Authors notes….. This story is set approx 18 months after the end of Deathly Hallows and completely ignores the epilogue. Fred Weasley, Severus Snape and Hedwig are still alive and there are some future chapters that will have trigger warnings attached. Please read the notes on each chapter for exactly what those might be!

Unfortunately I only own my idea and not Harry Potter, that belongs to JKR.

Many thanks to my wonderful beta hmn007, I couldn't do this without you! X

Chapter 1. (Hermione.)

Hermione Granger sighed in dismay at the gentle knock on her bedroom door at Grimmauld Place. Glancing in the mirror at her reflection one last time she rolled her eyes. "Alohomora," she whispered, hoping the smile she'd plastered across her face looked genuine and not contrived. Harry Potter stood in the doorway, a wry smile on his face and a single yellow rose in his hand. "You look beautiful 'Mione." He said earnestly. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I'm going to the gallows." She sighed once more as Harry chuckled. He tucked the rose into a vase on the windowsill that already held a bunch of welcome home flowers, probably from Ron and Luna judging by the eccentric assortment, and gestured to the hallway.

He was dressed impeccably, his black dress robes understated and classic. His brilliant green eyes dancing in the firelight. Hermione grinned despite her inner turmoil. No occasion or amount of hair potion would ever tame Harry Potter's wildly messy hair.

"Let's hope it's not that bad." He said as she crossed the room. Harry took her hands in his, holding her in place. He smiled and rested his forehead against hers for a second. "Ready?" He asked as she closed her eyes. Still holding him, as they stood in the dark she gathered herself, drinking in his familiar scent and nodded letting him apparate them to the alleyway beside the Ministry of Magic.

Hermione eyed the austere buildings with trepidation. The beginnings of a panic attack closing in. It had been over a year since she had been here, but suddenly it seemed like yesterday. The memories this particular building held were suffocating. She'd stifled them for a year. Stuffing them deep inside with all the other memories that she couldn't yet bear to think of and now they were threatening to rise up and consume her. "Harry," She kept hold of his hand even after they'd landed and he'd steadied her sufficiently. "I don't want to do this."

"If it gets too much we'll leave. I promise." He squeezed her fingers reassuringly and led her to the VIP entrance, trying and failing to avoid the press gathered at the front steps. Hermione closed her eyes against the flashbulbs and ignored the shouted questions. Breathing deeply to calm herself she followed Harry inside.

As usual whenever Harry entered the ministry heads turned. If she hadn't known how uncomfortable he was with the attention she would never have guessed it tonight. His body language radiated nothing but confidence. He'd obviously become more proficient at handling public events while she'd been away.

Harry shook Kingsley Shacklebolt's hand and accepted his greeting before Hermione stepped forwards. Kingsley hugged her warmly and kissed her on both cheeks. "Hermione." He said in his deep silky baritone, "So good to see you back. How are you, I understand you were unable to restore your parent's memories in Australia?"

Sadly Hermione shook her head. "It would appear the charm I used was too strong to undo without causing permanent brain damage or even death. They're okay though. They're making plans to adopt twin girls and their baby brother."

"I cannot imagine how that must make you feel. You have my deepest sympathies Hermione."

"Thank you Kingsley." She dipped her eyes and smiled sadly as the Minister for Magic was hailed by more new arrivals, while Harry led her away into the crowd. She caught sight of Ron holding hands with Luna. A not so new development that had occured while she was away. He waved with a huge grin on his face and she couldn't help but smile back as he rushed over to greet her. He pulled her into a hug, strong arms wrapped around her, and she buried her face in his broad shoulder. His familiarity was reassuring and comforting, yet also strangely heart wrenching.

"Hey 'Mione." He said, laughing as she held on for too long. "I've missed you."

