Author's Notes : I do not own Kaguya-sama : Love is War

By the way , this is not canon to my previous fanfiction , Ishigami's revenge , that was a stand alone fic .

Also I wrote this in like a day , so expect some mistakes to be made .

It was another regular day for the student council of Shuchi'in academy . The day had surprisingly been ... uncharacteristically average , nothing particularly eventful had happened , which was strange considering the rather ... eccentric personalities that went to the academy .

This in and of itself was practically a blessing on Hayasaka's job as Kaguya's valet and personal bodyguard .

The President and Ishigami had headed to a meeting to discuss with the other club leaders about their budget for the year . Ishigami had volunteered to go with the President to give him a bit more legitimacy and to also provide emotional support . The club leaders were the sons and daughters to some of the most influential people in the country , some even from around the world .

The granddaughter of a top ranked Shinto Priest . Son of the Chief of Staff of Japan's Self Defense Forces . The daughter of a Yakuza Boss . The son of the Superintendent of the Metropolitan Police Force . The granddaughter of the direction of the Federation of Economic Organization . And the second in line to the throne of Galdan Alrasam .

Kaguya can certainly understand how talking to the close relatives of such powerful people , can rather daunting for someone like Shirogane . Who comes from neither , wealth , royalty , business or anything . He was just an average outsider who made his way into Shuchi'in.

And that is exactly , what Kaguya loves about him .

Kaguya was grateful that Ishigami was considerate and went along with the President , she was happy that he has grown so much during his time here .

So that just left her in the student council , doing some paperwork , waiting for their return .

" Kaaaaaguuuuuuyaaa ... ! " Fujiwara cried out , sprawling her arms all over the coffee table . " I'm so bored ! "

And Chika was of course ... being Chika .

" Come on , Chika , we need to have all these forms filled in by today " Kaguya said to Chika completely unsympathetic for her friend's boredom

Chika put her hand to her chin in thought , before he eyes flashed with an idea .

" And you know that we don't have the time to play games " Kaguya quickly said before Chika could even open her mouth to speak .

" Hmph !" Chika pouted cutely , before getting up close to Kaguya ." Come on , Kaguya ! I'm bored out of my mind here ! I swear I'm going to lose it , if I don't play a game or something ! Anything other than this dreaded paperwork Please just one game ! Just one is all I need , kind miss ! "

Kaguya let out a sigh , she should have expected this . Chika has always been exceptionally lazy ever since she knew her , since middle school . While Kaguya certainly did not doubt that Chika was capable of doing many great things if she put her mind to it , she honestly wished she did more of that with Student Council related work .

" You know , we don't have time to play a game Chika , I'm sorry ..."

Chika seemed to deflate at that , letting out a sad sigh " Awwww..."

" But I suppose we have some time for a short break ..." Kaguya neatly stacked her papers away .

" Wait ! Really !? " Chika asks , excited over the idea of taking a break .

" Yes , I'll prepare some tea "

" I'll help too ! " Chika back to her cheerful self , started helping Kaguya with the tea .

" Hmmmmm ... I must say this tea is positively delicious Chika " Kaguya sipped her cup of tea , holding up the coaster along with it , like she had been taught at an early age .

" Thanks Kaguya ! I'm glad you like it !" Chika smiled at Kaguya , as they drank their tea in peace .

It was days like this , the days where they would just relax , that brought Kaguya back to her childhood and the many tea parties she had along with Chika . Sure , the girl could be annoying , a general nuisance to deal with and tends to bring out the more jealous side of Kaguya out . But at the end of the day , she was an irreplaceable friend , that Kaguya treasured very much . Something that Kaguya had said once in the past to her , when Chika faked having a crush on a boy , that turned out to be non existent and was actually her .

" So Kaguya , you know I've been wondering about something for a while now ..." Chika put down her cup of tea .

" Is it true that you and the President are officially dating now ?"





A whole ten seconds passed , before Kaguya was brought sent into shock and internal panic attack . How did Chika know ? Did somebody who knew about their relationship spill on them ? Kaguya couldn't think of any other way , it could be possible that one of her friends betrayed her ?

Now , lets not get hasty here , we thought that before and it was just because I was talking in my sleep . Lets just calm down here ...

Kaguya had to mentally stop herself from pointing the finger just yet , she needs to think about how Chika could know .

I haven't allowed myself to fall asleep on school grounds again , ever since that incident with Onodera a while back , so it can't be because I accidentally talked in my sleep about it , so how does Chika know about it ?!

" C-Chika ... my dear friend , could you perhaps tell me , where you got such an idea from ? Did you ... hear it from somebody perhaps ?" Kaguya was trying to keep her voice as calm as possible , but couldn't help but stutter a bit .

" Oh , I just guessed it " Chika took another sip of her tea calmly .

Yes , of course , it all made sense now ! Chika -

Wait , what ?

Kaguya had to stop her brain for a second to process what Chika had just said . She ... guessed ? How was that even possible !? She could swear that she and the president have been discreet as possible regarding their relationship , even going as far ordering Hayasaka to keep others from intruding on them . But Chika was the self proclaimed ' love detective ' , could it be that title wasn't just for show ? Could it be that Chika really was a detective of love ?

" U-Um , w-w-what basis could you possibly have for such a guess ...? " Kaguya tried to keep her hands steady , as she lifted her cup up to take a sip " Don't tell that you just took a shot in the dark and hoped you were right ..."

