AN - This story will largely be based off the game and not the anime and the anime will probably make a appearance in the distant future.

Update - I believe the prologue took place in Denmark strait which is, well, very cold - I at least think - and how my current story definitely has some holes in it. Yikes.

Enterprise was known by many names the 'Grey Ghost' was just the one of many that most knew her by. Her fearsome power was said to easily destroy a fleet of ships. So... how did she end up here? Stranded on an island on god knows where.

They didn't currently have a commander and rumors were going around that the next commander would be a womanizer. She didn't know how such a rumor was spread but it had most wary of the next commander. Only for them to not have a commander for months so they were self sustaining themselves without a commander and since they didn't have any authoritative figure, some of the the girls got a bit out of hand. And then the Iron Blood suddenly decided to betray there alliance

Enterprise decided to blow off some steam by going on a sortie by herself, it wasn't anything too bad. She was limiting herself and she didn't like it. Yet when everything was about to end she was ambushed by a group of sirens. It was swift and deadly, they sought to remove her as variable to their plans. It almost worked.

Yet the only problem was she was badly damaged and her rigging was practically lost in the water and she has no idea where she was. She honestly yet reluctantly thought that her time as the 'Grey Ghost' was coming to an end when someone saved her from the water and carried her to shore.

She didn't know how this person saw her and managed to swim all the way back to shore but they had her thanks. She could barely stay awake, her eyes would flicker open at different times of the day or even week, she did not know, yet during those times she could just barely see her savior tending to her everyday relentlessly for probably days on end.

A day later - or what she assumed she was a day later - she fully woke up without a single scratch and she noticed she was in some tent and her signature hat and jacket that was neatly folded with her hat on the top on a makeshift chair. She noticed that all the rips and tears it had from battle were gone and stitched back together so she went to grab it, putting the cap on and her jacket and exited what she believed was a tent.

She was greeted with the sight of a small camp that had all of the living necessities and what looked like a small cabin in construction, that and how cold it was and there seemed to be ice scattered around the place. Looking around the camp she was in she noticed there was smoke coming from the shore in the distance if the sand gave any hints. She was worried, it could be another attack yet she was also unarmed to do anything. She still went to investigate and saw her savior - if she had to guess - sitting next to a warm campfire in the cold island.

Her savior noticed her and with a smile gestured her to come over. Savior they may be, but that didn't mean she would fully trust them. She would give him the benefit of the doubt.

She walked closer and as expected she knew it was a male from his masculine frame. She noted his red hair and amber eyes that soon looked back at the campfire.

"Were you the one who saved me?" She decided to ask the man.

Without even looking back he answered, "I did."

She noticed how he was cooking fish and it looked impossible well done, the two fish even looked golden in color. "Why?" She then decided to ask him.

He turned around and looked into her eyes and immediately answered without hesitation "It's not wrong to help others." He spoke as if he would do it again in a heartbeat.

She mulled over his words, was it truest something as simple as that? Was there some scheme involved? Was this all - she was cut off as she and her savior heard a rumbling coming from, her eyes drifted downwards and she couldn't help but turn a shade red.

Compared to her he chuckled, "I have some food if your hungry." He held out both sticks of fish towards her.

She quirked a brow at his action, "Aren't you also hungry?"

He shook his head at her and answered, "It's ok. I already ate early today."

She decided to trust him and sit down near him and take his offered food as they stared out into the vast waters of the sea while Enterprise ate the food and couldn't help but praise that such food could exist.

"Shirou." He suddenly spoke and drew her attention, "I'm Shirou Emiya."

She nodded at the now named Shirou but hesitated at offering her own name. For all she knew he could be an enemy, but she still introduced herself, "Enterprise."

He looked perplexed the unique name but decided to ignore it.

He soon stood up, "Well then Enterprise, since we're both stranded on an island I'm going to go deeper into the island to see what's in there. I'll be back before night."

"Hmm." Was what she responded with.

With that she saw him do just that and head deeper into the island and he was soon gone. With him now gone her attention soon drifted back to the clouds in the distance. Well, looks like he doesn't know where we are too. She didn't know what to do now. She could try and build something to go back to base but the idea was quickly discarded since she didn't know where it was and if she was found again she would be defenseless and most likely dead.

She could wait for help but that would take a long time yet it was better than nothing. At least she could spend her life however she wanted even if she couldn't go back into combat.

