Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the love and reviews! This is just a short little two part fluff piece I've had in my head for a while and wanted to put it out there. I'm working on some other stories (some one-shots and some multi-chapter), so I hope to get some of those posted soon enough! Since many wanted more of Things I Should Have Said, a continuation longer fic is one of them. Hope you enjoy!

It was Taylor's attempt to get the team back to their former familial status. He had assumed that his teasing apology about a gun between friends was enough to shatter through the wall of mistrust that had separated Mac and Riley from the rest of the team. Bozer had been that wall– keeping both parties at peace, like usual. He'd also been the one to warn of the impending missile, which meant as far as Mac was concerned, he still had Bozer's trust and vice-versa.

All six of them were gathered at a Dodgers' game, basking in the mild California breeze that blew around wisps of hair, along with the scent of popcorn and hot dogs. It had been years since Mac had been to a major league game– way back when, along with his grandfather. If his dad had ever taken him, he didn't remember. It was bittersweet nostalgia for him, but as blue eyes cast over to Riley sat beside him, that melancholy began to fade. She looked adorable, all decked out in a jersey and matching cap - head to toe in Dodger blue. Dark tresses trailed from under the hat, the tips of them dipped in blue, rather than their usual red or purple. Mac smiled to himself, the expression becoming more shy as hazel eyes caught his gaze. He and Riley always had this unspoken adoration for one another, and he laughed as she tugged at the bill of his own cap playfully.

"You excited, Mac? Didn't you say you wanted to be back at this stadium a while back?" He did, and of course Riley remembered. She listened to everything he ever said.

Mac caught a glimpse of Desi on the far end of the row; Taylor, Matty, Bozer, and then Riley were all nestled between them as a barrier. When they finally had the chance to talk, Mac came clean with Desi that it was time to move on. They had tried and tried again to fix their relationship, but it turned out that their less than normal foundation was rocky at best.

She hadn't taken it too well, but at least they weren't at each others' throats anymore. That adrenaline seemed to be the spark that rekindled things before, but now the fire had fizzled for good. Mac cared about Desi; he really did. Maybe he loved her, in a sense. But it wasn't enough. They'd never been in love. And the few happy moments of being together didn't stand a chance against all of the bad ones. They simply weren't meant to be.

He also speculated Desi wasn't thrilled that he and Riley had grown closer over the events of the last several weeks, but what did she expect? Riley had again proven her faith in Mac and risked everything to help him. To save the world. He would never again take for granted the sacrifices she had made. Everything with Riley was just… easy. Effortless.

Perhaps he'd been staring at her too long again, because the hacker broke out into another smile, her cheeks lit with a faint flush. "Mac, if I have mustard on my face you better tell me," she chuckled, grabbing a napkin from her tray of food. Mac's head dipped as another laugh ventured out.

"Nah, no mustard, I promise. The sun reflected on your eyes just makes them look really green in this light. I got a little distracted."

That probably came off as a flirtation, though Mac hadn't thought much of the statement as it slipped out. Now though, his own cheeks matched Riley's, and he bit his lip cutely. Maybe it was a subconscious attempt at flirting? The brunette gave Mac's shoulder a gentle nudge with her own as she brought her soda straw to her lips. "You're gonna miss the game if you keep staring at me." Playful. Feisty. Flirty. Boy, he really had gotten lucky with having Riley in his life. If only his attempts at romance had come so easily.

It wasn't that Mac hadn't ever considered Riley as a prospect, but long ago he'd ruled out the possibility. He figured she would never see him as anything more than a friend, so he never let his mind linger to more. As of lately though, he did break that rule at times. When he had taken her hand in the line of fire, he had felt something. A spark. Mac tried to ignore it, knowing it was likely one-sided, but when Riley would look at him like that– amusement glittering in her eyes, it was hard not to wonder what if.

Although Mac still didn't think going to one game would really bond their team back together, he was enjoying himself. More than he had in a long time. He hated to say it, but had he still been with Desi he would have been bored to tears. He finally felt free to be himself again. He was fairly certain she didn't quite like who he was most of the time.

Before he could celebrate though, the game took a pause for the Kiss Cam to scour through the stands. Mac groaned internally, remembering the soccer game and how he'd soared onto the field and planted his lips on Desi's. At the time it seemed logical; he needed a cover and it was instinctual to steal her into a kiss. Had Mac known the disastrous road it would have taken them down the second round though, he never would have made it happen. He didn't dare take a look in Desi's direction, and was fairly certain he felt Riley go a little rigid as well.

Then he realized exactly where the camera had landed.

Riley finished chewing the French fry she had nonchalantly popped into her mouth as her face blew up on the Kiss Cam screen. Hazel eyes widened with fear and disbelief. No. Freaking. Way.

It already reminded her of the heartbreak she'd endured when watching Mac sweep Desi off her feet and into his arms on that soccer field. It was the first time Riley really felt that pang of disappointment. It was also the moment she realized these feelings for Mac weren't going away anytime soon. But she'd be damned if she was going to kiss him in front of a cheering crowd… and his recent ex-girlfriend.

Swallowing thickly, Riley shook her head and waved her hand, as if batting the camera away. This only encouraged the operator, who began volleying back and forth between Mac and Bozer. There was only one of those two that she wanted to kiss. Even Bozer knew that.

Riley's eyes sought Mac's for a moment, a softness in ocean hues that made her weak in the knees. It was the perfect excuse– she could kiss him to see what it was like, and blame the camera. But did she want this to be their first kiss? Especially when she knew he'd had a similar experience with Desi?

Not to mention, Mac knew her well. He could always read when she was into someone, and Riley was afraid she'd give herself away.

Twisting to face Bozer, she gave him a pleading expression before leaning over to plant her lips to his. She loved Bozer, but it definitely felt like kissing her brother. And she could tell that he felt just as awkward, but went along with the ruse to keep her secret. She'd have to thank him later.

Fans in the stands roared with gusto as the camera finally landed on another couple of victims, and Riley sunk back into her chair. She was afraid to look anywhere else, so drawing the bill of her cap down, she dug into her bucket of popcorn as if it was her only friend in the world.

"Five years later and you finally kiss me? Talk about a slow-burn." Bozer joked aloud, trying to ease the tension that had formed around them. Matty, Taylor, and even Desi still lingered in their gazes, completely baffled. However, it wasn't long before they were chuckling again as the game wound up and the crowd eased. Except for one person.
