Chat Room

Chapter 5 "The Escape"

A/N: Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed! This is the last and final chapter for this story, so I hope you like it.

wAnNaBpIpEr: This chapter is for you, because you have carried this story along the whole way and you are the BEST!

CharmingTess: This is also for you; well, just because you are the BEST too. Love you guys (girls)!

A/N: This chapter is back down to PG-13, just to let you know. Please review! Okay, on with the story:

            Piper woke up the next morning when she heard movement outside the door, she looked down at Phoebe who was curled up in her arms and shook her gently to wake her. "Pheebs…Phoebe wake up" Piper whispered and Phoebe slowly opened her eyes, and then sat up, fear present in her face as she remembered where they were. "Are you okay?" Piper asked, concerned to see Phoebe shaking. Phoebe just nodded slowly and looked around "Are we going to go home today, Piper?" she asked softly, and Piper knew that Phoebe depended on her to get them out of there, it was all up to her, before they ended up like…No! Piper thought immediately, she could think about Cassie, she had to just keep telling herself that they'd find a way out …they had too.

            Piper saw the door knob start to turn and immediately wrapped her arms around Phoebe, protecting her as Dominic walked in to the basement.


            "Good morning, girls" Dominic said, setting down a bowl of cereal for Piper to eat. "Phoebe, come here. Let's leave your sister alone while she eats" Dominic ordered. Phoebe nodded and slowly stated to get up, but Piper grabbed her wrist, pulling her back down, she wasn't going t let Dominic take her somewhere. "Can't we both go?" Piper asked, wavering between trying to protect Phoebe and not what to anger Dominic, after what happened with Cassie she knew he could snap over anything.

            "No" Dominic said simply, and grabbed Phoebe's other arm, pulling her away from Piper and shoving her out the door. "Bye Piper. I'll be back soon, but I know you wouldn't try to escape anyway, right? You don't want to end up like poor Cassie" Dominic chuckled at Piper's horrified and sickened expression and walked out, closing the door behind him. He grabbed Phoebe by the hair, dragging her to her feet "This won't take long" he said and wondered exactly how he should kill her.


            Piper stood up quickly once Dominic left and eased the door open a crack so she could look out and see what he was doing with Phoebe. She could just barely see into the next room, Dominic was pulling Phoebe to her feet and talking to her, but Piper couldn't hear what they were saying. She opened the door slightly wider and could see stairs leading to the main level of the house, if she could just reach those stairs… but she couldn't just leave Phoebe here, alone, even if she was going to get help. Dominic could kill her any time, Piper had to watch him. What she would do exactly to stop him, she didn't know, but she'd have to think of something.


            Phoebe said in his desk chair, paralyzed by fear while Dominic paced in font of her, she knew he was thinking of a way to kill her, but Phoebe was trapped, there was no way she could escape with him right in front of her, and at 12, she still trusted that Piper would find a way to get them home safely, she was too naive to think otherwise. She'd always been able to depend on Piper before. Phoebe saw the laptop sitting on the desk and wondered if this was where Dominic sat when he was talking to Piper and Cassie; Phoebe shuddered at the thought and wondered how many other girls he'd gotten this way.

            Dominic rushed at her suddenly, his powerful hands closing around her neck and Phoebe gasp, trying to breathe desperately. "It really is easier if you just sit still" Dominic told her calmly, "And this way is much less messy then how I killed Cassie" Phoebe's eyes watered and she struggle desperately to slip of his grasp. She could feel herself start to get light headed but struggled to hold on to consciousness. As Phoebe's arms gripped the desk trying to pull away from him, her hand fell on something hard and metal. Scissors, Phoebe thought wrapping her hand around them and pointing the sharp edge at Dominic's arm. He let out a howl of pain and loosed his hands on Phoebe, as he pulled the scissors out of his arm. The cut wasn't deep, but it was enough to distract him.

