Azusa Nakano has a crush. A crush she's hidden for awhile but shut down her feelings because she was afraid of ruining her friendship.

Azusa has a crush...on Yui Hirasawa.

She's had feelings for her senpai since she joined the club, but always protested Yui's advances out of fear of persecution and because of her tendency to lie to herself about her own feelings. Azusa reminiced over memories of Yui affections as she walked up the stairs, her hand guiding up the rail.
The kouhai paused at the door as she reminiced over the time Yui attempted to kiss her after being sick and returning back to the school.
*"I shouldn't have slapped her over that...i was worried sick but it was so sudden."*

Azusa shook her head as she remembered where she was.*" Okay..todays the day, so no chickening out of this Nakano! Just hand Yui-Senpai the chocolate, ask her out, and done."*

The pigtailed girl took a deep breath in and walked through the clubroom doors as she looked around.

*"No ones here...good, nobody can interrupt us"*

Azusa set down the chocolate and her backpack on the bench. Suddenly Azusas chest started to hurt as she began to get worried about Yui's reaction *"What if she misunderstands my confession? Or worse, understands and feels disgusted in me...?"* Azusa played the scenarios over and over in her head as each replay caused her to get more and more scared of the outcome.

"Oh god this sounded so much better in my head..." the short pigtailed girl exclaimed.

"What sounded better in your head Azunyan?" a certain airhead's voice rang through Azusas head. Azusa gasped and turned her head to find Yui staring at her, having just set down her guitar bag.

Azusa immediatly started to panic as she struggled to keep her voice reletivley calm. "N-nothing Yui-Senpai" Azusa tried to continue but her words failed her as Yui started to rummage through her backpack

*"that's weird...she should've pounced on me by now...maybe shes tense? But for what reason?"*


Azusa freezed up as hearing Yui call her by her real name rang over and over in her head as she processed it. Seconds turned into hours as the room was quiet, only the sound of Yui rummaging through her backpack was all that echoed throughout the room.

"Yui-Senpai...did-..did i hear you right?"
The small girl noticed the serious look on Yui's face, a look that seemed unfamiliar on her goofy senpai as an equally unfamiliar look was on her face.
*"Shes blushing...she can't be-"*

"Azusa-chan i know i always joked around about this kind of stuff but i-..i'd like to ask formally"

Azusas chest tightened as the feelings she tried so hard to hide and doubted in had suddenly been validated. *"So we do feel the same!"* she thought to herself in relief.
But panic started to set in as she realized that she might ruin it by lying to her senpai about her feelings.

*"Nonono! I have to be the one to confess!"*

"The truth is Azusa i've always really lik-"

Yui was cut off by Azusa covering her mouth with her hands as a similar box of chocolates dropped to the floor from Yui's hands. She looked her senpai in the eyes before letting go, realizing the message she just sent to Yui.

"I-im so sorry!"

Azusa noticed Yui's shocked look which quickly turned into a smile, but one that seemed false.

"I see...Thank you for stopping me, Azunyan. We'll have a friendly Senpai/Kouhai relationship from now on" Yui said in her usual cheery tone.

Azusa was taken aback as she noticed several things off about the airhead.

*"No no no that's not what i meant to do! Don't think about doing the confession just do it!"*

Yui turned to leave the room but was interupted by Azusa tackling her from behind as she quickly twirled in front of Yui and noticed the tears streaming down her face.

Azusa internally cringed at the pain she caused her senpai as she mustered up all her courage to throw formality out the window.

"I LOVE YOU, YUI-SENPAI" the small girl shouted out loud, not caring if the entire school heard her.

"I thought i had to be the one to tell you. I thought that i didn't, i wouldn't be able to be honest with myself about it..but with my cowardly behaviour..i seem to have hurt the one i was confessing to, and i apologize for that..

Azusa jolted as Yui suddenly hugged her tightly, sobbing as she cried out her name repeatedly.

(Several minutes later)

Yui had calmed down as she and Azusa sat on the bench together, awkwardly holding their boxes of chocolate. Yui and Azusa made small glances at eachother before both spoke at the same time.

"Y-you go first Azunyan.."

Azusa nodded as she held out her box to Yui, closing her eyes tightly as she waited for Yui to take them.

She felt the box being tugged out of her hand as she looked up at Yui who was staring into her eyes, causing Azusa to blush.

"Your turn senpai.." Azusa said quietly as her eyes remained glued on Yui's.
Yui smiled as she quickly leaned in and kissed Azusa, causing the latter's face to turn beet red before she relaxed and kissed back. They both pulled away but remained close they both muttered softly.
"I love you."