Just a quick silly little thing based on a prompt from Sarah (catsballeths)

Donna was fixing his tie, smoothing down the lapels of his jacket. It was almost a daily ritual for them now, sometimes Harvey barely registered it happening, it just felt natural. He was in the middle of telling her a story about Louis's latest ridiculous antics which made her laugh. Her hand was still resting on his shoulder as she grinned up at him and he smiled back at her and that's when the insinuating comment drifted its way between them.

"It really is like that between you two, I knew I was right."

The smirk on Daniel Hardman's smug face made Harvey instantly clench his fists. Just the sight of the slimy bastard was bad enough, but his suggestive implications about the state of his relationship with Donna had always caused a fury inside Harvey.

Hardman didn't know what the hell he was talking about anyway. Just because he and Donna were as close as two people could be, it didn't mean it was like that.

"You don't know shit about anything Daniel, and in case you've forgotten you don't work here anymore, so get the hell out of my office."

"Oh please, you might try and keep up the lie, but everyone can see the truth about you two clear as day."

Harvey had just about had enough of the constant assumptions everyone made about him and Donna. Lately he felt like he had been hearing it everywhere, not just Hardman, but from Mike, Scottie, his clients, even his own goddamn brother had hinted at it during their last phone call.

Yes, he and Donna were close, yes she knew him better than anyone else, yes he would do anything to protect her. But that didn't mean there was anything more to it than that, that didn't mean they wanted more. He was so tired of trying to explain his relationship to people who didn't understand.

"You know what Daniel, I'm sick of hearing this same old line from you. You want proof, I'll give it to you."

Without stopping to think about his actions, Harvey turned back to Donna, stepping in close to her. He took her face in his hands, her skin soft beneath his palms and bent his lips to hers. He was determined to show Hardman just how wrong he was. There was nothing between him and Donna and kissing her would prove that.

And then his lips touched hers and oh fuck, he'd made a terrible mistake.

It was like electricity sparked between their lips, like fire ignited in his veins. His heart started thundering in his chest and how could he have been so blind, for so long. How could he have missed what was right in front of him this whole time.

Donna gave a small gasp of surprise as their lips touched and Harvey lost himself to the sensation of her mouth opening to his. He started to move his lips against hers softly, feeling her respond to his touch. He felt the vibration of her quiet groan as his tongue slid against hers and he deepened the kiss.

Oh god he was such a fucking idiot. It was exactly like that.

Before he could lose himself any further in the kiss, Harvey heard a sniggereing sound from behind him and the reality of their current situation crashed back down on him. He had been so overcome by Donna he had instantly forgotten the whole reason he had kissed her, Hardman.

Harvey pulled back from her lips with a start, sucking in a breath and working to get his poker face back into place.

"See Daniel, I told you there's nothing there," he said, trying to sound dismissive and completely unfazed by a kiss that had just turned his entire world upside down.

Hardman just gave him a smug look. "I don't think Miss Paulsen agrees with you on that, looks like I was right after all," and with a self satisfied grin he sauntered off. Harvey couldn't even bring himself to worry what Daniel was up to, why he was in the office. His heart was still racing as he turned back to face Donna.

"Just don't Harvey," she snapped, before he had a chance to speak. "I don't know what that was all about, but I don't enjoy being used for some kind of experiment."

She was upset, he realised. Shock and confusion and hurt flashing over her face as she turned on her heel and stormed away from him.

"Donna wait, I'm sorry, that's not what this was," he started to explain but she didn't stop, didn't look back.

Shit, now he'd screwed everything up.

She rounded the corner towards the elevators and it spurred him into action, making a bolt after her. The doors were closing as he reached the lift, shoving his hand between them just in time. They sprung back from him, opening to reveal Donna's tear stained face.

"I'm such an idiot."

She sniffed and glared at him, "I'm well aware of that."

"I didn't know," he said, the last word coming out like a breath Harvey had been holding on to for years. Until their lips touched he really hadn't realised. He'd been blind.

"Yeah well, you should have," Donna said, swiping away a tear before and she crossed her arms over her body defensively.

"Donna," he whispered, low and soft, stepping towards her. The elevator doors slid shut behind him as he moved into the car.

She shuffled backwards from him, until her back was pressed up against the wall of the elevator. Harvey stopped right in front of her, one step away from touching her. He reached out, his hand under her chin, tilting her face up to him.

"I was the one who was wrong Donna. It really is like that with us."

He waited this time, his lips a whisper away from hers, their eyes locked. Waited for her move, her confirmation, her yes. And then she stepped forward and into his arms and his lips and it was exactly where she belonged. Because in that moment Harvey knew she had always been in his heart

He kissed her with everything he had, his arms wrapping around her body to pull her tight against him, while Donna's hands curled around his neck. He poured into her everything he was feeling, trying to make up for all the years he should have been doing just this.

Until the elevator doors opened and Donna whispered in his ear to take her home. As they walked across the lobby, Donna's hand in his, headed towards their future, for the first time in his life Harvey found himself thankful for Daniel Hardman.

He and Donna were exactly like that and now he finally realised it.

Thanks for reading! As always I would love to hear what you think.