Quirks were bullshit.

Every parent knew that. Hell, every person knew that and pretty much everyone just accepted that there was some random bullshit that they could do for no reason whatsoever. In Inko's case, she could attract small objects, she abused this physics defining ability to be mildly good at baseball in highschool, but mostly she used it to help her around the house. Her husband could breathe fire, he used his quirk to perform party tricks when he went drinking with his company, this impressed his bosses enough that he had been given several important positions overseas. If it wasn't for their son, Inko would happily be traveling alongside her husband.

In theory, her son Izuku had a quirk.

In theory.

They went to the doctor and they said that he had a quirk.

Nothing manifested.


No random quirks that gave away whatever the hell her son's actual quirk would be? No love for spicy food, the incident where he burned his tongue on hot chocolate last winter shattered her assumptions that maybe her baby was just fireproof or something mundane like that. But nope. Nothing. Her son liked to draw, she knew that much. But his quirk certainly wasn't drawing well.

It wasn't luck either. Her son had terrible luck. But not so terrible that terrible luck was his quirk. Maybe her son's quirk was just being average? Or maybe it was having freckles? Honestly he could get hit by a car and he'd just live and they could find out that his quirk is just not dying. There were so many things and her son was showing absolutely no sign of having a single possible quirk.

So again.


Are bullshit.

Just complete and utter bullshit.

Her baby was nine years old and well on his way to living life as a quirkless person. A quirkless person that wanted to be a hero.

Really, this whole thing had caused her to go through so many cycles of depression that her mind was still spinning. Well, at least her son was a smart young boy that would hopefully get into a good school, go to college, meet some nice virtuous girl, get a great job and have his own happy little family and live in a peaceful neighborhood.

With a sigh, Inko wandered over towards her son who was sitting on the couch, hunched over the table as he drew. It was mostly random what her son drew, sometimes it was cute, most of the time it was a waste of paper. But this time it made her stop for a moment.

There were eight vaguely humanoid figures all drawn in a line. Six of them had red hair, one had black hair, and one had green hair.

"Izuku?" Inko asked her son hoping that he didn't have a quirk that made him see people that weren't actually there. "Who did you draw there?"

"Hmm?" Izuku tilted his head to the side making a cute expression that made her want to kiss his cheek. He tilted his head again. "I'm not really sure? I think they're my girlfriends? Or maybe my umm, what's it called before you're married?"

"Fiance? But are they all your fiances?"


Her son pointed towards the one that was closest to his green haired character, her red hair was on the longside as well. "This one is Rias, she's one of the stronger ones and she's really smart and really nice, I think she's kind of the boss, but I'm not really sure the others listen to her."

He pointed towards the next redhead, this one the second closest, this one had what looked like fox ears and maybe even had tails. "This one is Kurama. She's a nine tailed fox and she hates it when Rias tells her what to do. She's also really strong, but I don't think she's as smart as Rias. They compete a lot. Her ears and tails are really fluffy though."

"This one is Sakie! She's the oldest. She's also the smartest by like a lot. She also dyes her hair, and tries to dress really plainly. I think she wants to be a teacher. She's not that strong but she's really nice." Her son pointed towards the black haired character, then towards a red haired character that was lying down. "This one is Zero Two. She's really strong but also really lazy, she just likes to lay around and watch cartoons and stuff."

"Next to her is Twenty-One. They have weird names but they get along super good. She really likes to eat sweets and she's super duper strong. Maybe even the strongest." Izuku pulled out another drawing of a pink skinned person with white hair. "She turns different when she's mad."

"Then there's Satania, she's the youngest, younger even than me. She's also kind of stupid, and she might be the weakest." Izuku pointed towards the last character, this one was a bit further away from the others, the face looked mad. "And lastly, this is Tayuya. She's really really angry a lot of the time, but she's not very strong. She's really good at playing music though."

Alright, no more anime for her son. She needed to talk to Mitsuki about what exactly they were doing over at their house.

"Izuku, dear, you know that you should only ever have one girlfriend at a time right?"

"Oh, I know." Izuku smiled up at her with a wide toothy grin. "But you should tell that to them."

Inko just sighed and hoped that this wasn't related to her son's quirk at all.

She was wrong.

Very very wrong.

That wrongness was made very apparent when on Izuku's thirteenth birthday, she met Rias for the first time.

The next day she met Kurama, then Sakie, then Zero Two, then Twenty One, then Satania, and then finally Tayuya.

A different girl each day of the week, with the girl who went last starting the cycle the next week. And all of them claimed to be Izuku's fiance. Well, everyone except Tayuya who was just a bit on the abrasive side.

Of all the girls, Inko liked Sakie and Rias the best.


Quirks were bullshit.

Especially her son's quirk.

Why the fuck was her son's quirk seven girlfriends?

AN: This is a prelude. I literally stayed up until 3 AM writing this and I don't remember actually writing it but hey I apparently wrote it.

Yoji brain: I wanna write a thicc redhead.

Yoji brain: What if I write a bunch of redheads.

Yoji brain:... go on.