Dimensional Warrior

Chapter 1

Jean Grey née Warkiller stretched her hands outward. Sweat rolled down her face as the runic circle before her burned with bluish-white energy.

She glanced behind her, a lock of crimson hair briefly obscuring the view of her husband and son fighting against the Daemonite's. Her body tensed, her hands itching to curl into a fist and leap into battle.

She was the sorceress supreme, the pupil of Doctor Fate, guardian of earth, one of the most powerful psionics in the world. She shouldn't be creating a runic circle to escape.

Her gaze locked on to her fifteen-year-old son, Harry John Warkiller. He was who she was making this portal for, he deserved a life beyond fighting. She turned back to the portal, her eyes shining a luminescent pink as she lashed out with her telekinetic power focusing on a single point in the center of the circle.

A bright pink dot appeared at the center of the circle. It slowly began to widen into a wormhole.

James Warkiller swung his spear, its blades cleaving through the man's neck.

His red eyes dimmed and a translucent bipedal alligator with forearms lurched from the body, the three fingers splayed out on each of its four hands were spread wide.

Its legs bent, its three toes spreading to support its weight as it prepared to leap.

James spun his spear, pointing it at the creature.

It sprang forward, its arms stretching forward to pierce his chest.

Suddenly, a green crescent moon slashed the creature into from head to crotch.

Harrison John Warkiller lowered his hand, the green light fading from his eyes. His Emerald orbs surveyed the bodies that lay throughout the room. The coppery scent of blood hung heavy in the air. Orgon's severed limbs and sometimes whole body lay spread throughout the room like something out of a horror movie.

He rotated his shoulder trying to get the burning tiredness out of his limbs as more red-eyed humans charged forward. Lining his body with telekinetic energy, he slashed at one with his bare hand.

Its head arced through the air the spray of blood that followed after it slid off his psychic second skin. Spinning out of the way, he grabbed another's arm rolling it over his body. Stopping on its chest, he splayed out the fingers of his left hand.

Telekinetic blades sliced the limbs off the body. Again, a Daemonite emerged from his host and Harry cursed.

Most would die along with the vessels, but particularly strong Daemonites weren't so closely tied to the corporeal form.

His chest heaved, sweat stuck his red T-shirt fast to his body. He had been at this for hours. He was so tired of the stench of blood.

The Daemonite leaped forward, its forearms poised like the point of a pyramid to pierce his chest.

A whistling caught his attention. Tilting his head to the side, he watched a spear breezed past him. It slammed into the Daemonite's chest sending it flying backward and pinning it to the far wall.

Without turning around, he heard his father's voice, strong and assured despite the continuous battle "You need to hurry honey."

Once again, Harry surveyed the bodies.

For the past five years, the Daemonite's had secretly been taking over every major organization on earth. By the time the populace realized what was going on it was too late they had begun breeding more of their children.

He glanced at his father, James Warkiller, born from the sacrifice of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, crafts, and war. The soul of warrior mutant James Howlett. And the heart of a god. All in an effort to create a final defense but in the end, it wasn't enough.

"It's done," he heard his mother shout.

A hand grabbed the back of his shirt, "Time to go son."

In one swift movement, he found himself flying through the air. The last thing he saw before he flew into the portal his mother created was his mother's face.

Tears streamed out of her emerald eyes, and her crimson hair billowed out behind her in an invisible wind as she mouthed the words, "I love you."

XX –

Charlus Potter balanced a glass of wine on the thick fingers of his right hand as he stared at his wife, sadness reflected in his Hazel eyes.

For so long they had wanted a child, but it didn't seem to be in the cards for them. The healers couldn't tell them why they couldn't have children. Both were far healthier than most bloodlines otherwise known as witches and wizards, a smile quirked his lips, Doria made sure of that.

Doria could feel her husband's gaze on her as she perused the parchment before her. She knew what he was thinking. What he was always thinking.

He was blaming himself for them not being able to have children, but it could just as easily be her fault. Both of them were exposed to magics most normal people weren't with her job as a healer and his as a battle unspeakable.

She glanced up at him, 5'9" and packed with stocky muscle, his short black hair was cut close to his head. A shadow of stubble lined his square jaw. His Hazel eyes flicked to the glass of red wine in his hand.

