Quick Story. I got the idea while talking to my MacRiley Friends


"Mac why don't you ever have food? I miss Riley living with you at least she left something in the fridge. All you have is baking soda and beer."

Mac walks into the kitchen to see Bozer in the refrigerator decked out in his burgundy and black suit with matching wingtip dress boots."

"Bozer you know I never have time to go shopping plus I can't cook."

Bozer finally closes the fridge and nods his approval of his best friends white and black tux.

"Ok see you're trying to go all GQ tonight. You sure Desi isn't going to get jelly?"

"One Desi and I have come to an understanding that we are no longer together. Two it's a fundraiser everyone is getting dressed up. Also why are you looking for food?"

"Come on Mac you know the food is never good at these things."

Mac and Bozer walk out to the truck and get in.

"Good Evening MacGyver." Mac turns to see Sparky in a bowtie and a fedora.

"Sparky? Why is Sparky in the back of the truck Boz?"

"What we didn't have enough guys in the auction so Sparky volunteered."

"Bozer it seems MacGyver doubts I will get any bids tonight."

"I never said that I'm sure someone will bid something."

"I don't know Sparky it sounds like doubt." Bozer says instigating the situation.

"If that's the case you wouldn't mind wagering on who gets the most in bids tonight."

"Oh Mac, it looks like Sparky's calling you out."

"I'm not betting you Sparky."

"That's fine we all have a fear of losing at some time."

Bozer starts cracking up.

"Okay Sparky what do you want to wager?"

"Splendid, if you obtain more bids, I will tell you how I always beat you in battleship. Vise verse you assist Bozer in setting up my podcast call Dr. Sparky Relationship Specialist."

Mac turns to Bozer "He can't be serious." Bozer just shrugs and starts to laugh again.

"Fine Sparky it's a bet."


Mac walks over to Bozer in shock.

"I Cannot Believe It! Someone paid 1200 for a date with SPARKY!"

"Yea man, I'm happy Jenny from the IT Department dropped 500 on me and she's cute. You should be happy Riley saved you from Gertrude from Human Resources and Desi they were going back and forth I had my money on Gertrude she looked determined."

Riley walks over wearing a red and gold wrap dress that hit all her curves perfectly with matching pumps. All evening Mac has tried not to stare and drool.

"Hey guys. What's wrong Mac you seemed annoyed."

"He's mad Sparky won their bet." Bozer replies

"Well it is Sparky; you should have known you were going to lose that bet."

Mac rolls his eyes at Riley as she laughs.

"Hey, Riles thanks for bailing me out before."

"Mac it was nothing. It was getting kind of scary with Desi and Gertrude."

One of the coordinators walks over to Riley and informs her its almost time for her to auctioned.

"Alright let me go back."

Mac winks at her "Good Luck."

"Thanks Mac." Riley says as she walks away."

"What was that?"

"Boz, what are you talking about."

"You and Riley are giving off weird vibes.

"No, we're not, Look Desi is next."

"Are you going to bid on Desi?"

"No why would I do that? I don't even know why she was bidding on me in the first place."

The bidding on Desi starts and not surprising at all a small group of guys are going back and forth finally Frank from the lab wins with a bid of 800.

"Man is she going to be angry Frank asks her out every day and she says no every day. I would pay money to go on that date." Bozer starts laughing so hard he can't breathe.

Something completely different takes Mac's breath away. Riley steps on the stage she looked stunning.

"Now we have Ms. Riley Davis, lets start the bid at 50 dollars."

Bozer lifts his had for the 50.

"We have 50 can I get 100"

Rick from special ops raises his hand.

Before you knew it, multiple men are bidding on Riley, she's approaching 1000 dollars.

"Wow these guys are going hard," Mac doesn't respond because he's trying to rein in his jealousy. Mac wasn't oblivious that a lot of men found Riley attractive, the blatant desire he saw in all their eyes was unnerving. They weren't looking for just a date they all wanted more, and that wasn't going to happen.


Everyone in the room stopped and turned to see who said that. Mac would have done the same if he weren't the one that said it.

"2500 going once twice. Thank you for the generous donation Mr. MacGyver."

Mac just nods while looking at a shocked Riley. Someone directs Riley off the stage as the next person goes up. Mac takes a deep breath trying to figure out what just happened.

"I'll tell you what just happened you just told everyone in here don't touch." Bozer says

Mac realizes he said his thoughts out loud "I was helping her out like she helped me out."

"No helping out would be throwing a couple hundred down, you legit shut everyone down. Oh, and it's about to get good here comes Desi, I need popcorn for this!"

Mac glares at Bozer then takes a deep breath and turns to Desi's approaching figure. She looked mad.