"Missed you too." She sniffed, "And now I'm going to smudge my makeup!" She sniffed, trying to get a hold on herself before she did indeed spoil the carefully applied mascara that she so rarely wore. "Hi Luna." Why had she waited until tonight to see Ron? She'd been home for 3 days already and a public fundraising gala suddenly seemed an insane place for a reunion.

"Hi." Luna waited until Hermione and Ron had separated and learned in for a hug herself. "It's good to see you again."

Hermione nodded as Ron took a glass of sparkling wine from a tray that a smartly dressed little house elf was carrying above her head and handed it to her. Hermione suspected the tiny creature was using magic to cut a path through the throng of people,, there was no way to do it so neatly otherwise. She smiled to thank Ron and took a hasty sip. "What's the score?" he asked Harry in an undertone.

"70-30 to the Harpies last time I checked." Harry grimaced, Ginny had been unable to come to the gala due to a long standing league Quidditch match. Ron looked different somehow. Hermione studied him as he chatted. He had a different aura. More confident, relaxed and easy going. She wondered if it was the lack of stress currently in his life, or if it was Luna's influence. Either way it suited him.

"Cool." Ron and Harry settled comfortably into their usual sports related discussions and Hermione let her eyes travel around the room. She recognised most of the guests in attendance, ex Hogwarts students, Ministry officials, ex members of the Order of the Phoenix. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes slid over Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott who were talking with Horace Slughorn, and a couple of wizards she didn't recognise along with a stunningly beautiful witch in a long turquoise flowing dress, that Hermione thought she knew but couldn't place. Forcing her eyes to move on she focused back on Luna who was chatting happily about her apprenticeship at the Magizoologyl Society and the exotic creatures she was learning about.

The room was busy, full of people she knew but hadn't seen for over a year. When the war had ended Hermione had initially been involved in the clean up effort. She had attended enough funerals to last a lifetime and borne witness to more Death Eater trials than she cared to remember. Some had been straightforward, convictions made and sentences passed, others not so much. When it all became too much she had fled to Australia with Harry and Ron to get away from it all and to try to find her parents.

After a month of searching they had located them and Harry and Ron had left shortly after to return to London for their Auror training. Despite their begging and pleading, Hermione had opted to stay in Australia, wanting to be close to her family in the hope that she could find a reversal spell. As time passed however, her obsessive research had proved that this was impossible, highly dangerous at best, deadly at worst.

For the better part of a year Hermione had lingered there. Until she had finally been able to accept that her parents were happy, settled, and enjoying their lives without her.

Heartbroken, she had finally given up on the idea of restoring her parent's memories, and returned home. Life in the UK seemed to have gone on without her. And to be thrust back into the thick of wizarding society so soon was a little overwhelming.

She realised her heart was beating too fast and her breathing accelerating until she was almost at risk of hyperventilating. She'd drunk half her glass of wine already and she'd never been able to hold her drink. "You alright?" Ron asked, looking at her curiously, "Only you're a bit pale."

"You do look a little peaky Hermione." Luna said, pausing in her chatter about kneazles.

"I, just, it's a little overwhelming. I was in Australia for nearly a year where no one knew me and to come straight back to this is rather full on. It's bringing a few unpleasant memories back." She confessed as she actively tried to breathe more slowly.

"I think they're wanting us to sit down anyway." Harry took her elbow and steered her towards the tables, checking the seating plan on the way. "Oh seriously? Is this someone's idea of a joke?"

"What?" She glanced down at the offending plan and frowned in dismay. "Oh come on, who designed this?" She glared at the parchment as though it had done her a great personal wrong. She, Harry, Ron and Luna were sitting together, as per her condition of attending, but they were also sharing a table with Malfoy, Zabini and Nott. With a sigh she downed the rest of her wine and followed Harry to the table, a sense of resignation settling over her.

"Well, isn't this something." A deep voice sounded as she approached. Slowly she closed her eyes and let out a long breath. "Never thought we'd be sharing a table with the Golden Trio."

