

"All Might"

I do not own Boku no Hero Academia or Type-moon

A.N: This is my first fic the idea would not leave me so I took it into my own hand's

"Izuku! are you almost ready." He heard his mom shout "We don't want to miss the train."

"I am, just finishing up." he replied wincing slightly as the pain from Bakugou's farewell gift for the end of the term. The Explosion powered blow to the chest was probably going to bruise and take a few days to fade. He sighs once again wincing slightly. 'I hope they don't notice.'

He continues to pack his bags at a sedate pace not to strain himself 'At least I'll be away from Kacchan for a while' he muses as he finishes up, he calls out "Mom, I'm done packing."

"Okay, then make sure to turn off everything on your way out." She replies happily 'It has been a while since I visited my parents, last time they met Izuku was when he was 3 and I didn't want him to visit again until things calmed down.' She lets out a huff of displeasure at that last thought. She watches her wonderful son walk out of the house noticing his slightly labored breathing, she frowns slightly "Izuku are you okay."

Izuku eyes widen slightly "I- I'm fine mom, a- a stray ball just hit t- today that's a- all" he shouts quickly

She then gives him the look that says I know your lying I understand but I'm disappointed

Biting on his lip nervously "Can we just go; we don't want to miss the train right" he stresses slightly pleading as he rushes to the door.

She sighs "Okay but we will talk about this soon understand" she fixes him a stern look. 'I'm tired of my baby coming home beat up for no reason' with that last thought she locks the door to their apartment and sets off for the train station.

As the family of two power through the crowd at the station Izuku reminisces on his day.

(Izuku thought that the final day of the term would go by fast, but it seemed he was wrong. It seemed the entire school had it out for him today and he barely has a second to himself with out hearing those around him throw their insults of how he was a "quirkless weakling" or "quirkless freak" or some variation but most of all "DEKU!, Where Did You Go You Slippery FUCK!" Bakugou roars as he runs through the halls not noticing the slightly open window nor his target hanging on the windowsill.

Izuku was thankful for his mom pushing him to exercise and learn parkour, but he always wondered where she learned how but whenever he asked, she had this sly look on her face and told him it was a secret. As he lift himself just enough to peer over the edge to see if his childhood 'friend' is gone, seeing that he is, he lifts himself up and back into the hall making his way to class to pick up his lunch and then to one of his many hiding spots to enjoy his lovingly packed bento.)

The door to the train sliding open breaks him from his thoughts. As the family walks through and finds a place to sit for the trip he hears his mom ask him about his day they begin talking back and forth through various topics Izuku deflecting slightly about the happenings of his 'social' life at school.

Inko notices her son's attempted deflection on topics relating to school but dismisses it for now much to her displeasure as she changes topics she then takes note of the small smile growing on her sons face as they ended up talking about the recent hero news they end the discussion after a while. Her thoughts start to stray to the trip to her parents or more specifically her 'family' she wonders how Izuku will react to the news. She shuts her eyes as the trip lags on thinking about days long past with a small smile on her face.

On the other end Izuku shuts his eyes with a small frown plastered on his face as he remembers the end of his day at school.

(Izuku had to give it to Kacchan, he has gotten better at tracking him down apparently he was determined today. It was both annoying and painful when he gets caught as Bakugou was frustrated that the 'Quirkless Deku' dared hide from him and he usually vents said frustrations on him.

"You think you can hide from me all day you shitty Deku and get away with it!" Bakugou roars to the hunched form of Izuku "I better not see your useless ass at all this summer, or you will live to regret it Deku!" he growls out. Bakugou looks on to the prone form of Deku and hears him mumble something "Speak up!" he shouts kicking him away

"Y- you w- won't I- I'll be visiting my grandparents with my mom" he hears Deku cough out weakly

"Good, now stay out of my way" Bakugou barks out one last time as he walks away.

Izuku picks himself up slowly letting out small coughs and wincing at the pain he tries his best to brush away the dirt and soot to make himself presentable so his mom doesn't suspect anything but he knows it futile she's as sharp as a tac its where he gets it from after all. He makes his way home at a sedate pace hoping that this summer is a good one.

Little did he know that this is a summer he will never forget.)

Izuku startles awake as his mother shakes him lightly

"Come on Izuku this is our stop" she said with a smile on her face

He stands up stretching to get the soreness out of his frame and grabs his luggage following his mother out of the train to see the town he will stay at for the next month. He hears his mother say happily

"Welcome to Fuyuki!"