" No , there were several clues pertaining to your relationship with the president " Chika crossed her legs , her face not betraying any emotion . " The first one being that , by the end of last year , you and the president have been ... awfully close , closer than normal "

" S-So what ? We work together , of course we're going to be in close proximity of each other "

Chika let out a mild chuckle , which sent shivers down Kaguya's spine ." Oh , my dear Kaguya , I have known for a while now that you and the prez have had a crush on each other . The only problem was , both of you were too damn prideful to confess first , so for a good long while , its been a true love of war between you two ... up until last year . Where both of you , suddenly stopped making obvious big plays against each other , in an attempt to make the other confess"

" Back when you were both still at war , you both had to limit the amount of affection you showed towards each other in public and in front of us . As to not potentially screw up the confession entirely and make the two of you hate each other " Chika smugly smiled at Kaguya " But lately , all that subtle affection has suddenly gone quiet and now both of you are confined to only showing your affection to each other behind closed doors . Which is why you frequently stay behind after school , to spend more time with the prez . "

" But the biggest clue ... was your reaction just now " Chika looked at Kaguya as if she were the cat that at the canary " You never let your cool break so easily , if you really weren't dating the prez , you wouldn't have stuttered in your words just now and asked how I know about your relationship with the president , you were trying to figure out who of your small group of friends who know about your relationship leaked the secret or if I had found some others means to obtain it "

Kaguya held up a hand to her mouth in shock , she can't believe she let her emotions get to her and by doing so , she literally handed Chika the last piece of the puzzle .

" You're kinda easy to read when you're flustered Kaguya ..." Chika raised her cup high , in a cheer . " I believe this is checkmate "

Kaguya slumped in her seat , completely defeated by none other than Chika Fujiwara herself .

" Alright Chika ... you got me " Kaguya said in defeated tone . " Me and president ... have been dating since the end of last year "

" KYAAA ! Congrats Kaguya ! I'm so proud and happy for you and the prez ! " Chika couldn't contain her excitement, dropping the cool atmosphere around and quickly getting up from her seat and hugging Kaguya .

Kaguya let out a sigh , knowing it was pointless to struggle against Chika when she's this excited .

" So who confessed first ? Who finally won the war between you two ?" Chika pulled away from the hug and started hammering her with questions .

" The ... president did , we went out on date and I confessed " Kaguya admitted , seeing no point in hiding it .

" Yay ! I'm so happy for you two ! "

" Chika , please promise to keep this quiet , if my family found out , they would ... have words to say about my relationship with the president " Kaguya felt the need to ask Chika to keep quiet about it.

" Don't worry Kaguya ! I would never do anything to hurt a friend , especially not a great one like you !" Chika hugged Kaguya again and this time she returned the hug . Grateful for having such a good friend like Chika around .

" Now lets get back to doing this paperwork shall we ?"

It took almost all day , but the two girls managed to get all the paperwork done in record time . Chika complained about it at any given moment , but she pushed herself and helped Kaguya get it all done . Saying this was her duty as secretary of the Student Council . As happy as Kaguya was to see Chika be so hardworking , she couldn't help but notice she was literally dying underneath her calm exterior .

" And that ..." Kaguya placed the final form atop a stack of other papers " Should be the last of them "

" Ugh... I feel like my fingers are going to fall off " Chika said , wriggling her fingers , trying to get the blood running through them again .

Kaguya couldn't help but giggle at the sight , Chika was always so overdramatic .

At that moment , the door to the Student Council Room , opened and walked in was the familiar raven haired Ishigami and President .

" President ! You're back , from the meetings " Kaguya got up close to Shirogane " So how did it go ?"

" Oh ... you know the usual ..." Shirogane slumped down in one of the couches , clearly tired as hell . " I somehow managed to survive "

" Would you like something to drink ?"

" Yes , please ..."

Chika couldn't help but smile at the sight of Kaguya and the Prez being together , so she decided to give them a little ... alone time .

" Hey Kaguya , me and Ishigami are going to head on home now , are you guys going to be okay alone ?" Chika grabbed her bag and held open the door for Ishigami , who walked passed her .

" Yes , I think , we'll be fine , have a safe trip home !" Kaguya smiled at Chika , giving a small wave .

" I will ! Don't get too crazy in here !" Chika couldn't help but tease them a bit , before leaving both of them blushing at they implications of what she said .

She quickly caught up with Ishigami and they walked down the empty hallways together .

" So did Kaguya finally spill to you about her and the Prez's relationship ? " Ishigami asks casually .

" Yup . She spilled everything right then and there , after I cornered her " Chika shrugged her shoulders . " It was pretty easy to do , if I'm being honest "

" I'm guessing Kaguya probably asked you not to tell anyone about it , am I right ?"

" Yeah ... " Chika smiles mischievously at Ishigami " But its not really breaking my promise if the person I'm talking to , already knew as well as I did about their relationship "

Ishigami shrugged his shoulders " I suppose that's true enough . So do you think the prez is going to try and take their relationship to the next level ? "

Chika chuckled at that , finding the thought of someone as shy as the prez , doing anything to Kaguya impossible . At least on purpose .

" No way ..." Chika said amused at the thought .

And so they continued to discuss all about Kaguya and Shirogane's relationship , the two smartest students in the school , caught red handed by an otaku and an airhead .

Irony couldn't be anymore crueler .

Hope you enjoyed the story ! I kinda wish Fujiwara got more serious arcs , it would be pretty cool to see .

But anyways , thanks for reading and I'll see you all in the next one !