The fact that Dwight and Angela could have been together sooner if Dwight hadn't killed Sprinkles bothers me. So here is an AU with Phillip included. WARNING, maybe the time travel won't make any sense, but just ignore all of that lol. Also, english is not my first language so there might be some grammar mistakes, however I hope you enjoy this story :)

I love Dwangela.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Office or its characters in any way.


"This is going to be a very good year. Very good. Jan is at home. Jim is back. My protege Ryan is at corporate. Good stuff. Um… Andy and Dwight are rockin' the sales team. I feel very blessed." Michael told the camera as he drove into the parking lot. BUMP "OH G-" He just ran over someone with his car.

"Oh damn" He heard Meredith yell as she was on the paviment, at least he hadn't hit her, she was pushed out of the way by the guy he did hit. Michael got out of his car as quickly as he could. "Dear God" He saw a young man, maybe Ryan's age, or a little younger on the floor unconcious. His blonde hair was all tousled, his glasses flew across the parking lot and he seemed to have broken his arm. "He appeared out of nowhere"

"Should we take him upstairs?" Meredith asked as she stood up smoothing her skirt. "Yeah, its better if no one else sees this, take him to the entrance, I will park the car" Meredith did as told and was going to drag the guy by his arms. "Gosh Meredith, no! Can't you see that his arm is all twisted? Drag him by the feet"

Michael got into the car again and looked at the camera. "I still feel very blessed, I just hope that the kid is alright,"


"Ladies and Gentlemen. I have some bad news. A young man was hit by a car" Michael said entering the office, everyone frowned, looked at each other and started to murmur. "Right now in the parking lot" Everyone started to talk louder, worry written on some of their faces.

"Did you see the person who hit him?" Jim asked, hoping that Michael hadn't been part of the tale.

Michael seemed a little evasive. "Um, no I did not-"

"Doesn't matter, we can check the security tapes" Dwight said as a matter-o-fact.

"Michael, did you take him to the hospital?" Pam asked a little worried.

"Um... No, he is downstairs with Meredith"

"Did Meredith hit him?" Oscar asked confused.

"No, he saved her, as the car was going to hit her in the first place, and I of course was there immediately"

"But you did not see who did it?" Oscar questioned further.

"I couldn't... Because I was in the car" Michael said looking at his feet.

"Who was driving?" Jim asked, already knowing the answer.

The uncomfortable silence said everything.

"Oh, Michael..." Pam sighed.

The tense atmposphere was cut by Meredith entering the office. "Someone can bring the kid here? He is unconcious downstairs, and I cannot lift his ass" She then proceded to go the kitchen.

"He is unconcious? Michael, why didn't you call 911?" Pam exclaimed worried.

"That number is for real emergencies Pam, not some kid fainting" Michael tried to lower the profile of the situation. He also used that number for people to return his calls, but he did not mention that part.

Jim and Dwight quickly went downstairs to get the boy, followed by Andy who also wanted to help. Some moments later Dwigth entered with the young man on his arms, cautious since his right arm was broken.

"It seems that the kid has a broken arm, he has some scratches on his forehead and cheek, but I don't think he is severly injured" Dwight said walking to the conference room to gently place him on the table. Of course, everyone followed.

"We should check his wallet" Creed said. "Good idea Creed, to see his documents," Andy replied. "Uh, sure, that" Creed said looking at both sides.

"He does not have a wallet, that is very suspicious, he might be a spy" Dwight comented cheking the young man's pockets carefully. The boy had a good amount of money, but no documents, nothing at all. Like he just appeared from thin air. Dwight looked at him closely, something about his face made him suspect that he had already seen him before, but nothing came to his mind.

"He is not a spy, Dwight" Jim clarified. However he also couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

Angela quickly entered the room with a first aid kit. She started cleaning the wound that was on his forehead.

"I think the kid is alright, probably just a normal fainting" Michael tried to brush the subject off.