"Malfoy." She opened her eyes to find him towering over her as he pulled out her chair. Had she forgotten how tall he was or had he grown in the year she had been away? He also seemed to have become strangely better looking, she noticed in confusion. Although, as she sat she realised that the last time she'd seen him he'd looked gaunt, ill with stress and on the edge of malnourishment. Clearly a better diet and a more relaxed lifestyle suited everyone.

"Draco, please," he said. Suspiciously she sat down as he settled her chair comfortably.

"Thank you." Caught off guard by his charming smile she was relieved when Ron and Luna settled at her left side. There was nothing she could do about the place markers which announced Theodore Nott would be sitting on her right.

She smiled a tight lipped smile in his direction and was surprised when he returned it warmly as he sat down. "Hermione. You look beautiful tonight." Completely taken aback she studied him intently for a moment. He had filled out since his Hogwarts days too. Always tall, he was no longer gangly. Just strong and tanned, chiseled with muscles that certainly hadn't been there in their school days.

"Thank you Theodore." She glanced down at her dress, navy blue with tiny sparkling silver stars that caught the light as she moved. It was borrowed from Ginny and was slightly shorter than she was used to. She'd been surreptitiously pulling it down all evening.

"Call me Theo," he grinned cheekily, "else I'll think I'm in trouble."

She laughed despite herself and he unfolded her napkin and passed it to her, smoothing the folds out of his own dress robes. "I heard you just flew back from Australia."

"Three days ago." She confirmed, unwilling to share details of her trip.

"We flew back from Italy last week." He said. "We've been staying at Blaise's Mum's estate for nearly a year."

"Really? That's how long I was away for. Well thirteen months."

"Needed to escape too huh?" He asked, and she nodded. "It's weird being thrust straight back into this isn't it?"

"Yes!" She admitted as the elves started waiting tables, pouring wine and serving rolls. "Thank you," she said to an impeccably dressed female elf who handed her a plate with a seeded bread roll and two little packets of butter. "I didn't expect to see you three here to be honest." Suddenly realising what that implied she clapped a hand over her mouth, "Oh I didn't mean-"

He laughed easily. "No offence taken. I wouldn't be here except the blonde wonder dragged us. We've got a business pitch for the Minister after dinner and well, here we are. I've even been told not to get pissed but, I've got a sober up potion. Plenty of it too if you need any." He patted his top pocket with a wink and she laughed at his conspiritary tone.

"What kind of business are you pitching?" He had the most striking cerulean blue eyes Hermione had ever seen and right now they were fixed directly on her, making her flush slightly.

"Potions and apothecaries. We're hoping to get an endorsement from the Master Potions Guild. That's why we were chatting up Slughorn. Do you remember Tracy from school?" Hermione nodded and did a double take as the witch she'd noticed earlier slid gracefully into a seat between Theo and Blaise. She smiled at Hermione and Ron's jaw dropped as she caught his eye.

Tracy turned her head and laughed, a tinkling high pitched laugh at something Blaise whispered in her ear, then she blushed charmingly and looked at the table.

"I don't remember her looking like that?" Hermione confided to Theo, "Am I missing something?"

He smiled, "She came into her veela heritage at 17. It was a shock for all of us seeing as her parents are muggles!"

"Gosh! How did that happen?"

"It was inherited from her grandmother apparently, although she died young and kept that side of herself secret so nobody knew. It took quite a lot of research to find out. Draco's hoping she can flirt with the officials to help our cause, but she's not really into the idea. We haven't totally got her on board with the positives of the condition yet."

Hermione nudged Ron who was absently staring at Tracy while Luna chatted to Harry, apparently unaware of Ron's preoccupation, and relayed the story to him. Ron shook his head in dismay. "I'm surrounded," he said miserably, "First Fleur, now this one, its torture by beautiful woman."

