Chapter 6

Disclaimer: Here we go with more of this here fun story! Takes place a week after the last chapter.

One Week Later

"Its been a week since it was revealed Malcolm Merlyn had been planning to destroy the Glades here in Starling City and shock is still high in the air. Currently, Malcolm Merlyn is being held in ARGUS custody after evidence uncovered by the Hood was given to them to make use of. And make use of they did, even though injuries and loss of life occurred in arresting the man we all thought was a Humanitarian. Thomas Merlyn, the son of Malcolm Merlyn, was also recently let go by ARGUS after being detained by them in Paris while on Merlyn Global business. We can only surmise he was brought in by them to determine if whether or not he was aware of his father's intentions for the Glades. Its been said that Thomas Merlyn is clearly in disbelief over what's happened with his father and strongly believes the Hood is trying to frame him."

"Even more unnerving is the revelations that his father has essentially been the mind behind the current state of things in the Glades. But its hopeful with him and whoever else possibly involved now in custody, that the Glades can recover and be better than ever. This is Susan Williams for News 52."

Oliver sighed as he placed the ice pack on his eye as the news went off the air on the television he had playing at a wrecked Verdant. Who knew Tommy had such a strong right hook?

But regardless of his strong right hook, his apparent former best friend was going to have to be kept an eye on in case he got it into his head to reveal his secret. Something Oliver didn't like but knew was necessary given his brother in all but blood's anger towards him for getting his father arrested by ARGUS. Along with being questioned by them after they got ahold of him in Paris. Felicity also was officially no longer working with him as Walter had been found and the Undertaking was stopped and because of that, she felt there was no longer any reason to stay on since her reasons for doing so originally were now complete. And since I've essentially finished what my father asked me to do, I'm pretty much done myself… Even if there are still names on the List to cross out...

Things between him and his mother was a little strained but given all he'd been through for 5 years away, it was easy to deal with. Even if the whole thing did confuse Thea since she had no idea what was going on since neither would go into details. "Wow, love what you've done with the place." Came the voice of Laurel.

Making him freeze momentarily before looking at her. "You can thank Tommy for that."

She winced at the mental imagery that went through her mind after being told that. "I take it you two won't be club surfing for hook ups anytime soon then."

Oliver chuckled. "No, guess not. Not that I've had any interest in that since I got back, mind you."

"Right, because you decided to become the Hood and had to lie about this and that." She replied with a slight glare at him.

"Well, I won't have to do much lying anymore, Laurel, I can promise you that."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Because, I've done what my father's asked me to do; right his wrongs. Which means I no longer have to be the Hood."

Laurel was understandably shocked by what she'd just heard and crossed the distance between them to directly in front of him. "What!? Oliver! There's still so many out there in the city who need someone like you to fight for them in ways that I or my father can't! Ways that… That I wish I could be involved with!" Cried out the Lawyer passionately.

Considerably throwing the archer as he hadn't expected that at all! Even saying as much. "You're also reminding me of the fact Diggle thought like you did too."

"Well, if more than one person's saying something like that, maybe there's something to it." Laurel pointed out reasonably.

A sigh came from the man. "This is a subject you aren't going to let go of anytime soon, isn't it?"

The smile that came across her face pretty much told him that was going to be the case. "Nope. And if you train me, you won't have to be out there alone."

Oliver sighed. "Give me a few days to think about it." He said in the end.

"I'll take it but I have a feeling you'll be out there in the end." Laurel replied knowingly.

He scowled good naturedly at her and she merely grinned in return. "We'll see. We'll see."

Turns out, Laurel would be right and he'd go through a name change from the Hood to the Green Arrow to be a little more family friendly. Even if some of his tactics weren't necessarily family friendly. And thanks to how his own training was and thinking it wouldn't be beneficial for her, he'd call in a favor from Tatsu since the Yamashiros were still in the area and have her and Maseo teach Laurel what they could for use in the field. Leading to Laurel eventually joining him out in the city as the Black Canary. Sometime later would also see Oliver and Diggle re-unite after the Vet asked to see him and apologized for his actions that in retrospect, he had no business in doing when it came to Oliver's secret identity.

Author's Notes: And with that, this story is complete! No idea if I'll do a sequel but we'll see what happens!