She then decided to investigate around the camp Shirou had set and where she would probably spend the rest of her time. Walking back to the camp didn't take long and now she was partially at least. The cabin in construction was actually close to completion so the question begged, how long was he here for and how did he get here. She decided to ask him later and decided to go inside to look around even if Shirou probably would mind. The roof was missing and there weren't any windows but it still had a homey feel to it and she could appreciate that.

Looking around she spotted a medium sized bed made of leaves and such. She also noticed that there was a drawer nearby made of wood. Besides the drawer there was also seemed to be what looked like a small kitchen in the making with also what seemed like a table and a pair of chairs not too far away.

Overall there wasn't too much in the house and it felt homey even if it was made from the wilderness. But building this must of taken a long time from what she had to guess and Shirou must of been here for a long time.

She decided that her time in the small cabin was overdue and went to the tent where she awoke from. It didn't look like much and seemed to be hastily made - probably from her unexpected arrival - but it was what it was, a shelter at best.

Entering the tent she saw saw that there was really just a somewhat small chair and a makeshift bed. It was pretty much empty. But now a problem soon made itself known, she now had nothing to do. She could probably go to sleep and rest but she already and probably rested on the bed while Shirou was taking care of her.

She couldn't just do nothing and sleep the day away though. She had to, needed to get back to base but that seemed impossible so she decided that she would repay Shirou in some way. In what way she did not know but she would find out soon so she decided that roaming around would probably be best for now.

Shirou was now walking on the - what he assumed - was the opposite side of the island he and Enterprise were on. There wasn't much on the island itself and barely any animals lived here for some reason, at least, that or most of the animals were avoiding him. The island itself seemed to be a home for only birds from what he could see.

He let out a sigh, he didn't exactly know how he got here yet it was a change of pace from saving people constantly and no, he would never regret saving every life he could. It seemed fuzzy and he hasn't even been here for two months, yet the memories were slowly coming back to him. He recounted the holy grail war and meeting his future self and everything else. Of course Shirou tried to avoid archers future yet it seemed that he was slowly beginning to walk the same path as him. Only this time he would not become a counter guardian and he would not despise his ideals.

But still, he could not and would not be able to remember how he came here, it seemed that all of his prior memories before the holy grail war were resurfacing. Yet he could only hope it would happen sooner and he could come back to civilization to continue his lonely journey.

Currently his eyes, ears, and nose were reinforced to it's absolute limit - of course without the possibility of destroying himself in the process - so he could be fully aware of everything around him. Overall the island had a stable source of fruit and vegetables yet it lacked in meat, it was manageable.

He made a mental map of the island yet the only thing that was missing was this particular side of the island. He didn't necessarily know why he had never step foot on this side of the island in the two months he had spent here yet that didn't matter since there wasn't anything urgent that was happening.

As if his luck had run out he could faintly hear the sounds of explosion in the distance. Now this was urgent because where there were usually was an explosion there would be people in danger and if he didn't make it there in time he only had himself to blame. Looking towards the sound of an explosion he of course expected it to be out in the ocean and it was somewhere out in the ocean. While he eyes were reinforced he could just barely see figures in the vast distance with large canons - he did not know yet the shape of it spoke - and his eyes tried to focus on them to see them better.

From what he could see he saw two figures attacking ships and destroying them with ease. Soon he saw a two more figures arrive and they seemed to be opposed to each other. So it was a three on one - if you didn't count the ships at least. He didn't know what to do as he didn't know who was the 'good guy' and 'bad guy' and he didn't want to help the wrong side that would leave an undesirable outcome in the future. For now he would wait and observe them from the small island he was currently on.

It seemed that the lone person was dealing with the three others as if they could easily shrug off the blows they did receive. They were all dodging each other's shots and sinks were sinking left and right, eventually another figure appeared and gave what seemed like a command if the barely noticeable gesture was a clue.

And just when they arrived another figure slowly revealed itself from the back, now it was a four on two if you still didn't count the ships that would easily sink to the firepower the four had.

From there the battle seemed to grow, more explosions were made and even more ships sinks were beginning to sink as the battle was soon reaching it's peak. He had to do something now if he didn't want any lives to end.

AN - Yes. I just cliffhangered you. Do I feel bad? Maybe. Besides that what do you guys expect to happen next chapter? Leave a review if you so please and tell me if you liked or hated it.