Unmei Forces Solitary Legends: Peaceful Naivete

Final Chapter: The Second Coming of Ragnarok

WIthin Asgard…

The heroes managed to arrive inside Asgard, as it seemed to be a floating city on an island, as there was a large altar in the middle of the realm, as there was a pulsing pillar of light where it stood. When they arrived, the demons were already invading the heavenly realm, as Servants and demons clashed.

"Begone, foul demon-" One of the servants fighting a Demon Elite shouted, trying to strike down his enemy with his lightning, only to fail, as he was sliced in twain by the demon's axe. "AARRGGGHH!"

"No… The demons have already spread their presence across Asgard so quickly…!" Sypher remarked with a pale expression.

"It's not over yet! That just means that we need to spread out and expunge every demon from this realm!" Richard responded back.

"Let me lend you my strength." Sypher stated, before he then casted a small portal in front of him, placing his hand threw it, and drawing a large blade that seemed to be of the same form as Yggdra's Gran Centurio, except it had a white winged hilt, and the blade was made of golden metal, with silver chains binded around it. "The other Magi may have grown complacent about fighting, but not me. I have fought to acquire my position as Magi, and I will fight to prove that I'm a Magi!"

"Magi Sypher, we'll need you to help us take down Demigra. He is more powerful this time, but with you aiding myself and Kenshi, we may be able to win this fight!" Raiden said, before summoning red lightning, as he looked to be changing forms, soon turning into his MK11 attire. "Kenshi, are you prepared?"

"Lord Raiden, my blade is always ready to fight alongside you." Kenshi said.

"Then we charge for the Demon God! Follow us, Sypher!" Raiden said, as the trio went off to fight Demigra.

"Alright, everyone, support their advance! We need to wipe the demons, and advance on Demigra immediately!" Siege shouted back, as everyone cried in agreement.

The group then spread out, as they engaged whatever demons they could find, before the group encountered demons in the path leading towards Demigra.

"Let us handle this one!" Richard shouted, as his group moved to intercept the demons. "Keep moving!"

"Understood, Richard." Kenshi nodded, before the Magi and Elder God trio continued with a part of their escort holding the demons back.

Raiden, Sypher and Kenshi seemed to be getting closer to Demigra, before they were jumped by another horde of demons, which seemed to be directly blocking their path.

"Tch… We're going to have to take this one." Siege clicked his tongue. "You got a Demon God to bring down, so go and get him, Raiden and pals!"

"Your help is appreciated. Onwards!" Raiden shouted, as Siege and a part of his force were left behind to stop the second horde of demons.

They soon managed to reach the altar, as Allison led the group to push back the encroaching demons, who were targeting the trio. When they reached the location, Sypher was treated to the gruesome sight of the Magi's corpses being laid near the altar, as their bodies were rend apart by the demons, after Demigra supposedly defeated them.

Raiden then looked around, before he then saw Demigra, who was waiting for them, as below him was a Magi who actually survived, as he had spiked blue hair, and he seemed to be clinging to the edge of his life, with blood pooling underneath him from the countless wounds dealt to him.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Elder Gods, and the other Magi… Sypher, was it?" Demigra remarked.

"Demon God Demigra!" Sypher boldly declared, raising his weapon towards him. "You have committed the grave sin of invading Asgard with your demons, and causing havoc across the realms! As one of the Magi of Asgard, I will personally sentence you to eternal oblivion!"

"Oh, is that so?" Demigra mocked back. "Because I have another Magi who seems to disagree…"

Raiden then looked down, as the other Magi was writing in agony, unable to speak, as each time he did, blood sprayed from his mouth. "What have you done to this one…?" Raiden demanded back with a threatening glow to his eyes.

"Oh, I merely rewarded him as a traitor deserves." Demigra casually responded back, as the Magi looked up to him with hateful eyes. "Oh, don't be like that, Hector. I did promise that you'll have your power once I finish my invasion. You'll become a god like you have craved for… Except that it'll be under my command."