Doria's grey eyes crinkled in pleasure at the pale blush on his cheeks. It was still good to know even after all these years that she could still fluster him.

Picking up a Quill, she scratched the date into the top of the parchment a sense of excitement as well as foreboding running down her spine as she scratched out March 6, 1954.

Gently blowing on the ink, she placed the quill back into the inkpot before rising to her feet. With a flick of her wrist, she sent her wavy dark hair flowing down her back.

Charlus stared at her taking in every one of her features like a drowning man.

She was 5'10" with the curves of a goddess, her silver eyes seemed to glow, and her wavy dark hair reminded him of a starless night sky.

A small smile stretched across her face, highlighting her high cheekbones. She swayed forward, a seductive glint appearing in her eyes. "So," she began stretching her hand forward to trail a finger beneath his chin, "would you like to…"

Charlus's head snapped to the left.

Dora tensed, the playfulness draining from her face, "What is it?"

Charlus tilted his head to the side, "I don't…" He was cut off as a luminescent pink flash filled the Windows in the Manor shook. On instinct, he reached out to the wards with his magic, they flared to life just as a boom shook their home.

Doria looked around as shadows danced along the walls from the chandelier above them swaying back and forth, "What was that?"

Charles rose to his feet, wisps of silver energy swirling around his stocky frame.

As the wisps sank into his clothes, they transformed becoming plain brown leather robes. Shadows crawled across his face from beneath the hood, obscuring his features.

"Stay here."

Doria's lips thinned, pale purple Tendrils rising off her, "Like hell I am," her eyes narrowed as Charlus tensed preparing to protest, "Look, someone's got to be there to put you back together. Now we can stand here arguing about it, or we can go see what made our house tremble."

Without saying a word, Charlus spun on his heel. With grace born of experience, he glided towards the door, his body instinctively finding shadows to conceal his movements.

Doria trailed behind him, the purple Tendrils that danced around her body flowed down her arm, forming a staff so dark purple that it was almost black.

XX –

A tear appeared in the sky, a crack of thunder echoing in its wake. Luminescent pink energy spilled from the tear, highlighting trees. Its light was reflected in the eyes of the nocturnal creatures that call the forest home.

They scattered away, their mass exodus blocking out the light of the Crescent moon.

Thunder cracked again, and the tear pulsed.

Harry John Warkiller exploded from the portal. He rolled along the ground once, before coming up in a crouch, a spear made of translucent blue energy clutched in his left hand. His right arm extended to provide balance.

For a moment, he just stared at the tear as it grew shut. Tears streamed down his face as he realized his parents weren't coming. His right hand curled into a fist. Releasing a scream filled with anguish he punched the ground.

The ground evaporated beneath his touch, leaving him sitting in a thirty-foot-wide crater.

'They lied,' those two words kept repeating in his mind, 'They lied. We were all supposed to come here together, but this whole time they were only making the portal for me.'

'Why' tears dripped onto the earth making minuscule pools of mud. He was all alone now, the last of his earth. What was he supposed to do?

The rhythmic sound of footsteps made him tense. Staying in his crouching position, he shifted his weight to his toes and slowly spun around to face the sound.

XX –

Charlus Potter stomped away from his Manor, his brown leather cloak swishing around him as he moved. He glanced beside him, Doria clutched her dark purple staff in her hand, her mouth pressed into a thin line, her grey eyes hard with determination.

Reaching the tree line of the forest that surrounded the property, Charlus instinctively positioned himself in front of Doria.

Doria opened her mouth to say something, but Charlus cut her off with a raise of his hand, "Not…"

The ground shook, trees bent outward, the sound of splintering wood was her only warning as hundreds of pounds of lumber began falling towards them from above.

With a shout, Doria slammed her staff into the ground.

A ring of purple light appeared around them growing up to form a dome just in time to protect them from the wood. Tops of trees bounced off the barrier like they hit rubber while smaller pieces shattered on impact.

Pine needles and other leaves rained around them.

Raising his head, Charlus looked around, finding crisscrossed trees piled up around him. He glanced back at Doria to find her smirking at him with a look on her face that said, "aren't you glad you brought me now?"

