MacGyver x Scorpion

Murdoc + Scorpion + Collins + Love

Chapter 4

(Doctors rushed to the ambulance van with Mac who was on the bed bleeding out. They all got in the van and drove off. Riley following close behind. Ambulance was speeding, missing every light with the sirens on. Inside the van the doctors were getting the defibrillator because Mac's heart was not beating)

DOCTOR: Clear!

(First try didn't work)

DOCTOR: Clear!

(Second try didn't work aswell)

DOCTOR: Clear!

(The third time didn't work aswell)

DOCTOR: Clear!

(The fourth time was a success)

DOCTOR: He lost a lot of blood! He needs surgery now!

(They arrived at the hospital. So did Riley right behind them. She informed Matty what happened while she was driving to the hospital)

DOCTOR: Everyone make way!

(They got into the operating room. Now the only thing left to do Is wait and pray. Riley sitting on one of the chairs being in a different world in her head. Her hands red in dried out blood. She didn't even think about going to wash up. Everyone from the Phoenix and Centipide show up)

BOZER: Riley.

(She stands up and hugs Bozer tight while tears flowing down her cheeks. After Bozer all of them hugged Riley)

PAIGE: What happened exactly?

RILEY: (her voice shaking) Um….we were…were on the balcony and…and uhh…we heard a gunshot. And then I see Mac…laying on the ground…covered in-in…blood. (sobbing)

(Paige goes to Riley and takes her hand)

PAIGE: Let's go to the bathroom. You need to wash.

(Riley nodded and went to the bathroom with Paige)

PAIGE: He will be okay.

RILEY: I…I-I love him. I don't want to lose him. (sobbing)

(Paige goes and hugs Riley and tells her..)

PAIGE: You will not lose him. He will live. Does he know that you love him?

RILEY: No…but I was going to tell him. But he said he wanted to talk to me about something so I didn't get a chance.

PAIGE: You will tell him. He is gonna live. And if you ever need anything I'm right here.

RILEY: Thanks. (sobbing)

PAIGE: Anytime.

2 hours later

(No news yet. Everyone was pacing in the hallway waiting for the doctors to come out. Walter and Toby went together to get some coffee)

TOBY: You okay 197?

WALTER: I just can't believe what is happening to us these days.

TOBY: Yeah me neither.

WALTER: Plus…Collins is still in the wind.

TOBY: Why don't you ask your mom? Maybe she knows where he is?

(Walter looks at Toby wondering why did he say that)

WALTER: That's screwed up man. You don't say that.

TOBY: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I was trying to be helpful. I mean I know you barely speak with each other while she is on the other side of the world.

WALTER: Stop being helpful!

TOBY: It's good to have you back 197.

(Walter is so confused. First Toby insults him and then he is nice to him. What? Anyway they get back where everyone is still waiting for news. 10 minutes later a nurse comes out of the operating room. Everyone rushes to her)

NURSE: He is gonna be fine. (smiles)

(Everyone exhaling in relief and start hugging each other)

NURSE: He needs some rest now. You can visit him tomorrow morning. You can all get some sleep now.

(As everyone left to go home only Bozer and Riley stayed at the hospital till morning. Riley was the first one to wake up while Bozer was asleep. She checks her watch: 9:38 AM. As a nurse walks by her Riley stood up and asked..)

RILEY: Can I go see Angus MacGyver?

NURSE: Sure. He is awake.

RILEY: Thank you.

(As Riley walks in Mac's room she was so happy to see him alive)


MAC: Hey. (smiles)

RILEY: How are you feeling?

MAC: Like I've been shot in the stomach. (laughs)

(Riley laughs and looks at him while he was doing the same)

MAC: Were you here all night?

RILEY: Of course I was.

MAC: Riles…you didn't have to stay here all night.

RILEY: Yes I did. Plus I was not alone. Bozer is here too, but he is asleep still.

(There was a small period of time of silence. Both of them didn't stop looking each other in the eyes)

MAC: Thank you Riley. (smiles)

RILEY: For what?

MAC: For everything. For everything you done for me. (as he takes her hand)

RILEY: Always Mac. Like I told you you are never alone. I'm here for you always.

