I don't own cinderella, but the plot and quite a few characters ARE mine.

Felicity scowled down at her screen, distaste clear as day, on her beautiful face. She swiped a luscious, black lock of hair from her face and tucked it behind her pale ear. Her brown eyes, flecked with golden, scanned the picture on her phone.

A girl with ugly freckles and ginger hair standing arm-in-arm with a handsome man. The said man had blue eyes, a few shades darker than the ginger-haired girl. Personally, Felicity thought that shade was a better blue. He also had dark hair, like her. It had a brownish shade.

She was not nice, not to the people she disliked. And right that moment, she disliked that girl more than anyone she could think of. Felicity was gorgeous, she was rich and she was intelligent; a girl like herself could have anything and anyone she wished for.

Except for the man she'd wanted more than anything. He was perfect, he was mature and beautiful and perfect for her. So when had this plain-looking girl-with nothing to her name and not an ounce of intellect-stolen the man she loved from right under her nose? That's something Felicity was used to doing, not having it happen to her.

Men looked at her with lust or fell in love with her at first sight. Women looked in awe, inspiration and/or envy. She'd never had to envy anyone else, let alone a girl like the one in the picture. And she wasn't opposed to dating, in fact, she had. But acne-covered idiots weren't what she looking for.

The first time, she'd walked into class, and he was sitting on the seat next to her. He'd smiled at her and said hello, and she'd lost her breath.

She supposed this was why she never had to reveal the side of her that she was sure no one would be in awe of, until now.

Her heavily glossed lips curled up into a smirk, eyes liquid gold. Her fingers flew over her keyboard as she typed in the comment.

'Ah, you two sure are a really good inspiration for how really good friends should be like! Hope you two stay friends forever haha'

The good thing was, they had not yet announced they were dating, therefore, likely not officially dating yet. It wasn't like she didn't notice the looks they gave each other. Matt looked at her like she was a goddess, not a teen girl who looked like she'd never met puberty once. But unlike her, neither had the courage to ask.

Satisfied with herself, she scrolled through comments. She noticed the comments that were most recent.

'Karenlikescats, matt.h you two make such a cute couple! you'd be better as a couple than just friends hahaha'

'weepingwillow I second that'

'weepingwillow thanks wills and vi :)'

Willow and Violet, Karen's sidekick. Every time, she did something, they'd just as passively-aggressively retaliate.

"They're my friends, not my sidekicks. That's the difference between you and me, Felicity."

Pfft. She looked down at her knew-high heels and the road beneath her feet. Suddenly there was a sharp beep, and she looked up at a truck coming at her full-speed. She faced the sky and the blinding sun for one last time, and the world went dark.

I had to write this chapter again, so I split it into two instead of ONE LONG chapter haha

Also, Karen lmao

AND, I can't, like, add the 'at' thingo in front of the usernames so ahh