(A.N: Hey how's it going guys, this is my first fanfiction I'm writing, it is about what would happen if Naruto was to leave the leaf village instead of Sasuke after receiving the curse mark from Orochimaru! This starts at the final valley, and for some background there will be a few flashbacks to explain the story, and a few of the personalities of the characters will be changed. Sorry for the long intro, let's get into the story!

Im thinking of making the paring Naruto and Sakura since the roles of Naruto and Sasuke are reversed, which means that I think Sasuke will end up with Karin, let me know if it is a good idea

-DISCLAIMER: I (sadly) do not own Naruto or its characters, so plz dont sue me-

Naruto was packing his few belongings into his bag, but had stopped due to the sharp pain that had surfaced into his left shoulder.

"Damn I hate this stupid curse mark! Why did that bastard Orochimaru put this on me? His original target was Sasuke, was it not?" Naruto asked this question to himself as he collapsed onto his left knee.


Orochimaru had charged towards Sasuke's paralyzed body with his giant snake, and Naruto had barely been able to make it in time to block the snake with his body.

"You okay scaredy cat?"

Sasuke looked in shock to see Naruto had blocked the snake, but those words were the ones he had said to Naruto in their first C-Rank mission that had turned into an A-Rank. Sasuke had then looked at Naruto to see that his whiskers were more defined and black with his hair looking more wild, but the thing that had shocked him the most were Naruto's one blue cerulean eyes, turned blood red with shis pupils turned slit-liked.

Sasuke then watched, still paralyzed but not due to Orochimaru, but frozen due to fear of what Naruto had become. Naruto easily pushed the snake back and had jumped on top of it with his claw-like nails piercing the skin of the snake as he charged Orochimaru. He had gotten close to Orochimaru and swung his claws which caused the sound ninja to jump off of the snake onto a nearby tree.

'Naruto has become quite strong, way stronger than the Uchiha, and if I include the power of the Nine Tails, he can become even stronger.' Orochimaru thought.

'The sharingan seems weak compared to the Nine Tails.' Orochimaru started to laugh which caught Sasuke and Naruto off guard. 'It seems that Naruto will make a better future vessel for me then Sasuke could.

Orochimaru started to furiously laugh, and said "Well done Naruto, you have passed."

"What do you mean passed? Shut up and let me kill you!" was Naruto's response, still fueled by the Kyuubi's power.

Orochimaru simply stated "You have proven to me that you surpass the skills of Sasuke, and that the Nine Tails is stronger than the sharingan. This is why I shall give you a gift before we part ways." Orochimaru's neck suddenly extended and bit Naruto's left shoulder.

"AAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" Naruto screamed in absolute pain and agony as he heard Orochimaru yell "Curse Mark Of Heaven Seal!" Naruto started to revert to normal, his whiskers became less defined and his eyes turned back into the cerulean blue eyes Sasuke was used to.

"NARUTO!" Sasuke scrambled as he started to throw shuriken towards Orochimaru which were easily dodged. He then looked towards Sakura "Sakura, you need to tend and help Naruto while I try to fight this guy off!" Sakura nodded and Sasuke looked back to Orochimaru.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Sasuke practically screamed at Orochimaru. Orochimaru just chuckled to himself while a sheepish grin formed on his face.

"I left him with a parting gift." said Orochimaru as he sunk into the tree branch he had been standing on.

"I am Orochimaru, if you wish to see me again you must get through this exam alive" he said while completely sinking into the branch. Sakura had finally reached Naruto as he screamed in pain, and when she looked at Naruto's shoulder, she saw that the three bite marks had turned into three tomoes, just like Sasuke's sharingan.

-FlashBack End-

Sakura had been walking home, and she had felt as if something was odd but she could not tell exactly what was out of place. She then stopped as she had seen what was wrong. She saw Naruto Uzumaki walking towards her, and while scanning him she realized that he had a bag slumped over his shoulder, and saw he did not have his headband on, which was strange because after he received it she never saw him without it. She was wondering why he was out this late after receiving the mark from Orochimaru.


Sakura has managed to pull both her unconscious teammates under a tree (Sasuke is out due to chakra depletion and Naruto due to the Curse Mark.) She had then been attacked by the three sound ninja Kin, Dosu and Zaku. They were demolishing her, when a certain Rock Lee was nearby and had decided to come to the rescue, but he was not able to match Dosu's sound jutsu. Team 8 and 10 were also nearby and stopped to assist team 7 and Lee, but their efforts proved to be futile against the Sound ninja. Kin had grabbed Sakura by the hair, which had forced her to cut it off with a kunai, but everybody's attention was drawn to where she had put Sasuke and Naruto. Her eyes widened in shock.

What she saw was A Naruto who's whiskers were more defined, his canines had turned into fangs, and his blue eyes were now slit-like with black flame like marks all around the left side of his body.

"Who did this to you Sakura-Chan?" Naruto had asked as red chakra had enveloped his body. (Curse mark stage 1 and one-tailed kyuubi state.)

He looked at the Sound ninja. "Shit! That's his Curse Mark!" Dosu remarked, and before he could move Naruto appeared behind him grabbing his arms and pushing him down with his right foot.

