Marvel's Percy Jackson: The Avengers Initiative

Chapter 6

Washington D.C.

There was quite the whirlwind that was stirred up on national news after the incident. According to reports, it was SHIELD that had found out what the Monticello mafia family had been plotting, and it was them who had infiltrated an abandoned warehouse where Justin Hammer's tech used to be made. In that very same warehouse, they had found Leonardo Monticello scheming and a gunfight broke out between SHIELD and Monticello's men. There were many deaths on both sides, but on the positive note, a good 75% of them came from the enemy. Leo Monticello had tried escaping by getting a chopper ride out of there, but after the pilot lost control for ... some mysterious reason, Leo proceeded to uh ... *ahem* suicide himself by jumping off the rooftop.

Thank the gods Fury payed to get a false autopsy. The gash that was in his stomach never even made it to the news. All they knew was that Leo tumbled off the roof.

That's basically how the whole event was being portrayed in the media. Percy knew as much that something like this would have never been able to be hidden, but despite that, Fury did a fantastic job of keeping Percy's name out of the media. The last thing he needed was his name being mentioned on national news ... again.

The very next day, Percy was flown over to Washington D.C. for his official inauguration at the Triskelion, which was basically like, SHIELD's official headquarters. He had his picture taken, he was given his official SHIELD badge before being brought to a small conference meeting with a lot of the other agents attending. Normally, someone joining SHIELD wouldn't be all that important, but Percy Jackson becoming an agent at the official age of 18 years and 221 days was a very big deal. This cemented his status as the youngest ever agent of SHIELD, beating Grant Ward, who even he had been 21, three whole years older, when he had graduated from the SHIELD Academy.

Fury presented Percy to the other agents before extending a hand to the teenager and declaring, "Welcome to SHIELD, Agent Jackson."

Percy smiled and shook Fury's hand before the Director brought him in for embrace. "You wanna say a few words?" he whispered.

Percy was hesitant at first, but decided that he could say a few things. "Sure."

The two broke away before Percy took to the stand. He took a deep breath as he looked at all the other agents who eagerly waited for what he had to say and the Council members, who weren't very thrilled to see him, but weren't exactly displeased either. They all had neutral faces, knowing that he been a mercenary before but also knowing that he more than had the requirements to become a special agent of SHIELD.

"First off, I want to say thanks to Director Fury," Percy began and he looked said man. "This man ... he believed in me, in a time when I didn't. He saw a lot of good and potential in me, in a time where I was in bad place. I was desperate and I was ... lost. I know some of you might not have a very high opinion of me, considering my background. But I hope ... eventually you'll accept me, as one of you. It'll be a slow process, I understand that. But this is my path to redemption here. I live every day with the regret and guilt, knowing that I have taken away lives. That's ... something I don't need to be reminded of, because I know. I simply hope with this opportunity, with this second chance, I can repay back the damage that I've caused. So ... Director Fury, once again, thank you believing in me when nobody else did." Percy paused. "Actually, there was one other girl, but I don't need to go into details."

The room erupted in small chuckles as Percy smiled at the room. "Thank you for the opportunity, Director Fury. I won't let you down."

After the conference was over, Percy was walking out of the conference room as Director Fury walked alongside of him.

"That was quite a speech, Jackson," Fury complimented.

Percy shrugged. "I just ... said whatever was at the top of my head."

"That's actually the best kind of speech," Fury informed. "When you rehearse one, if you don't get it right, you might end up sounding fake and robotic. It tends to sound a little more real when you say whatever is in your head."

Percy nodded in agreement. "There's wisdom in that."

"So ... you're of an agent of SHIELD now ..."


"And as promised, I'm taking you right now to someone. A doctor. A very specialized one. He's helped people deal with all kinds of diseases and even cured them. He's one of our best," Fury stated.

Percy nodded, feeling very grateful. "Thank you, Director. I mean it."

