Chapter 1

'No, not again,' the brunette moaned in exasperation as she opened the front door.

At first sight Harue Urameshi seemed like an ordinary teenager as far as appearance went. Sure, she was taller than most girls her age, but she wasn't extreme tall. Just enough to make her easier to spot, according to her brother. But her height also made it easier to spot others. You see, Harue had a secret. A secret not even her own family knew of and would know of. Sure, her brother liked to make fun of her appearance, which were so unlike him. They both had a round face and a glare that would send most people cowering in fear. But that was where their likeliness stopped. In both looks and character.

As Harue closed the door behind her - careful not to wake up the current residents - she scanned the area. Her honey brown eyes almost appearing golden in the light of the rising sun. She couldn't see anything strange, but she knew something was off. She could feel it in the air.

But with nothing out of te ordinary, she put on her headphones and started her morning jog. Still, she kept an watchful eye out on her surroundings. Sooner or later he would find her. But as long as he didn't know where she lived, she could at least keep her family safe.

'That bastard,' she growled as she turned a corner.

She had first noticed the presence a couple of weeks ago, when she having lunch with Keiko. While the girls enjoyed their food at the little cafe, Harue noticed the air thickening. Not suffocating, but enough for her to notice. For Keiko's sake, she ignored it. But to feel that presence had spooked the fourteen year old more than she'd like to admit. After that, she had noticed the presence a couple of other occasions, all during the weekend. And each time, it felt closer than before.

Yes, she wasn't what she appeared. She wasn't an ordinary girl, who was unfortunately enough to be born to a drunkard mother. And not to mention her brother - twin brother to be exact - who was a teenage delinquent. Whose name alone made girls tremble in fear. There was a side of her she did not feel like showing to the outside world. She had buried that life years ago. She preferred being seen as ordinary.

But it seemed she could not run from the past. Yes, she had seen others. Petty little demons possessing people. Usually she would let them be, they weren't a part of her world. But if one was foolish enough to come after her, well... Let's just say, they never got to see another day.

She stopped in front of the traffic lights. There were only a few cars passing by and even less people walking the streets. For a saturday morning, it was a peaceful morning to jog. But Harue couldn't enjoy it.

As soon as the lights hit green, she crossed the road and made her way towards the park. She never used the same route twice, but today she did. He was getting too close for comfort and should things get ugly, they would have the cover of the trees. That way, the people would remain oblivious to what was really out there.

And what was out there, wasn't pretty. Especially if her assumption was correct. If it was really who she thought it would be, even she had to fear for her life! He had haunted her of late. Visiting her in her dreams, his presence as suffocating as she remembered. His eyes dangerous. His smirk deadly.

Harue shook her head. No! She would not pay that demon any heed! She would not give into his calls. He was like a siren. Alluring, but dangerous. But she would not be lured in again. What she had now was far from perfect. But ten times better than what would await her if she was to give in!

She stopped in her tracks. Her heart pounding in her chest as she saw something move in the trees. It couldn't be him, right? It couldn't! She could feel his presence and it seemed far off still. So it most definitely wasn't him.

She sighed in relief. Silly girl, getting spooked by a squirrel or a bird. What was wrong with her?

But before she could scold at herself some more, something caught her eye. Just in time did she move out of the way as a sword came down to where she stood just a moment ago. Again it came down, though this time she was prepared and moved out of the way, before kicked the weapon out of the attacker's hand.

'You've got some nerve,' she hissed as she glared at the person standing in front of her. 'Attacking a defenseless girl like that!'

But as she took a good look at the attacker, she took an involuntary step back. Only now noticing how thick the air had become. It wasn't him, but this person wasn't to be messed with either.

He was short, but fast. Faster than her it seemed, for she hadn't noticed him until he attacked. And his cold crimson eyes told her he was not to be underestimated. They reminded her of Yusuke's eyes, but even colder. And his glare more intense as he walked over to his sword.

'Please,' was his reply as he picked up the sharp object. 'You and I both know that isn't entirely true. You are not as defenseless as you claim to be. But you are right. There is no honor in fighting an unarmed opponent.'

'Then put away that sword of yours,' she sneered.

Her glare did not leave the black haired male in front of her. She would call him a boy, but she knew better. He was most definitely not the one she had sensed. His aura was strong, much stronger than she liked. But it wasn't the same as the other one.

As she inspected him, she noticed he looked to be a human around her age. Sixteen at the most. But that would be if he was human. And while the person in front of her looked human, he wasn't. But she did knew what he was.

A demon.

'You have good reflexes,' the demon complimented her as he complied. 'I must say, I actually didn't expect that. It seemed I was misinformed about you.'

She studied him, while questioning how he knew about her. And what he knew. But most importantly, she wondered why he was here. But he remained silent as she stared at him, with him doing the same thing. His arms crossed over his chest, a smirk on his face.

The honking of a car, made Harue take her eyes of the demon for a moment. And that's when she noticed the streets were getting busier. That was most definitely not good! If he decided to throw a ruckus again, people could get hurt.

'I get the feeling you were purposely targeting me,' she concluded after a moment of silence.

'So it would seem.'

'Then I suggest we take it somewhere more private. There is no need for these people to get hurt. And I could feel you were holding back. So I'd say you need something of me.'


I should not be watching Netflix anymore... As soon as Yu Yu Hakusho came on, I just had to watch it again. Ah, my childhood, my good ol' teen years where I watched the show on YouTube during Mathematics. And of course I had to start writing, using an idea I once had years ago.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.