A/N: Thanks again to my partner and friend for the script and some reactions!

Neo had another parfait appear before her, but before she could dig in, Yang snatched it from her. "Hey!" Neo complained, pouting.

"No way. That's WAY too much sweet stuff in like a half hour." Yang denied.

"That's what I tell her all the time!" Cinder cried out, relieved someone finally agreed with her.

"I'll eat whatever I want!" Neo declared, continuing to pout.

"Fine, but if you don't start eating fruits and veggies, you'll never grow up and fill out a rocking body like mine." Yang told her, running her arms down her body.

Neo's eyes widened at this revelation, before a carrot and apple suddenly appeared in her hands and she began chomping down determinedly. "Oh... Well done, Miss Xiao Long." Gylnda said, surprised.

"It's what I tell Ruby to get her to eat right when she eats too many cookies." Yang explained.

"Well, anyway, onto the movie." Katana said, starting the scene back up, having paused at Neo's outburst.

The moment where Thor was hit by Jane's van was shown once again.

"I think that was legally your fault." Darcy said.

"Who cares whose fault it is! Help the guy!" Ruby cried.

"Well, whose fault it is determines who goes to jail, sis." Yang told her sister. Sure, she could be a reckless driver, but she was always careful whenever people were around. Hard to be a Huntress when you're in jail for vehicular assault.

"Darcy was the one driving, but Jane's messed with the wheel and made the van go out of control." Neo added. She and Roman fought a few times over whose fault it was when they accidentally hit someone while joyriding.

"Get the First-Aid kit." Jane instructed as she knelt down. "Do me a favor and don't be dead." She told him.

Thor opened his eyes and drew in a breath, turning over on his back.

"Whoa, does he need CPR because I totally know CPR." Darcy declared.

"But the car hit his chest! What if he has broken ribs!?" Jaune shouted.

Penny opened her mouth to answer, but another redhead beat her to it. "Actually, Jaune, you're supposed to give someone CPR when they have no pulse, so if you stop CPR because they have a broken rib, you're practically guaranteeing they will be all dead. You can't do more harm than that. So yes, you can and should do CPR on someone with broken ribs." Pyrrha explained.

"Well explained, Pyrrha." Penny praised.

"Perhaps we should start teaching basic medical training at our schools." Ozpin told Ironwood, who nodded.

Thor and Jane stared at each other for good ten seconds before Thor's head fell to the ground and he groaned. "Where did he come from?" Jane wondered.

Thor got up, very dizzily and Jane, Erik and Darcy all backed up from him. "You alright?" Jane asked.

"Hammer. Hammer!" Thor called out to Mjolnir as he looked around.

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered. It's pretty obvious." Darcy said.

"Hey! Don't talk about my dad like that, jerk!" Nora snapped.

"She should be more concerned after hitting someone with a van!" Winter scoffed.

"Indeed. At the very least, show some concern for the man's safety." Glynda said, not approving of this young woman's behavior.

"Oh my God, Erik. Look at this." Jane called, referring to the mark left in the ground underneath them. "We have to move quickly before this all changes." She instructed.

"Jane, we have to take him to the hospital." Erik told her.

"Father!" Thor shouted.

"He's fine. Look at him." Jane assured Erik.

"Heimdall! I know you can hear me! Open the Bifrost!" Thor demanded.

"Yes. TOTALLY fine. What a ringing endorsement from the woman who hit with a van." Weiss said sarcastically.

"I can understand her desire to focus on her work, but I don't like how she prioritizes her work over a man who's been hit by a vehicle. Especially since she hit him." Ironwood stated.

"To be fair, he did get right back up. As far as I'm concerned, that's a sign of being okay." Cinder said with a shrug.

"Even if he wanted to, I doubt Odin would allow Heimdall to open it and let him return." Ren said.

"Hospital. You go, I'll stay." Jane said.

Thor pointed at Jane and Erik. "You, what realm is this? Alfheim? Nornheim?"

Darcy pointed a taser at him. "New Mexico." She answered.

"You dare threaten me, Thor, with so puny a weapon?" Thor demanded, but Darcy tased Thor and he fell over.

"Are you kidding me!? You hit him with a truck and then taser him!? These girls are the worst!" Blake said, to which Katana nodded.

"Being the God of Thunder doesn't make you immune to a taser, apparently." Jaune said.

"I'm gonna break her legs! Let me at her!" Nora cried, trying to lunge at the TV and attack Darcy, but her team managed to hold her back.

Jane and Erik stared open mouthed at Darcy. "What? He was freaking me out!" She said.

"That doesn't give you the right to tase him!" Velvet cried.

"Right? After getting hit with a van, anybody would be a little crazy." Coco agreed.

"This guy's starting to have my old luck." Qrow said with a bit of sympathy.

Erik and Darcy carried Thor inside the van, pushing him in. "The next time you decide to taser somebody, make sure he's already in the car, okay?" Erik asked her. "Jane, come on." He called to the older woman.