Fury's mouth twitched in a small smirk. "You and Dr. Wright can hop in one our of aircrafts. The pilot should take you back to New York and you'll lead Dr. Wright from there."

"You got your own aircrafts?" Percy asked disbelievingly.

"Yeah," Fury said matter-of-factly. "We call them Quinjets."

Percy shook his head. "Unbelievable. You got everything." Percy paused for a moment. "So, just out of curiosity ... who would you say is your best agent right now?"

"Right now?" Fury asked, eyebrow raised. "I can't pick favorites. And even if I did, there's more than one. Two partners that have risen to the top."

"Well? I gotta know my competition," Percy persuaded.

"Woah, slow your roll there," Fury joked. "Already want to upstage the top two? Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff? Good luck with that."

"Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff," Percy repeated. "So what did they do?"

"Barton? He didn't do anything, he's a SHIELD graduate. Archer. One of the best I've ever seen. He's nicknamed Hawkeye for a reason," Fury explained. "And Romanoff ... well, she's actually a bit like you."

"Like me?" Percy asked. "Was she a mercenary?"

"Basically," Fury said. "She used to belong to this organization ... I can't say the name for confidentiality."

"Of course," Percy agreed.

"But basically, I had sent Barton on a mission and ... he was supposed to kill her," Fury informed.

"Damn," Percy gasped.

"She was ... a very dangerous woman. But ... Clint took a bargain with her. Brought her back with the intention of putting her skills to use, for good causes. His bargain paid off and as foretold, she became one of SHIELD's best ever agents."

Percy listened intently as Fury talked.

"She's done a lot of good," Fury said. "She's trying to right her wrongs here at SHIELD and she's doing a wonderful job at it. You could be the same, Percy. Here at SHIELD, we see the potential in people and I saw potential in you. Just like Romanoff, you have a chance at redemption. You're not perfect, none of us are. But you're still a good kid, with a fantastic skill set that you could be putting to good use, for the right cause. You don't want to waste this second chance."

Percy nodded in agreement. "No, I definitely do not."

"Good," Fury replied before stopping abruptly at the door in front of him, the entrance to Dr. Wright's office. "Here we are. Why don't you go inside and make friends with the doctor?"


Upper East Side, New York

"And ... there you go," Dr. Wright said, inserting the needle and pushing the plunger. The liquid pushed through the barrel and squeezed into Sally Jackson's arm. Percy stood by the bedside in anticipation to see if her immune system would accept the vaccine. According to Dr. Wright, the vaccine was flawless, the only obstacle being was the infected's immune system, whether it was strong or weak. The person's body would either reject or accept the vaccination depending on the status of the immune system. In Percy's case, his mom hardly ever got sick, so he held high hopes that the vaccine would be accepted.

Sally Jackson's strong immune system was also a reason why her being diagnosed with breast cancer was such an unwelcome surprise.

"That should do it," Dr. Wright said as the last of the liquid was injected into Sally's arm and he slowly pulled the needle out.

"How do I know know if her body's not accepting it?" Percy asked.

"Well, usually, when that's the case, the person receiving the treatment would more or less stop breathing after a minute. Because their immune system is so weak, their body works overtime to try to clean out the circulatory system, resulting in heart failure, and putting the person into cardiac arrest. But ..." Dr. Wright took a glance at Sally, who's chest rose and descended in a steady pace. "As it appears, your mother is breathing just fine, which means that her immune system is strong and her body is accepting the vaccine. It will be a long process, may even take months, but your mother should eventually be okay," the doctor explained.

Percy nodded and sighed in relief. "Thank you, doctor. You have no idea how grateful I am."

Dr. Wright gave Percy a small smile and nodded. "I say this from the bottom of my heart, I really do hope your mother gets better. You obviously care a lot for her."

Percy nodded in agreement. "She's been there for me since ... since as long as I can remember. Through all my trails and tribulations, she was always there for me. And now ... she's all I got left. Well, her and my dog."

