A/N: Y'all said you wanted more, so more I bring! Behold chapter 2. Enjoy!

Chapter 2

Natsu groggily sipped on his dragon-head coffee mug as he sat at his desk in his dull cubicle. Last night had been a little too much, and reminiscing on said activities honestly left him stressed as opposed to horny.


Skin brushed against skin with intense yearning as throaty moans filled the air.

Natsu was at his limit as he fisted the plush white sheets of the bed. They'd been at it for hours thanks to a powerful aphrodisiac the woman had slipped him at dinner. All a part of the plan of course, but the use of such enhancements made him insatiable.

The brunette beneath him, Claudette, exclaimed his name in euphoria, bucking herself wildly against his thrusting hips and digging her nails into the flesh of his back.

He met her intensity, trying his best to give her all she wanted and more. With a final, forceful thrust he roared and then quickly scrambled to pull out before it was too late. She looked up at him seductively as she caught his cum in her mouth. She was beautiful, but the efforts did nothing for him. Even so, he acted as if it were the sexiest thing he'd ever seen until she was finished.

Tiredly, he collapsed next to her. He felt her fingers ghost up and down his arm, much to his chagrin. He sighed and sat up, wincing as his back cracked when he stretched. It was time for him to go. A small hand on his wrist stopped him before he could get out of bed completely.

"Stay?" She asked with pleading eyes. When he seemed unsure she added, "I'll give you extra."


And so he did. How he loved and hated that word, "extra." However, the promise of a little extra change was almost always enough to make him cave. Little did he know that he would deeply regret said decision, as not only did he wake up with thirty minutes to spare before he needed to go to work, he woke up to her crying and telling him that she loved him.

Needless to say, he had now garnered his seventh unfortunate relationship conclusion in addition to being late to work. He didn't even have time to freshen up properly and was wearing a spare set of clothes he had tucked in his trunk. He felt dirty and stressed. Luckily, his supervisor was not in when he came in, so he avoided getting scolded.

"What crawled up your ass?" An annoyingly familiar voice asked.

Instantly even more irritated, Natsu slowly spun his chair to see none other than Gray Fullbuster, his coworker and "friend." Gray was wearing a white button-down shirt that was open at the top—exposing the northern portion of his defined chest and his silver cross necklace—and a pair of slacks. His messy black hair only further irritated Natsu for some reason.

"Go away, stripper prick."

"You're one to talk, fire crotch. Surprised you ain't caught nothing yet."

Natsu sneered at him. "I am regularly checked for STDs, thank you."

Under the animosity, their banter was all in fun—after all Gray really did strip on the side for extra cash and Natsu, well, he obviously got around. Neither had room to truly shame the other, and actually found camaraderie in their side professions. Not that either would ever admit that.

"You two dolts are awfully noisy." A rough voice chimed in.

They turned their attention to the new intruder, Gajeel Redfox, who, despite his threatening appearance, was just a regular guy. His hulking frame, heavily pierced face, long, wild hair and arm tattoos would suggest otherwise, given his friends' secret professions. He had been trying to start up a rock band—though the effort was largely unsuccessful thus far.

"Oh, can it, Gajeel." Gray spat, leaning on the side of Natsu's cubicle. "I was just checking on the ladies' man here."

"He looks rough." Gajeel commented. As if he was one to talk with his long, consistently unruly hair and assortment of piercings.

"I am rough." Natsu replied pressing his face into his palms. "I got another crazy one. She said she loved me. Mind you, this was our first meet up."

"Oof." They said in unison, sipping their coffee mugs.

"Oof is fucking right. Crazy woman wouldn't let me leave… was calling me the entire way here... But I can't block her number until the payment goes through."

"Damn." Gray said, shaking his head.

On cue, his phone rang again. Natsu groaned and put it on silent.

"Maybe it's time you cut that out find someone serious?" Gajeel suggested.

"Serious? Puh-lease." Natsu scoffed. "And give up my position as Sex God? Not a chance."

"Who died and made you Sex God? I'm Sex God." Gray responded with a glare.

"You wanna bet?" Natsu fired back, standing up.

"Alright," Gajeel cut in with a clap of his hands, "I'm going to pretend this argument didn't happen. Seriously." He scrunched up his nose, earning a laugh from his coworkers.

