Long, long ago, the people of Konohagakure took to the seas in search of new lands and adventure. The ones who sailed with the great 3rd Hokage went on the most dangerous journey of all. They guided their ship through rough,pounding waves, searching for the most forbidding coastline they could. "We'll leave it here," Lord Hokage said, pointing out particularly dark and empty stretch of sand. "So it will never be found." "Can't we open it just one last time" his first mate asked, looking at the heavy chained and padlocked iron box in the bow of the boat. The rest of the crew nodded eagerly. Lord Hokage shook his head. "It's much to dangerous,' he said. "We must rid the world of its powers forever." A gray-haired hag sat next to the box, silently mouthing the chant she was going to use. It always looked silly when she forget the words in the middle of casting a spell. Once they were ashore, the men dug a deep hole in front of some rugged rocks and buried the box inside. They stamped the dirt down then stepped back."Be quick, woman," Lord Hokage said. "We have traveled the world for this." The hag nodded. he unrolled a weathered parchment. scroll and uncapped a magic power. As she scattered the powder across the ground, she sneaked a few peeks at her head, where she'd written notes to help her remember the spell. "Thy mischief dwell now waters base and bland," she chanted."And in wave and sand, thy magic forever sleep." "She is so depressing," one of the crewmen said, to another, who nodded. The frown at them. Then she straightened her robe, and raised her head high. "Lock the box shut every door," she chanted. "Please, don't come back anymore!" "Much better,"the crewmen said, and his friend nodded again. Just then a strong wind kicked up and a black wall of clouds appeared above. The sky exploded with thunder and lightning. "Whoa," a crewman said. "Cool." "Back to the ship, men," Lord Hokage commanded. "Hurry!" "Lord Hokage, you've discovered a new world," his first mate said. "It's tour right to name it." Lord Hokage shook his head. "We'll leave that to any poor fools who settle here," he said, and shuddered. "This land is now cursed." Centuries passed, and the winds and waves washed endlessly over the spot where the mysterious box was buried. Gradually the pounding ocean pushed away the dirt and sand that covered the box. Finally, one day, the heavy locks and chains rusted through and the cover burst open. something exploded out of the box in a cloud of bubbles - and shrieking giggles - and shot toward the surface. Instantly, lightning flashed and thunder roared across the skies of the modern village in the distance. The Mask was free. Now it could wreak its mischief on an unsuspecting world.