Hello, friends! Today I am starting a new story: a series of one-shots of missing scenes I would've loved to see in Agents of SHIELD. Most of them will be missing medical scenes but some might end up being family bonding in hard times.

Of course, I will still be continuing You Can't Hide It Forever; this story will solely be for when I'm bored or when I want to add something on to an episode. I can't promise AT ALL that this will be in chronological order of the episodes but the one-shots won't tie together, so that's okay.

Special thanks to Galaxy Girl 084 for helping me come up with this.

Please enjoy!

ONE-SHOT #1: The Aftermath of Sinara, Missing Scenes

SUMMARY: Set after season 5 episode 9, after Daisy battles Sinara on the Zephyr. We didn't really get to see her being patched up or even talking about it with anyone so here's my take on what should have happened.

Daisy nodded her head at Deke, silently thanking him for saving her life. Her heart was still racing as she looked back at the blue woman she had just stabbed to death. Sinara's eyes were alarmingly still open, which was freaking Daisy out, she couldn't lie.

She sighed in relief upon realizing she didn't have to fight the Kree woman anymore, and dropped the rod she'd been holding, Sinara's heavy carcass with it. She was also relieved that May had finally stabilized the plane from the huge storm.

Deke let out a sigh of relief himself and decided to sit down on one of the hangar's seats. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes, taking a bit of a break.

Daisy was exhausted and sore from the fight, so she found herself plopping on the floor and leaning her back against the wall, giving herself a minute to breathe.

There were a few minutes of heavy, talk-less breathing, but gradually and together, Deke and Daisy's breathing slowed to a normal rate.

"You alright?" Daisy asked him, grimacing as she stood up. She could tell she had a few broken ribs and her face ached from all the violent punching Sinara had delivered her. She grabbed onto the railing for support.

"Yeah, yeah," Deke replied, taking a long blink. "Just a little bruise, probably." He looked up at Daisy. "How about you? She, like, pummeled you."

Daisy scoffed and rolled her eyes, setting her sore jaw. "I'll live."

"Hey, everything okay..." Coulson started as he walked into the hangar. He stopped short when he saw Sinara's dead body on the floor. He swallowed, his eyes wide from shock. "Uh..."

"She tried to take me back to Kasius," Daisy muttered, making her way to the ladder-steps. She climbed down, grunting in pain along the way. She shrugged once she got to the bottom. "But I killed her."

"I helped," Deke made sure to add.

Coulson nodded at the young man as he stood up, approaching the other two. "Good work, Deke," Coulson said.

Phil redirected his attention to Daisy, putting a gentle hand on her head and pulling her hair back to reveal a large bruise and cut already forming on her cheek. "You okay?" he asked, concerned.

Daisy nodded. "Yep," she replied, her breathing a little staggered from the injured ribs.

The trio made sure to toss Sinara's body out the back of the plane before heading upstairs.

Once they got back to the cockpit area, Simmons ran up to Daisy. "What in God's name happened?!" the biochemist asked her friend, taking her arm in hers.

"Sinara snuck on the ship. She's dead, don't worry," Daisy answered. "Are you all okay? That was a rough ride."

Fitz smirked. "I think we'll live, but not before I rid of today's lunch," he quipped. His eyes widened, and he gripped his stomach. "Actually, I'm not kidding." He raced away, headed towards the lavatories to vomit the contents of his stomach.

Jemma rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Oh, Fitz," she said.

Once they had contacted Mack and started getting going on their escape plan, Jemma insisted she take a look at Daisy's injuries. Daisy, reluctantly, allowed her friend to do so.

Daisy grunted as Simmons rubbed some alcohol on her face wounds. "Jemma, please," she mumbled.

"We don't have any Steri-Strips on this version of the Zephyr, Daisy, so unless you want an infection, you're going to have to suck it up," Jemma scolded.

Daisy sighed and shifted her weight on the table, uncomfortable as Simmons continued to make her wounds burn.

Simmons sighed once she was done, looking Daisy over. "I wish I could do more, but that'll have to wait until we get back to our own timeline." She grabbed a snap-and-freeze ice pack and handed it to Daisy. "Put some ice on those ribs if you want them to heal. I'll be dealing with you and everyone else's injuries once we get back."

"I just hope that's soon," Daisy acknowledged.

Simmons sighed. "Me, too."

That's it for one-shot #1! Sorry if it was a little short or not in-depth enough; please give me feedback as to...

A. What other missing scenes you'd like to see my take on

B. What else I can add (more in-depth/graphic medical stuff, more fluff, etc.)

C. What length you'd like them to be

D. Anything else!

Thanks for being here and I will be updating You Can't Hide It Forever shortly!