be the second time he would sacrifice everything for the village.

First time was that horrid night 9 years ago. When somehow the Kyuubi broke loose from its prison within the seal of Kushina Uzumaki, the boy's mother.

The night ended with many dead, including Kushina Uzumaki herself, and the father of the newborn. Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage. It ended with the boy becoming the jinchuuriki for the nine tails, and with Hiruzen promising to protect the boy.

He had gone above and Beyond that. He placed the boy in the care of his aunt, Hae Uchiha, Kushina Uzumaki's Half sister. And had helped raise the boy and train him whenever he had free time. He trusted the boy more than Anything, as he had seen the boy's will of fire. Which is why he was entrusting him with this mission.

"Jiji!!" The boy greeted the man, fear visible in his eyes with the knowledge the enemy was not far.

"Naruto-kun. Come, quickly now. Sit down in the lotus position inside the center of the circle." The hokage ushered.

Confused the boy did as told and carefully stepped and did as told. And removing his shirt as he was requested a few seconds later. Followed by biting his thumb drawing blood and letting it fall into an ink cup Hiruzen had presented him. Naruto watched the Hokage mix it before quickly drawing a few lines and symbols in blank spaces around the matrix before the old man put the cup and brush away and moved towards him.

Hiruzen brought one of his hands, his index and bird finger straight, parallel to his face. The other fingers tucked away, making a one handed sheep seal. The other thought the boy around the heart and quietly uttered "Seal".

The Matrix glowed bright for a few seconds as it sped into Naruto, who cried out in pain. As it was all over, a tattoo that had looked like the sealing matrix appeared around the boy's left part of the chest and extending into his shoulder, to just short of his wrist, one blank space in his shoulder part, one in his forearm and another right where his wart was depicted as circles. When Naruto felt the pain go away he asked. "Old man! What's going on?!"

"Naruto, the leaf isn't going to survive much longer. I am entrusting you with the village secrets. Promise me you will protect them Naruto!"

Shock as the gravity of the words set in, tears began to fall from his face. "You are lying old man!! The village is strong!! Just watch! We will survive! And i will become Hokage!"

Hiruzen kneeled in front of the now standing boy and looked at him in the eyes and said with "I believe in you Naruto. Which is why I'm entrusting you with the greatests treasures of my… No, our village. Do you promise me to protect them Naruto?"

Speechless, the boy gave him a nod. Hiruzen stood up and went to the pictures of each Hokage, and retrieved small scrolls from a seal that had been behind their portraits, before opening a door Naruto hardly noticed until now and retrieving a large scroll and a 5th small one.

The old man sealed the 4 small scrolls within a space in the large scroll. And beckoned Naruto to approach him, which the boy did.

"Naruto, seal this large scroll within the space in your chest."

Naruto quickly realized the markings on his chest was a storage seal, and remembering how they worked he sealed it in his chest. The blank space was replaced by '巻' a kanji which meant 'scroll'.

The other scroll hiruzen opened up via a bit of blood and wrote something down before closing it back down and telling the boy to seal it up in his shoulder sloth.

Finally, Hiruzen turned to Naruto and kneeled once more.

"We don't have much time for ceremony my small friend. Konoha, the physical village itself may not survive today. But I entrust my Will of Fire to you Naruto. Leave today, and one day, rebuild Konoha for what it was. A safe haven where people could find family, escape the hatred of the shinobi world, and a place for those people who are looking for a home. And remember to protect it always."

Suddenly, kneeling before him where 10 other people, Naruto could make out Kakashi-sensei and Shisui-nii, but the others he didn't know.

Hiruzen started talking once more "From this day on. You are the 5th Hokage of the hidden leaf. And I know you won't be the last one."

Hiruzen took off his ceremonial hat and placed it on the head of the young boy. "Never lose it. I made a third sloth for it." The old man advised tapping the circular sloth around the lines and kanji in the boy's forearm.

The third Hokage stood up "Kakashi, Shisui, take Naruto and run! The rest of you. See to it that they make it out alive. The hope for the village is in their hands. Now go, Fifth Hokage"

Flashback end

The night had been trying, to say the least. Naruto had put the last gift Sarutobi gave him away. As Naruto turned to look at Kakashi, the older man froze.

