Chapter 1: Emerald hunting

It was a beautiful day in Mobius, clear skies, a nice subtle breeze, and the fresh air.

A red biplane was crossing into a desert, flying high above the sand to not disturb the grainy substance. Sonic sat on the wing the the plane, eyes narrowed at Tails device.

"Aren't we supposed to be getting closer to the Chaos Emerald?" Sonic asked, glancing over his shoulder at his younger brother.

"Yeah, why? Are we going farther?" Tails asked glancing up at the blue hedgehog.

Sonic slowly shook his head. "I think it's moving..." sonic mumbled.

"Hand me the device." Tails said reaching up.

Sonic handed over the small device, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I think Eggman has the Emerald, why else would it be moving?"

"Well it could be anyone..." tails murmured, setting down the device. "I'll speed up a bit."

"Aw yeah!" Sonic said with a smirk, getting on his feet, his arms out for balance.

Tails smiled as he sped up the plane, his eyes narrowed in determination. "So if this is Eggman..."

"Then we'll get it anyway." Sonic said, his grin widening.

Tails nodded, and focussed on the terrain ahead.

"I wasn't expecting a desert." Sonic murmured, somewhat bitterly.

"And you're not angry...why?" Tails asked, sounding uninterested.

"I don't get traction. Speed is my thing and when I can't use it..." Sonic shuddered. "I just don't want to go through...That again."

Tails glanced up at his brother, being tortured sure took its toll. Sonic rarely talked about it, no one really knew exactly what happened during those six months. When Sonic talked about it, it was clear how uncomfortable he was.


Sonic glanced at the fox, his expression was weary.

"You're okay, you'll be fine." Tails said gently.

Sonic sighed and glanced ahead. "I know." He said quietly. "Let's get this emerald." He said softly.

Tails nodded.

Several minutes later the device started beeping like crazy, tails glanced at it. "I don't get it the emerald should be right here!"

Sonic glanced at the sand below, frowning. "Maybe he's underground?"

"I doubt Eggman would have a tunnel system, how would he be moving?" Tails said glancing at Sonic with troubled eyes.

Suddenly a shadow casted over them, sonic smirked. "Well we have our answer."

Above them was a massive airship, branded with the Eggman empire logo. Tails flew upwards though they were quickly being targeted by robots and laser cannons.

Sonic grinned, his legs tense and ready to spring into action. He glanced over his shoulder at Tails, his emerald eyes alight with the thrill of battle. "Can you get me close enough to handle those?"

"Well you won't have to wait long, looks like they're coming straight for us!" Tails exclaimed, skillful maneuvering away from the robots.

Sonic watched as a robot drew nearer from the side, without and indication he curled into a spin dash and charged at the robot, it shattered into pieces when he made contact.

Tails whirled around watching sonic wink at him, he smoothly dove down to catch the falling hedgehog. Sonic was able to flawlessly shift his body to land safely.


"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Tails said with an amused grin.

Sonic laughed. "You've always got my back." His ears flirted up at the sound of a whistle.

"Hello boys." A feminine voice said smoothly.

Sonic turned and smiled at the hovering figure of Rouge the bat, her large wings flapping steadily. "Hey Rouge, what brings you here?"

"Eggman has a chaos emerald, Shadow doesn't feel comfortable with it in his possession. And I'm not complaining, more gems for me." She said with a wink. "I'm assuming you guys are here for the emerald as well."

"As long as it's not with Eggman I'm fine with it, but since we're here we might as well help out." Sonic said glancing back at Tails.

"Thanks, we'll need it since Omega isn't with us at the moment." She said a little more quietly.

"Is he on a mission?" Sonic asked.

"By himself? Goodness no, most of the members of G.U.N think he's just another machine and isn't trustworthy. So no one will take him and he is labelled our responsibility, he's proven himself countless times I don't understand why they don't trust him..." she drew in a deep breath. "Anyways, we got attacked by some robots down there and Omega was badly damaged...he insisted we complete the mission without him so here we are."

Tails' ears perked up. "Maybe I can fix him, Eggman's tech is very unpredictable but maybe I can fix it." He said hopefully.

"You would do that for me?"

Tails nodded eagerly. "Of course, It's what I do!"

"Thank you hun, he's just below us. You can't miss him." Rouge said softly.

Tails nodded then glanced at Sonic. "Can you survive without me?" He asked teasingly.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Of course, I'm plenty capable, you know that."

"Heh, yeah." Tails chuckled. "I can fly you guys up there, help you take out the cannons."

"Shadows already done that, we're in the clear." Rouge cut in, then shifted her gaze to Sonic and held out her hands. "Grab on, Shadows not very patient."

"I can understand that, let's go." Sonic said grasping Rouges wrists.

