The kiss was great until Needy felt Jennifer's cock.

Just when one thing was making sense, things went back to freaky. There'd been the sex with Chip, the visions she'd had of Jennifer committing murder—eating people. And then seeing Jennifer in the street like some animal bloody from the kill. And now here Jennifer was, freshly showered, wearing Needy's Evil Dead T-shirt and Needy's dolphin shorts, which Needy never wore because they showed off her legs too much.

Then Jen had seduced her—what other word was there for it? She'd kissed Needy, true, talking about sleepovers and being as gorgeous as usual, but focusing it on Needy for once like a kid burning an ant with a magnifying glass. So after Jennifer's kiss had come Needy's kiss, and it had ended with Needy on top of Jennifer, Needy's tongue down Jennifer's throat, and Needy's thigh brushing against Jennifer's big, hard cock.

Needy rolled off of her, barely even freaked out by the erection because with Jennifer's spell broken, all the weirdness was coming crashing in like when the elevator opened in The Shining. "What the fuck is happening!"

Jennifer laid there and laughed, looking like a pin-up model with a foil-wrapped burrito shoved down the front of her shorts. "Whoa! I have never heard you drop the F-bomb before."

Needy looked at her and looked at it. She couldn't look away. Jennifer might've had a cock, but Needy supposed that if you did, you might as well have a huge one. And it did look huge, pressing against the red satin of her (Needy's) shorts. Needy imagined it pointing straight up from her groin, big and strong as Jennifer opened Needy's thighs and pushed that thing into her slit. It was a flashing vision as vivid as what she'd seen of Jennifer's murders.

"What the fuck is that?" Needy asked, pointing, as if Jennifer's cock needed further emphasis drawn to it. The thing pulsed as if enjoying the attention. "Are you… are you like a transsexual man… woman… person?"

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Do I talk about being a tranny all the time, Needy? No. So obviously not. But you're right, some fuck is happening. Long story short, because you can see how Mommy's ready for action…" Jennifer patted her bulge. "I'm possessed by a demon. Totally Satan's whore. And it just so happens to be a boy-demon. Now that we've cleared that up, how about getting back to work? I was really enjoying that little thigh job you were giving me before you started the usual screaming and gibbering like some cliché. Don't be such a final girl, Needy. In my horror show, the only torture porn is when I stop giving it to you and you beg for more."

Needy felt her brain overheating. This was too much. Way too much. Demonic possession? A girl-cock? But she'd seen enough of Jen's bikinis to know that she had not had that before Low Shoulder. Something was up and it wasn't Jennifer's ten-inch hero. "L-long story short? That's not going to cut it, Jen, okay? Tell me everything that happened right now and we'll figure out a way to fix you, get rid of that thing—"

"Get rid of it? I can pull a Crying Game with this beast whenever I want. It's magic, dum-dum. I would never put up with this if I had to give up all my thongs. But hey, if life gives you a hero sandwich, use it to devirginalize your nerd best friend who is sadly deficient in the dick department." Jennifer smiled almost too wide at Needy. "C'mon. Let's play boyfriend girlfriend like we used to. Only this'll be some two point oh shit. Like Advanced Dungeons & Dragons instead of whatever regular Dungeons & Dragons was."

"I'm not going to sleep with you!" Needy snapped, bounding up from the bed to put some distance between her and the pin-up model.

"Why not?" Jen pouted. "We always sleep in the same bed when we're having sleepovers. Are you worried that my new friend smells?" She rubbed at it again and Needy heard a snippet of Genie In A Bottle from her stupid-ass brain. "Or maybe that I'll have a wet dream while we're spooning. Ruin your Chronicles of Narnia pajamas…"

"You're a demon! With a prick!"

"I have a demon, I didn't turn into a demon. Honestly, after all the times you've told me 'literally' literally means 'literally.' C'mon. Come get it. I won't even make you kiss it, even though that tight little ass of yours has made my junk real, real sore."

Needy jabbed her finger at the door. "Get out! I'm not dealing with you right now! You're acting like some dang… sex-crazed… weirdo!"

Jen rubbed her member some more. "You expect me to leave with this on high alert? I could turn around too fast and take a chunk out of the drywall. Come on, Needy. Play with it. I thought you liked it when I shared my toys."

"If you don't leave, I—I'm calling the cops."

Jennifer looked askew. "I wouldn't advise that, Needy."

"Why not?"

"Well, aside from the fact that I'm screwing a cadet and am thus fucking untouchable, you know how I am when people get their haterade on me. I even the score. So if you narc on me, I'll tell on you. And what Chip's been doing with his old block."

The courage that Needy had screwed up now dropped like an anvil into the pit of her stomach. "Wh-what are you talking about?" she stammered.