Jane ran over to the van and shut the door. The van drove off and in the far distance, something else could be seen landing.

"Mjolnir!" Ruby cried out.

"So, that explains where it wound up when Coulson found it." Ozpin stated.

The group eventually arrived at the hospital, Thor apparently having been take to a room already as Jane, Erik and Darcy stayed behind to sign him in, a hospital secretary writing down his information. "Name?" The secretary requested.

"He said it was Thor?" Jane said uncertainly.

"T-H-O-R. And your relationship to him?" The secretary questioned.

"Oh, not much, he's just her victim of getting hit with a car." Yang said.

"Yeah! Get the cops! Arrest her and wreck all her science stuff!" Nora cried out.

"That's going a bit far, Nora. It was an accident. And that didn't hurt him too much. I would've thought you'd be angrier about the other girl tasing him." Velvet said.

"Oh, trust me, I'm mad about that, too!" She snapped.

"I've never met him before." Jane told her.

"Until she hit him with a car." Darcy blurted out.

"I grazed him, but she tasered him." Jane accused her.

"Yes I did." Darcy admitted uncaringly, looking around nonchalantly.

"And she doesn't even care! She's a horrible person! That's something I'd expect from those two!" Winter snapped, pointing at Cinder and Neo.

"Fair enough." Both girls accepted.

"At least they all own up to it." Coco said.

Thor's viewpoint was then shown as he looked up at a doctor, who smiled at him. "Hi." He greeted, while Thor looked down at his arm, confused. "Just taking a little blood." He explained.

Thor sat up and shoved the doctor off. "How dare you attack the son of Odin!" He snapped.

"They're trying to help you, you dolt!" Weiss cried out.

"He's from a different world with a more magical, ancient culture, Weiss. They clearly don't have doctors that take blood." Blake told her teammate.

"Yeah, I'd be worried if I woke up and a doctor told me he was taking some of my blood." Ruby agreed.

Winter smirked. "You were even similar at one point, Weiss. You got hypothermia and we had to take you to a hospital. The doctors tried to take some blood, but you threw a tantrum, saying 'No! I need that!'" She told her little sister, who blushed.

"I need some help!" The doctor called.

Multiple doctors ran in the room and tried to hold down Thor, but he tossed them all off him. Thor fought off the doctors and they all had to swarm him and press him up against the door.

"You are no match for the mighty-" Thor began, but a doctor pulled down his trunks and injected a needle into his butt, causing Thor's face to slide down against the glass.

Several people laughed at this. "Okay, this guy officially has WORSE luck than me." Qrow said.

"Indeed. Likely less than an hour of mortality and he's already been rendered unconscious three times. Quite a line of unfortunate events." Ozpin agreed.

"And a rather poor first-time experience of Earth." Penny added.

A truck drove up the hillside and towards the new crater in the ground. He walked down into it and approached Mjolnir sitting with the handle up. He tried to pull it out of the ground and had no luck. He put his hands in his pockets and simply said 'huh.'

"That's not yours!" Ruby snapped.

"Somehow I doubt that would stop you, Ruby." Weiss said.

"You don't think this was just a magnetic storm do you?" Erik asked.

"Look, the lensing around these edges is characteristic of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge." Jane told him

"Ugh! Science talk! Boring!" Nora groaned.

"I disagree, Nora. Science is truly incredible and allows us to advance our very ways of life." Penny said.

"She's right, Ms. Valkyrie. Without science, humankind wouldn't lasted half as long as it has." Glynda told her.

"A what?" Darcy asked.

"I thought you were a science major?" Erik questioned.

"Political science." Darcy explained.

"Now THAT is a science that's boring and useless." Winter stated.

"Indeed. There are almost no reliable jobs on Remnant for someone who chooses such a major." Ren agreed.

"She was the only applicant." Jane explained.

"An Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a theoretical connection between two different points of space-time-" Erik tried to explain.

"It's a wormhole." Jane simplified the answer.

"I suppose the Bifrost fits that definition." Ironwood said.

"The simplest way to explain a magical gateway that gods use to pass between planets." Ozpin agreed.

"Yeah. Good luck getting any scientists to agree with you on that. They'd better also come up with a good plan to get out of the loony bin they'd be sent to." Qrow said with a smirk.

Darcy went "hmm" and walked off-screen. Jane handed Erik a photo. "Erik, look. What do you see?"

"Stars." Erik answered.

"Yeah, but not our stars. See, this is the star alignment for our quadrant this time of year and unless Ursa Minor decided to take a day off, these are someone else's constellations." Jane declared.

"Impressive analysis." Weiss noted.

"So, what's this woman trying to figure out exactly? How to get to Asgard or something?" Cinder asked.

"You know, now that you mention it, I don't think they've ever said, but astrologists in general just try to get a better understanding of space." Katana explained.

