Day 7 of InuKag Week 2020: Home.

Well, InuKag Week 2020 is over with! I am SO happy I got to participate this year (even if I waited until last minute to start writing for it LOL). I have read and seen some amazing, beautiful, heartfelt, and funny fanfics/fanart. Between people who had something written for every day, and people who told a whole story with each prompt. I love this fandom, and am so honored to be apart of it all 3

On another note, I didn't feel very well this weekend, so this chapter didn't get as much editing as the rest. Hopefully it doesn't look too bad lol

It was hard to believe they were standing in their house. Their house. Inuyasha had to keep pinching himself to remind him that he wasn't dreaming. He was standing in the middle of a generous living room, bare of furniture and pictures that have yet to be hung on the wall. The curtain-less windows let a copious amount of light into the empty space, giving the room a warm glow. They had seen what must have been dozens of houses. Too small, not enough bedrooms, outdated kitchen, too dark, too expensive, bad neighborhood. Inuyasha didn't think that house hunting would be such an arduous task - he himself barely thought about it when he first found his previous apartment - but there was no room for error when you're expecting your first child.

They were really cutting it close moving into a new home with Kagome being almost seven months pregnant. Moving was always a stressful activity, and Inuyasha didn't want to accidentally force her into labour early due to stress. Kagome was adamant about needing the proper home for a family of three. Both of their apartments were just too small to accommodate them all. Besides, Kagome wanted to start making memories in a new home when this baby came - not including any future children they have.

She was currently upstairs, giving her mother a tour of their new home while they waited for Miroku and Sango to arrive with the moving van.

Inuyasha has taken the week off from work to get them properly moved into the new house. Kagome was due in a month's time, and Inuyasha wanted the house to be completely ready when they brought their new child home. He had hoped that they would have found a house sooner, but Kagome's selective preferences for their new home had really set them back. Sango and Kagome's mother had both agreed to stop by throughout the week to help unpack and decorate while Inuyasha would do all the heavy lifting. Kagome's only job was to rest and tell everyone where she wanted everything. Inuyasha was sure that if he saw Kagome even lifting a book he'd have a fit.

Hanyou pregnancies were shorter than human pregnancies, usually by a month or two depending on the type of youkai. Since Kagome was human, the doctors had speculated that she would give birth probably about eight months in, although there still wasn't much data about three-quarter human, one-quarter youkai babies, so at this point in her pregnancy anything could happen. The idea that they could still be in the middle of unpacking when the baby came was extremely nerve-racing for Inuyasha. As far as he was concerned, he had one week to get their household in order. It couldn't be too hard. Right?

'Mama will probably know how Kagome wants the kitchen to be set up. Sango can tackle the bedroom and bathroom with Kagome while I get the nursery all set up…'

Inuyasha continued to stand in the middle of the living room, his mind going a hundred miles a minute thinking about all the work that had to be done. Miroku was taking his sweet ass time driving the moving van with all their furniture over, and it was starting to grind on his nerves. Normally, Inuyasha would have just driven the damn thing himself, but there was no way in hell he was going to leave Kagome alone for more than a few minutes. Although, thinking about it now, he could have just driven the thing himself and been here already.

Inuyasha was so deep in his own thoughts, that he hadn't even noticed his new wife coming up behind him. Kagome rested her cheek in between his shoulder blades, opting to simply place her hands on his waist since her protruding belly wouldn't allow her to wrap her arms around him. She could feel the tension in his shoulders begin to wane as he allowed her to lean against him as much as she could. For a minute, they both just stood together in the empty room, content to bask in the warmth from the sun peeking in through the windows. A quiet cluttering in the kitchen brought them back to the present.

"Mama packed up most of the kitchen in her car," Kagome mumbled into his back. "She said she would start putting things away for me so we can actually eat home cooked meals instead of getting take-out all week."

"Wow, you'd really put the fate of our new kitchen in your mother's hands? You must really trust her." Inuyasha teased. Kagome was very possessive about her kitchen, from where the plates were stored to the pots and pans.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she huffed, lightly slapping his back before he spun around to cradle her into his chest.

"I just know how obsessive you are about the placement of your kitchen. Hell, you just about completely re-worked my own kitchen when we first started dating!"

"Well, you had the pots and pans shoved into the most hard to reach cabinet! Did I or did I not make your kitchen more easily accessible?"

"You sure did wench," he laughed, hugging her tight.

"I'm sure Mama will just attempt to duplicate her kitchen at home. I'd rather spend my energy helping you and Sango with the bedrooms."

"Wench, the only 'help' you're gonna be giving is from a chair!" Inuyasha growled, attempting to sound threatening. Kagome merely rolled her eyes and clung to her husband tighter. Soon enough, Sango and Miroku would arrive with the bulk of their belongings, and Kagome had a feeling that they would be spending the majority of their time unpacking instead of cuddling.

She breathed in deeply, taking in the fresh scent of pine that always managed to calm her. This next month was going to be hectic, only more so when the baby finally arrives. Surprisingly though, Kagome wasn't as stressed about it all as she thought she'd be. She knew Inuyasha was going to work as hard and long as possible to prepare the house. She was lucky to have a husband as dedicated as Inuyasha was.

Inuyasha and Kagome pulled apart as they heard the moving van pull into the driveway.

"About fucking time," Inuyasha mumbled, stalking his way to the front door. Kagome shook her head and chuckled at her husband. Instead of following him, she decided to keep her mother company in the kitchen. Perhaps between the two of them, they could put a small snack together for everyone.

Kagome stole one last glance over the empty living room. By the end of the day, Inuyasha and Miroku will have unloaded all their furniture, and their new house will finally look like a home.