Laughing at his plight Hermione turned her attention back to the table at large. The dinner passed uneventfully given their company. Hermione found Theo surprisingly easy to talk to. Harry and Ron were their usual chatty selves and she found herself relaxing and enjoying the time spent catching up. After desert had been served they came to the main purpose of the evening, fundraising for the War Orphans Trust which Harry patroned, and the ongoing modernization of Hogwarts. Speeches were made, auctions were held and people gave generously, including Draco, Theo and Blaise.

As the evening wore on however, Hermione became increasingly uncomfortable. The speeches had brought to life memories from the war that she'd thought were buried. Australia had proved a beautiful distraction, but apparently she hadn't addressed her true issues there. She kept sipping wine, no longer registering that the glass was magically refilling. When it was finally time to stand and move to the dance floor she stumbled against Ron who grabbed her arm to steady her. "Thank you." She swayed, lost in his reassuring blue eyes for a moment.

"Blimy 'Mione, how much have you had to drink?"

"I don't really know." She felt Harry guide her away and wrap his arm around her shoulders, steering her to the dance floor. "I've missed you." She whispered, overcome with emotion once more. He wrapped her in his arms and moved her gently across the floor.

"I've missed you too." He released her with a chuckle as several flashbulbs went off, no doubt capturing their emotional embrace, and the music changed to a faster pace. Hermione danced with Harry, then Luna, Ron, then Harry again. After another couple of songs she sat down for a break and more wine was pressed into her hand by yet another tiny elf. She looked around for her companions only to find they had been waylaid by Ministry officials on their way to the bar. So she wandered away and sat by herself in a dark corner sipping wine and people watching.. Draco, Theo, Tracy and Blaise had disappeared, she presumed they were trying to sell their pitch to Kingsley.

The atrium had been completely transformed since the night of their fateful battle four years ago. The Fountain of Magical Brethren that had been destroyed during Dumbledore and Voldermort's duel was gone, a simple water and light display in its place. The corridor was still there of course, leading to the Department of Mysteries and she shivered, overcome suddenly by memories. The warmth and frivolity from a few minutes ago dissapaiting, leaving her forlorn and empty. She hated this place, wasn't sure why she'd agreed to come and now she wanted to leave.

Hermione looked over to her best friends, Ron was now cosily dancing with Luna having extracted himself from the busty witch who had cornered him, and it didn't seem fair to ask them to leave. They made such a good couple. Hermione couldn't help but wonder, if she'd returned with them last year, would that be her in Ron's arms now? Probably not if she was honest. Ron thrived on attention and his current fame, while she hated to be in the limelight. They were incompatible as a couple in so many ways and he deserved to be happy. Growing up as the invisible one in a big family made him cherish the adoration he now received.

Even Harry looked more comfortable in the spotlight than she remembered. Watching him chatting easily with a pair of older witches made her stomach clench. Once again she felt like an outsider, observing her own life from the sidelines, rather than participating fully in it.

Her friends all seemed to be thriving. They were happy. Settled in jobs and with partners. Whereas she had none of those things. Harry and Ginny were good enough to give her a place to stay, but even that felt like an intrusion into someone else's space, not something she had that was her own.

Resolving to leave and deal with her misery by herself she stood unsteadily, intending to find Harry and tell him she'd see him in the morning at Grimmauld. But her bladder twinged in protest so she decided to visit the loo first.

As she turned the corner, concentrating harder than was usually necessary on staying upright, she almost missed the small woman hidden in an alcove beside the toilets. "Hermione Granger!" Rita Skeeter stepped out blocking her path.

"Rita." Hermione's heart plummeted; this was the last thing she needed right now. Her defences were low and she was close to breaking down as it was.

"How does it feel to be back in England-"

"I'm not giving interviews tonight." The room was spinning slightly, if she could just get to the toilet, she was sure she would be fine.

"What a shame, the entire wizarding world is simply agog to hear from you. Tell me how are your parents? Have they forgiven you for erasing their entire life's worth of memories?"