(Riley squeezes Mac's hand tight as she can't stop looking at him)

MAC: Any news about who the shooter is?

RILEY: No. But we examined the bullet and…you got shot from the most powerful sniper in the world.

MAC: What? (raises eyebrows)

RILEY: Yeah.

MAC: It has to be Murdoc.

RILEY: Yeah but where did he find the most powerful sniper?

MAC: Probably the black market. And we gave him 10 million dollars so he probably bought it with that money.

RILEY: Yeah probably.

MAC: So Miss Davis when can I get out of this bed? (smiles)

RILEY: Well Mr. MacGyver, the doctor said 2 days minimum.

MAC: Oh, boy. (laughs)

(They both were talking for a long time but neither of them confessed their feelings)

The next day 19:00 PM

(Mac, Riley and Bozer are having some fun moments playing games, watching TV and a lot of other stuff)

MAC: So where are the Centipide guys?

BOZER: They went on some kind of event hosted by Mr. Elia who ever that is.

MAC: You don't know Mr. Elia? Boze, you disappointed me.

BOZER: Wha..I..(as Mac and Riley started laughing) Alright smartass, do you know Zac Efron?

MAC: Um….

BOZER: Wow Mac you disappointed me so much. Like wow.

(They all started laughing until Bozer's and Riley's phone buzzed)

RILEY: It's Matty.

MAC: Duty calls kids. Go to work.

RILEY: It's gonna be weird without you.

MAC: I mean…I kind of need this break you know? (laughs)

BOZER: Alright well…see you bro.

MAC: Bye guys.

RILEY: Bye Mac.

(Mac didn't tell Riley how he felt. He didn't want to do it in the hospital. When he gets out that's the first thing he wlll do. Riley and Bozer arrive at the Phoenix but they see Russ and Desi outside running for the car)

BOZER: Hey Russ! What's happening?

RUSS: The Centipide guys called us. Murdoc and Mark are there with a lot of people with guns. I'll tell you over the comms we need to go now!

(They all get into the car and Desi is driving cause she is…a scary and aggressive driver. That's what they needed now)

RILEY: Russ, tell us what's going on.

RUSS: Alright, the Centipide guys are stuck on the top floor. They locked the building using the technology so that Murdoc and Mark can't go anywhere. Now we are off to get a chopper so we can get in the building from the roof.

BOZER: And why a tac team isn't here with us?

RUSS: They are on other missions. All of them. Just our luck huh?

RILEY: Literally…

(Meanwhile at Mr. Elia's event. Walter, Paige, Happy, Toby and Sylvester are on the top floor and can't go anywhere. The people have guns and all they have are laptops)

SLY: What do we do now?!

PAIGE: Well I just called Phoenix they are on their way.

WALTER: Happy? What's going on down there?

(Happy opens the laptop so they can check the security cameras)

HAPPY: Okay, so they have 3 men on each floor searching for us. Murdoc and Mark are just sitting in the lobby. And there are 2 men holding everyone hostage in the event room.

TOBY: What to they even want from Elia?

WALTER: No, they don't want anything from him. They want to kill us. End us.

SLY: Great…

TOBY: Oh man it's like 5 years ago (2x06) all over again but this time terrorists are trying to kill us.

PAIGE: Just calm down. We will be fine.

SLY: Sure…


SLY: How can I stay calm?! Terrorists are trying to kill us!

(As they are all arguing Walter smells something)

WALTER: Guys! Do you smell that?

(They all sniffed and realized that the building is on fire somewhere)

WALTER: Happy check the cameras.

HAPPY: Server room is on fire! Looks like the servers overheated.

TOBY: Can this go any worse?!

WALTER: Yeah. The fire will spread fast. We can't stay here for long.

(But then they all hear a helicopter. As they look out the window they all see a helicopter approaching the building and landing on the roof)

PAIGE: That's gotta be them.

On the roof

RUSS: Alright so it's nine of us against a whole army. Shouldn't be too hard. (sarcastically)

RILEY: The building is on fire by the way. I saw smoke coming out of the 20th floor.

