Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. If I did, a lot of things would be different.


Sakura was completely positive that she had lost her damned mind. That was the only possible explanation to what she was seeing.

No matter that last she remembered she had been in a war, running everyday to either support her fellow medics or to help the frontline with her unnatural strength; what she was seeing (or, well, wasn't) right now was mental and Sakura decided it was some kind of post-traumatic stress induced hallucination.

Many war veterans had them, did they not? If she were to put her medical knowledge to work, she would come to the conclusion that maybe no, she wasn't suffering from PTSD. She had never heard of any soldier that, following a particularly hellish event, envisioned themselves as babies.

Haruno Sakura was pretty sure it was that anyway, because her logical mind didn't want to breach the other possibility. It was nonsensical and, honestly, absurd to think of reincarnation.

Or would it be a time-travel?

Sakura found that it didn't matter, because this was not real and her mother wasn't alive and making cooing sounds at her. It was all in her imagination and she would wake up soon, in a hospital bed with her best friends by her side.

Except her mother almost dropped her in that instant, and the feeling of air blowing against her and of going downdowndown was too real to ignore. Except she could sense her mother's dormant chakra, if with difficulty, and it was there. Real and warm, wanting to get out and enclose her protectively in a hug.

Sakura trashed, cried and sobbed. Her mother was alive and she was too and she couldn't understand why. She fell asleep quickly, but if anyone ever asked she would blame her new baby body for it.