Hermione's eyes flashed fire as she fought to stay in control of her emotions, Rita pulled her lime green quill from her handbag, a hungry gleam in her eye.

"I believe the lady said no interviews tonight." Hermione spun violently, coming face to face with Draco Malfoy, who steadied her with a hand as she took a deep breath. Rita scowled furiously at him. "So that-" he motioned to the quill with a deadly smile, "Goes away, as do you, and we'll pretend this never happened."

"One of these days my girl," Rita huffed as she pushed the quill back into her bag and stalked away, swearing under her breath.

"Thank you." Hermione whispered, swaying on the spot and biting her lip to stop herself from breaking down. "How did your pitch go?"

"They don't feel able to commit to new ventures at this time." He said bitterly. "Utter bollocks because they approved Neville Longbottom last week. Basically this-" he gestured to his left forearm- "fucks everything up and they won't endorse ex Death Eaters."

"Oh I'm sorry." She blinked fiercely, not totally sure what she was saying, fighting against the persistent threat of tears.

"It's not your fault Granger, if not for you I'd be in Azkaban alongside my father right now. The same for Theo and Blaise. We've got a lot to thank you for." He stepped back looking intently at her. "Are you alright?"

"I just need to get out of here." She shook her head. "I don't know why I came, Harry asked me as Ginny couldn't make it but, it's bringing everything back and it's too much after being away so long."

He nodded. "Have you told Potter you're going?" She shook her head. "Shall I tell him and see you home safely? Or are you uncomfortable leaving with me? I'd understand if you were, but I need to get out of here too."

"Um no, that would be lovely, thank you. I was just-" she tipped her head towards the ladies and slipped inside as he nodded. When she returned she found Draco waiting alongside Theo, Tracy and Blaise.

"All done." He said, "Saint Potter's been cornered by the man from the War Orphans Trust., He says he'll see you later if you're still up, if not tomorrow morning. Now let's get out of here." Hermione nodded her thanks as she smiled and pulled her coat snugly around her shoulders, shivering in the cool night air as they stepped outside.

An explosion of flashbulbs punctuated their departure and Hermione blinked in annoyance. "Imagine tomorrow's Prophet headlines," Theo laughed, "Golden Girl leaves the Ministry with Death Eater gang!"

"Bugger off Theo." Draco rolled his eyes. Hermione laughed despite herself as she tipped her head back to clear the dots of light still blinding her. "Do you want to go straight home or do you fancy a nightcap somewhere?" Draco asked? "I could use a few firewhiskys after that disaster."

"Can we go home please?" Tracy asked quietly, "I don't really want to deal with any more staring and we could offer Hermione a drink at our house. If you'd like to come with us, that is, no pressure?" She directed this last part at Hermione who sucked in a surprised breath.

"That sounds lovely. If you really don't mind me joining you? I want to get out of here but if I go home I'll probably drive myself mad." The rational part of her brain registered surprise at what she'd just said, but then again she really didn't want to be left alone with her memories and self deprecation right now.

"Right. Granger. I'm going to apparate you then, but I need you to wrap your arms around me and trust me to take you. Currently there's a high splinching risk due to alcohol and I don't want to be responsible for killing you. If you're not comfortable being that close to me then Tracy can take you."

"Here." Theo passed her a small plastic vial with a wink, "told you I had sober up."

"Uh, thank you." She briefly wondered if she was mad to accept anything he gave her to drink but uncorked it and threw back the cool minty flavour liquid anyway. She found she didn't really seem to care as much as usual tonight.

Instantly her head cleared and she blinked in surprise. "Thank you." She handed him the empty vial back

"No problem. Never drink and apparate, I'm all about safety and responsibility, me."

Hermione blinked again as those around her snorted with varying degrees of apparent disbelief.

Hermione stood still as Draco wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head against his chest, grateful for the warmth radiating from him. Finding it oddly soothing after the unsettling evening. Absently she wondered if this level of closeness was strictly necessary now but then again, she found she didn't really care.