"So, it was you then… You're responsible for holding back the forces of Asgard from quickly purging the demons, when they caused chaos in the mortal realm…" Sypher hissed with hate towards the dying Hector. "And all for the sake of godhood… You truly have impressed me with how petty you are… you soulless bastard."

"Well then, let's get on with the main show, shall we?" Demigra responded back, cracking his neck side to side with audible pops. "I always did have a bone to pick with you Elder Gods, and I can't have another Magi alive to question my puppet, can I?"

"Prepare to be crushed, Demigra!" Raiden declared.

"Asgard will suffer you no longer, corrupt god!" Sypher declared, as the three divine beings charged the demon god.

3-Unit Union (Raiden, Kenshi, Sypher) vs. Demigra

First Battle: Raiden vs. Demigra

Raiden: You shall fall, Demigra!

Demigra: Try me, puny Elder God!

Raiden charged Demigra with his empowered lightning, as it did manage to damage the demon god. However, Demigra threw back an equally powerful attack, as it knocked Raiden back slightly. The two gods clashed, as lightning met dark magic, before Raiden was forced to dodge a ki beam from Demigra.

"You cannot win this, Demigra." Raiden responded back. "Even if you have grown stronger since being unsealed, I have not been lax in gaining power."

"Oh, then try to defeat me, if you can, thunder god." Demigra mocked back, before the exchange of attacks continued.

Eventually, Raiden managed to charge his power long enough to fire a massive lightning blast, which floored Demigra onto the ground, momentarily stunning him, and dealing some damage to him.

Demigra Morale: ? - ? (Morale Damage: 6578)

Second Battle: Kenshi vs. Demigra

Kenshi: I will strike you down Demigra!

Demigra: Unlikely, Blade God!

Kenshi wasted no time in using his flight to catch up Demigra, who was retreating into the skies to fight, before the demon god fired ki blast after ki blast onto the Elder God, who deflected them with rapid swings of his katana. He slowly advanced as he did so, so that he could pounce forward and hit Demigra with a powerful slash, which managed to leave a gash on his body.

"My, that was a powerful strike, Kenshi. But do you think that this is enough to defeat me?" Demigra asked back.

"No, but I assure you that this will!" Kenshi defiantly retorted back, pulling out his Tactic Card. "O Elder Gods, bless my blade with the strength to sever all in my path! Sento Strike!"

Demigra wasn't far enough to be able to dodge the attack, as it was powerful enough to send him towards one of the pillars of the central altar, kicking up a cloud of dust, and making a large crater on it from the impact.

"Urgh… So this is what you are capable of…" Demigra growled back, no longer mocking. "Fine then, I suppose that I should get serious then!"

Demigra Morale: ? - ? (Morale Damage: 8756)

Third Battle: Sypher vs. Demigra

Sypher: Face judgement for your sins, Demon God!

Demigra: You cannot defeat me, Magi!

Sypher managed to tackle Demigra, before hitting him with a powerful swing from his massive blade, before Demigra let out an energy pulse to force Sypher back, with a scowl on his face. He then fired orbs of dark energy at Sypher, who dodged away from some, and sliced through the others with his weapon.

"Oh, you're putting up a good fight? And here I thought the Magi were mere pushovers." Demigra stated.

"Like I told the Elder Gods, the other Magi may have lost what it means to fight, but I remain strong in order to fight my own wars! Here, let me demonstrate my power to you, Demon God!" Sypher retorted back, before he then slowly clasped his blade in his hand, before the blade of his weapon began to glow with white colour. "O Gods Long Past, witness a miracle in the form of a divine strike! Iris Heaven!"

Sypher then charged forward, before he then hit Demigra with a powerful swing that left behind a red trace, as Demigra felt the strike burn with fire energy. Sypher then followed up with a series of rapid slashes, going from blue, to yellow, to green, to white, and finally purple, causing Demigra to feel being frozen, shocked, crushed, seared with holy energy, and painfully twisted by dark energy that he couldn't defend against. Suddenly, Sypher then raised his blade, before his blade glowed with a rainbow aura, before unleashing a massive white beam that consumed Demigra, sending him flying back.