BOZER: Perfect…

DESI: Okay let's not waste time!

(They got into the building and went to the room that the Centipide guys were in. They knocked on the door)

RILEY: It's us. Open up.

(Toby opens the door and they got in)

BOZER: How is the event going guys? (sarcastically)

TOBY: It cannot be better if you ask me. (sarcastically)

RUSS: What's the situation?

WALTER: So they have 3 men on each floor searching for us. And the 20th floor is on fire. Servers overheated and they got on fire.

DESI: Why are they here? What do they want?

SLY: To kill us.

(When Walter heard Sylvester say that, he knew what their plan is)

WALTER: Wait…this was their plan. This was their endgame. Us and you guys to be together so they can end us all.

RUSS: Okay we need to move. We need to take out everyone who is searching the floors. You all know martial arts right?

(No answer. Complete silence)

RUSS: Right…Alright here is the plan. I'll go with…Toby and Happy. Desi, you'll go with Sylvester and Walter.

DESI: Copy.

RUSS: Bozer, Riley and Paige you 3 stay here. Bozer go outside and stand infront of the door. Riley you'll watch the security cameras and keep up in the loop.

RILEY: Gotcha.

RUSS: Ready Centipide?

PAIGE: Scorpion. We are Scorpion.

(Walter and Paige both look at each other with happiness)

RUSS: Alright then Scorpion, let's go.

(They all went out. Bozer went out and closed the door)

RUSS: Alright good luck and be careful.

WALTER: Thanks, you too.

(Russ, Happy and Toby went down on the 28th floor while Desi, Walter and Sylvester were on the 29th. Russ and Desi led the way because they were the only one with guns. Russ spotted 1 man sitting in the middle of the hallway turned in the opposite direction. Russ stealthy went behind him and took him out with his gun. He caught him before he fell on the floor cause that would have made too much noise. There were 2 guards somewhere on the floor and there were 10 offices. Russ told Happy and Toby that it was clear. Desi, Walter and Sylvester were searching the floor but they found no one. But they hear the elevator coming up. It was on the 28th floor when they looked and it didn't stop there. Since the elevator couldn't go on the top floor 29th was the last option. Desi told Walter and Sly to go and hide in one of the offices. They did that. When the elevator stopped Desi was next to it. The doors opened and Murdoc came out of it. He turned to walk in the opposite direction and Desi quietly went behind him and putted her gun on his back)

DESI: Stop! Turn around Murdoc!

(Murdoc turns around wearing a new suit. He changed his look after 4 years)

MURDOC: Desiree, so nice to see you. What do you say about the new suit?

DESI: Dashing. Where did you get it from? (sarcastically)

MURDOC: It's an exclusive club.

(Murdoc using his quickness he pushes Desi's arms. She couldn't react. Her gun slipped out of her hands. Now it was fist fight. Murdoc punching Desi in the face and stomach and Desi doing the same. This is gonna take a while. Meanwhile Russ, Toby and Happy cleared out all of the floor and made it to the 21st. One floor above from the fire. But they had a problem. The floor somehow collapsed in the middle of the hallway. They couldn't jump cause it was too big. If they missed they will be burned alive)

RUSS: Crap. Now what?

(They couldn't pass the big hole in the middle of the hallway so Happy thought of something)

HAPPY: I have an idea. If we find a rope up here we can break a window and climb down to the 19th floor.

RUSS: That is a bonkers idea. I love it.

TOBY: Am I the only one who doesn't want to do this?


RUSS: But you will do it.

TOBY: Fantastic…

HAPPY: Stop being a baby.

(They all went searching for a rope. They checked everwhere. And Russ found one)

RUSS: Got one.

HAPPY: Great. Now go break that window.

(Russ shoots it so it breaks. Happy tied the rope to something strong enough to hold. Now the question is…)

HAPPY: So who goes first?

(Russ and Toby looked at each other. Once they looked at each other they knew they both had the same idea. They lift one hand up and…)

RUSS AND TOBY: Rock, papers, scissors shoot. (it was a draw)

RUSS AND TOBY: Rock, papers, scissors shoot. (it was another draw)

(Happy was sitting there looking at 2 children. She sighed and decided to go)

HAPPY: Alright children I'll go first.