There was a pop, the usual nauseating squeeze and a soft landing in the pitch dark. Hermione blinked a few times but couldn't see further than her nose. "Didn't anyone leave a light on? Draco asked as more pops sounded around them.

"Obviously not." Came Theo's voice and Draco lit his wand and led Hermione up an uneven cobble path. Moments later he stopped, murmuring the charms that would drop the wards and let them in. She heard someone, Blaise by the sound of it, doing the same and she felt a magical shimmer as she crossed a boundary.

"Where are we?" she asked, blinking up at the quaint little cottage in front of them.

"Nott Manor." Theo said. "Well the Groundsman's Cottage anyway. The actual manors over there but that's a whole nother story."

The cottage was simple, Hermione saw white walls and a slate roof before Theo pushed the front door open and she followed him over the threshold into a cozy lounge. Theo waved his arm and the candles lit, the soft glowing light illuminating whitewashed walls, soft comfy sofas with snuggly throws and a coffee table strewn with books, magazines and old mugs. "What a lovely house!" Hermione spoke softly and Tracy smiled.

"It wasn't a while back," she said. "I came back a bit earlier than the boys to oversee the work being done on it. I didn't really have a brief, they just said to do it how I thought, and well-" She gestured around.

"You have very good taste." Hermione smiled, suddenly feeling unsure and out of place again. Should she even be here?

"Drink?" Tracy asked, pulling a bottle of firewhisky out of a cupboard and handing it to Draco, "We have wine, firewhisky or soft drinks. I'm going to have Chamomile tea I think."

"That would be lovely please." Hermione followed her to the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't mind me coming back with you?"

"I'm glad you did." She really was stunningly beautiful, graceful and mild mannered, exactly like Fleur. She filled the kettle and set it to boil while rummaging in the cupboard for tea bags. "It's lovely to have some female company, the boys are great but the house gets a little full of testosterone sometimes."

"So do all four of you live here?" Hermione leaned against the counter, looking around, her eyes drawn to little details like homely mugs and comfy cushions. It was certainly not a place she would have expected Draco Malfoy to live.

Tracy nodded. "Yes, after their trials the boys fled to Italy. They invited me and I accepted as I needed some space and time to learn about my condition; I was shocked to discover I was part veela you see-" she clarified at Hermione's look of confusion, "-then I got caught up in the potions and apothecary planning and here I am still. I'm trying to develop my own healing potions and make something that helps with the after effects of the cruciatus curse. A lot of people were affected by it during the war and its effects linger."

"Yes." Hermione hugged her arms around her chest. "They do."

Tracy nodded sympathetically, handing her a steaming mug of the herbal tea. "Unfortunately It's not a reality yet or I'd offer you some to try, but it's something we're working on." Hermione nodded, raising an eyebrow at a raucous shout of laughter from the lounge. "Quite a bit of testosterone around as I said." Tracy smiled fondly and Hermione laughed. "Shall we?"

She led the way into the lounge. Theo and Blaise were perched on one sofa and Draco on the other. Hermione hesitated "Move over Draco please. We need a sofa for some girl talk." He quirked an aristocratic eyebrow but obligingly moved onto a bright blue oversized bean bag, reclining elegantly with one foot crossed over the other knee. Blaise leant forwards and topped up his glass. Theo was rolling what looked like a joint and Hermione hid her surprise when he put it to his lips, flicked a lighter and took a deep drag.

A fruity herbal smell rose into the air and Hermione closed her eyes, reminded of a muggle boy she'd been seeing very briefly in Australia. She sipped her tea as the boys continued their conversation. While she knew that there were some illegal potions available on the black market in Hogwarts, and there were some students who regularly indulged, she herself had no experience with it. Likewise there were some muggle drugs used as well, but in general she had steered clear of most of then.