Stretching forth his hand, Charlus pushed his will outward's. Tendrils of silver magic swirled around his fingers before flowing out of Doria's dome. They curled around the fallen trees lifting them into the air.

The tendrils sank into the trees and they began to change. Mass began shifting until they were six-foot-tall humanoid wooden manikins.

Doria removed her staff from the ground, "Do you really think we need them?" She asked, nodding towards the small army of wooden men.

Straightening, Charlus just pointed forward.

Following his finger, Doria's eyes widened before them was an enormous crater. Splintered tree stumps surrounded the depression, and the occasional pine needle drifted down from above.

"What in the world?"

Raising his right hand, Charlus gestured with two fingers.

Wordlessly, the wooden soldiers stomped forward in locked step.

XX –

Wooden soldiers ringed his crater.

They stretch their arms forward, their hands becoming sword blades, maces, and spears. As one they ran forward, scuttling across the ground like an army of spiders.

Filled with pain and loss, a cold smile spread across Harry's face.

Bending his legs, he shot forward.

Wooden soldiers jabbed their Spears towards him. Spinning his own translucent blue spear, he knocked away the blades.

Off-balance, the soldiers rocked back.

Capitalizing on this, Harry swung his blade around, slicing their heads from their bodies.

The bodies fell to the ground.

Blocking the strike of a mace with his forearm coated in psychic energy, he was left open to the blade of a sword punching through his chest and out his back. With a snarl that sent blood trailing down his chin, he kicked the sword-wielding soldier backward, forcing it to tear its blade from his body as it soared through the air.

With the blade removed, his blood flowed back into his wound closing as if it had never been there. Delivering a palm strike to the Mace wielding soldier, it exploded in a shower of splinters.

Grabbing the splinters with his power, he flung them through the air, lacing each one with a bit of telekinetic force. They stabbed into the sword-wielding soldier's joints, separating its limbs from its body.

Allowing his spear to fade, he fell to his knees. Taking a deep breath, he slammed his hands into the ground. Translucent blue chains with spikes on the end snaked through the earth.

They burst out of the ground, skewering soldier after soldier until the chain had completed a ring around the crater. With a roar, Harry released his control over the psychic energy, causing each one of the constructs to explode in a shower of smoldering splinters.

Standing to his feet, he slapped his hands together, his emerald eyes searching for more combatants. Battle made him feel good, battle took the pain away.

XX –

A short distance away, Charlus Potter knelt behind a destroyed tree stump, watching the redheaded teen decimate his army. "Incredible," he breathed.

Doria laid a hand on his shoulder, "what do you want to do?"

Hazel eyes met grey, "He's a trespasser on our lands."

"He's also just a boy."

Charlus pointed towards the crater, "I don't think, just a boy, could fight like that."

Doria's grey eyes hardened and she shook her head, "Before we decide anything, we need answers."

"And how do you suggest we get them? I doubt he's going to just stand there and answer questions."

I wasn't thinking of asking, reaching into a pouch at her waist, Doria pulled out a handful of powder. Positioning her hand towards the crater, she took a deep breath and blew.

As the powder scattered, power flared around her hand.

A thick white fog coalesced around the crater.

She glanced at Charlus, that should do it, but we need a distraction to keep him in the crater until it takes effect.

Placing his hand on the ground, Charlus locked eyes with Doria, "What is that stuff?"

"A sleeping fog."

Nodding, Charlus closed his eyes.

His hand flared silver as he pushed his power into the earth.

XX –

Harry coughed as white fog washed over the crater.

He bent his legs, preparing to leap over the fog.

The ground shook, earth splintering beneath him.

Leaping into the air, his eyes widened as a serpentine dragon exploded from the ground, its dark brown scales forming as it emerged from the earth, its glowing silver eyes locked onto him.

It roared, revealing two rows of teeth made of jagged grey stone. Flexing his fingers, psychic energy wove between them, forming a pair of bright blue luminescent fingerless gloves. Throwing his fist forward, his knuckles slammed into the creature's forehead.

Stone gave way beneath the blow, cracks spread out from the impact point, and the glow of its silver eyes dimmed for just a moment.

XX –

Charlus grunted as the boy punched his Dragon, "What is he, half-giant?"