"It's a bunch of stars floating in a giant vacuum, big deal." Neo said.

"Well, you never know. Space has some incredible things out there." Katana said, smirking at the knowledge that Vibranium came from space and knowing they'd all want the nearly indestructible metal.

"Hey, check this out." Darcy called to them, pointing to a specific photo posted a bulletin board.

"No, it can't be." Erik said in disbelief.

"I think I left something at the hospital." Jane realized.

A close up on the photo revealed something human-like inside the dust cloud.

"Oh, great... Now they're going back to bug Dad some more!" Nora grumbled.

"Still, they're ultimately doing it for important research that could likely benefit all of them." Weiss tried to reason with Nora.

Thor woke up on a hospital bed, his wrists and ankles strapped down and he struggled to free himself. "It's not possible." He said in disbelief.

Thor calmed down a bit and instead of trying to use brute force, he tried wriggling his wrists free. And it apparently worked 'cause the next scene started with a few doctors talking with a couple officers.

"Those restraints are incredibly inefficient." Ironwood critiqued.

"Well, they're likely meant to restrain heavily injured people, sir." Penny reasoned with him

"Let this be a lesson, children. Brute strength is not always the answer." Ozpin told them.

"Of course, you also shouldn't be trying to break out of a hospital." Winter stated as if it were obvious.

Jane, Darcy and Erik all ran by the room and into the room Thor was apparently being kept in. They rushed out, seeing he wasn't there. They all got back in the van. "I just lost my most important piece of evidence. Typical." Jane grumbled.

"I don't like that's all she seems to care about." Ruby said, giving the woman a small glare.

"I get she cares about her research, but SHE caused all the bad stuff that happened to Thor since he got to Earth and he's an injured man who escaped the hospital. His life should mean more to her than her research." Blake said.

"So now what?" Darcy asked.

"We find him." Jane answered.

"Did you see what he did in there? I'm not sure finding him is the best idea." Erik reminded.

"Yeah, I doubt he'd be thrilled to see the people that hit him with a car AND tased him." Weiss agreed.

"And he wasn't in the greatest mood the last time he saw them, either." Velvet said in concern.

"I say they deserve whatever he does." Cinder said with a shrug.

"Well, our data can't tell us what it was like to be inside that event and he can. So, we're gonna find him." Jane reminded him.

"It was a giant tornado! Who would want to be in the middle of that?! Or know what it's like!?" Coco questioned.

"Scientist try to find out everything about their studies. To the tiniest detail." Pyrrha explained.

"Besides, they might need to know if there are negative side-effects of being in that event." Ren added.

"Okay?" Darcy said unsurely.

"So we're gonna look all over New Mexico, right?" Erik questioned.

"Exactly."Jane confirmed and started the van, starting to back up and hit Thor, who walked right behind it.

"Again!? How dare you!" Nora cried, trying to attack the screen again, but Katana stopped her.

"Who gave you your license woman?" Qrow demanded.

"Roman may actually be a better driver than this guy. And that's saying something." Neo said.

"What?!" Jane cried out in disbelief as she, Darcy and Erik all got out to check on him.

"I'm so sorry. I swear I'm not doing this on purpose." She apologized.

"Could've fooled me." Yang said.

"Guys, maybe you're being a little harsh? I mean, sure, Jane's coming off as a bit of a jerk, but it's not like she's trying to hurt people." Jaune said.

"You both make good points, students. She was certainly more than reckless when they first hit Thor. The second time, he did walk behind a reversing vehicle, but she still should've recognized the danger and hit the brakes before she hit him. In Vale, she'd certainly have lost her license by now." Glynda said.

A huge gathering was occurring at the site where Mjolnir crashed. There was a line of people waiting as one man tried and failed to lift Mjolnir out of the ground. A man cooking hot dogs on a grill yelled as it became a competition to see who could lift the hammer out. One man failed and another walked up holding a beer.

"Hey! Back off, jerks!" Nora snapped.

"Unbelievable. Hosting a massive gathering for finding what they believe is a simple hammer no one can lift." Ironwood sighed, unable to believe.

"I find it a strength of humanity's to find a source of entertainment and happiness from seemingly nothing." Ozpin said.

"Call me crazy, but something tells me these guys aren't exactly worthy. I can't put my finger on it, but I just get that feeling." Neo said, clearly making fun of the scene and how foolish the people were being around the divine hammer, milking how "unsure" she was, getting a few laughs from the students and even a chuckle from Qrow.

"I got it, I got it." The beer dude declared. The first guy kicked the hammer in frustration and the fat guy finished his beer.

"Respect the hammer!" Ruby snapped.

"Just one more indication the fool doesn't deserve it." Cinder scoffed.

"Indeed. Not being worthy is nothing to be ashamed of, but there's no excuse for being a sore loser." Pyrrha agreed.