"We all do need a best friend," the doctor replied with a smile.

Percy looked at his mom fondly and his voice quieted to a whisper. "I can't her have die on me now."

The doctor put a hand on his shoulder. "She won't. She'll get better. You'll see."

Percy nodded, wiping a stray tear from his eye as he did. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome," he replied. "I think my job's here is finished. Before I go, I just want to say ... you make sure to keep hope alive. Don't ever give up. When times look the bleakest, believe that it will get better."

"It already has," Percy replied.

The doctor nodded before picking up the briefcase that contained his needle and bottle of the vaccination, saluted goodbye before leaving the apartment, leaving Percy alone with his sleeping mother in her bed. Percy brushed his mom's hair with his fingers and kissed her forehead as Paul walked in the room.

"How'd it go?" Paul asked, sounding worried.

"It's gonna take a while, but ... I think she's gonna be okay," Percy replied, his voice full of hope.

Paul looked very relieved as he nodded. Behind his legs, little 19-month-old Estelle stumbled and grabbed onto her dad's legs as Paul patted her head.

"How's Estelle?" Percy asked.

Paul casted his eyes down at his daughter. "Well ... you know how she is. She's got her mother's brain. Only 19 months old but she's real smart for a girl her age. Seeing her mother in this state breaks her little heart."

"I can't believe she's already walking," Percy said.

Paul smiled down to Estelle. "She's a quick learner, I'll tell you that much." Paul looked back to Percy and cleared his throat. "Look, Percy. I know I probably don't say it but ... I'm really grateful you stepped up. This has been hard on ... both of us. And me, well ... I've had to be not only Estelle's dad but her mom, too. And ... it's to the point where I can't even focus on your mother because I've had to be both parents for Estelle. So ... really, I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful you stepped up for your mother."

"Of course," Percy replied. "I'd do anything for her."

"I don't doubt that," Paul responded with a smirk. "I mean, I still don't think dropping out of school was the best way, but ... you're an adult now. If that was the best way for you, then ... I won't argue."

"Thank you for understanding," Percy said, standing up and walking over to Paul.

Paul grasped Percy's shoulder and held him for a second before embracing him in a warm hug. "We're gonna get through this. Together."

"Together," Percy let go and they smiled in agreement before Percy looked down to his sister. "Hey, Estelle. What you doing there?" The little infant giggled before wobbling away from Percy. Percy gasped dramatically and placed a hand on his heart. "You tried to run away from me! How dare you! Get over here, ya little rascal!"

The baby wobbled faster but it was no use as Percy caught up to her and lifted up her up. Estelle continued to grin and giggle as Percy blew a strawberry on her face.

Percy adjusted the baby on one arm and took a good look at Estelle. "You hungry, Estelle? I don't know about you but I'm hungry. Let's go see what's in the kitchen."

Percy looked around in the kitchen before something in the oven caught his eye and he gasped. "What's that, Estelle? Let's go see what it is!"

With one hand, Percy opened the oven and and pulled out the tray that was inside, which had neatly placed blue cookies on it. Percy's mouth watered as he felt nostalgia washing over him. He looked over to Paul, who was standing in the hallway with a smile.

"You made blue cookies?"

"I know they're not as good as your mother's, but ..." Paul shrugged. "I'd say I gave it my best shot."

"I have not had blue cookies in a long time," Percy said, nostalgia evident in his voice. He looked at the baby in his arms. "You want a cookie, Estelle?" He grabbed one from the tray. "Here you go."

Estelle grabbed the cookie with her two little meaty hands and took a big bite of the cookie as Percy grabbed one for himself and finished it in three bites. Paul walked over and grabbed some himself as well and that's how they spent the next five minutes, relishing the dozen that Paul had baked. "We're gonna be okay, Paul," Percy suddenly said. "All of us. We're gonna be okay."