Tracy shifted in her chair and flicked on some soft music. She pulled her shoes off and curled her legs underneath her. "So you didn't know you had Veela heritage then?" Hermione asked, switching her attention back to the witch at her side.

"Not a clue." Tracy shook her head. "I'm muggle born although my Aunt's a witch. Apparently it was my grandmother but she died at 27 and nobody knew much about her. It was a huge shock to be honest."

"So, you just turned 17 and there it was?"

"More or less!" she laughed, a high melodic sound. "There's a little more to it, the power doesn't fully manifest until you become uh, sexually active."

"Oh!" Hermione blushed. "Is it true then, that Veela are very, you know, sexual? Oh Circe, I can't believe I asked you that! you don't need to answer!"

"That's okay, I don't mind. Yes we are very sexual but it's controllable once you learn how. I was in a bit of a pickle when it first manifested but Blaise's Mum taught me a lot. Cover your ears boys, this is ladies' conversation."

Theo passed the joint to Draco and sipped his drink, "Your talking about sex with a very attractive witch sitting on the sofa beside you. We're interested."

Tracy smiled indulgently at him and Hermione blushed once more under the scrutiny of Theo's extraordinary blue eyes. "Mister Nott kindly refrain from embarrasing our guest."

"Oooooh talk posh to me Trace, you know it turns me on." He laughed as she tossed a cushion at him. Throwing up a hand he turned it around wandlessly, silently sending it soaring back to her. She caught it with another smile.

Impressed with his show of power Hermione shifted in her seat, stifling a yawn. "What were you doing in Australia for so long?" Tracy asked. Hermione took a deep breath and explained about modifying her parents' memories for their own protection and sending them away. Then how after extensive research and study, she'd been unable to bring them back.

"So I did something I really shouldn't have done in the end." She admitted, catching a tear in a tissue Tracy conjured for her; "I disillusioned myself and when the adoption panel sat I hid secretly in the room. It all went smoothly and there was no question that my parents were perfect candidates. If there'd been problems though I was ready to Imperio the panel so my parents got the go ahead."

It was the first time she'd admitted that out loud and why she'd done so in a room full of Slytherins, particularly these Slytherins she had no idea. When she looked up Tracy was smiling sadly. She took Hermione's hand in her own. Draco leaned forward offering the joint to Tracy who shook her head. He moved on to Hermione and then Blaise who also declined before handing it back to Theo. His eyes flickered with something akin to sympathy or understanding, she couldn't be sure which.

"I'm glad I didn't have to though, I've never used that spell before."

"It's a good thing you didn't then, It takes a bit of practice otherwise it can be temperamental." Draco's eyes were unreadable now, his face carefully blanked. "For what it's worth Granger, your obliviating them and sending them away saved their lives. There was a plan afoot."

She stared at him for a long minute and he met her gaze as the full implications of his words sank in. "Then I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I didn't have to intervene at the adoption hearing too. They got their adoption on merit and I kept my conscience clean."

"I wonder what that feels like?" Draco raised his eyebrow as Hermione's eyes shot wide. "Kidding Granger. I'm glad for you too and I'm sorry you couldn't bring your parents back to you. That's tough."

"Thank you. I'm sorry you didn't get what you were hoping for tonight."

He held her gaze again for a moment. "Me too. Thank you." The air hung heavy in the room as they stared at each other. Time seemed to stand still as she took in his full lips, the cut of his jaw and the moonlight blonde hair falling softly over his forehead. He was staring at her just as intently and she jumped when someone on the other sofa cleared their throat noisily.

"What is it you're planning then?" She asked vaguely, trying to steer the conversation back onto less alarming ground.

"Several things. Potions theory is my interest and I've been told I'm pretty good at it. Theo has a flair of genius for concocting new potion blends, Blaise has the business sense to pull it all together and market it. Tracy has an interest in psychology and mental healing. We're aiming to clean up Nott manor and set it up as our home, office and brewing area. Then we'll build in a treatment and therapy space and possibly in time add a kind of healing spa mixed with treatments for mental health. As, to be brutally honest, what's available in our world at the moment is a bag of shit."