"How dare you hurt my friends! I will make you all suffer!" Screamed Naruto. Dosu was wailing in pain begging Naruto to stop, but Naruto kept going until he heard a loud CRACK! Which then Naruto had finally let go letting Dosu's limp arms drop to the ground.

"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU'RE DEAD BASTARD!" Zaku yelled while looking around. Naruto appeared in front of him punching him so hard his jaw shattered as he flew into a tree. Naruto then glared at Kin, the Kunoichi was paralyzed, she never thought somebody could single-handedly body her squad. Naruto had started to walk towards Kin. Sakura was in absolute shock, this was not the same knucklehead loud-mouthed goofy Naruto she knew. This new Naruto was the most vicious and uncaring person she had ever met. She could not just sit there watching as the darkness consumed her teammate, so she ran at him and wrapped her arms around Naruto, which caused him to freeze in his tracks and look back with surprise present in his red eyes.

"Sakura-Chan?" Naruto had asked while Sakura looked at Naruto with tears in her eyes.

"STOP NARUTO! PLEASE STOP! THIS IS NOT YOU! THIS IS NOT THE NARUTO THAT I KNOW! I CANNOT STAND TO SEE YOU ACT THIS WAY! SO PLEASE….. JUST STOP!" Sakura cried. When he saw Sakura's tears, he started to revert back to normal, his last feature turning back to normal being his cerulean blue eyes.

-FlashBack End-

Naruto had walked past Sakura which freed her from that terrible flashback.

"What are you doing this late Naruto?" She inquired. This question made Naruto stop in his tracks, but he never turned his back or responded. This worried Sakura.

"N-Naruto?" she said, being filled with worry for her teammate.

"Go home Sakura. It does not involve you, it is none of your buisness" Naruto said as he turned to look at her. Taken aback by Naruto's response she became quiet before regaining her composure and glaring back at him.

"What do you mean it is none of my business? You are my teammate and friend Naruto, of course this is my business!" Sakura had responded with anger in her voice.

Naruto said nothing as Sakura tried to get him to respond. Tears welled up in her eyes as she noticed something

"Why do you have your backpack with you?" she asked him.

Once again, no response.

''Where are you g-going Naruto?" She fought back the tears as no response came.

"ANSWER ME BAKA!" She screamed at him as she tried to swing her fist at him, but the Blond had just caught it, which surprised Sakura.

"I'm done being your personal punching bag, Sakura." Naruto had said this with absolutely no emotion in his tone or in his face. He then turned back and before he could start walking, she spoke again.

"W-Why are you l-leaving Naruto?" Sakura had asked.

"Why do you even care? Wouldn't it be better if the annoying baka would just leave you alone so you can finally win over Sasuke's heart? Naruto had answered her with his own questions.

"But we are on the same team! You cannot just leave! I don't want you to leave!" Sakura had confessed. Naruto had turned back to look at her in the eyes.

"Remember when we introduced ourselves to Kakashi-sensei? Remember how you said you HATED me? He had asked. "Why should you care, me leaving makes it so you have to deal with one less person you hate. You should be happy." Sakura's eyes widened at what he said as she remembered the day team 7 had formed.

"But I did not know you well back then! I have regretted what I said to this day!" Sakura said. Naruto had let go of her hand he had held since she tried to punch him and turned back away.

"There is nothing left in a village full of people who all hate me for something I had….. No control over…." Naruto said in a hushed tone. He then proceeded to attempt walking away but was then stopped in his tracks again when she grabbed his hand again. He looked at her.

"What about your dream to become Hokage? If you leave you will never be able to achieve that dream. Are you just going to give up on that dream?" Sakura asked as her tears began to well up again.

Naruto just said "What is the point in becoming the Hokage of a village full of people that do not care about what happens to you and just despise you?" Naruto removed his hand from Sakura's and turned back around which stunned the pinkette.

Before he could even start to walk, she just blurted "Take me with you!" she had nothing else to say and it just came out of her mouth.

"You do not mean that" was all Naruto said.

"Yes I do! If you do not stay here and listen to me, I will just follow you!" Sakura said.

"What about the family you have been blessed with? You have something that keeps you here unlike me, they love you Sakura. I have nothing of that, you cannot just abandon the people who love you, I have nobody like that" He had said.

"But I love you! Please stay Naruto" she said as she fell onto her knees.

Naruto was taken by complete surprise at what he has just heard. Nobody had ever told him that they loved him. "Never thought the first person to say I love you would lie to me. Goodbye Sakura-Chan." is what he said as he began to walk away.

"If you leave I will scream!" Sakura said, almost threatening him. He had then disappeared from her sight which caused her to go wide eyed.

He appeared behind her as she stood back up, and he said 3 words back to her. "Thank you….Sakura-Chan.

"Naru-" she was cut off as he had knocked her out and placed her on a nearby bench. A single tear fell from his eyes as he walked out of the village.

-Sorry If it is short, I did not have much time to write this, but do not worry! I will try to make the next few longer!

There is the first Chapter of the story! Please review for where I can make a few improvements and please take it easy on me as this is my first ever fanfic. Also I will try to Update it as much as possible, but I might get busy every one in a while, so please bear with me, but I do plan on eventually finishing it, I actually have a plan here that ends at the start of the war arc, but it takes a while to type out. If you have any questions feel free to PM me! Goodbye ladies and gents!