Sypher was panting, as Demigra was down for a moment, before he then got up, looking furious.

"Enough of this… I will not be batted around by the likes of you!" Demigra snarled.

Demigra Morale: ? - ? (Morale Damage: 9999)

Demigra then began to transform into his final form, ready to show his full power in order to crush the gods before them with demonic might. "Tremble before my true power!" He roared.

Demigra then re-engaged the gods, this time with renewed strength.

Demigra Final Form vs. 3-Unit Union (Raiden, Sypher, Kenshi)

First Battle: Demigra Final Form vs. Raiden

Demigra Final Form: You will be crushed, Raiden!

Raiden: You do not have the power to stop me!

Demigra then swung at Raiden with all of his might, as Raiden focused on evading the strikes aimed for him, firing divine lightning at Demigra, while moving across the field. However, Demigra seemed to be quite fast, as Raiden was exhausting himself trying to dodge every single attack, even though he tried to bring down the demon god. When the lightning god began to exhaust, Demigra blinked in front of him, with a fist prepared.

"Die, Raiden!" He roared, before he then slammed his fist into the Elder God, sending him flying across Asgard.

Raiden Morale: ? - 7657 (Morale Damage: 4843)

Second Battle: Demigra Final Form vs. Sypher

Demigra Final Form: I will swat you like the gnat you are!

Sypher: Changing forms won't win you this battle!

Sypher tried to strike down Demigra, although with the demon god having bulked up, it was a very difficult task, as his blade didn't seem to pierce Demigra's hardened flesh, much to the demon god's amusement.

"What's the matter, Magi? Are you losing steam after hitting me with your special move?" Demigra mocked Sypher.

"Be silent! I have much more strength in me yet!" Sypher roared back, before he then parried Demigra's fist with his blade, and continued trying to hit Demigra with blows, in the hope that he could bring down the demon God.

However, Sypher was actually beginning to tire, and as soon as his guard slipped, Demigra took the opportunity to grab him, before smashing him onto the ground over and over again, before he then threw him into it hard enough to create a massive crater.

Sypher Morale: ? - 7157 (Morale Damage: 4843)

Third Battle: Demigra Final Form vs. Kenshi

Demigra Final Form: You're all that's left, Blade God!

Kenshi: I must win…!

Kenshi felt uneasy, as Raiden and Sypher were both defeated, although they did manage to weaken Demigra's defence considerably. He aimed to take advantage of that, as he slipped through Demigra's attacks, and countered back, to further whittle down the demon god's defence.

His attacks seemed to have some effect, as Demigra was growling in pain, and the blade made direct contact with his body. However, this enraged Demigra further, as he punched Kenshi back, who blocked the blow with his weapon, only to find Demigra bull-rushing roaring.

Kenshi could only resist the charge, as he was being pushed back by Demigra's brute strength, before Demigra knocked him back. Knowing that this is his opportunity, Kenshi reached for his Tactic Card.

"O Elder Gods-" Kenshi started, before he was grabbed by Demigra with one hand, as the demon god lifted his arm, and gripped his finger together to squeeze Kenshi tightly. "Yaargh!"

"You will not have the luck for a second attack, Blade God!" Demigra cackled back, before he then slammed Kenshi onto the ground.

Allison, who was watching this, was beginning to feel helpless, watching as the Elder Gods and the Magi, Sypher, were taken down by Demigra.

"...No. I cannot stand idly while Demigra defeats my friends… I have no other choice…" Allison said, before closing her eyes and entering a meditative state, as she began conversing with a soul bound to her long ago to prevent her death. A soul, who resonated so much with Allison.

Even if that soul was one of the female versions of Asriel Dreemurr. Upon Allison's eyes opening, rainbow energy surrounded her, as she smirked, looking to a spirit next to her that all could see, Asriel Dreemurr herself.