He apparently failed because some men were then shown wrapping a chain around the handle of the hammer. The truck the chain was attached to pushed on the accelerator and pulled and pulled and pulled until the bed of the truck flipped totally off the back of the truck. Stan Lee popped his head out of the window.

"Did it work?" He asked.

"Stan Lee!" The students all cheered.

"Sorry, buddy. But it REALLY didn't work." Qrow laughed.

"I hope he has good insurance." Velvet said sympathetically.

A few man laughed and a car was shown pulling up onto a nearby cliffside. Coulson watched the scene and pulled out his phone.

"Sir, we found it." Coulson declared.

"So, this is what Coulson had to leave for at the end of Iron Man 2." Winter noted.

"Good. Someone needed to put an end to this foolishness. Or worse, stop it before someone actually proved worthy." Glynda said.

Thor stood inside a bathroom, standing topless and putting his physique on full display in his reflection in the mirror hanging on the door.

Many of the girls in the room got a sudden warm feeling as they observed Thor's pristine body. "Mama like." Coco said.

"I need to use the bathroom..." Blake said with a massive blush, quickly getting up and hurrying to the bathroom.

"You aren't gonna make it through the rest of these movies if you can't handle one shirtless scene. Just a heads up." Katana told them.

"I like the sound of that." Yang said with a flirty growl.

Darcy bit her lip as she watched and Jane noticed too, but looked away.

"You know, for a crazy homeless person, he's pretty cut. Hey, sorry I tased you." Darcy apologized.

"You should be!" Nora said.

"He was rather imposing at the moment and disoriented, but he likely wouldn't have hurt them. So yes, tasing him was rather uncalled for." Penny reviewed the facts of that situation.

Thor walked out and fidgeted with a cord sitting on a table.

"Excuse me. Excuse me!" Jane called and ran over, taking the cord out of Thor's hand. Jane set it back down and glanced at Thor's abs before looking back down at her book.

"For a prince, his manners are atrocious. Was he never taught to respect people's property?" Weiss demanded.

"Considering his attitude about most other things and the fact Odin has clearly taken several relics from several races throughout the years, I doubt it." Ren stated.

"Something about those Asgardians in general, they don't seem like the most well-mannered type." Qrow said.

Thor looked at the shirt in his hands and pointed out the name tag on it. "What is this?" He asked.

"Oh." Jane realized and took the tag off. "My ex. Good with patients and bad with relationships. They're the only clothes I had that would fit you." She explained.

"They will suffice." Thor rather rudely.

"How about a 'thank you'?" Velvet said, a bit annoyed.

"Don't get your hopes up, bunny girl." Neo said.

"Based on his attitude, it's not likely." Pyrrha agreed, disappointed..

"You're welcome." Jane said.

"This mortal form has grown weak. I need sustenance." Thor declared.

"Huh?" Ruby asked.

Cinder rolled her eyes at this. "He's hungry." She stated.

"So, he's got an appetite, huh? Sounds familiar." Jaune said, looking to Nora.

Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three sat inside a room entirely golden around a fire in the middle of the room.

"We should never have let him go." Volstagg said regretfully.

"There was no stopping him." Sif assured him.

"Huh. That's starting to sound like Ruby." Weiss said with a smirk, earning a "Hey!" from her leader.

"Sometimes, being unwavering and steadfast can be a positive quality. Just not at that time with Thor." Ozpin said.

"And if it becomes and obsession, it becomes truly dangerous." Penny stated, Cinder feeling as though that was directed at her.

Loki stared down at his hand.

"He knows something..." Blake declared.

"Traitors in the house of Odin..." Ruby realized.

"That's not really being a traitor, Ruby. It's just going behind his brother's back. Still bad, but it stopped them from getting killed." Jaune told her.

"Well, at least he's only banished, not dead. Which is what we'd all be if that guard hadn't told Odin where we'd gone." Frandral added.

Hogun applied something to Volstagg's burned arm. "How did the guard even know?" Volstagg asked.

"I told him." Loki admitted.

"Uncle Loki, why?!" Nora cried out.

"If he hadn't, they'd have no doubt been slaughtered by Laufey and his army. They were heavily outnumbered, barely had any land on which to work with and two were injured, one of them life-threateningly so. They didn't stand a chance." Ironwood told her.

"They were sitting ducks. And Laufey would've made them into duck stew." Neo agreed with the general.

"What?" Frandral asked.

"I told him to go to Odin after we'd left. He should be flogged for taking so long. We should never have reached Jotunheim." Loki explained.

"You told the guard?" Volstagg demanded.

"I saved our lives. And Thor's. I had no idea father would banish him for what he did." Loki explained.

"Honestly, he should've received worse. An offense as grave as starting a war would be a death sentence in Atlas." Winter said.

"I'd say that's an extreme punishment, but starting a war is an extreme crime." Pyrrha said unsurely, not wanting to agree, but finding herself unable to disagree.

