Introducing my second OC that gets more than a brief mention in this series, and the first one that the first to actually appear in more chapters!

Chapter Ten.

Catra flew the Rogue Shadow through the orange sky. This Planet... Dathomir, was it? Was a mixture of Mountains, forests, and and Swamps, much of it several shades of Red and Orange.

She growled as she looked back at the conversation she had taken with Vader earlier that week

Vader's Hologram beamed up. "Apprentice." He greeted.

"Vader." Greeted Catra.

She felt the now familiar sensation of being choked, clutching her throat.

"Would you like to correct yourself? I think you misspoke." Remarked Vader, sarcastically.

"M-M-Mastergh!" Gagged Catra, satisfying Vader enough to let go of her.

"Apprentice, you are to go to Dathomir. It is a planet inhabited by the Nightsisters. They are a group of Warrior Shamans who wield a unique aspect of the Force known as 'Magick'. They are very powerful, but most of them were wiped out during the Clone Wars. However, a new tribe has Arisen, calling herself 'Shadow Weaver.' Palpatine only tolerated their existence because they promised to grant him favour. Enchant items for him. Nothing more. You are to go there, and convince her to swear the clan's full allegiance. I'd go myself but I have other matters to attend to. Do not fail." The Hologram shimmered, and dissipated.

Suddenly, Catra yelped with surprise as something splatted onto the viewing port. She blinked. A Veeka -A red-plumed bird- was spread-eagled onto the plexi used for the viewing port.

She grunted with irritation, using the Force to slap it off.

"Hey! Catra! Is something wrong?" Came Scorpia's voice from the cargo hold.

"No! It's FINE Scorpia!" She snapped.

She landed the ship among a group of trees. She got out, telling Scorpia to stay there, and started walking towards a mountain. Vader had said the lair of the Nightsisters was there.

She came to a forest clearing with a few trees in it and sensed something. Danger.

She ignited a lightsaber, and deflected an energy blast into a tree. There was a yelp, and a figure fell out of it, their shoulder smoking slightly, and am energy bow in their hand.

She force pulled the figure towards her. It was a girl, around her age. She was a Dathomirian, wearing a hood and face mask. Catra slit down the mask and put down the hood.

She wore grey tattoos around her face. She had spiky silver hair in a ponytail, and green eyes. Suddenly, she sensed other people jumping from the tress and surrounding her. She sighed, putting up her hands.

A tall, eerie yet elegant figure came up. She wore a red, black, and dark maroon dress, as well as a mask that covered her face, and black hair.

"What brings you here, traveller?" She asked, smoothly. "I'm afraid we must kill you if we don't know anything about you..."

Catra smirked. "The Emperor will not be happy to find out his new apprentice was killed. His retribution would be truly terrible" She replied.

The woman gasped.

"What about Lord Vader?" She asked.

"Oh! You don't know, do you?" Catra chuckled. "Palpatine is dead. Vader is the Emperor now."

The woman bowed. "I welcome you. Apologies for the rude greeting. I am Shadow Weaver."

Catra smirked "JUST the person I had been sent to talk to.

"Let us discuss it inside our lair, shall we?"


Adora and Bow walked inside of the meeting room, where they were met by Angella.

"Here's your mission. You are to go to an old republic space station to pick up supplies. it was once a storage station. Where supplies were kept. However, something happened to it, and contact was lost. The republic was going to investigate, but..." She looked solemn.

Everyone understood. Before the republic could investigate, the republic fell.

"Anyway." Said Angella. "You are to go and pick up leftover supplies there. Understood?"

Adora and Bow nodded. The Rebellion was in desperate need of supplies.

Some outposts were in danger of starving.


The lair of the Nightsisters was large and eerie, in a gigantic carvern.

"Nice place you got here." Remarked Catra.

"Indeed. Now, what brings a Sith Apprentice Here?" Asked Shadow Weaver, gesturing to a seat.

Catra sat down, and Shadow Weaver did the same.

"Vader wants your full allegiance." Said Catra, bluntly.

Shadow Weaver narrowed her eyes.

"We do not serve him. We serve no-one. No-one..." Catra listened intently. "But ourselves."

Catra did not speak for a few seconds. She stood up.

"He wasn't asking." She explained, a hard look on her face.

Shadow Weaver looked irritable. "Very well." She said. "I will come with you to... negotiate the deal between me and Vader."

She stood up, and beckoned to the Nightsister Girl who had attacked Catra earlier.

"This is my Apprentice, Tarla."

The Girl nodded at Catra.

The three walked towards the Rogue Shadow.


Frosta unpacked her things. The last thing she too out was a lightsaber that had belonged to her father. She ignited it, to reveal a brilliant blade of Icy Blue.

She began attempting to train with it, but the blade was too long for her and she accidentally sliced off a corner of her wardrobe.

"Need a hand?"

Glimmer stood in the doorway.

She took the lightsaber off Frosta, examining the blade. "Is this your dad's?"

Frosta nodded.

"Well, for starters, there's a blade adjustment. She began to use said blade adjustment to shorten the blade until it was just right for Frosta.

She handed it back to Frosta, and Ignited her own. "C'mon! Let me walk you through." She began showing Frosta some of the Basic Forms.