"What the hell was that Mac?"

"What the hell what?"

"I don't know maybe the fact that you just bid 2500 on Riley and bid nothing on me."

"I was just helping Riley out."

"So, you didn't feel the need to save me from Frank?"

"Frank is a nice guy."

Bozer was looking back and forth between them like it was a tennis match. Desi looked like she wanted to punch Mac in the face.

"You know what … Its whatever Mac." Desi says as she storms away

"Wow, that could have gone better." Bozer says as Mac takes a quick scan of the room

"If your looking for Riley balcony to the left." Mac pats Bozer's shoulder in thanks. Mac gets to the balcony doors and stops to watch Riley looking into the night. Mac's chest starts to tighten, and he began to have a hard time breathing. He counted to 10 then stepped out. "I'm sorry." Riley continues to look at the night sky. "For what donating 2500 to a good cause why would you be sorry for doing that?"

"Riles you know what I meant, I'm sorry I embarrassed you."

"Mac you didn't embarrass me, I just want to know why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you feel the need to out bid everyone else? I had a good number of bids I knew all the guys and they are all nice. I just can't understand why you needed to win."

Mac opened his mouth to respond then closed it he shook his head he knew why but he wasn't ready to say.

"Riley, I don't know."

"Well when you figure it out come talk to me." With that she walked back into the party. Mac stared into the night trying to figure out what he really was afraid of. Probably rejection, He wasn't sure if he could handle Riley not seeing him the way he saw her, or having their friendship be awkward. Mac takes a deep breath and enters the party again he looks to see if he sees Riley, but she's not around. He walks over to Bozer who was sitting with Sparky and the two young ladies who won them during the auction. Mac nods hello to them. "Bozer did you see where Riley went off to again." Bozer nodded no but Sparky speaks up. "If I'm not mistake the gentleman named Rick that's with special ops was taking her home."

"Seriously?!" Mac throws Bozer his truck keys and heads to the door to grab a cab.

"I hope he finally tells her how he feels." Sparky says to Bozer "Me too brother me too." Bozer replies while shaking his head.

Riley's Apartment

Mac steps off the elevator onto her floor he really needs to talk to her about security because he just walked in after an elderly lady. Who pinched him on the butt and winked at him? He knew what apartment it was because he helped her move in but hadn't been back since. He reaches her door takes a deep breath and knocks.

Riley opens the door partially blocking his view of the rest of the apartment.

"Mac what do you want?" Riley says a little annoyed. In Mac's mind he yells YOU to himself.

"You left mad at me and we never argue… so I wanted to come over and talk if that's ok if you're not busy. Silently he prayed she didn't say she had company, because he wasn't to sure how he would react.

"Yea that's fine I was about to make some Ramen you know the food at those things suck." Riley says as she fully opens the door and heads to the kitchen. Mac closes the door behind him and walks into the living room. He takes his tux jacket off and lays it on the couch.

"Mac do you want anything to drink?"

"No, I'm good." Mac walks to the wall in the living room covered in pictures some he has never seen before. There was one of Jack and Riley making silly faces when she was younger, another of the two of them around Christmas. Some of her and her mom, one of her and her dad. A few with Bozer a couple with all of us, but the one that caught his attention was of them it was in a frame all by itself and he remembered taking the picture. It was right before a mission. She's was wearing a gold dress and she looked amazing, She said I looked hot and needed a photo so we took a selfie she said to say beautiful then she snapped the picture thing was he never looked at the camera he just looked at Riley she was radiant and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"I always wanted to know what you were thinking in that picture. Its one of my favorites." Riley says as she stops to stand next to him.

"I Love You"


"That's what I was thinking." Shocked Riley just looks at him. "And if I'm honest I have been for a while. That's why I got jealous tonight, in a not so subtle way I wanted all of them to know you were mine. I definitely could have shown you I had feelings a million different way, but I guess I was more afraid you wouldn't or didn't fell the same and it would make our friendship awkward." "I'm sorry."

"So, wait You're IN love with me?"

"Yea, for a while now, I guess…" Mac never gets to finish his statement because Riley kisses him. It takes Mac a second to register what was going on then he kisses her back. Riley pulls back "That took you long enough." She laughs "I love you too." Mac grabs her and spins her around kissing her again.

Riley breaks the kiss again "This is way better than my date with Sparky."

"Wait What? You went on a date with Sparky? Sparky went out on a date with you before I did… Seriously."

"Sparky has game." Riley starts laughing and pushes Mac on the couch and straddles him.

"Can we forget about Sparky." Riley says as she kisses Mac's neck

"For now, but…" Mac loses his train of thought.

"Mac shut up and kiss me."

He smiled and did just that.
