An explosion of light filled the night sky as I looked at my girlfriend. Gosh. She was so cute. Just standing there looking at the sky not paying attention to the world around her. Another flash filled the sky and I was lost in my own world. "Zach! Did you see that one!?" Cammie excitedly asked. "Um... Yeah. Totally," I answered. Truth was, I really didn't. You all know that I was in love with Cammie, and you know I like to watch her when she doesn't notice. Which, to be honest, is kinda creepy. But I didn't care. As the end of the firework show came I broke my eyes from hers to look at the sky. It was almost time. As the last explosion went off I dropped to one knee, and took her hand in mine. She looked at me and tears poured out of her eyes. "Cammie, will you marry me?" I asked smiling.

She nodded her head like a mad woman and sobbed. "Yes," she answered. "Yes. I will marry you." As I slipped the ring onto her finger I got up and kissed her. Claps and cat calls filled the air, but I was more focused on her. I pulled back. "Happy Fourth of July Cammie." And then I kissed her again.

Happy Independence Day my fellow friends! I know the title isn't the greatest, but that's all I could think of. Sorry this one shot was a little short, I've had a bit of writers block. But I hope y'all enjoyed it!

-Lions 236