"Ready Allison?" Asriel asked.

"Let's do it." Allison said with a smirk.

Allison was coated in rainbow energy, and when it faded, Seinaru Tsukisasu was glowing in radiant rainbow energy, and she was dressed in Asriel's attire.

"DEMIGRA!" Allison shouted, her voice mixed with Asriel's voice. "This is where it ends for you! For now, you face THE TRUE GODDESS OF CHAOS!"

"Impossible… This power…! NOOOO! BLAST IT ALL! YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!" Demigra yelled.

"On the contrary. You are beaten, but you foolishly challenge me anyways!" Allison shouted, as she charged at Demigra.

Goddess of Chaos Allison Dreemurr vs. Final Form Demigra

Goddess of Chaos Allison: Your end has come, Demigra!

Final Form Demigra: DAMN YOU!

Allison charged, as she and Demigra clashed, fist against lance. Demigra's strikes were wild and frantic, doing anything he could to defeat Allison, but he was doing nothing to her new form, as Allison pulled out a radiant Tactic Card.

"By my power, I will strike down the evil of this world! BE BANISHED! CHAOS SEINARU HOGEKI!" Allison shouted, as millions of rainbow meteors pelted Demigra, and upon that finishing, Allison fired a Rainbow Beam which began to scorch Demigra.

"DAMN IT ALL! THIS ISN'T OVER!" Demigra yelled, teleporting out of the realm, realizing he had been beaten.

Demigra Morale: ? - 4688 (Morale Damage: 9999)

Upon Demigra's retreat, Allison reverted to normal, thanking Asriel for the assistance before she looked at everyone else, who arrived and saw everything. "I uhm… suppose I have explaining to do."

"Later." Siege said with a smile. "For now, we've done it. Demigra has been dealt with."

"Agreed…" Richard responded back, while Elma healed Sypher back up, as he slowly stood up. "I guess that's all. Just need to do a small thing… But that can wait."

Nessiah then walked up to the bleeding Hector, who wheezed in pain, as Nessiah bent down with a cruel smile.

"Hurts, doesn't it? To be the one betrayed this time." Nessiah spoke with a saccharine tone. "I say that this is karma coming back to give you what you deserved for what you have done, condemning me all that time ago. You find yourself being betrayed by the one thing you desired so much. I could only laugh at your misery, since you brought this upon yourself. So then, Hector… I would wish you good travels to whatever hell you're going to end up in, but that would be too nice for you. So please die, and take that corrupt system that you are so power-drunk in, to your unmarked grave."

Hector tried to say something, although all that came out were mere wheezes, while Nessiah turned his back against him. It was then Sypher's turn to approach Hector, as the disgraced Magi reached a hand up.

"Sy… pher…" He wheezed weakly with a deathly tone.

"Tell me, Hector, was all of this worth it?" He asked Hector with a cold tone and eyes. "Creating all these atrocities, and hiding all of this… You have ruined Asgard, Hector… And worst of all, you turned your back against the gods. Not even Blue, in her infinite mercy, would forgive a manipulative and sociopathic soul like you. May your judgement bring you to whatever conclusion that those you have plunged into suffering deem you fitting of."

Hector was silent, as Sypher walked away, still having the cold expression on his face. When Hector saw Siege walking over, with a dark expression, Hector felt fear for the first time in his endless life, that is about to soon reach a grinding halt.

"You know, I was planning to come up here and hurt you in ways you never even imagined of… but seems Demigra did that job for me." Siege darkly said. "So I'm gonna let you rot, until you are of nothingness and then I will ensure you get sent to the most bottomless pit of hellfire inferno for you to burn all your eternity, you heartless bastard." Siege finished, before spitting in Hector's face.

Hector was silent, before he then slowly collapsed on the ground, his final thoughts not being regret or sadness, but instead anger at being belittled by the 'impudent' mortals and Sypher betraying him, carrying the hate, as his life faded away, as the last of his lifeforce left him.