"When you put it like that, I guess banishment really was the best he could hope THOR!" Yang said, everyone groaning. Neo created a pie in her hand and smashed it into Yang's face.

"Loki, you must go to the Allfather and convince him to change his mind." Sif told him.

"And if I do, then what? I love Thor more dearly than any of you, but you know what he is. He's arrogant. He's reckless. He's dangerous. You saw how he was today. Is that what Asgard needs from its king?" Loki questioned, then left.

"That's the last thing any kingdom needs from its ruler." Ren agreed.

"A leader needs to be bold and ready to go to war when it's presented, but Thor directly instigated one." Ironwood said.

"And basically, all over a tantrum that his big day got ruined." Coco added.

"He may speak of the good of Asgard, but he's always been jealous of Thor." Sif snapped.

"We should be grateful to him, he saved our lives." Volstagg reasoned with her, coming to terms with the situation.

"Yeah. Loki's supposed to be their friend. Why is Sif being mean?" Ruby asked with a pout.

"Sif's just mad her boy toy is gone." Cinder taunted the female Asgardian.

"Sif is indeed letting her emotions get the best of her. So far, Loki's only been supportive of Thor and he was perfectly justified in telling that guard." Glynda said.

"Laufey said there were traitors in the house of Odin. A master of magic could bring three Jotunns into Asgard." Hogun theorized.

"Loki's always been one for mischief, but you're talking about something else entirely." Frandral dismissed the idea.

"No... Loki wouldn't go that far, would he?" Velvet asked, hoping it wasn't true.

"I certainly hope not. Doing so wouldn't simply be betraying his brother, but his whole family, his people, his entire kingdom." Winter said.

Loki approached the Casket inside the vault and seemingly prepared himself to put his hands on it. Loki picked it up and his hands started turning blue.

"Oh, no! Uncle Loki, don't touch it!" Nora pleaded.

"Shouldn't that be freezing him or something?" Yang asked.

"It's too confusing to get into. Keep watching." Katana urged.

"Stop!" Odin ordered.

"Am I cursed?" Loki asked.

"No." Odin denied.

"Nothing's wrong with you, Loki. You're perfectly fine." Velvet said supportively, wishing the sorcerer could hear her.

"Fine in both senses of the word." Coco smirked.

Loki put it down. "What am I?" He asked again.

"You're my son." Odin told him.

Loki turned around and his skin was the same blue as a Jotunn and his eyes were the same too.

"He's one of the Frost Giants." Ironwood realized.

"What!? But how!?" Ruby asked.

"I'm sure we'll be told how, Miss Rose." Ozpin assured her.

The color of his skin and eyes changed back. "What more than that?" He questioned, walking towards Odin. "The Casket wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day was it?" He demanded.

"...No. In the aftermath of the battle, I went into the temple. And I found a baby." Odin explained as a small scene of Odin, again with his right eye gouged out was shown, holding a weeping, blue skinned baby.

"Small for a giant's offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die." Odin explained as the baby's skin turned white and his eyes change.

All the girls cooed over the baby, even Cinder and Neo. "What kind of monster would abandon that poor thing!?" Weiss cried, trying to reach for the baby, but was held back by her sister.

"Even I'm not that bad!" Cinder said, horrified, wanting to take the child herself.

"I'll break their legs, then everything else in their body!" Nora snapped.

"But wait, why is the baby changing?" Pyrrha asked.

"Odin's using his magic to alter the baby's appearance to make him look like an Asgardian." Katana explained.

"He's adorable either way." Blake said with a smile.

"Laufey's son." Odin finished.

Loki and Odin were shown once again in the present time. "Laufey's son." Loki repeated.

"Yes." Odin confirmed.

Loki began breathing heavily, clearly distraught. "Why? You were knee deep in Jotunn blood. Why would you take me?" He asked.

"You were abandoned. You would've died without him." Winter said.

"I'm glad Odin took him, but I can't believe Laufey just left him!" Yang snapped, imagining her own mother and how she left her. At least she left her with her father. But what if Raven had returned to her tribe before Yang was delivered. Would she have left her on her own in the woods?

Qrow put his hand on Yang's shoulder, seemingly knowing what she was thinking. "You would've been fine, Firecracker. I'd have been there for you." He promised her, holding her close as she hugged him.

"You were an innocent child." Odin told him.

"No, you took me for a purpose. What was it?" Loki demanded. Odin didn't respond, unsure of what to say to his adopted son. "TELL ME!" Loki pleaded with a scream.

"Poor Loki..." Blake said, shedding some tears.

"All that emotion... You can see the hurt in his eyes. He's desperate." Neo said, letting her own tears fall, remembering a long time ago when she, too, was abandoned on the streets, hungry and desperate for anyone to care for her and the hurt when people constantly turned away from her, the only person who ever showed her kindness being a criminal.

"The poor boy's been lied to about who he is for his entire life." Ozpin explained.