(They all went down and the last one was Toby. Of course. He was scared but slow and steady always works. Well not this time. As he was half way the thing that Happy tied the rope to started breaking)

HAPPY: Toby you have to hurry up! Come on!

(Toby made it. As soon as he stepped on the floor the thing broke and fell down with the rope)

TOBY: I could have died.

HAPPY: It's not your first time. Let's go.

(Meanwhile Walter and Sylvester haven't heard from Desi for like 3 minutes)

WALTER: Somethings wrong. Sly, stay here and what ever happens don't go out.

SLY: Walter…be careful please.

WALTER: Always.

(Desi and Murdoc still fighting, blood dripping from their noses and eyebrows. But then Murdoc throws a hard right hook and knocks out Desi)

MURDOC: You…(trying to catch his breath) are a real pain in the ass.


(Murdoc turns around and sees Walter looking at him. Walter couldn't forget what Murdoc did to him. He couldn't even sleep cause he can't get that moment out of his head. Walter wanted to beat his ass so bad. He was practicing martial arts with Cabe before he went on an undercover mission. Yes he lied to Russ)

MURDOC: Walter…so nice to see you again. Why do you have scars on your face?

WALTER: You son of a bitch! (as he charges at Murdoc)

(Walter punching Murdoc in the face he had the advantage at first. Murdoc didn't have full energy cause he was fighting with Desi for 3 minutes. But Murdoc threw a punch into Walter's unhealed ribs. He falls down and couldn't get up. But next to him he saw Desi's gun. He tried to reach it but…)

MURDOC: Not so fast. (as Murdoc pulls out his gun)

WALTER: Just…get it over with. (as he closes his eyes)

MURDOC: As you wish.

(Walter didn't hear a gunshot, instead he heard that someone tackled Murdoc. His eyes still closed he is hearing punches. When the fighting stopped he slowly opened his eyes and saw…)


CABE: You can't do anything without me can't you kid? (as he helps him get up)

WALTER: How…where…what are you doing here?

CABE: Well I finished my mission. And then I saw the news about the building and thought you might be here cause it's Mr. Elia's event. (smiles)

WALTER: Where did you get in from?

CABE: The roof. I met with Paige. You guys are back together I see.

WALTER: Yeah long story.

(Walter rushes over to Desi to check if she is okay)

WALTER: Desi? Desi? Are you okay? Wake up. (as he shakes her)

(She wakes up and she was confused)

DESI: What happened?

WALTER: Well Murdoc knocked you out.

DESI: Who are you?

CABE: My name is Cabe. You okay kid?

DESI: Yeah, I'm fine.

CABE: Good, let me just cuff this gentleman and let's move. He'll be out for 2 hours minimum.

WALTER: By then the whole building will be on fire so we better move.

(They went to pick up Sylvester. When Sylvester saw Cabe he was shocked)

SLY: Cabe?!

CABE: Hey Alderman. (as they hug)

(On the 10th floor Russ, Happy and Toby got their hands full. They faced 3 men with guns. Russ got an idea)

RUSS: Hey! Over here help us!

(The 3 armed men turned around and that's when Russ, Toby and Happy made their moves. The 3 of them knocked out the armed men. Toby is using the boxing skills Cabe thought him. Now the problem is that Desi, Walter, Cabe and Sylvester missed one man on the 29th floor. The man got up the stairs to the 30th and final floor where Bozer, Riley and Paige were at. The armed man knocked out Bozer with his gun and opened the door. Riley and Paige turned around to see an AK 47 pointed at them)

MAN: Come with me. You will join the others downstairs. NOW!

RILEY: Okay okay, just don't shoot.

(As they started walking towards him someone knocked him out from behind. Bozer could not have woken up that fast. So when he revealed him self they saw…)

RILEY: Jack?!

JACK: What's up Riley? Hell of a party you got here.

(Riley runs towards him and hugs him so tight. It was Jack. He's back. Alive. But what was he doing here?)

RILEY: What-What are you doing here?