"Elder Gods, heroes… Thank you for what you have done for Asgard. I assure you that even if I am alone… I will change Asgard entirely, and return it to the holy paradise it once was." Sypher told everyone with gratitude. "Know that you will have an ally in me, and the entirety of Asgard."

"We are merely pleased that Demigra's plans are foiled, Magi Sypher." Gus responded back humbly.

"Before we can go… Marietta… Is it possible that you can revive her?" Siege asked back. "She deserves better to be used by Demigra and die."

"Of course… Although it will consume much of my current power…" Sypher responded back, before he then dropped his weapon, and gathered energy in between his palms. "But… Her life and what she represents… is far more worth the cost. Stand back, this might get a bit flashy for you."

After a few moments, a magic circle was created on the ground, as it glowed golden, before the feather of lights that made up Marietta were attracted to it by some unknown force, as they soon formed the glowing figure of Marietta. The glow then faded, as Marietta was back there, in the flesh, as her eyes opened.

"I… I live once more…?" Marietta remarked, before she then heard Sypher collapse on the ground, as he looked pale, and a part of his green hair turned slightly grey, much to her horror. "Master Sypher!"

"It's alright, Marietta." Sypher answered back softly, still a little weak. "I will regain my power soon enough. But for now… I need you to return to your duties… Ensure that Asgard will not be invaded again… Asgard has more importance over a single Magi."

"I understand." Marietta nodded back, before turning to the heroes. "Heroes… If you were responsible for the appeal for Master Sypher to bring me back… Thank you from the bottom of my holy heart."

"It's nothing." Siege smiled back. "Don't ever lose your way, alright, Marietta?"

"I solemnly swear I shall not." Marietta responded back, before she then teleported away in a beam of light.

Soon, Nessiah then walked in front of the group. "And now… There is one final task that you must do, Sypher…" He stated, before spreading his arms out. "...I'm ready."

"Aries…" Sypher stated with melancholy, before he then picked up his weapon. "...If that's your final wish, then as your friend… I will see to it fulfilled. Aries, angel of Asgard… As Magi, servant of the Gods, I hereby use my authority as sole Magi, to release you of the curse of immortality and agelessness. May you find peace in your next reincarnation."

Suddenly, he then slashed across the air, as it was targeted on Nessiah's chains, breaking them apart, as his golden visor was cut in twain, revealing his eyes, which were a dull grey, since his eyes were long destroyed. Suddenly, Nessiah then collapsed backwards, as Richard caught him.

"Nessiah… Are you…" Richard stated.

"...I don't deserve to live anymore." Nessiah stated calmly, with a peaceful expression. "After all these millenia, I bore vengeance against people who were long gone. I am irredeemable by all the sins I have done, breaking eras of peace… turning family and friends against each other… Creating torment to further my cause... All this, and my goal is fulfilled in a round-about way…"

"But…" Richard tried to say, before Nessiah placed a finger gently on his lips.

"...Don't say it. Like I said, I don't want to be pitied. At least let me pass in peace, after I finish…" Nessiah responded back. "At least I know that in my absence, in spite of my actions… Asgard will be changed in my friend's hands… And there will be no more people who will suffer like me and No. 367. I do have something for you at least… Richard, and all of you… Thank you… Thank you for letting this misguided angel… see the light one last time."

Nessiah then leaned back, as his body faded into particles of light, leaving behind only his robes and his tome. Richard then lifted them both up, before placing them together on the ground.

"Rest in eternal peace, Aries… Your vengeance is over, and you are free as your own man now." Richard spoke in a solemn tone, before the group then turned to leave. "Everyone, our job is done. Let us meet with Yggdra and Gulcasa… and say our goodbyes, for now."

The heroes nodded, before they followed Richard, as Sypher collected Nessiah's robe and tome, letting a few more tears run down his cheek in memory of his lost friend, before he then left, possibly to create a grave for Nessiah.