"A-ONE-Two-three-four, a-ONE-two-three-four..."


Adora and Bow flew their ship into the Open hangar of the Space Station. It was standard, except for the giant hole in it.

They landed the ship, and got out, wearing space suits as they did so, since the Force field that kept the air in was broken.

Oh yeah a very thin force field keeps the air inside the hangar of a ship/space station. It is only thick enough to keep the air in. Also, imagine the space suits to are the ones in Season 5 Of She-ra.

They floated through the corridors, since the gravity generators were broken as well. Eventually, they came across a large part of the station, destroyed.

"I think that was the Storage Rooms." Groaned Bow.

"Most of them! look!" Replied Adora, pointing to a torn-open room with several floating crates inside.

They floated over there, Adora using the Force to keep their flight straight, and grabbed some of the crates, taking them back to the ship.

"We'll have to make trips." Said Bow.

After half an hour of work, they managed to get them all onto the ship.

"The Rebellion really needs these supplies." Said Adora, as she and Bow stood outside of the ship. "Good thing space has no gravity, or this would have been hard work!" She chuckled.

Suddenly, a blaster bolt streaked over their heads.

They turned. A heavily armed, skeletal droid with a peculiar-looking head was pointing a blaster at them.

"What is THAT!?" Asked Adora, drawing her lightsaber as the droid fired more bolts at them.

"I recognise it! It's IG-88! A Bounty Hunter!" Yelled Bow, taking out his chosen weapon.

He fired an arrow at it.

This went about as well as you'd expect, since the arrows were solid, not energy, and simply floated slowly towards the bounty hunter.

"Oh..." Said Bow, embarrassed.

"Get the ship fired up!" Yelled Adora, launching herself at the assassin droid.

She slashed at him, missing since he dodged.

Normally, this would not have happened, but the low gravity was making things harder for Adora to attack her foe, and easier to dodge for IG-88.

This was going to be hard...


Shadow Weaver glided through the halls of the Senate Building. She went into the office of Emperor Vader.

"My Emperor. I am here to negotia-"

"There will be no Negotiating." Interrupted Vader. He pulled her into a Force Choke.

Shadow Weaver Gasped. "Y-Yes, m-my Emperor!"

Vader dropped Shadow Weaver, and Tarla rushed to her side.

"I have a mission for you." Said Vader.

"There are rumours of a journal left by Darth Plagueis, The Sith Lord who Instructed Palpatine, on Korriban, the Birthplace of the Sith. You are Both to go there and aquire it."

"Uh, why do you the Journal of a dead person?" Asked Catra.

"He had the power to stop those he loved from dying." Replied Vader. "He could control the Midichlorians."

Catra nodded. "Okay then."


Adora Slashed at the droid, cutting it's arm off. It flew backwards, and fired more blaster bolts, which she deflected. She then Force pushed it, sending it into space.

She and Bow then Went Aboard the ship, and took off.

"That was close." Sighed Bow, mopping his brow.

"You should use a blaster." Said Adora.

"No way!" Retorted Bow.

They laughed, and went top get some Hot Chocolate.


Catra, Scorpia, and Shadow Weaver Landed on Korriban, near the temple Vader had described. They got off the ship, and started walking towards the temple.

Shadow Weaver came up to Catra. "Tell me, why do you serve Vader?"

Catra snorted. "I want revenge. Besides, a bit of power wouldn't hurt, would it?"

"But are you satisfied with being his servant forever?" Asked Shadow Weaver.

"I have something for you." She said.

She clasped her hands together. Ghostly green light and smoke came off her hands, and she began muttering incantations under her breath. The light and smoke began to shape into something. The smoke and light cleared, and a mask/headpiece floated in front of Catra.

Catra stared at it for a few seconds. She took it. She put it onto her neat, swept back hair.

"Wow! That looks good on you Catra!" Said Scorpia.

Btw Catra's hair is like it was in S4 and early S5.

"The Sith are powerful. Tell me, how powerful do YOU want to be?" Asked Shadow Weaver.

Catra thought to herself about this.


They went inside the Temple. They looked around.

Scorpia, by rummaging around in some Drawers, found something.

"Hey! Catra! How is 'Plagueis' spelt?" She asked.

"What!?" Catra rushed over to Scorpia, Snatching the book from her.

On the cover was: The Journal of Darth Plagueis.

"Yes!" She grinned.

Unbeknownst to her, Shadow Weaver was considering snatching the book from her, and taking the secrets for herself.

Surprise, Surprise!

She thought better of it, however, and did nothing.

"C'mon! Let's take this to Vader." Catra told them.

"Well done, Catra." Said Shadow Weaver. "You really should read that Journal for yourself."

Catra hesitated. She was definitely considering it. She shook her head. "C'mon. Let's get back."

Shadow Weaver Narrowed her eyes as Catra walked away.


"And A-ONE!-two-three-four! And-" Oh, hey guys" Glimmer Said, as Adora and Bow walked in.

Since she started showing Frosta the forms, everyone else had joined in, because they were still learning their forms.

"We got a Bounty on our heads, Glimmer!" Said Bow.

"What!?" Gasped Glimmer.

Yeah, and if we don't do something soon, we'll be in deep trouble." Said Adora.


Finally! A longer chapter!