JACK: Well I finished my mission. Kovac is dead and I came back. And I heard the news…well Matty told me.

RILEY: I can't believe you are back! (as she hugs him again)

JACK: And who might this be?

RILEY: Paige this is Jack. Jack this is Paige.

PAIGE: Nice to meet you.

JACK: Nice to meet you too. So anyone want to fill me in?

RILEY: Well, Murdoc and Mark Collins…he is someone new…are down in the lobby and their men have hostages. 3 men are on each floor searching for us. Now Russ and Desi and some other guys from Centip…I mean Scorpion they all went to take them out floor by floor.

JACK: Am I suppose to know who Russ is?

RILEY: You'll meet him later.

(Jack turns around and looks at Bozer)

JACK: We should probably wake him up huh?

RILEY: Should we? (laughs)

(Jack laughs as he goes to wake up Bozer. When Bozer wakes up he sees Jack. He thought he was dreaming still)

BOZER: Jack?! Wait…am I dreaming?

JACK: No you are not. (laughs)

(Bozer stood up as quickly as he could and hugged Jack. He couldn't believe he was here)

BOZER: Is the job done?

JACK: Yeah. By the way…where is Mac?

RILEY: Um…he is at the hospital.

JACK: What?! Why?

RILEY: Murdoc snipped him in the stomach.

JACK: I think that SOB had enough of life.

(Another armed men walked behind them. He knocked out Bozer with his gun and before he could grab Jack, Jack turned around and punched him. The punch made the armed man drop the gun. Jack was throwing hooks and uppercuts, but so did the man)

RILEY: Jack!

JACK: Stay back you two!

(Eventually Jack found him self being strangled from behind. He tried to get himself free but he couldn't. Riley panicking she couldn't think straight. She didn't know what to do)


(Jack's face turning fully red. He was begging to lose consciousness, but someone knocked out the man and Jack was free. He was struggling to breath and coughing a lot. But who knocked out the man? Well that question was answered when they saw…)


MAC: Starting the party without me?

RILEY: What are you doing here?

MAC: Well I saw the news. My friends needed me.

(As Jack stood up he looked at Mac. Mac and Jack haven't seen eachother for 2 years. They are best friends. Mac was so happy to see Jack alive. They both hugged each other so tight they almost couldn't breathe. But it was worth it. While they were hugging each other Riley and Paige were confused. How did Mac get here? How did he get out of the hospital? How did he get on the roof? How was he walking? It was only 2 days since he was shot and he is walking around like nothing happened. Mac is a machine. That's what he is. Paige leaned towards Riley and whispered to her)

PAIGE: He is yours.

(As Mac and Jack broke up the hug Mac looked at Riley. She had the biggest smile on her face. He goes and hugs her)

MAC: Are you okay?

RILEY: I should be asking you that.

MAC: (chuckles) I'm fine. (as he hugs Paige) Are you okay?

PAIGE: I'm fine.

RILEY: I have so many questions right now.

MAC: Well…let's just say that I'm a secret agent. (as he winks at her)

(She blushes. Nothing new. Mac and Jack needed to go down there and help the others)

MAC: Okay Paige and Riley you go and wake up Bozer. Me and Jack will go down there and help the others.

RILEY: Are you sure? I mean… you were shot like two days ago.

MAC: I'll be fine Riles trust me. You trust me right?

RILEY: Of course I do. What kind of a question is that? (smiles)

MAC: Hey you ready to go and make Bruce Willis proud?

JACK: Oh…you bet.

(Russ, Happy and Toby were on the 5th floor. Desi, Walter, Sylvester and Cabe were on the 19th. They did the exact same thing that Russ, Happy and Toby did. They found a rope and went down. Now since the floors are too big, they kept missing at least 1 guy on every floor. That gave Mac and Jack some time to have fun. They see 2 armed men sitting in the middle of the hallway looking in the opposite direction. Same situation Russ was in. They weren't stealthy and they made a lot of noise behind them. When the 2 men turned around Mac and Jack were right behind. They knocked the guns out of there hands. Now it was a fist fight. Mac couldn't fight that well but he still was able to knock out the guy. Jack threw a right hook and the guy didn't know where he was. Wobbling around)

JACK: That felt good didn't buddy?! But I think my left is getting jealous! (as he throws a left hook and knocks out the guy) Woooo! I've missed this!