Down in the mortal realm, at a small field…

The group soon reached the field, as they found the members of both the Royal Army and the Imperial Army laying in wait, noticing that the group had come back.

"You've returned." Gulcasa stated. "Tell me, did you manage to save the gods?"

"Indeed, the demons are banished from this realm." Siege answered back. "We've just come in time to say our goodbyes."

"...Are you leaving to another place?" Yggdra asked back.

"Indeed, there are many other places that will need us, much like you before, Queen Yggdra." Richard answered back. "However, know that you will not be forgotten in either of our hearts. You were a great ally to us, and we've made the world a better place, where the righteous can help others."

"I guess this is goodbye then…" Milanor responded back, before he then grinned. "Well, it was nice knowing you, Richard, and you entire band of friends."

"I am honoured to have fought alongside you, Sir Richard, and Ser Allison." Durant stated humbly.

"Nietzsche will do her best, for all of you!" Nietzsche stated.

"Actually, I have something to give." Richard responded back, before he then produced a blue diamond-like crystal, as large as his chest, as Nietzsche was shocked at the sight of it. "...I found the Transmigragem, as I promised your queen. Now, the Undines will have their longevity back."

Nietzsche broke down into tears, when the Transmigragem reached her hands, repeatedly thanking Richard and the others.

"Well, I guess that you guys did a lot of the heavy work for us. But I assure you, we won't be lax when you're gone." Rosary remarked pridefully. "Me and Roswell are going to manage our little part of the world properly."

"Indeed, we have long settled our differences, after witnessing everything, your bonds and your siblinghood." Roswell added. "I assure you, there will not be a second Civil War."

"Oh my, I'm going to miss all you cute girls and handsome darlings." Mistel stated with a slightly sad expression, before she then bounced back with a smile. "Oh well, I suppose that having the pleasure of knowing you all is good enough."

"I swear that we will ensure that this peace will not be threatened. And that no-one will have to lose their loved ones again." Elena remarked.

"As the leader of the Imperial Assassins, and Elena's master… It's only fair that I continue my duties." Zilva added.

"Your feats will be sung in legends, lauded as the heroes of this land." Baldus remarked back.

"Do not worry about us, Luciana and I will make sure that our sister will be able to manage her kingdom well. After all, that's our role as her older sisters." Aegina told the group.

"You know... I'm going to be left wondering what level of strength you guys truly have…" Eudy stated. "But you know what, whatever it is, I'll strive to reach that level. After all, my genius won't end with just the 'Spark Cannon'!"

"I'll miss you all… Could you… come back to visit…?" Emilia asked shyly.

"Thank you all so much." Allison responded back. "I wish you all the best."

The heroes then left the area, before they then returned to their respective bases, as the journey left fresh new memories for the group, while the two kingdoms work towards the new era of peace that both rulers dreamed of.

Omake: A Beautiful Sunset

As everyone returned to their own kingdoms, Gulcasa, Aegina, Yggdra, and Luciana opted to stay behind for a while, as they went together to a small mountain, as they trekked up it, reaching the summit, before they could see a large part of the continent from where they were, as they sat on the ledge.

"I never thought that we would be doing this, Queen Yggdra. But then again, things would have ended far worse between us… if it wasn't for the heroes who sought to bring true peace to this world." Gulcasa answered back.

"I feel the same." Yggdra responded back softly, before looking over the land. "Now that there are no more warring factions, we don't have to worry about our people suffering anymore."

"I almost wished that Siskier would be able to witness… Jenon too…" Gulcasa sighed deeply.

"Gulcasa… I know that our past has been miserable… but we don't have to linger in it anymore." Aegina responded back. "We have the happy ending that we all strived for, and we didn't have to ruin a kingdom for it."

"Yeah… Now that I learned that Yggdra's my younger sister… I'm quite happy to be alongside, spending family time with her for the first time since we were born." Luciana added.