It was no secret Naruto had Uchiha blood running through him, everyone knew Kagami had been a bit of a player who got Kushina's mother, an Uzumaki pregnant. And the boy had unfortunately awakened the Sharingan during his first mission outside the village, losing his teammate, Sakura, to a kiri ambush. But the eyes of the boy had changed, they had a new pattern to them. Like a 4 pointed star in the night sky.

"Don't call me Hokage-sama, Kakashi-sensei. I am not the Hokage. How can I be when I don't even have a village?" The boy said with a depressed tone.

Kakashi tightened his grip on Naruto slightly, and said softly. "Naruto, I know how you feel, Konoha is all I had left as well. But we must keep moving. Sarutobi entrusted you with HIS Will of Fire, Just like your parents and your family entrusted you with theirs. Don't let their death and sacrifice be in vain. Someday we will rebuild the village. But we cannot do so without our Hokage leading us."

Weeks later

Naruto stomped on the ground frustrated, as he looked at Shisui, both of them had their Mangekyou Sharingan active. With the elder Uchiha trying to train Naruto to unlock his abilities. Keyword, trying.

"I can't do it Nii-san!! I'm not strong enough!!"

Shisui smirked, "Well, Chibi-sama. Looks like we do this the hard way."

The tone the 17-year-old had used didn't bode well for Naruto, as the boy had been forced to draw his ninjatō. The boy tried to parry or dodge the vicious strikes from his cousin/adoptive brother, until they became too fast.

In that instance, just as he was about to be cut, something awakened in him. He felt a rush from his left eye, as it bled, and he uttered "Tsukuyomi"

The world around Shisui turned Red and black, for a grand total of 5 seconds, before the illusion cracked on its own.

The next thing Naruto knew, Shisui was letting out a hearty laugh "Haha chi- chibi-sama… can… whizz… cannot maintain mangekyou jutsu…. Bwahahahahaha"

Naruto pouts at this, "hey!! I barely use my Sharingan as is!!! Kakashi-sensei and Sarutobi-jiji taught me not to rely on it, that it would become a hindrance!"

In that instance Shisui got serious. "And so is not knowing how to use it. You have a powerful tool little brother. Do not let it go to waste."

"Meanie" Naruto muttered under his breath as shisui looked at him, before the jounin started laughing again. "Come on Naru, I'll teach you how to properly use the Sharingan."

'and kick Kakashi's ass while at it too.' Shisui thought to himself

Later, as they made it back to camp, where Kakashi was smiling at a beaten up and miserable looking Nara. Naruto greeted them "Kakashi-sensei!! Lazy-ass!"

Shikamaru raised his head and gave his friend a mocking greeting "Welcome back hokage-sama."

"Now, Nara-kun be nice." Naruto said as he reached for a bag of chips in his traveling bag and opened it up to share with his compatriot.

"How was training with Shisui, Naruti?"

Kakashi asked with an eye smile.

The boy turned very quiet. "We shan't speak of it."

As Shisui entered the clearing Kakashi turned to look at him "We must keep moving. We have to gather supplies at the closest town, it'll be the last before we move into Suna."

At that moment, a poof of smoke let them know someone had arrived. A tall old man holding onto his ribs with his right hand. His notable features was his waist-length, spiky white hair tied back into a ponytail, with two shoulder-length bangs framing his face. He had red lines under his eyes. His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armour that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side and he wore a horned forehead protector with the kanji for "oil" 油.

By the look on Shisui's and Kakashi's faces they obviously recognized who he was.

The old man spoke up "didn't think i would make it out did ya?"

"Jiraiya-sama" the two Jounin exclaimed.

"Does, does the boy know."

The silver haired man nodded, letting him know that indeed, Naruto did know about his parentage.

Naruto was sitting in a log by the fire. He was wearing the ceremonial Kage hat, something he had taken to doing as it brought him comfort. He curiously watched the stranger approach.

"Hey kiddo." The huge man said hesitantly.


Jiraiya laughed "None of that kid. Just Jiraiya or sensei moving on. Now. Come on tell me about yourself, I want to know my Godson."

Welcome everyone to a new adventure called Light Hearts, Darkened steel. Updates will be sporadic as I do have 2 main project i do prioritize. But this won't sit here abandoned either, so ill try to make them frequent.

One thing i will say, it'll be a few of chapters before we arrive af fairy tail. this is just kinda setting About Naruto's backstory which will be important on the later chapters.

Feel free to join my Discord server link below for uldates, sneak peaks and just to hang out in general.


Drop a review below that really helps alot with the motivation. Till next time!!!