"And to find out so suddenly like this, he's truly lost at this point. Unsure of who he is or what he's meant to be." Glynda added.

"No one should ever have to have to feel that kind of pain." Penny said, tearing up as well. Neo couldn't take it anymore and clung to Yang tightly, sobbing. Yang held back some tears and hugged her as well. They didn't care that they were once enemies that tried to kill each other and at best were neutral towards each other at the moment. Right now, they were both feeling a pain similar to Loki and wanted someone to help get rid of that pain. Soon enough, everyone let feels get to them and started sobbing for the younger prince, everyone hugging the people that mattered most to them, Orion even briefly reappearing to give Katana a hug.

"I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day. Bring about an alliance. Bring about a permanent peace, through you." Odin explained.

"What?" Loki questioned.

"But those plans no longer matter." Odin said.

"So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me." Loki questioned, in tears.

"No, you're still his son. He still cares about you." Jaune said, getting over his last few sobs as well.

"He may not be your birth father, but he's still the one that cared for you and raised you. You're still a family." Pyrrha said, wishing Loki could hear her.

"He showed you love and compassion not even your true father showed you. That's proof enough he cares for you, even if you aren't his biological child. To him, you're still his son and he loves you." Ren said, remembering his own father and how he had overheard his father talking to his mother about possibly adopting Nora if they'd seen her again and confirmed she had no family. Sadly, that was the night of Kuroyuri's destruction.

"Why do you twist my words?" Odin asked.

"You could have told me what I was from the beginning. Why didn't you?"

"You're my son. I wanted only to protect you from the truth." Odin explained.

"Because I- I- I- I'm the monster parents tell their children about at night?" Loki questioned again.

"You're not a monster. No one can blame you for what you are." Velvet said, Blake nodding in agreement as they both were called monsters for simply being Faunus. They could definitely relate to Loki right now.

"You're still a person, like everyone else in Asgard, or Earth, or even us." Ruby declared.

"Indeed. It's like you told me, Ruby. Even though I'm not made of the same stuff, I'm still as much a person as you. Loki is the same and he deserves to be treated the same as any of us." Penny said.

"Odin should have never hidden the truth from him." Coco said angrily.

"No, no." Odin said, starting to sit down.

"You know, it all makes sense now why you favored Thor all these years! Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!" Loki shouted. In his anger and ranting, he didn't seem to notice Odin trying to speak to him and reaching out to him as he fell back. Loki stopped and knelt down to Odin, whose eye had closed and was breathing heavily now. Loki put his hand on Odin's hand.

"Oh, no! Grandpa!" Nora cried.

"What's happening to him?!" Winter demanded, shocked.

"It turns out, this is what they meant when they said Odin was vulnerable. Every so often, Odin falls into what's known as Odinsleep to regain the Odinforce, which is what gives him his power as the Allfather. Supposedly, he put it off for longer than normal for Thor's celebration. Then even longer in preparation for war against the Frost Giants. So, extra sudden shock just pushed him over the edge." Katana explained. "Oh, but somehow he's still aware of everything that's happening in the universe, even while he's asleep." She addded.

"Well, what a great time to take a nap while you're kid's haven an existential crisis." Qrow growled.

"Definitely poor timing, but you can't really say it's his fault." Cinder surprisingly said. "Like Katana said, he waited too long to recharge and what happens to people when they don't sleep for long periods of time? They eventually pass out. Our bodies need energy to keep going. And that shock took whatever energy Odin had left." She noted.

"Guards! Guards, please help!" Loki called out to them.

The door to the vault opens and two guards ran inside.

"Please let him be okay. Loki needs him now more than ever. And Thor may yet redeem himself." Weiss pleaded.

"Everything will be alright, Weiss. It has to." Yang said, although was silently pleading as well.

Thor chowed down on breakfast at a diner, scarfing down eggs, sausage and of course, pancakes.

"He's eating pancakes! It's all there! He IS my dad!" Nora cried out.

"I'm convinced." Jaune said.

"Agreed." The rest of the room agreed.

"Oh, yeah! I'm Thor's daughter!" Nora cheered, before something then dawned on her. "But then... Why am I here? Why didn't he want me?" She asked. Was she abandoned just like Loki? But why?

"How'd you get inside that cloud?" Jane asked.

"Also, how could you eat an entire box of pop tarts and still be this hungry?" Darcy asked.

Thor ignored their questions and kept eating, then took a drink of his coffee. "This drink, I like it." He said.

"For once, I can agree with him. Coffee is certainly delicious." Weiss agreed, having a mug appear in her hand.

"I've always preferred tea." Cinder said.

"Thank you." Blake said.

"I know. It's great, right?" Darcy agreed.

"Another!" Thor declared and slammed the mug to the floor and it shattered, startling the two girls and getting the attention of other diners and the woman behind the counter.

"What the?!" The students all cried out, jumping in shock.

"A shame. That was a waste of a very fine mug." Penny said.