"When is fainting normal?" Stanley said with his crosspuzzle in his hand. "Michael, the boy has a broken arm because of you" Phyllis commented.

"I do not think is fair to blame everything on me, what was this kid doing here in the first place? He is not a Dunder Mifflin employee. He can be a thief that came to rob something, I might just have saved the company and the building, and everyone inside"

"Someone would come to rob, in the morning?" Toby asked softly.

"Shut up Toby, what do you know? You are divorced" Michael spat at him. He didn't need to deal with Toby right now.

"I think he is waking up!" Pam said drawing everyone's attention back to the boy. He in fact started to stirr in the table, he looked somewhat distressed. Everyone looked at him expectantly like if he was someone extraordinaire.

"Mom?" He managed to say.

"Loser, asking for his mom" Michael laughed but he was shushed by everyone.

"Mom, is that you?" He tried to move but Angela quickly put her hand on his shoulder to keep him down.

"Be careful, you are injured" Angela said uncharacteristically softly. The boy obligued and kept lying down, he hadn't opened his eyes yet. He was disoriented.

"I had a terrible dream..." He rambled dizzily "I was at the farm... Then I got on the tractor... Bam... Then some guy hit me with his car..."

"Well, you are safe now, here at Dunder Mifflin" She assured him.

"Dunder Mifflin?!" He asked bewildered opening his eyes, forgetting about his dizziness. And was surprised by looking at his mother, twenty years younger. It worked, he thought. Remembering the reason why he was there.

"Who are you kid?" Dwight asked, his face mere inches from the young man's face. Phillip looked now at his father, looking so young but still, very like him.

"Dwight, leave him alone, he just woke up" Pam said trying to get him off of Phillip's side.

"No, its alright, I feel okay," Phillip said rubbing his head.

"Ha! See? The kid is okay" Michael interrupted.

"What year is it?" He asked looking at all the familiar faces, looking rather young and strange to him. He knew that the incident of Meredith getting hit by the car was the exact day he needed to arrive, but still, he wanted to make sure.

"2007" Pam told him softly.

"What kind of Back to the Future stuff is this, kid?" Dwight interrogated him. Phillip smiled inwardly, his father hadn't changed a bit in more than 20 years. 2007, he arrived then, just in time. He looked at everyone who seemed expectant.

"My name is Phillip Sch-" He scolded himself, "Phillip, uh, Shklovski" He cringed. I'm so stupid, he thought. He should have waited to think something more clever. In fact he should have thought of that before he even came here.

"Russian? This guy can't be trusted, he is definitely a spy, Michael, I'm going to call the authorities" Dwight exclaimed already going towards his desk phone. Michael stopped him, already annoyed by his employee.

"I'm not russian. Well, my ancestry is russian but I live here, in Scranton, I am an US citizen." Dwight still looked suspicious. He was not going to trust this kid, even if there was something about him that intrigued him.

"Question" Phillip started, Jim gave him and odd look. "Is someone taking me to the hospital? Because I think my right arm is broken" He stated. "Michael, you have to take him to the hospital" Pam intervened. "Ugh, okay, lets go, kid, everyone go back to work" Everyone walked to their desks, bussiness as usual. Still Dwight couldn't shake the feeling that this kid arrived for something. Jim stared at Dwight, and tried to imagine Phillip with glasses. Something didn't add up.


Phillip Halsted Schrute decided after seeing the office documentary that he was going to change what happened between his parents so many years ago. He had seen the documentary three times before he decided to act on it (he always skipped the intimacy of his parents though, it was awkward enough when he saw it the first time). If his father hadn't killed Sprinkles, then things wouldn't have turned sour. There wouldn't have been no Andy, no cheating, no Senator, Isabelle, Esther, any of that. But he knew if he did something, then his existence would be in danger... But he thought it was a risk he was willing to take, he just needed to make sure that his parents would procreate the same day and year, and hopefully he would still be around. The next thing Phillip did was to watch the Back to the Future franchise many times, although time travel related movies had improved by the year 2034. Of course time travel was not common yet, very few have discovered the secrets of time, he managed to get a machine, it was just a pocket device really, he got it from a friend, like some type of "Doc" to his "Marty" Nobody knew of course, he would never reveal this to his parents, they would forbid his behaviour, and he didn't blame them, it was in fact, a very dangerous choice.