"In all seriousness, I couldn't afford my lifestyle if I got something more serious. This job doesn't pay nearly enough. Not to mention we all know I don't date."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Gajeel said, waving him off.

"Excuse me," a stern voice chimed in.

All three men robotically turned to the source of said voice: their supervisor, Erza Scarlet. She was a no-nonsense boss with long crimson hair and an affinity for wearing pantsuits. In fact, today she was wearing a dark purple pantsuit, which somehow made her look even more menacing than usual.

"I hope you are not misusing company time for silly, meaningless conversation." She said, crossing her arms.

"Of course not, Ms. Erza!"

"No ma'am."

"I was just passin' through."

"That's what I thought." She glared, pushing up her glasses.

Without further comment, Gray and Gajeel scattered from the area, leaving Natsu alone with the intimidating woman. To his relief she did not bother him further and instead chose to continue her patrol. He leaned his face into his hands as he listened to the clacking of her heels grow more and more distant.

The longer he sat there, the more Gajeel's words replayed in his mind. Ultimately, no matter how much anyone suggested it, he wouldn't be finding a girl anytime soon. Serious love was just not for him, not to mention his job paid him like shit. Plus, his arrangements were his main source of entertainment and cashflow at this point, and the thought of giving that up made him want to throw up. (After all, he figured there were very few women who would be accepting enough to allow him to see other people on the side, even as a hustle). Needless to say, he was in no hurry to settle down.

He typed in his login right as his phone began to buzz yet again, shifting his attention to his ever-ringing phone. He had more than half a mind to say fuck his payday and give this crazy woman a piece of his mind, but that would not be professional now would it? Angrily, he snatched up the ringing object only for his gaze to immediately soften upon seeing his favorite unsaved number.

He licked his lips as his mind flashed back to their last meet up three weeks ago, but he couldn't fathom why she would contact him again so soon, and in the middle of the day no less.

Curiosity got the better of him, so he excused himself from his desk to take the call. This would certainly take his mind off last night, that's for sure.

Gray peaked over his cubicle wall curiously as the pink haired man passed. Natsu gave him the finger as he hurried out of the large room.

The phone continued to buzz in his hand as he made a beeline to the restroom and clicked the lock of the single stall door. Unfortunately, in the process his phone had stopped ringing. He quickly called her back and was surprised that she picked up after the first ring.

"Hello?" Lucy said.

"Hey there… it's a bit unusual for you to call instead of text." He leaned up against the wall with a smirk. "Don't tell me you missed me?"

"More like I missed your dick." She replied with a snort.

He poked out his lip and said with a teasing voice, "Aw, damn. There's a person attached to him, ya know?"

"The person is alright I guess." She giggled, earning a fake hurt "hey" from Natsu. "I actually have a proposition for said person, but it's time sensitive."

Natsu blinked. "…He's listening?"

"Would you be interested in being my plus one for an overseas business meeting?"

"Uh—?" A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"I know it's sudden, and I can understand if you don't want to—"

Natsu shook his head. "No, I'm interested. I'm just not sure if I'd be able to be away for as long as you'd need me." He refrained from hissing as the person outside the restroom knocked again.

"Well, just think it over. Perhaps we can grab dinner tonight and discuss in more… detail?"

The way she said detail coupled with the sexy giggle that accompanied it sent blood directly to his member. He ran his tongue over his sharp teeth. "I'd love to."

"Great. Meet me at the Clarkson Restaurant at 8pm sharp. Dinner is on me, and dessert too."

Natsu swallowed thickly. "Perfect Luce. I'll see you then."

"Ciao! And wear a suit!"

The line clicked off, leaving him alone with his half hard-on. He chuckled to himself. Tonight couldn't come fast enough.

A cha-ching sound caught his attention as the impatient bastard outside knocked once again. Claudette had transferred the money, along with a note: please, please call me back baby. I'll pay you triple what I did last night.

Natsu smirked to himself as he hit transfer on the payment before swiftly blocking her number.

"Absolutely fucking not."


A/N: That's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this intro to the world and next chapter will be even more fun. I'm super excited to get into this story. I don't think I've written a multi-chap lemon before, and I'm too lazy to check but feel free to fact check me lmao.

Leave me a review and let me know what you thought, as well as anything you'd want me to see in this story.

Until next time,