"Why is he breaking things for no reason?" Winter demanded.

"That's their culture. When they finish a drink, they shout 'another!' and smash their glass to gain the attention of the server. That's just how they do everything. Loudly and violently." Katana explained.

"Ooh! I should start doing that!" Nora declared.

Glynda tilted her head so the light reflected off her eyes, hiding them. "Ms. Valkyrie. If you even think about doing this back at Beacon, you will become VERY well acquainted with my crop." Glynda warned her, causing all the students to shiver in fear, even Cinder and Neo.

"Sorry, Izzy. Little accident." Jane apologized and scraped up the pieces of the broken mug. "What was that?" She demanded.

"It was delicious. I want another." Thor explained.

"Well, why didn't you just say so?!" Ruby shrieked

"It did seem rather uncalled for." Penny agreed.

"Well, you could have just said so." Jane said, annoyed.

Everyone chuckled as Ruby blushed for saying basically the same thing as Jane. "That just means great minds think alike, sis!" Yang said, supportively.

"Note to self: never have an Asgardian as a dinner guest." Weiss noted.

"I thought you were done being discriminatory?" Blake questioned, irritated.

Winter glared at her younger sister. "Weiss, did I hear you were discriminating against Faunus again. I know I taught you better than that!" Winter said, Weiss flinching a bit.

"I just did." Thor said with a laugh.

"No, I mean, ask nicely." She snapped.

"I meant no disrespect." Thor assured her.

"I'm sure the diner owner feels disrespected with you breaking her stuff." Cinder said.

"Shameful." Neo said, shaking her head.

"Alright, well no more smashing. Deal?" Jane demanded.

"You have my word." Thor promised.

"Good." Jane said.

"At least he's agreeable." Velvet said.

"Yeah. Don't keep breaking stuff so you don't get arrested. Real agreeable." Qrow said sarcastically.

A few men walked inside the diner and took seats at the counter. "The usual, please, Izzy." The first man asked.

"You missed all the excitement down at the crater." The second man said.

"They're saying some kind of satellite landed out in the desert." The first guy explained.

"Yay! Dad's gonna learn about the hammer!" Nora cheered.

"Finally. Getting back on track. This was beginning to feel like it was going nowhere." Ironwood said.

"Come now, James. The scenes from Asgard are clearly setting up a plot. As for Thor, he's been repeatedly incapacitated, what could you honestly expect from him without some form of clear goal." Ozpin defended.

"Yeah, we were having a good time with it until the feds showed up." The second one said.

"Excuse me. Did you say there was a satellite crash?" Jane asked.

"Yeah." The second man confirmed.

"Oh my God. This is going on Facebook. Smile." Darcy instructed and held her phone towards Thor, who smiled towards the camera.

"It's nice of him to smile like that, even though he probably doesn't understand why." Pyrrha said.

"I guess he's just a benevolent god like that." Yang said.

"When he isn't invading other realms and causing wars in a temper tantrum." Ren reminded her.

"What did it look like, the satellite?" Erika asked.

"I don't know anything about satellites, but it was heavy. I mean, nobody could lift it." The first man said.

"They said it was radioactive. I had my hands all over it." The second added.

"Doesn't that sound familiar?" Blake asked with a smirk.

"I'm not sure about radioactive, but no one being able to lift it is indicative of Mjolnir." Penny confirmed.

"Bet that peeked your interest, huh, Thor?" Coco said, smirking along with Blake.

Thor got up and approached the two men, putting a hand on one of them. "Which way?" Thor asked.

"Uh. Fifty miles west of here." The second man asked.

"Oh. I was really hoping it was closer than that." Ruby said.

"Even with the... impressive shape Thor is in, it would still take him a two day's walk at minimum." Glynda said, blushing a bit at the mention of Thor's physique.

"What about if he ran the whole way?" Neo asked.

"Assuming he could run all the way there, he could make it in a day, but he'd be exhausted. He wouldn't be takin' on no S.H.I.E.L.D agents there." Qrow filled in that gap.

Thor walks towards the door. "Well, I wouldn't waste my time. Looked like the whole army was coming when we left." The first man called after him.

Thor walked out and Jane got up to follow him. Thor walked in front of a turning car, and it stopped. "What are you doing?!" The driver snapped.

Thor glanced at the driver and turned to walk down a different street where another car stopped in front of Thor. "Dumbass." The driver insulted him.

"If your 'father' keeps this up, he's going to wind up a lot flatter." Cinder teased Nora, who stuck her tongue out at the False Maiden.

"Not flatter, but fatter..." Katana said under her breath, giggling quietly.

"I get he doesn't understand this modern tech, but you'd think with something big like a car coming at you pretty fast, you'd think to get out of the way." Yang said. She hated it when people were crossing the street and sometimes even stood right in front of her, as if daring her to try and hit them on Bumblebee.