Paul nodded. "For the first time, I actually believe it. You better thank those guys that you're working for."

Percy smiled mysteriously. "Oh yeah. They'll be thanked profusely."


It was probably the longest time Percy had seen Dash run so freely and happily. Being cooped up in that apartment definitely bottles up that feeling of being free. And now that Percy was at Central Park, sitting on a bench, he watched as his dog ran everywhere like a free spirit, barking happily and never stopping for a break.

He was named Dash for a reason.

It was a beautiful spring morning today, perfect to just sit at a Central Park bench and enjoy the soft morning breeze. New York was as urban as it gets so not a whole lot of that was allowed but being at Central Park, it was like taking a break from the world to just relax and enjoy nature.

Part of Percy wishes he could be like his dog. Dogs never worry about anything. They don't worry about the past or the future because they live in the present moment. They live. Being a human was hard enough, but for Percy, it was like his life was the worst option of the hat. Being a demigod son of Poseidon. From the day he was attacked in that museum, his life has been this big board game, with every space on the game being a Jumanji-type of danger that he was put in. No breaks whatsoever. And even after brokering that deal with Hecate, his life still felt the some way. All he had done was trade monsters for the mafia.

This truly was the first break that he ever got. So, he inhaled the fresh air and enjoyed the present. Like Dash, who was currently chasing a butterfly.

"You know dogs have three eyelids?"

Percy turned towards the familiar voice belonging to Nick Fury, who helped himself to the seat next to Percy on the bench. "Really? I actually didn't know that."

"It's true," the man said. "It's called a nictitating membrane, or 'haw' for short. It don't do much, just keeps the eyelid clean and protected."

Percy chuckled and smiled. "You have a weird way of starting conversations."

"That I do, my friend," Nick Fury replied. "So ... we took care of rest of the Monticellos. They won't be a problem anymore."

"Thank the gods," Percy muttered quietly.

"Your slate has been been wiped clean and ... you know, we gave your mother the vaccine. Hopefully, it takes effect quickly," the director of SHIELD added. "Things are looking up for you."

"Indeed they are," Percy replied, nodding in agreement. "So ... nothing for me, yet?"

"No, not yet," he said. "But if anything pops out where we might need you, we'll give you a call. For now, we'll give you some rest. I'd say you deserve it. And also, by the way ... you got a new place in D.C."

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Director ... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," Fury said. "SHIELD will cover the expenses of your rent. I'll just text you the address later."

"Thanks," Percy said gratefully. "It's been uh, quite a ride for me."

Fury nodded. "I know you're only 18, but somehow ... I know that your adventures didn't start last year."

Percy raised an eyebrow. "You talking about why I was on the news at 12 years old?"

"I won't pry," Fury said. "Like I said, your slate has been wiped clean. So as far as I'm concerned, nothing ever happened before today."

Percy was quiet for a few seconds as he twiddled his fingers. "Can I trust you with something, Director?"


"It's uh ... something that needs to be kept secret," Percy explained.

Fury shrugged. "I guess you'd just be adding to the list."

Percy chuckled. "Well ... this particular one might just blow your mind."

Fury frowned at Percy, wondering what exactly he needed kept secret. "Who are you exactly, Percy Jackson?"

Percy smiled at the Director of SHIELD mysteriously.

And that's Percy Jackson's background wrapped in a nutshell. For the next chapter ... it's gonna get good.

So, let's summarize. Percy is an official agent of SHIELD, Sally gets vaccinated, little sis Estelle, blue cookies, wholesome Paul-Percy interaction, and finally, Percy puts his trust in Nicholas Fury. A lot in one chapter, but after the dark and gritty beginning, this story could have used a little bit of optimism and hopefulness.

Anyways, a preview in the next chapter: Loki attacks a SHIELD facility. Uh-oh. And a certain someone with knowledge about gods is called up to help with the situation. It's about to get real interesting, so y'all make sure to stay tuned. See you guys soon.