            Phoebe saw Piper at the door to their small room, gesturing for Phoebe to run up the stairs, Phoebe took another look at Dominic and then turned, starting to run up the stars, she turned her head to look for Piper "I'm right behind you" Piper reassured, but she felt a hand on her leg, pulling her back down.


            "GET BACK HERE!" Dominic yelled, lunging for the girls, he grabbed Piper, but Phoebe was out of his reach. Piper tripped on the stairs with Dominic's hand pulling her ankle and she fell with a thud, hitting her head against the wall, but struggling against his firm grip the whole time. Phoebe paused at the top of the stairs wondering if she should try to help Piper or run. Piper's eyes locked with hers for a moment "Run!" Piper ordered and Phoebe darted up the rest of the stars and out of the house.

            Dominic dragged Piper the rest of the way back down the stairs and pinned her to the floor. "You thought you could escape, did you?" he sneered. Piper nodded silently, her eyes never leaving to pair of scissors he held tightly in his hand. He must of picked them up after Phoebe stabbed him, Piper thought a new wave of fear rushing over her, and Dominic pulled her hands above her head in one of his and pinned her legs to the floor under the weight of his, as he sat on top of her. "Please don't hurt me" Piper whimpered. Dominic smiled "Don't worry Piper, this will be fun-for the both of us" he replied, kissing her roughly and setting down the pair of scissors, so he could undo her pants. Piper closed her eyes and zoned out as he raped her. Phoebe's okay, Piper told her self, desperate to think of anything else beside what was happening to her, at least Phoebe's safe.

            Piper blacked out from the combination of pain and fear and when she opened her eyes again, Dominic was sitting beside her, watching her intently. Piper sat up quickly, but then doubled over from the pain in her stomach. Dominic shoved her down again. "And where are you going?" he asked amused at her pain. "No where" Piper said quickly, "I was just sitting up"  "Don't bother" Dominic said, "I got what I wanted from you, there's no use for you now" He had the scissors in his hand again and Piper's eyes grew round with fear as he pinned her to the ground again, running the steel tip of the blade gently along her neck, before raising the blade.

            Oh my god, Piper thought, I'm going to die right now. Piper closed her eyes and waited to feel the steel tear though her flesh, but instead she heard a crash, "Dominic, drop the scissors and stand up slowly. Put your hands behind your head" Piper opened her eyes and saw three police officers, who'd broke through the door, their guns pointed at Dominic. He dropped the scissors and stood up, while another office pulled Piper away from him.

            Her eyes flooded with tears as she realized she was safe. Piper walked shakily outside and saw Phoebe sitting in the police car, but she jumped out and hugged Piper when she saw her. "Phoebe…thank you" was all Piper could say. Realizing how close she'd come to dying and if Phoebe hadn't gotten help when she did, they both probably wouldn't have survived the night.


            Dominic Martin was charged with two counts of kidnapping and attempted murder, and one count of rape. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but took a plea bargain, cutting the prison time in half. The body of Cassie Johnson was never found, he'd dumped her in the woods the morning before he was caught. Piper and Phoebe both fully recovered from their traumatic kidnapping but never forgot their friend Cassie.

*~* 16 years later*~*

            "Paisley, dinner's ready" 30-year-old Piper called up the stairs to her daughter. Paisley rolled her eyes "Mom, I'm on the computer" she whined "Just a little bit longer" Piper paused, "No chat rooms, right?" she asked. "No" Paisley said, wondering what her mom could possibly have against them. Piper had never told anyone what happened to her. "Okay, 10 more minutes" Piper agreed, walking down the stairs. "Thanks" Paisley replied and the paused, what could going into one chat room possibly hurt? Her mom never had to find out.

            Paisley clicked into one and made up a screen name for herself, almost instantly she got IMed; grinning, Paisley read the instant message : 'Hey, this is Tommygirl27, want to chat?'

A/N: Well, that's it. The end. Yay! Please review.