Thor motioned for the driver to move out of his way and was lucky that the driver was level-headed enough to not hit him and moved around. Jane ran after him.

"Where are you going?" Jane asked.

"Fifty miles west of here." Thor answered.

"Why?" She asked again.

"To get what belongs to me." Thor explained.

"Aww, yeah! Getting down to business!" Coco said.

"Those agents aren't gonna believe it belongs to him." Velvet said worriedly.

"Even if they did, something tells me they wouldn't simply let him take it." Penny added.

"So you own a satellite now?" Jane asked.

"It's not what they say it is." He told her.

Erik and Darcy followed after them. "Well, whatever it is, the government seems to think it's theirs. So, you just intend to go in there and take it?" Jane questioned.

"Running in without a strategy seems to be his go-to move." Winter said, disapprovingly.

"That seems to be the Asgardian go-to move." Jaune said.

"Yes. If you take me there now, I'll tell you everything you wish to know." Thor said, making it sound easy.

"Everything?" Jane asked.

"Yes. All the answers you seek will be yours once I reclaim Mjolnir." Thor assured her.

"Myeu-muh? What's myeu-muh?" Darcy asked.

"Myeu-muh!" Ruby cried out, cracking up along with several others.

"Respect the hammer!" Nora snapped.

"Somehow, I doubt she'd respect it even if she knew how powerful it was." Weiss said, rolling her eyes.

"Can I have a word, Jane?" Erik asked, before walking a small ways away, then stopped onto the sidewalk and Jane and Darcy followed him. "Please don't do this." He pleaded.

"You saw what I saw last night. This is no coincidence. We have to find out what's in that crater." Jane told him.

"But I'm not talking about the crater, I'm talking about him." Erik explained.

"He's been nothing but friendly to you since you met him. Perhaps a bit rude and maybe hostile when he first met you, but he was confused and disoriented... And hit with a van." Pyrrha tried to vouch for the fallen god.

"And then tasered, drugged and hit with a car again, all technically their fault, yet he still holds no ill will towards them." Ren agreed.

"But he's promising us answers." Jane countered.

"He's delusional. Listen to what he's saying. He's talking about Mjolnir and Thor and Bifrost. It's the stories I grew up with as a child." Erik explained.

"All stories and legends have a bit of truth to them." Ozpin said.

"Except for Nora's dream stories." Jaune threw out.

"Or your delusional fantasies of being the hero and getting with me." Weiss told him.

"But at least we're past that now." Jaune said, putting his arm around Pyrrha.

"I'm just going to drive him. That's it." Jane reassured him.

"He's dangerous, Jane." Erik said resolutely.

"I suppose he's not wrong." Glynda admitted.

"But Thor would never hurt someone like that." Velvet said.

"Unfortunately, they do not know that." Penny said.

Jane seemed defeated and reluctantly walked back to Thor. "I'm sorry, but I can't take you." She said.

"Then this is where we say goodbye." Thor said and clasped Jane's hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. She slightly laughed and seemed flustered and not sure how to react, even though the smile never left her face.

"Thank you?" Jane said unsurely, before laughing again.

"At least he's a gentleman." Cinder said.

"Hey, Nora. It looks like you might get a new stepmom." Coco taunted.

"Bah, I say! She could never compare to my real mother!" Nora declared.

"I wonder who her mom would be. Sif?" Blake wondered quietly as Nora seemed to be off in her own little world.

"Eh. She definitely wants his HAMMER, but he doesn't seem to be interested in THRUSTING it into her." Neo said, making rather suggestive hand motions with the pointer of her left hand and the thumb and index finger making an "O" in her right hand.

"Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, Darcy, farewell." Thor said and bowed. Darcy bowed, too while Erik did the same, a little more confusedly.

"Alright. Back to work." Erik said as he and Darcy turned to walk away and Jane followed them. Erik and Darcy turned a corner and Jane looked back at Thor again before following them.

"Wow... That was a lot to unload... Poor Loki." Ruby said sadly.

"Odin should never have hidden the truth from him!" Weiss snapped.

"Or made it seem like Loki ever had the chance to be king, if he's clearly been favoring Thor like Loki said." Blake agreed.

"It should work like an ordinary monarchy, the firstborn would take over at the end of the king's reign, the second born only taking control should a tragic fate befall the firstborn." Winter said.

"Yikes. That's pretty dark." Yang said.

"That's how it's worked for centuries." Ironwood said.

"And kingdoms with monarchs arguably did better than the councils we have now." Ozpin added.

"Well, the firstborn's out of the picture now. Looks like a Frost Giant will be sitting on that throne after all." Cinder said.

"No way! I know my Dad will come back and be a good king!" Nora declared.

"He's got quite a ways to go at this point Nora." Ren reminded his childhood friend.

"I'm sure he can do it, though." Pyrrha assured her.

"Me, too!" Penny, Velvet and surprisingly, Neo all cheered. Katana simply smiled and started the video again.