The chaos that is a hero

HP Lovecraft, hiyore Naryuko-kun and Percy Jackson... what could possible go wrong.

Okay this is more a crack fic than anything and I plan on maybe keeping this a one shot. Depends on how it's received.


Let it never go unsaid that gods and goddesses exist. The Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, the Chinese and many others did exist. Of this fact Percy Jackson was more than well aware. Having battled his way through all the monsters Tarterus could throw at him, the horrors that Set the Egyptian death god unleashed and his fight with Wukong Goku from the Chinese pantheon not to mention half the Olympian council at least once, you would think he could easily spot a god a mile away. You'd be right but this was a rather...unique situation. It had started out simple enough for a quest. Head to a fishing town called Innsmouth and deal with the cultists of Cthuhlu and make sure the big guy didn't wake. That part was simple and he was finished within the hour. What he wasn't counting on was the elder god currently clinging excitedly to his arm. They were nyarlathotep. A horror unspeakable and so vile that even the gods feared it. Now however they had taken the form of a 16 year old grey haired girl with a small bust and thin figure in a school uniform from Japan of all places.

"So...uh do I...fight, you?" Percy asked in confusion. He was out of his element here. Fighting monsters, gods, primordials or crazed cultists he could handle, having a great old one clinging to him and not harming him left him out of his element.

"No silly." The girl? Giggled teasingly. " That knife the idiot tried to ran into your throat was a binding ritual dagger."

Percy just stared blankly for a few moments. "Uh...that means?"

The girl? Just rolled her? Eyes and a gave soft sigh. " You spit went onto the blade, despite what those idiots believed it to be, it was one of my daggers not 'thulu's so we're bound together."

"Y-you're not going to eat me, are you?" Percy stuttered slightly. He knew for a fact that anything pertaining to elder gods, great old ones, outer gods or primordials generally got around the protection offered by the river Styx, he found that out after he got a nasty bruise from Gaia.

"Maybe if it were the 1800s but that got boring so I decided to see what it's like for you humans." nyarlathotep stated with a shrug. "I find you all so interesting, especially you greaks and Romans. Always swapping sides and having Euclidean offspring with mortals, I have had kids like almost as much as the black goat does in a year over how long I've been about and they all turned out non Euclidean."

"Alright?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow. He honestly had no idea what half of those terms meant.

"What I'm saying, is I want to have Euclidean babies!" The god declared with a bright, toothy grin. "Anyway darling just call me Nyaruko-kun, the chaos that crawls up on you with a smile!"

"Darling?" Percy asked in confusion.

"Well it's no thrown apple like your lot does or a lump of compressed carbon on a gold band but a ritual base with slobber is still an acceptable proposal my husband!" Nyaruko giggled cheerfully. "I'll even ask that baka red haired stalker if she wants to join, if only to keep her from killing you."

Percy could only groan as his luck once again made things much more complicated for himself. "Why me?"