
-Harry (2 years before meeting her)

"Harry James!!! You better not be flying again!" shouted an angry but caring mother.

"Of course not, Mum!" Said the mischievous child, who is currently 30 feet above the ground.

Lily Potter was no dummy, of course. She knew what her son was up to.

She then marched outside.

She saw that Harry lied and that she was right, he was flying again.

She pinched the bridge of her nose.


As the little delinquent found out he was in trouble, his eyes widen.

His mum would definitely ground him. And he can't miss the Montrose Magpies' game tomorrow!

So he wracked up solutions as fast as he can in his head.

Then he found one...

Get down to the ground as fast as he can.

Sadly, it was the wrong solution.

His mother screamed in fright of both the broomstick hitting her and of Harry getting possibly injured.

Oh, no.

Harry stood up from the ground, eyes wide, waiting for his mother to scream at him.

Her eyes were blazing and her face was as red as her hair.

"JAMES POTTER!!! COME OUT RIGHT NOW!!!" Her mother screamed towards the house after she recovered from the shock.

Harry let go of a sigh of relief...

At least he wasn't in trouble.

"Don't think you're off the hook, Harry James. You almost gave me a heart attack!!! " His mother said with a glare.

He sighed again, of course, his mother would still be mad at him.

It didn't matter anyway, he got to fly!

And speed his way down!

Harry was quite proud of himself

"Yes, Honey!" James finally showed up.

He looked exactly like Harry just older and with hazel eyes...Said everyone Harry knows.

As you can tell he was quite tired of hearing it.

Lily Potter raised an eyebrow towards her husband as if warning him, 'I won't fall for that'.

James gulped and looked towards Harry, he saw the broom.

His eyes widen, he was in big trouble.

Suddenly, his demeanor changed.

He faced his son in what looks like a very not-serious serious face.

"Harry! Why did you ride my broom!?! I told you not to ride it, didn't I" He said 'secretly' winking at his son to take the hint.

Harry got the hint.

"I'm so sorry, dad!" He replied in an over-exaggerated guilty voice and over the top acting, someone give this boy an Oscar!

Sadly for his father, Lily also got the hint.

"Oh, don't play innocent with me James Potter! I know you gave him permission to fly!"

James sighed, he understood that there was no escape for himself, so he tried to save his son.

James is very noble, after all, he is Gryffindor.

"Harry, go inside...I'll take care of your mum this time around..."

He whispered to his son, while his wife was still berating him for letting Harry break her rules again.

Harry grinned and took the invisibility cloak in his dad's hand.

He then walked very quietly to the house...

He has escaped Mount Lily...

His father was sacrifice this time around.


Harry finally reaches his bedroom.

He smiles, his Parents always fight.

Well, it's not really a fight at all actually.

More like...a friendly argument or some sort of sweet quarrel.

And it's really just his mum angry at his dad for pranks and letting Harry fly.

So, it doesn't really affect him at all.

And he knew his father would take these arguments over not letting Harry fly.

Flying is what irritated Lily Potter the most.

She was very adamant about not letting Harry fly until he was at least 13...

Mostly because she thinks it's dangerous and unnecessary.

(Which in Harry's, James's, and Sirius's opinion isn't true.)

But sadly for her, she married a quidditch enthusiast.

So obviously James wouldn't let his son be deprived of the exhilarating feeling of flying.

And if he did deprive Harry, there's always Sirius to do it.

Harry shakes his head not wanting to think of how he's next for taking the blame.

His mum would ground him next time, for sure.

The circle of life truly is horrible.

He finally lies down, removed his glasses, and fell asleep.

He had sweet dreams, of course, he -after all- is a happy and normal child.

Well, as normal as wizards can be.


-Hermione (2 years before meeting him )

Hermione Jean Granger, a normal girl (or so she thinks) with absolutely no social life.

And frankly, she could not have cared less.

Why would she! She has books!

Books are all she needs.

They hold the key to knowledge and a bright future.

And a bright future would make her happy, right?

Well, not at all actually.

No matter how often others think that her only emotions are happy and angry.

She is still human and a child.