"Wait Sonic!"

Rouge stopped moving forward, and glanced over her shoulder.

"What's up lil bro?" Sonic asked.

"How will you get down?"

"I always find a way." Sonic said with a laugh.

Tails narrowed his eyes.

"I have a chaos emerald, I can use chaos control if all else fails." Sonic said calmly.

"You've only fine it once...with a fake emerald."

"So doing it with the real deal will be a cinch." Sonic said with a wink.

"Shadow has a chaos emerald as well, he's good with his chaos powers so Sonic will be fine." Rouge said gently.

"Wait are we sure Eggman has an Emerald? Because what if the one I was tracking was Shadows?" Tails asked, glancing at Rouge.

"How long were you tracking it?" She asked.

"All morning."

"We just got here a few minutes ago so that's not possible."

"So then why is Shadows emerald not on the radar?"

"Beats me maybe it's just a flaw in your device?" Rouge said easing a brow.

Tails flattened his ears a bit. "Itisntaflaw." He mumbled angrily.

"Don't worry too much hun, we'll get the emerald in a flash." She said with a wink.

Tails sighed. "Fine, good luck." He mumbled turning the plane around.

"What's up with him?" Rouge asked glancing down at Sonic.

"He doesn't like having his inventions insulted." Sonic said simply.

"Didn't mean to." Rouge said nonchalantly.

Rouge flapped her wings steadily. "So, I haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?"

"Good, not much has happened since the war so it's been mostly relaxing." Sonic said with a small smile.

"Still having nightmares?"

Sonic stiffened. "Who told you that? Knuckles? Him of all people..."

"Knuckles didn't tell me directly, I heard it from a distance. I'm a spy y'know." She said smoothly.

"You shouldn't have to spy on your own friends..." sonic muttered.

"Force of habit." She said with a shrug. "You didn't answer my question."

"I shouldn't have to." Sonic grumbled.

"Listen Sonic, I like your other friends I won't tip toe around the subject. You got hurt, scarred, you can't keep that to yourself forever." Rouge said glancing ahead.

"And why should I believe you?" Sonic said dryly.

"I'm your friend, I want to help. But also Shadow went through some stuff too and I was there for him, I was his person. I'm not asking you to tell me everything or anything, just tell someone." She said firmly.



"I'm still having nightmares."

Rouge nodded slowly. "Okay."

Their was a brief moment of silence.

"Aren't you going to ask more?" Sonic asked quietly.

"You can say as little or as much as you like." Rouge said simply.

Sonic heaved a sigh. "I...I can't...I can't talk about it yet."


It wasn't long before the pair touched foot upon the airship, as soon as sonic lifted his gaze he was met with a cold red glare.

"Why are you here?" Shadow growled.

"Because we need the help." Rouge said sharply.

"I'll be out of your fur in no time." Sonic said quietly.

Shadow glanced at Rouge. "What did you do to him? He's never that quiet."

"I'm fine." Sonic said firmly, forcing a smile. "Let's get this emerald." He said determinedly walking ahead into the ship.

Shadow stayed by Rouges side, staring at her suspiciously. "Did you try to get him to talk?"

"Maybe I did and he actually seemed to consider it, what ever happened to him in there must've been horrible..."

"You can't force him to talk though, I didn't like your nagging either." Shadow grumbled.

"Sometimes all it takes is a little push." Rouge said softly.

"No. Sonic can talk when he's ready."

"If you two are going to talk about me do it a little more quietly." Sonic said dryly. "Shadows right I'll talk about it when I'm ready, until then can we drop it."

Shadow nodded and took a step towards Sonic, glancing back at Rouge.

"So what's the plan?" Sonic asked, his tone lightening.

"You're here intruding on our mission and your asking what our plan is? You should've came prepared." Shadow scoffed.

Sonic rolled his eyes, a genuine smile of his face. "You know I don't plan ahead."

"You two are going to search out in the open while I hit the air vents." Rouge said with a smirk.

"Can't we all split up?" Shadow asked.

"No, Sonic doesn't have a communicator. So if something bad happens we won't know." Rouge said flapping her wings.

"Fine." Shadow said while crossing his arms.

"I'd be fine on my own but I appreciate the help." Sonic shrugged.

"Step one foot out of line and you will be." Shadow growled, glaring at the blue hedgehog.

Rouge smiled and waved farewell as she flew into the air vent.

Sonic smirked at Shadow. "You ready?"

"We should be care-"

Sonic dashed off without another word.

"SONIC!" Shadow growled, racing after him.


Authors note!

This is my first story I have a few more chapters written so I hope you guys like it!

This takes place a few months after forces, sonic will act a bit different due to his imprisonment which will be touched upon.