(Russ, Toby and Happy arrived on the bottom floor. They see Mark just sitting there on a chair. He was holding some kind of a remote)

RUSS: Don't move! Get up.

MARK: It must have been a challenge to get down here. I'm impressed. But I would put my gun down if I were you.

RUSS: And why is that?

(Mark lifts his left hand holding a remote)

MARK: This my friend is a detonator.

(Riley sees that on the cameras. She turns the sound on and listens Mark...)

MARK: On the 22nd floor I have planted a bomb. Now when I pressed this button….kaboom! (laughs) Let's just say that it will collapse the whole building in seconds. Everyone in this building…dead.

RUSS: You will die too.

MARK: Yeah well..I don't have anything to live for anyway. So I don't care. But you do. Thousands of people in that event room will die.

TOBY: You are sick!

MARK: Thank you. Now…put the gun down and back away.

(Russ looks at Happy and Toby. Russ is furious but he had no choice. He puts the gun on the floor and backs away. Riley heard every bit of that conversation. Now she knew that on the 23rd floor there was the best bomb tech she knew. She picks up the phone and calls Mac. Mac answers the phone)

MAC: Riles.

RILEY: Mac, Mark has planted a bomb on the 22nd floor somewhere. Russ, Happy and Toby are down there but they can't do anything cause Mark is holding the detonator. If that bomb explodes the building will collapse in seconds. You need to find it and disarm it.

MAC: Alright Riles. (as he hangs up)

JACK: What is it?

MAC: There is a bomb on the floor beneath us. We need to find it.

JACK: Let's go.

(Mac and Jack arrive on the 22nd floor and start searching. They searched everywhere. Offices, closets, bathrooms and Mac found it. It was hidden behind the toilet seat)

MAC: I found it! Now the hard part.

(There was a lot of wires. But lucky for Mac he knew which ones to cut. It wasn't easy disarming it but he disarmed it. Mac picks up the phone and calls Riley)

MAC: Riley, the bomb is disarmed.

RILEY: Good job. (as she hangs up) Now how do we let them know?

PAIGE: Wait…Desi, Walter, Sylvester and Cabe aren't down there yet. Maybe we can tell them.

RILEY: Good idea! (she picks up the phone and calls Desi) Des. Russ, Happy and Toby are down there with Mark but they can't do anything cause he has a detonator in his hand. But Mac disarmed the bomb. So when you go down there you can grab him. If he presses the detonator it won't do anything.

DESI: Copy that.

(Desi, Walter, Sylvester and Cabe arrived in the lobby)

MARK: Oh look. Your friends arrived. Walter, I can barely believe you can even walk.

(Toby and Happy both saw Cabe)

TOBY: Cabe?

CABE: What's up Doc?

(Desi approaching Mark slowly. Mark shows the detonator but Desi is not stopping)

MARK: I'll press this and we will all die so back off!

(Desi is not backing off. But she knows the bomb is disarmed)

MARK: Well, you asked for it. (as he presses the detonator)

(Nothing happened. It was complete silence. Mark pressed the detonator again and again nothing happens. He then doesn't stop pressing the detonator until Desi punches him in the face)

DESI: Were ballons suppose to come out or something? Let me give you some advice. Next time don't say the location of the bomb.

(Mark is furious. His plan didn't work. He got caught and he was about to go the the blacksite. But first…)

DESI: Now you are gonna tell your friends to come out of the event room.

(Mark picks up his walkie-talkie)

MARK: Get yourselves in the lobby.

(As Russ ties him up, Cabe and Desi go in front of the door. When the 2 armed men come out they see Cabe and Desi pointing guns at them)

CABE: Guns on the ground now!

(They put down their guns and Desi goes and cuffs them. Toby and Walter open the door so the fire department, SWAT team and police can come in. Mission accomplished. Murdoc and Mark will be heading to the blacksite. Desi calls Mac)

DESI: Hey. We have Collins.