"I'm glad as well." Yggdra nodded back. "What you said back then... Will you really help rule Fantasinia with me? The people might not be happy with being ruled by a former Imperial general, even if you were my sisters."

"I'm sure that it can't be any worse than what we had to deal with as children." Aegina chuckled. "We're together in this forever, Yggdra. Nothing will separate us again, I swear it on the honour of our parents."

"Look…" Gulcasa stated, pointing at the sunset in the distance, painting the sky dark-orange. "It seems that we were in time to watch the moment that the sun sets."

"It's beautiful… I never thought that after this war… Seeing this would make it so beautiful, a land united under this setting sun…" Yggdra answered back.

"Ah, this takes us back… Back then, Gulcasa would be always interested in watching these sunsets with us." Aegina stated.

"What… I…!" Gulcasa exclaimed, as there was a light blush on his cheeks, before he then turned away with the blush lingering. "I suppose…"

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, royal's promise." Yggdra teased back with a wink. "Now then, I suppose that this is the world that you have wished for, isn't it, Gulcasa?"

"Indeed it is… Oh, and Yggdra…" Gulcasa answered back, before slowly turning his head to face Yggdra, as he smiled back. "...Call me Garlot."

Omake: A New Assassin Creed

As Elena and Zilva began to make their way to returning to their duties, they caught eye of something in the shadows moving about.

"...Master Zilva... I'm not the only one who saw that, right?" Elena asked.

"You are not..." Zilva said. "...Perhaps it's a new enemy, we should investigate."

"Right." Elena said, as they tracked down the Shadow, before winding up within a skyscraper building, having wandered through a portal thanks to their curiosity.

"Huh!?" Elena asked as she and Zilva looked around at their new surroundings, before hearing someone pouring a glass of something, making Elena jump and shoot the glass, which nearly shot through the hand of the man pouring the glass, SHIELD director Nick Fury.

"...You know, I was about to take a drink of that." Nick Fury said in a rather annoyed tone.

"Wh-who are you!?" Elena asked as she kept her crossbow trained on the man, Zilva doing the same.

"Now ladies, put the weapons down. I'm not here to hurt either one of you. Besides, if you do that, it could lead you two to being out of a job offer." Nick Fury said.

"...Job offer?" Zilva questioned.

"How would you two like to use your assassin skills to help out in more areas than just your kingdom?" Nick Fury asked, which piqued the interest of Elena and Zilva, as he smirked. "The name's Fury, and I lead a branch of the Soldiers of Fortune known as the M.I. SHIELD. And you two fit the bill for being members."

"This place…" Zilva remarked, before looking at her surroundings. "Wait… This is not the Imperial Capital… Where do you locate us, with whatever sorcery you used?"

"Why, I'm merely using technology, although not the kind you recognise." Nick Fury answered back. "You could say that we're about centuries ahead of you in tech. We got portable lightning in the form of electricity, we got guns that would put your cross-bows to shame, and we even got various kinds of tech specialised for you assassins. You want to blend with your environment? We got a suit that can do that, and also minimise any traces of your presence. You'll be a ghost to your enemies."

"A tempting offer…" Zilva answered back, lowering her crossbows slightly. "However, we are loyal to the Empire. We cannot abandon it, even with the countless boons that you imply having."

"Of course, I'm aware of your background." Nick Fury responded back, before clasping his hands together. "Rest assured, you will not be wrenched from your kingdom. You will only need to leave it when you are assigned to your missions. For the rest of your time, you two could play around with each other for all I care, just make sure that you're ready at the drop on a hat."

"...Master… I think that this is something that we can devote our efforts to." Elena suggested.

"You drive a very hard bargain." Zilva responded back, locking her cross-bows onto her waist, and extending an arm. "Zilva, and my disciple, Elena, at your service… Sir Fury."

"Please, call me Director Fury." Fury responded back, shaking her hand. "Welcome to M. I. SHIELD, both of you."

Unmei Force Solitary Legends: Peaceful Naivete