"I don't think so," Doria answered absentmindedly, her gaze still locked on the crater, "he's too small."

Grunting, Charlus rotated the hand pressed to the earth.

XX –

The dragon before him fell to dust that flew away on the wind. At the same moment, it reemerged from the side of the crater, its mouth opened wide.

Crossing his arms, Harry braced for impact.

The dragon slammed into him with the force of a runaway train, driving him into the side of the crater.

The ground at the edge of the crater buckled upwards in a straight line going six feet away from the crater.

XX –

Doria turned to her husband, "I thought we agreed not to do anything too drastic until we got some answers."

"You didn't feel that last punch. I'm starting to think this wasn't drastic enough."

A flash of orange drew Doria's attention back to the crater.

A circle of orange Sigils appeared at the impact site. Lines leading from the Sigils to the center of the circle created an intricate pattern. In a flash of orange light that reminded Doria of the setting sun, fire consumed the dragon.

A wave of superheated air washed over them as Charlus cried out, yanking his hand from the ground as the earth beneath it blackened.

Doria knelt beside her husband, wrinkling her nose at the stench of burned flesh as she took in his scorched skin.

Grasping his wrist, she pushed her power through his hand.

The veins of his hand glowed purple as the skin began to flake away, revealing smooth undamaged flesh. Within moments, his hand was completely healed.

XX –

Harry grunted as he pushed against the dragon's teeth, his hands wrapped around the grey jagged rock.

Blood flowed from his fingers as they were sliced open.

Reaching out with his mind, Harry began forming symbols out of Psionic energy. Born in a time of strife, he was taught his parent's crafts at a young age. His mother trained him in psionics and what he was using now, magic.

While he still needed practice with his mother's will-based magic, his symbol magic was stable enough for him to use.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the circle form in the small cave that the dragon made with its impact into the side of the crater. Tensing his arms, he braced his legs on the dragon's bottom jaw. Gritting his teeth, he shoved with all his might.

The dragon flew backward through the spell circle just as the intricate design finished appearing in its center.

The fire consumed it as it passed through, it rolled along the ground, leaving a trail of melted rock in its wake.

Straightening up, Harry moved forward, as he passed through the barrier he reached out with his mind, pulling the fire around his right hand.

Reaching out with his mind, he molded the fire into a ball that hovered just above his palm.

Rotating his fingers, the ball began to spin growing brighter in color until it was the size and shape of a small star.

Drawing back his arm, he hurled it at the Dragon.

It flew into the dragon's mouth exploding in a blinding flash.

As the spots cleared from his vision, he watched tendrils of silver magic crawl away on the wind or disperse into the earth.

"So, I was right. This was a constructed creature," his eyes shone a luminescent blue, "Well, it's time for its creator to quit hiding."

XX –

Charlus and Doria crouched down behind their shattered tree stump, their eyes squeezed shut against the white flash that filled the crater.

"The dragon is gone," Charlus said his eyes still closed, "how much longer until your sleeping spell takes effect?"

"It should have already taken effect by now, but the heat of that last attack probably dissipated some of it."

Suddenly, Charlus's eyes shone blue.

"Charlus, Charlus, can you hear me?"

XX –

Charlus Potter appeared in a stone room.

Braziers sat at the four corners casting the room in dim light.

Charlus scanned the space, his Hazel eyes looking for any clue as to where he was.

Suddenly, the boy shimmered into the room.

Charlus tensed, taking this chance to get his first good look at the kid.

He was 6'2" tall broad-shouldered, with red hair, and green eyes. He had a strong jaw that trailed down to a rounded chin.

He was dressed in a red T-shirt, jeans, and grey tennis shoes with white designs on them.

A book was splayed open in his left hand, his emerald eyes trailed back and forth as he took in the information.

Finally, he snapped the book shut and raised his head to meet Charlus's gaze.

"I have to say, the knowledge in your mind has really furthered my understanding of willpower-based magic, so thank you."

'My mind,' Charlus thought, 'we are in my mind.'

The boy bobbed his head, 'yes, we are.'

'How did he get past my barriers?'

Charlus took a step forward, "Who are you, what are you doing on my property."

