I had this idea in my dirty mind and couldn't help but write it and then couldn't stop myself from posting it! It's very short, I know but I wanted to put it out there and see where I can take this.

Mistakes are mine


It was late at night, almost 11pm and Penelope parked her car in front of a small building. She knew she was crazy for coming here alone specially at this time of night but she felt the most comfortable since it was so late and the chances of running into someone she knew was slim to none. She needed to get out of her comfort zone and be more daring. That was her goal this year.

She got out of her car, locked it and walked into the store. Instead of her usual bright noticeable outfits she normally wore, she decided to go for black leggings, a tank top, a sweater, tennis shoes and had a messy ponytail.

"Welcome." The store clerk smiled and kept reading a magazine.

There weren't a lot of people in the store; a few couples and people on their own. She looked around the first floor, where they had sexy, provocative barely there clothing of all types from professions to costumes to party to "sleep attire". She wondered if they had her size and cautiously looked around making sure no one saw her, she walked towards the clothes. She smiled when almost all of them had her size. The prices were a little too high, but she really wanted to buy one. She had no one to model it to but wearing it for herself got her confidence high. She decided on a corset that ended below her breasts and crotchless panties came with it. She already had the shoes, the thigh highs and an idea on how to do her hair and make-up.

The rest of the first floor were just all types of different adult movies so she headed up the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was all about the sex toys and she was overwhelmed. She didn't know where to begin. When she turned to the right, she bumped into someone and her things that she had picked so far, had fallen on the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry," they both said at the same time.

As soon as the other heard the other person's voice, they looked and sure enough Penelope was staring at her handsome off limits co-worker.

"Hot Stuff," she said as her eyes widened. They had been best friends for such a long time and they told each other everything except when it came to their sex life. She didn't really want to know about his conquest.

"Baby girl." He said softly. What the hell was his best friend doing at a place like this, at this time and alone? She didn't look like her normal self but she still looked beautiful. He looked at the stuff that had fallen on the floor and his blood rushed south. "Here you go Pen."

"Thank you." She blushed.



What do you think? Should I continue? Ideas are always welcomed!