MAC: What about Murdoc?

DESI: Oh he is out cold on the 29th.

JACK: How did we not see him?

DESI: Wait…is that Jack?!

MAC: Yeah. He came by to say hi and lend us a hand. Okay we will go and get him. (as he hangs up)

JACK: Wait…man, I ain't going up 7 floors.

MAC: Yeah you are man. Come on, a chopper is gonna pick us up from the roof.

(When they arrived on the 29th they found Murdoc out cold. They both laugh at him)

JACK: Can I hit him once?

MAC: No. I would love to see that but no.

JACK: Fine…

(Meanwhile on the first floor Mark meets Walter)

WALTER: You can't learn from your mistake can you?

MARK: I love being myself. I don't want to change.

WALTER: That's the reason why you will be locked away for the rest of your life.

MARK: (chuckles) See you soon Walter.

(As Mark walks away with one police man behind him Paige approaches Walter)

PAIGE: You okay?

WALTER: You know…I've never been happier in my life. We got Scorpion back, I have you again. I can't be happier. (as he kisses Paige on the lips)

The Phoenix Foundation

MATTY: Well everyone. Fantastic job. Mark and Murdoc are off to spend their lifes behind bars. All the people that were at the event are okay. Nobody hurt and everyone is back with their families. And we couldn't have done this without Scorpion.

MAC: Thank you. All of you. (smiles)

(They all start hugging each other. Mac and Walter shake hands. It's not gonna be the last time they work together that's for sure)

MAC: It was a real pleasure working with you Walter. Not the last time I hope.

WALTER: If you guys need us, we are here anytime. Well…if we're not out of the country that is. (laughs)

MAC: (chuckles) Yeah. If you need us too, we are here always. (smiles)

WALTER: Thank you man. And...(as he looks at Riley) tell her already.

MAC: I will today. (smiles)

(Paige and Riley hug each other before Scorpion leaves)

PAIGE: (whispers) Tell him today. You will get the answer you want. Trust me.

(Riley looks Paige in the eyes and nods)

MAC: Listen everyone! We have to have dinner all of us together. Tomorrow evening?

TOBY: And I know just the place. Kovelsky's.

MAC: Oh yes! (laughs)

WALTER: Alright. Bye everyone and see you tomorrow!

(The Phoenix says bye to Scorpion)

JACK: Well I need to go aswell. I need to go to Washington to debrief things about Kovac.

MAC: Alright man. But you'll be back for tomorrow right?

JACK: Yeah. I will. Don't worry. (smiles)

(As Jack goes to get ready, Scorpion gets in the car that is parked outside of the Phoenix)

TOBY: I don't like silence. So let's turn on some music!

(He turns on Scorpions – Rock you like a hurricane)

SLY: Our theme song!

TOBY: You know it!

Mac's house

(Mac and Riley both come home exhausted. Riley goes on the balcony and leanes on the rails to look at LA. Mac goes to the kitchen to grab 2 beers. When he goes on the balcony he sees Riley looking at LA, so he puts down the beers on the ground and goes to tell her how he feels)

MAC: Hey.


MAC: What a day.

RILEY: Don't you think you should be at the hospital?

MAC: Nah, I think I'm alright.

RILEY: Whatever you say. (smiles)

MAC: (clears throat)

(There was a small moment of silence until…)

MAC AND RILEY: I have something to tell you.

MAC: Okay, you go first.

RILEY: No, no you can go first.

MAC: Um, okay. I wanted to tell you this before I was shot. (clears throat) I don't need to start like last time right?


MAC: Riley I love you. Uh… I've been in love with you since Germany. Everytime I'm with you I am the happiest person alive. And it's okay if you don't feel the same way. I just-I just wanted for you to know.

(Riley's eyes are watering. She doesn't know how to react but she knows what to say)

RILEY: Mac…I love you too.

(Mac is lost. His tongue is tied up. So instead of saying anything, he leans forward and kisses Riley on the lips. You reading this, imagine Mac and Riley kissing on the balcony at night with LA in the backround :D)

MAC: So what were you going to say?

RILEY: I did. (smiles) Now where is the bedroom?