So obviously, being successful with no friends and no supporters, would not make her happy!

But alas it is the only way she could cope with all the words they say about her.

She was really lonely, after all.

So instead of getting hurt, she tries to cover up her sensitivity with intimidation and being a know-it-all.

It does not work that well, but it's all she could do without getting too hurt.

Well, not really, but she prefers it over any other option.

It is still better than homeschool.

"Hermione! Wake up" Her mother said shouting while cooking breakfast.

Suddenly a giant ball of curly hair came speeding in the kitchen.

"Mum! I'm already awake!" Said the ball of energy, who turns out to be on Hermione Granger.

Even though the students leave much to be desired, she loves her classes!

It is still learning after all.

And how could she miss a day of school, when they are learning new things every day!

"Aren't you, excited..." Her mum teases.

Well, of course, she is...

Who wouldn't!

Well, any normal student...

But this is Hermione Granger, we're talking about.

"Mum, its SCHOOL! Obviously, I'd be excited." Hermione replied haughtily, her mum wanted to comment...but she knows her daughter is rather sensitive about the topic.

Hermione then continues to eat breakfast.

While reading a book, of course.

She had to read up for her History quiz in two weeks!

"I'm done! I'll go now, mum!" The little girl said to her mum already half-way out the door.

And before her mother could reply, Hermione was already skipping happily towards her school which was 5 minutes away from her house.

She then arrived in class. The first class for today is mathematics, so obviously she has got to be early!

As she sat down and prepared her things, a girl with shiny black hair and big beautiful eyes came sauntering to her seat.

She knew this girl was nothing but trouble and another of crying in a cubicle.

"Hello, Hermy..." The girl said snottily. An evil grin spreading on her face as she spoke.

Hermione gulped, it was Hannah...The meanest girl in her class. Also the prettiest one.

'She's probably going to tease me again' Hermione thought.

"You look so pretty today!" Hannah said smiling, to the surprise of Hermione.

She tried to see any malice in her face, but there were none.

So, she smiled back.

Maybe she wouldn't need to cry today!

'A pretty girl thinks I'm pretty too' was all Hermione was thinking.

"T-thanks, Hannah" The bushy-haired 9-year-old replied staring at the ground, surprised to hear someone complimenting her looks.

She looked up to see that Hannah was laughing.

"How sad Granger! You actually believed that...You look like a beaver! How could you ever be pretty!" Then she howled in laughter along with everyone who was present.

Hermione already felt the tears coming, but she held them back so that she can defend herself.

"If by being pretty you mean you, right," Hermione asked slowly.

Hannah looked at her confused, of course, she meant herself.

And then nodded, "Of course I meant myself ...I couldn't have meant you" Hermione felt the tears again as the whole class started to laugh.

But, she held it back, she wasn't finished.

"Oh then, maybe you're using the wrong word, Hannah. Bullying people for your own self-esteem...that's not pretty, it's petty. Please dont confuse the two!"

Hannah looked livid, and albeit she didn't now what petty was...She didn't like it.

By the looks of Hannah's face, Hermione knew she didn't know what it means.

So, she just had to shove it in her face that she's stupid.

She called her ugly, Hermione will call her stupid.

"oh, wait... I'm so you not know what petty means? Look for it in a dictionary, if you even know what that is!"

Hermione stormed off, glaring at the girl, with her head high. They don't deserve her tears.

Although, once she reached the girls' restroom. The tears dropped and sadness filled her heart.

'Of course, they wouldn't think I'm pretty! I do look like a beaver with my big stupid teeth! I'm ugly and friendless! How could I ever believe that she thinks I'm pretty...They're all the same. I will never be this stupid again.' Hermione cried.

Her life isn't all that good.

But in 2 years, all her problems...

Will slowly fade.

Well, she wouldn't think they were fading...

She'd think they were growing.

But, Hermione's life can only get better when she comes across someone like him.


So I hope you enjoyed it and if not...then I understand lol.

But please be wary of your words in the comments. But constructive criticism is accepted

Hope everyone stays safe during this pandemic ︎

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-𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