Jennifer smirked. "Wh-wh-wh? You sound like a sped. Slow down, tardy slip. I'm just saying, you really should pull the curtains all the way before you let your boyfriend smell your secret flower. Otherwise you never know who might take some pictures with their Apple iPhone 3GS."

The blood in Needy's veins turned to ice water. Her guts were tightening like a fist and she felt like she was going to be sick. Was Jennifer bluffing? Or had she been able to make it to her and Chip's make-out point in time to see something, the same way she'd managed to beat Needy back to her house despite Needy being in her mom's Kia?

"You don't have an Apple iPhone 3GS."

"Roman bought one for me," Jennifer purred. "He knows how to show a little appreciation."

"You're being a turd!" Needy hissed.

"Oh, ouch. Where'd you learn how to swear, Spongebob Squarepants? Let's stop playing games. I don't tell on you, you don't tell on me. Best friends forever."

"Friends don't want to stick their schlongs into their friends!"

Jennifer smiled sweetly. "Geez, I knew you didn't have a lot of guy friends, but this is next level. Bee tee dubs, you also have to get up close and personal with my 'schlong' or I'm telling Mommy what your favorite position is."

Needy's eyes flashed with not only anger, but irritation at what a dick Jennifer was being. But there was nothing she could do. She was trapped, as usual with Jennifer Check. She had all the power. All Needy had was Jennifer's attention and the addictive feeling that came with it.

She wondered if it would be better or worse if Jennifer started ignoring her instead.

"Okay," she sighed wearily. "I don't want you to tell. But why do you want to have sex with me? I thought we were friends."

"We are. We're such good friends that I'm leveling us up. You love that nerd shit, right? Going from Star Trek to The Next Generation. That's us. Nintendo, Super Nintendo. I'm not just being gal pals with you anymore. Now, you belong to me." Jennifer sprung up to punch Needy's shoulder. "Isn't that what you've wanted all along? You just thought I didn't know. I did, Needy. I knew why you always made your doll kiss my doll. So what are you waiting for? You wanted me to want you and now I do. I want you to be my demon cock sex slave. Why waste any more time? Let's do what we both want to do."

She sat back down on the bed, patting the space beside her.

Needy moved slowly to the bed, her hands shaking at her sides. Jennifer was right. For once, Jennifer was right—she didn't have to browbeat Needy into agreeing that the Care Bears were about drugs or that rat bites could give you AIDS, because Jennifer was right.

Needy did want her. She needed her. Her eyes were drawn irresistibly to Jen's voluptuous tits inside the bulging shirt meant for her own meager chest. She was even curious about the erect outline waiting inside those tight-fitting shorts.

She fumed at Jennifer for the position she'd put her into, yes, but that only seemed to make Needy want her more. The kissing just now had been so immensely satisfying, yet she was still only halfway satisfied. Needy craved more of the feel of Jen's tongue. Her body cried out with need. If Jennifer was willing to satiate that need, why not let her? Would it make things any crazier than they already were? And maybe it would make Jen easier to handle. Wasn't the expression 'you need to get laid,' not 'you don't need to get laid'?

"That's right," Jennifer breathed, seeing Needy sit down on the bed next to her. "Now you're remembering who you belong to."

Despite everything, it thrilled Needy to hear the excitement in her voice. Maybe the most unbelievable thing of all was how much Jennifer seemed to want her. Something had plumped up that sausage, after all.

Jen reached out to unbutton Needy's blouse. "It's so not fair that you've seen me all NC-17, but I haven't even seen you slip a nip." She finished with the last button, but didn't move to open up the blouse. Instead, she folded her hands prissily in her lap, as if mocking Needy's fastidiousness. "I think you should take your clothes off and let me look at you."

"Alright," Needy murmured, standing up, her blouse hanging open all the way down to her tummy. "If that's what you want…"

Completely obedient—actually impatient to see how Jen would respond to her naked body—Needy slipped off her open blouse, revealing her pert breasts. Then she pushed down her pants and panties, stepping out of them. Showing Jen her tight little ass and the narrow landing strip of her pubic hair. She felt an irrational, illicit glee that she'd shaved for Chip. Now you've shaved for Jen, an insidious voice inside her whispered.

Jennifer's eyes bored into her, taking in the supple breasts, the cute little belly, the sculpted legs that tapered all the way to cute, dainty feet. She licked her lips. "Goddamn, Needs. How did I not fuck you before? Was it just that I didn't have a hell cock to take your hymen out?"

Needy nearly came hearing that awe-struck praise, totally sincere, and in Jen's voice. Some warning bell rung in her head, but Needy didn't pay attention to it. She just stood there proudly, basking in Jennifer's lust for her.

"So glad you belong to me," Jen continued. "Now get on your knees and take off my pants."