He had everything ready and planned. He took his wallet, that he would later hide, because if someone found his documents he would be toasted. He took some cash, he memorized some information about 2007 and the events that happened that year. He watched seven times the fourth season of the documentary, just to be sure what to do. He took a lovely picture, (that in fact was the picture of a painting his father insisted of having. It was the family portrait. Dwight, Angela, Mose and little Phillip, he was around 3 years old when it was made) He was sure that the picture could show him if he was doing a good job in the past, much like Marty's family picture in Back to the Future. If he didn't disappear then, it was all good.

His parents were very happy, but Phillip hoped that they could have been happier sooner, and that was enough for him to make this decision.

And then, he was hit by a car. Michael Scott's car. He knew Michael Scott, he had met him a few times before, he even had a crush on one of his daughters, who he met when the Scott family visited Schrute farms. It was weird now, though sitting next to him in the car waiting to get to the hospital.

The hospital.

He couldn't go to the hospital. He didn't have any documents, ID, or anything of the sort. He actually didn't even exist yet.

"Mr. Scott, I can't go to the hospital, I don't have my documents" Phillip said worriedly, but he tried to stay focused, so he wouldn't raise suspicion.

"Well, I bet they can still check you," He answered flatly. "No Mr. Scott, I'm going to be okay," Phillip almost begged.

"Is it because you are russian? Are you like... Illegal?" Michael asked intrigued, whispering the last part. "No is not that, its just, uh" he was running out of ideas. Maybe nothing bad would even happen. But the bills, he didn't have enough money... He didn't think he was going to break his arm on his first day in 2007. "Mr. Scott, I do not have enough money for the medical bills"

"Pff, don't worry about the cash kido, the company will pay for it" Michael replied calmly. "Did you tell them that you hit me with your car in the parking lot?" Then it hit Phillip, he just hoped his idea would work.

"Mr. Scott, I was hit in comany property, by your car that I also think is from the company, I need a job. I would sue you otherwise." He said as confidently as he could.

"Are you threatening me, kid?" Michael asked cautiosly. "No, its just that... I love paper" Phillip clarified. He hoped that Michael would buy his lie. He had studied his character throughout the episodes of the documentary, he hoped that watching it many times would help him somehow.

"Really?" Michael seemed now curious, the tension started to subside.

"Yes! I always wanted to work at a paper company, that is why I was here this morning, I want to work at Dunder Mifflin. I just love paper so much, I dream about paper. I am a very hard-worker, alpha male, jackhammer-" He started to sound like his father, thing he wanted to avoid, since his look already gave him away a little. Michael gave him an odd look. "I am very good at math, and at sales, costumer service" Phillip lied about the last part, he thought that costumer service was for untalented idiots, but he needed the job for his sake, and his parents as well. "Anything, I could be your personal assistant, you can pay me minimum wage, I just really want to work in the office" He said, he started to grow desperate.

"Woah, woah, calm down kid, I think it would be great to add you to the family if you love paper so much. I should call corporate, though" Michael said impressed by the eagerness of the young man, his ambitious energy reminded him of Dwight, and also because he creeped him out a little. Before Phillip could reply they had arrived to the hospital. "Well, here we are, now lets get that arm checked so we can forget about this whole incident" Michael told him with a smile.

"Oh God, what have I gotten myself into...?" He thought.

"Well, at least Sprinkles is safe"

If you liked it please review! 3 Thank u for reading.