The beginning of their adventure was this email which they all received...

'Congratulations, dear winner!

You have won a week trip to France. You get to enjoy your time in one of the grandest hotels, with the perfect view and the two other winners accompanying you. We have booked your flight in first class for next monday. A taxi will pick you up from your house, at 7 am. We hope you enjoy your trip!

Thank you for participating in our charity concert. We thank you of your support!'


Elsie Hughes.

When she woke up the morning seemed like any other...She put her hair on a messy bun before changing into her day clothes and heading downstairs for breakfast. Tea and some toast will do, she tought. She sat down at the table to eat and read throught her facebook and twitter, realising she'd got an email. Before opening it, her lips sip the tea...Her eyes scan the message. Before she even finishes the couple first entences, all the tea splits from her mouth, straight on the floor. "A trip to France?!"Elsie looks throught the message once more..'"Aren't I the lucky one.", she thought, before jumping from the chair and heading upstairs. She takes her dusty suitcase from the closet, lifts it on the bed and blows all the dust away. "It's been a long time since I've used this..."Elsie chuckles."France...Here I come!"

Charles Carson.

His morning was a busy as always...He woke up early to eat breakfast, coffee and porride with trawberry marmalade. He changed from his trousers to a fancy suit and took his bag from the sidetable, before heading outside. He unlocks his car and get's inside. He turned on the radio, listened to some music and news channel. When he reached the company building, he parked his car, took the bag from the passenger's seat and headed to his office. He opened a paper folder, from the cabinet and turned the computer on...New email. He reads it throught."This man is heading to France!"Charles announces as his assistance walks into his office. She had said he was indeed in a need of a holiday, making Charles roll his eyes and burst in laugh."Was it that obvious?"

Beryl Patmore.

She woke up from a good night's sleep. First she went in the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and her niece, who is living with her. Bacon and eggs this morning. She called for Daisy, her niece, before sitting down aside the table. They talked about the upcoming day and their plans for weekend, joked about this and that. After that she went to take a shower, brushed her hair and changed her clothes. She took her jacket and put her shoes on and took her handbag as she left the house and her niece. The short walk to the nearest cafe is warm, a little bit windy althought. On her way she took her phone from her pocket...Swapped throught her socialmedias. She decided to read some news, but her plans were disturbed by a notification of an email. She took her time to read it."I actually won something?"Beryl laughs."Congratulations me!"As she finishes reading it, she makes an U-turn to head back home.