Private Photo Shoot

Pairing: Mio x Sawako x Mugi

Genre: Humor/Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own K-On or any of its characters.

"No, no, no, no!" Mio panics, shaking her head roughly. "I will NOT do this!"

Sawako holds up the French Maid outfit with a smile. "Awwww, come on, Mio-chan. It's just an outfit I made. Hey, look. Mugi-chan is also wearing it~!"

The blonde rich girl twirls around, making the skirt flutter at the movement. "Hehehe~! This is lovely, Sawa-chan!"

"See? She doesn't mind~" the homeroom teacher and advisor says.

"No! I don't want to participate in your schemes again!" Mio cries, turning away.

This isn't what she had in mind. While Yui, Azusa and Ritsu are busy doing errands for Sawako, the homeroom teacher made it a perfect opportunity to have not only Mio as her dress up doll, but Tsumugi insisted on joining in. And to make things worse, Sawako insisted on taking pictures of the two of them, posing as much as they want before the rest of the Light Music Club members comes back. Mio doesn't know how much longer she can stay composed until they return.

"Hey, hey, Mio-chan!" Mugi says, hugging her beloved from behind. "I'm wearing it, so why don't you? We can pose together! That way, you won't be so nervous!"

"Th-that's not it," Mio says. "S-Sensei's going to add these photos to her collection and that's not good because…"

"They're her personal collection," Mugi corrects her.

"Still…it's so embarrassing…"

Sawako begins to chuckle evilly. Taking off her glasses, she approaches Mio before she can even blink.

"How about I strip you naked just like the last time and show it to the rest of the school~?" The teacher reverts to her other "persona", Katherine.

"EEEK! N-No! I don't want that!" Mio panics. "I'll behave! I promise, I promise!"

Sawako quickly puts her glasses back on and smiles, acting like nothing happened a few minutes ago. "Good~! Now put it on so that we can start shooting~"

"U-uuuuu…" Mio whines, looking at the happy Mugi and then Sawako, who high five each other. She really hopes the three girls come back soon.


Sawako flashes pictures left and right, going back and forth while Mio and Mugi pose for their advisor.

"Yes, yes, brilliant~!" the teacher says excitedly. "Yes, just like that! Mio-chan, bend your knee more~!"

"Eh!? B-but…" Mio panics.

"Just do what she says," Mugi advises.

"F-fine…" The vocalist bends her leg upward, showing a bit of her signature striped panties.

"Sensei, sensei~!" Mugi bends over until she's at a 90 degree angle, showing off her white panties. "Look at mine!"

"Awesome, Mugi-chan!" Sawako flashes a couple pictures. "These panties are so cute! Pure white! I like it~!"

Mio sweat drops. It's been only 15 minutes and already, Sawako's getting into it. Ever since Mio became the teacher's dress up doll, things have been getting out of hand…only a little bit until Mugi decided to join in. After all, the two have been going out for a while now. Sawako somehow found out about it and happily included Mugi to be her dress up doll alongside Mio. Whenever they have spare time, Sawako has them wear various sexy outfits for her to take pictures and add them to her personal collection. As much as Mio dislikes it, she cannot refuse as Sawako has a way of persuading her.

"Mio-chan! Why don't you bend over this time~?" Sawako says. "But get on your knees and raise your butt up a little."

"WHAT!?" Mio jumps at the suggestion. "N-n-no! No, absolutely not! I'm not doing some weird pose!"

"Mugi-chan did it on her own~" Sawako points out. "Now it's your turn."

"Uuuuu…do I really have to…?" the vocalist whines.

The rich girl puts a hand on her shoulder with a smile of reassurance. "Don't worry. Sawa-chan won't show it to anyone, remember? It's for her collection."

"Yeah, some collection to perv on and maybe m-m-m-masturbate to them too," Mio mutters, but unfortunately, Sawako hears her.

"I'm sorry, was that sarcasm~? Katherine sneers. "I'm afraid I'll have to take all of your clothes-"

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" Mio screams, bowing her head so low it touches the floor repeatedly. "I DIDN'T MEAN IT! HONEST! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"

"Then you WILL keep this a secret right?"

"Yes! I promise! I won't say a word!"

Sawako reverts back to her old self and holds up the camera. "Now then, pose for me, girls~!"

**10 minutes later**

Mio slumps on her chair, exhausted while Mugi pours some tea and serves it to her girlfriend.

"There you go~" she says. "To make you all better~"

"Thanks, Mugi," she sips on her tea, but her eyes drift over toward Sawako, who skims through her camera, admiring all the photos she has taken. "Sensei seems so happy."

"We did what she asked~" Mugi replies, simply. "And honestly, wearing these has made me happy too~"

"Why is that?" The vocalist glances at her outfit. She is still wearing her maid outfit after the private photo shoot.

"Because I'm with you, that's why~!" Mugi gives her darling beloved a hug. "We modeled together for Sawa-chan."

"Y-yes…" Mio blushes a little while looking down at the floor.

"Indeed~" Sawako approaches the two and hugs them both with a wink. "I want to thank you two again for your time. That was fun."

"It was very fun~!" Mugi says. "Because I did it with Mio-chan! Thanks so much, Sawa-chan!"

The brunette smiles and then leans over toward Mio. "And thank you for behaving. Wasn't so hard, was it?"

"U-ummm….no." Mio answers. She then receives a kiss on the cheek from the homeroom teacher. "Eh?"

"Hehe! To reward you," Sawako says.

"Oh, oh! Can I have my reward~?" Mugi chirps.

"Of course, dear~" Sawako gives her a peck on the cheek as well. "There you go~"

"Hehehe~! And now," Mugi gently turns Mio to face her. "We reward each other with a special kiss~!"

"Mugi…" Before the vocalist can say anything else, her lips are already pressed against Mugi's.

They share a deep, passionate kiss with tongues caressing each other and Sawako watches with a smile on her face, cupping a hand to her cheek. Holding up her camera, she turns the flash off, and secretly takes a picture of the couple making out, as an icing on the cake for her collection. When the two are done kissing, they turn to the teacher, smiling.

"Eh? Girls?" she questions.

"Sawa-chan! We want to kiss you in return for kissing us~!" Mugi says.

"Wha? I'm sorry, but I wasn't expecting that," Sawako says.

"Sensei, it's only fair, right?" Mio says, leaning toward her teacher. "Let us kiss you."

Sawako blushes and smiles with a nod. "Alright, girls. Kiss me~"

The two younger girls lean in and kiss her on both cheeks, making her face go a little redder. Sawako giggles and hugs them both.

"I love you, girls~" she says.

"And we love you, too, Sensei/Sawa-chan~" Mio and Mugi say in unison.

"WE'RE BAAAAACK~!" Ritsu calls out. "Sawa-chan, we got the stuff you asked for so-"

She stops as she, Yui and Azusa stare at Mio and Mugi in their French Maid outfits, both hugged by Sawako.

"Hm?" Yui questions, tilting her head in confusion. "Was there something we missed?"

"Mio-sempai, Mugi-sempai," Azusa says. "What's with those outfits? Are we supposed to wear them for our next concert?"

Mio's face goes completely red. "Y-you saw…."

"M-Mio-chan, calm down…" Mugi tries to sooth her, but it's too late. The vocalist is already having a panic attack.

"NOOOOOOOOO! YOU SAW US! YOU SAW US! YOU SAW US!" Mio turns away, squatting down and shaking her head roughly. "I WILL NEVER SHOW MYSELF AGAIN! EVER! WAAAAAAHHHH!"

Everyone else sweat drops, letting the poor girl have her meltdown.