"It really is." Hermione agreed absently. "I think that's a wonderful idea and if those Ministry officials cant see the potential then they're truly just as stupid as I thought."

"They see the potential, they just don't want to associate themselves with us." He said bitterly

"That's ridiculous." She pulled the tendrils of hair that had escaped her once sleek bun out of her eyes and regarded him intently. She was deeply impressed with his idea and the beginnings of a plan was forming. Sparking her restless brain out of its long term inertia.

"That's reality. We've got the money, we've got the premises, we're good to go."

"So why aren't you?"

"Because we just got turned down- Granger what is it? I can see your brain working from here."

"Well I thought Slytherin was supposed to be the most resourceful house?" She waved away three sets of raised eyebrows and Tracy's knowing smile. "You were chatting to Slughorn. Snape is, correct me if I'm wrong, your Godfather Malfoy?" He nodded. "So why do you need Ministry backing? Set up independently. Most of the magical world views the Ministry with suspicion and would probably view you with curiosity. You start proving yourself and you'll grow bigger. Then you'll get the interest of the Ministry if that's still what you want."

"I've been saying this all along!" Theo said, jumping up from the couch, "Some of us are rather too entrenched in our parents' political beliefs though," He glared daggers at Draco, "and are unwilling to go against the establishment. I say fuck the Ministry."

"I grew up with Harry and Ron," Hermione smiled, catching Theo's enthusiasm, "with quite a bit of influence from Ron's twin brothers. Remember them? They taught me that anything is possible if you just have enough nerve. If Harry had listened to the Ministry while defeating Voldermort, we would be in a rather different situation to the one we're in now."

Hermione raised a brow as everyone in the room shuddered at her casual use of that name.

"I think Hermione's right." Tracy said, "If you want something, go and get it. We just need some curse breakers in the manor and we can start. We're in the lucky position of having plenty of money behind us. You own it Theo. No one can tell us what we can and can't do in your house."

"We can set up a meeting with Snape. Slughorn's too bothered by connections but Snape's never felt the need to fit in has he?" Blaise said.

Draco was staring at them all as if they'd lost their minds. "And how many curse breakers do you know who don't work for the Ministry?"

"As it happens," Hermione said timidly, "I know one."

"You seriously think we can do this?" One by one Theo, Tracy and finally Blaise nodded. "And what about you Granger, what are your plans now you're back in England? Are you just giving timely advice here or are you planning on getting involved?" As he glanced at Blaise and Theo. "You two, a word?" curiously Hermione watched the three men stand and leave the room at Draco's curt invitation.

Minutes later Theo stuck his head around the door interrupting the conversation Hermione and Tracy were having, "Sorry girls, Trace, got a sec?"

Her forehead crinkled elegantly as she stood. "I'm sorry Hermione, they're being ever so rude. Excuse me a moment."

"No problem," Hermione shifted nervously. She picked at the hem of her skirt looking at the clock, shocked to see that it was nearly two in the morning. Eventually the others came back into the room and Tracy settled herself back on the sofa smiling softly.

"Granger. Hermione," Draco said. "Would you be interested in joining us in our venture? It would appear that we need someone who can move us forwards. Your lack of reliance on the ministry, or anyone for that matter would be of great use to us right now. We don't have a lot to offer just yet. We can give accommodation and a very basic wage and there's a whole lot of work that needs doing. Hopefully we'll be successful in time and that will change though."

"Are you serious?" Hermione stared at him in shock, looking from one to the next before settling back on Draco as she considered the matter briefly. When they all nodded she jumped to the edge of the sofa in excitement, all worries of the lateness of the hour forgotten, "Merlin yes! I've got no job here. I was going to have to start applying. This is perfect. Yes please, I'd love to join you."