Mabel had just finished making Morty a brand new sweater, with his own "Morty face" emoji embroidered on the front, and Morty decided to try it on. "W-wow! It fits perfectly!" he said, quite impressed. The sweater changed to a pinkish-purple, symbolizing that Morty was a little nervous, yet happy. "I-it changes colors too?!" he exclaimed.

Mabel nodded. "It's made out of this special color-changing-according-to-your-mood yarn that my Grunkle Ford gave me! In fact, I made everybody mood sweaters, including me!" she explained. Morty was quite impressed. "I-I love it, thank you!" he replied. Mabel grinned, showing her braces, and her own sweater turned yellow, signifying happiness.

Morty smiled back at Mabel nervously, twiddling his thumbs. "So- so what do you want to do now?" he asked her. Mabel thought for a moment. "I know! You could meet my friends!" she suggested excitedly, and without another word, she grabbed hold of Morty's hand and led him downstairs.

Stan, Ford, and Rick were in the living room, playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons. Stan, of course, was the imagination of the group, suggesting spells such as: "I cast a spell of giant whale with four fists and a horse head!", and Rick and Ford were the brains of the game, in charge of the technical math equations and formulas.

Mabel ran downstairs with Morty in tow. "Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! Other old guy! We're gonna go meet up with my friends!" she informed the trio, who were immersed in their game. "We'll be back by 5:00!" Neither of them looked up, as they were far too into their board game. "Yes, yes, very well, just do not run into any monsters," Ford replied, not really paying attention.

Morty and Mabel walked outside and went around the back of the Mystery Shack. "W-who did you say we were looking for again?" Morty asked. "Oh, her name's Wendy. I need to see if she can drive us there," Mabel explained. "I'm not old enough to have my license yet." Morty nodded. They found Wendy, casually chucking pinecones at a tin can on the floor. Morty watched her in a daze. She had flung about 15 pinecones at the can, and hadn't missed one so far.

All of a sudden, Wendy turned around, and Morty's heart dropped. She was stunning; freckled face, fair skin, and quite shapely. Mabel, of course, was still too young to notice Morty's distraction, but Wendy wasn't. "Hey, dude? You okay?" she asked, a little concerned, which was enough to snap Morty back to reality. "Oh- oh, yeah! I-I-I'm fine!" he replied, sweating profusely.

Wendy smiled politely. She hadn't really noticed, nor did she care that her figure had been becoming more feminine as she reached adulthood. She still saw herself as the same, and was content with being herself, as she had always been. "You sure?" she asked Morty. "You looked like you were possessed, or something. By the way, that used to be a real possibility here. Watch out, okay?"

Morty nodded. He didn't know what she meant by that, but he was okay with that. "So, anyway, I was wondering if you could drive us to Greasy's, that way we can meet up with Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica?" Mabel asked Wendy. "You got it, Mabel!" Wendy replied, making a finger gun. She turned to Morty. "By the way, what's your name? I'm Wendy."

She held out her hand, inviting Morty to shake it. Morty quickly wiped his sweaty hand on his pants, and shook Wendy's hand. "I-I'm Morty!" he said nervously. Wendy smiled. "Nice to meet you, dude." She turned and started walking to her car, and turned her head back. "Follow me," she directed. Morty and Mabel followed behind, until they got to Wendy's car. They hopped in the back and buckled up as Wendy got into the driver's seat.

After a very intense game, Rick, Ford, and Stan decided at once that it was time to get some sleep. It was only 3:00 PM, but they were old men, and couldn't stay up as long as they used to. Stan and Ford went to their respective rooms while Rick fell asleep on the living room chair. Rick quickly drifted into a dream, but something was not quite right.

Rick was dreaming about being back home with his family, back with his wife, and finally having a happy family. But even in his dream state, Rick knew that he was no longer in control of his dream. An eerie, maniacal laugh emanated from somewhere in the distance. "W-who are you?" Rick asked. "Get out of my head!" The image of Bill Cipher appeared in front of him. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Rick Sanchez, master of the universe!" he said mockingly.

Rick rolled his eyes. "And if it isn't the universe's most insane, yet lamest con artist, Bill Cipher." he replied sarcastically. "Ooh, ouch. That would hurt if I actually had a soul, but you wouldn't know about souls, would ya, smart guy?" Bill said, laughing insanely at his own joke. "Wh-URRP-atever, Tortilla Chip. W-what are you even doing here?" Rick asked impatiently. "Oh, don't mind me, Sanchez. I'm just here to trap you inside your own mind."

Rick laughed in his face. "Yeah, right. M-my mind won't fall for your tricks." he said confidently. "Oh, really? Then why can't you wake up, huh?" Bill asked. "Try it, if you don't believe me." Rick tried to force his body awake, but failed. "W-what is this?!" he exclaimed, starting to get a little worried. Bill laughed again. "Isn't it obvious? I would've thought that you, of all people would get it, but I guess not." he said, shrugging dismissively. Rick squinted his eyes. "What are you getting at, Cipher?"

This caused Bill to laugh even harder and with more lunacy. "You're not in control of your own body anymore, genius!" he exclaimed delightedly. "Y-yeah, right. I happen to remember that you can't take control of someone's body unless they make a deal with you a-and shake your hand." Rick said, crossing his arms. "Think again, Sanchez! I've freed myself from the shackles of having limitations!" Bill explained. I've been reborn into a new life, after I tricked that dumb axolotl into believing that I would actually 'atone for my sins against humanity'! How gullible can you get?! Now I finally have the chance to finish what I started, and this time, neither you and your dumb grandson, nor even ol' Fordsie and my old meat puppet can do anything to stop me this time!"

Bill took another moment to laugh crazily. "Have fun being trapped in a prison of your own mind's making!" he said, disappearing from Rick's view.

Rick's eyes opened, revealing yellow eyeballs and a cat-like black pupil, and he hoisted himself off of the couch, more energetic than ever. He blinked, returning his eyes to normal. "Well, that was a great nap!" Bill/Rick exclaimed in his own voice, then cleared his throat, changing his voice to sound more like Rick's. "I-I think I'll go cause mischief and mayhem!" he announced to an empty room, walking off into the woods as dusk approached.