Harry cocked his head to the side, "How rude of me, my name is Harry John Warkiller." Emotion flashed in his eyes, anger, sadness, guilt. "As for what I'm doing on your property, it was not my choice to come here."

"Then who's was it," Charlus asked while lashing out with his power against the force holding him here. He winced as he slammed into the force. It felt like he was headbutting a brick wall.

Harry's eyes hardened into chips of stone, "My mother's."

XX –

Doria Potter stared into the luminescent blue glow that shone from her husband's eyes. Slowly, she stood to her feet.

This had gone on long enough, it's time to show this, boy, the true might of the house of Black.

Turning her back to Charlus, she stomped towards the crater, tendrils of pale purple energy rising off her.

As she closed the distance between her and the crater.

The tree stumps surrounding the crater were ripped out of the ground.

They began spinning rapidly.

She paused, her eyes widening as each stump elongated and transformed as if it was being worked by a machine into long sharp wooden spikes.

She cursed as the spikes flew forward.

With a flick of her hand, purple energy rushed out of her.

Blades of grass shot up, snagging the spikes from the air and binding them together.

They fell to the ground in neat piles on either side of her.

Stretching forth her right hand, the sleeping fog she sent around the crater froze. Raising her pointer finger, it coalesced into streamers that circled the redhead.

The boy looked at her, his own eyes glowing the same luminescent blue as Charlus's.


"Thank you."

Flicking her finger down words, the tendrils shot towards the boy, flowing into his mouth and nose.

Slowly, his eyes drifted closed and he fell backward.

His body hit the ground with a thump, sending a pale cloud of dust up from the churned earth.

Waiting a moment to make sure he was out, she strode forward.

With surprising grace, she slid down the embankment, creating a small trail in her wake.

Kneeling beside the body, she withdrew a piece of parchment from her hip pouch. Spreading it out, she pulled a needle from a pouch at her back and pricked his finger. Rotating the needle between her fingers, she stared at the blood on its tip.

Satisfied, she set the needle down on the parchment, forcing it to stand upright with a bit of power. With a force of will, it began writing.

"Are you alright?" She asked as Charlus joined her at the bottom of the crater.

Charlus rubbed the side of his head. "I'm fine, I think the only reason he captured me was to gain information."

"Did you find anything out about him?"

"His name is Harry John Warkiller."


"That's what he said."

"What else?"

"Which one of us is in charge here?"

A Cheshire cat grin spread across Doria's face, "Why me of course."

Charlus nodded, "Just checking."

"He was sent here by his mother, I take it from his reaction wherever he came from, his mother didn't make it."

Doria nodded, "That explains his volatile reactions, his fighting was fueled by grief and anger," she glanced at the boy, Harry, she amended, "I'm honestly surprised he didn't kill us."

Charlus knelt beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I think he was only trying to blow off some steam."

He glanced at the parchment, "Now what have you found?"

Lineage of Harry John Warkiller.

Balder, son of Odin and Frig (paternal grandfather.) Unknown

Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, crafts, and warfare. (Paternal Grandmother.)

James Warkiller, divine reincarnation of James Howlett (father.) Deceased

Jean Warkiller née Grey, sorceress supreme, mutant, (mother.) Deceased

John Grey, mutant power dampener/replicator, (maternal grandfather.) Deceased

Elaine Grey, mutant Psionic, (maternal grandmother.) Deceased

Liam Grey, mutant, empathic sync, (maternal uncle.) Deceased

Roger Grey, mutant, emotional body augmentation, (maternal uncle.) Deceased

Sara Grey, mutant astral energy projection, (maternal aunt.) Deceased

Julia Grey, mutant empath, (maternal aunt.) Deceased

Alexander Grey, mutant psychic (paternal great grandfather.) Deceased

Eve Aries, mutant, telepath (maternal great grandmother.) Deceased

Lola Dent, genetically created super soldier with incredible mental powers (great maternal grandmother.)

Emp alien immortal with regenerative energy manipulation powers (great maternal grandfather.)

Charlus and Doria looked at each other, "Doria," Charlus began slowly.


"Does this boy have a god in his family bloodline?"

"At least three from what I can tell."

Charlus nodded slowly his eyes locked on the boy, "What are we going to do now?"