Buzz Kill

Chapter 01

Disclaimer – I do not own Naruto or any of the mentioned universes within. This is valid for all of the fallowing chapters of Buzz Kill.


When I woke up for the first time in what felt like forever I immediately noticed that I wasn't right anymore. The feeling of something crawling under my skin ebbing when I focused on it yet surging when I turn my attention away. Sitting up I took in the fact that this was not the room I had spent years slowly filling up with bottles and jars filled to the brim with pieces for my hobbies. This room also felt strange as if I knew it intimately yet at the same time didn't in any way to make it mine. Turning my head I took in the sparse lay out of the room and frowned as no one I knew had such a bare and boring room in their house.

"Are you our home?" I blinked slowly well looking around for just where the tiny voice came from only to just then notice the fact the entire ceiling was a shiny black which moved. Teeny bugs idly floated down not landing on me but hovering on the air as their wings beat faster than a hummingbirds.

"Um, hello? Just who are you?" The bugs buzzed softly as if mourning the loss of someone very important to them.

"We are the Hive. You are not our Shino are you." I opened my mouth to answer as I have no idea what the Hive was talking about as no my name is not Shino. Feeling tiny legs on my skin I looked down an froze as I took in the fact the body I was inhabiting was definitely not of my own. Case in point, it was fucking male.

"I-I-! Holy shit, what happened?!" The Hive buzzed gently as if trying to comfort me but ultimately failing as how do you comfort someone who had spontaneous gender reassignment via body switch?

"What is your name?" I took in a few breaths as damn it I was not gonna break down into a pile of mash potatoes crying my eyes out well babbling nonsense.

"Nora. My name is Nora." The calm feeling of detaching myself started to crawl over my mind only for me to lock myself down in the moment. Dodging traumatic events had been the cause of so many problems in my life thus far into this moment. Focusing on the Hive I took note of the fact that they seemed sluggish and kept dipping in the air as if barely able to keep flight.

"Forgive us Nora. We are chakra feeding beetles of a species unique to the Amburame Clan of Konohagakure. As you are not our Shino any longer we can not feed off of your chakra to sustain us any longer as it is changed from what we know. Please allow us to rest or go out on a hunt to fill our systems." I felt my eyes widen as I fucking know all about what the Hive is as this was part of Naruto that manga/anime series my dad loved to re-watch. Hurrying up to stand on my knees so to get a better grip on the window I pushed it open a few inches to let the Hive out into the chakra potent gardens.

"Please take my apologize as I didn't know that I was starving you." The Hive buzzed happily well drifting out of my window an down to the chakra rich flowers growing close to my window sill. Watching carefully as they started to feed I nodded in satisfaction before deciding to take inventory on what I know and try to find a date to go off of.

Short bushy dark brown hair much like my original hair on my original body met my hands as I pulled it down to get a good view. Not having a mirror I held off on that instead checking out the body that was mine until the unforeseeable future came to pass. Pale like I had been with a more sturdy build designed to take hits well also allowing speed and flexibility, same as before. The height was a bit hard to deal with as I realized that this body is short, three foot six if you want exact measurements.

"Thank you for your kindness." I nodded to the returning Hive as they filtered in through the window opening rejuvenated from feasting on chakra plants.

"Don't worry about that. I have some question though that I'd mind being answered. What was yesterday like? Anything important happen?" The Hive drifted about the room as they lowered themselves down on the few bits of decoration in the room. The sounds of them buzzing for a few moments made me wonder if they had a second secret language I was unable to understand.

"Shino gained acceptance to explore the gardens by himself as a gift due to his fifth year of living." That gave me pause as if Shino had only been five before I switched him out then that meant I was gonna have to deal with going through school again. Why the fuck couldn't I of've been left after the whole homework bullshit?

"That just means that I can cement the more outlandish habits in at a young age. I hope the Amburame don't mind dealing with a very eccentric personality like mine." The Hive buzzed as if both amused and worried by the fact I was talking to myself even if they were there to be spoken to. "Then again Nora your own family didn't really come equipped with the ability to deal in your madness. Why thank you very much for bringing that back up. Welcome!" I shook my head as this wasn't a very good habit to partake in even if it was the only company I use to get in the Original.

"You are quite amusing to watch Nora. But if we may say it is a great sadness to admit that we can never feed from you again. Your chakra is to potent an will harm us if fed upon by the Hive." I gaped as hot damn doggie that was kinda scary to think about as these little guys could feed off of Naruto without problem. If my chakra, an holy fuckwads I have chakra, was that strong then that means everyone will notice the fact. Why didn't I have a hoard of ninja bursting from the woodwork after me right now to drag me off to ANBU or ROOT?

"WELL, that is horrifying to think on for any longer!" I gave out a cheery voice as it always works to keep my mind from the things that make me drift off into no mans land. The Hive seemed to know just what it was that made me do a one-eighty in personality as they increased their buzzing.

"We can not feed on you but we can mask. Your chakra is hidden beneath us and only should we fall will yours be shown." I breathed out well slumping over in relief as this teeny tiny little beetle bug just knocked a load off my hunching shoulders.

"So my job is to protect you to protect myself? That sounds easy but Karma and Bitches are my BEST friends in life. What's the catch?" The Hive dulled the buzzing into a white noise den as I didn't talk to just one of them even if they all shared a mind.

"We must be fed in some manner and once you gain those you seek we wish to feed from them. If they should refuse than so be it but we will require more chakra as the Hive grows." So these tiny guys want to be properly fed in exchange for them hiding my holy mother of chimichangas with dancing Russian bears drunk on vodka chakra? That seems fair on all points as they are the ones keeping me alive and free from enslavement via Danzo- the jackass-ed red eye stealing pedophile.

"Deal~! But I need some help with the whole being ninja jank. Imma be me but that doesn't mean I don't need to be a bit more knowledgeable on just what I've crash landed into." The amused buzzing made me smile lopsidedly well squinting my left eye slightly no doubt looking crazy to any unfortunate to see. Jumping up I landed on the floor well tossing out a peace sign and popping out my right hip leaning back towards my heels. "I'll be the greatest and INSANEST ninja ever to tap dance my way to glory and free food~!"

"We see that you have a will that matches your chakra but tell us. What is it that you seek to do?" I tilted my head to look at the main part of the Hive well feeling energetic and all hyped up, rearing to go. My answer to that question is very simple and not really hard to think on as it was something I did all the time back in the Original.

"Why fuck up the universe! Course it's a hella tonna more hard then I'll ever fucking believe." The sound of glass breaking made me rush over to the door an look out at the very surprised, or is that angrily shocked?, Shibi standing there. "Hi. Well than I have somewhere to be sooo. BYE~!" I ran back into my room well slamming the door and ditching the pj's I wore only to quick change in less then twenty seconds as I jumped out the window. Hearing a lecture about not cussing after only being in this world for an hour at most is not how I'm gonna kick off a very new and colorful life. Thanks! But NO!


~BlackoSun Out!