So I am getting many good reviews and a few of you have asked whether to call Selene/Senshi either Selene or Senshi, but it is up to you. I don't care, she's going to be called many things so whatever you are comfortable with. I forgot to put in one of the varia names in the end of last chapter so even though he isn't mentioned in this chapter I'm putting it on the bottom of this chapter.

Medical Exam

Luss pov

I watched as the newest Officer got dressed in the spare shirt. I was grabbing the physical forms and supplies I needed to do a standard entrance exam on Senshi, I wasn't looking forward to it. Being the head medic in the Varia means that I have seen many things, I mean we are assassins so most of us haven't had the best lives, but with the quick look I am already not looking forward to this exam.

"Ok Sweetie I'm going to need to ask you some questions," I said.

"Ok ma'am," Senshi said.

"You don't have to call me ma'am Sweetie. Just call me Luss," I said. Senshi blushed and squirmed a bit. It was cute. She was like a puppy or a baby wolf, she would bark loudly and her bite could hurt, but she was still young.

"Ok ma'am.. I mean Luss," Senshi shifted. I heard Squalo snicker and I had to agree, I was holding myself back from cooing.

"Now what's your birthday?" I asked, clicking my pen.

"July 31, 1990," Senshi said. I was shocked, this girl is only 15 years old, but she looked only 12. I took a closer look and it looked like maybe with the right food she could look her age.

"Now what's your nationality?" I asked, writing her age down.

"I'm English," I wrote that down. That was the basic thing that I asked her. Next I had to get her height and weight. She was smaller than she should be and she was severely underweight, something I could tell before she got on the scale.

Next I checked her lungs and reflexes and both turned out fine. It was when I checked her eyesight that things got strange again. I did the normal eye chart and when she came out with 20/05 vision. This was good, we had some people in the Varia with 20/10, but none with 20/05.

"Voi what were the glasses for then?" Squalo asked. I had to wonder what he was talking about. I hadn't seen any glasses.

"The glasses are for a condition I have. They just help filter things out," Senshi explained.

"So you don't need them?" Squalo asked.

"No they just help," Senshi said.

"Well there is one last thing we have to do," I said. I reached into the supply table and pulled out everything I needed to take her blood. Senshi scooted away a bit.

"What are you doing with a needle?" Senshi asked, confused.

"I'm going to need to take some blood," I explained. Senshi paled a bit.

"How are you going to do that?" Senshi asked.

"You don't know how blood is taken? Haven't you ever had blood work before Sweetie?" I asked.

"No. I've never even had a needle near me," Senshi admitted. This really shocked me.

"You've never had your inoculations before?" I asked.

"Inoculations?" Senshi asked, tilting her head. I heard Squalo's quick intake of breath. Everyone got their inoculations and someone not getting them was the height of neglect.

"Well I'll be putting this needle in one of your veins in your arm to draw the blood. I'm going to need to take two vails worth. Then starting today I will be giving you inoculations. They are to help prevent you from getting diseases like smallpox," I explained. I knew explaining this would be the best way to not have a raging Cloud.

Senshi nodded and stuck out her arm. I prepped her and quickly got to work drawing her blood. Once that was done I hurried off to my office with her blood. I needed to run some tests and make sure she was ok.

While I started the lab work I started to prep the first round of injections. I was almost finished when I heard my computer beep. I headed over and looked at the readings. I frowned. I saw some things I was expecting like vitamin deficiencies, but something was very odd. I took a closer look and frowned. This looked like what some people who had been poisoned blood looked like, but I'd never seen this makeup before and there looked to be no antibodies in her system fighting it.

I put the shots away. I didn't want to put any in her system until I did more research on how this might affect her. I walked out and saw Senshi and Squalo having a glare off.

"What's wrong?" Senshi asked.

"Sweetie were you ever bitten by a snake?" I asked. Senshi looked thoughtful for a second.

"A few garden snakes when I was little," Senshi said thoughtfully. I frowned.

"No I mean any poisonous snakes," I said. Senshi suddenly got a clear expression, like she finally understood.

"Oh, yes in school. We had an issue and I wound up getting bitten by a snake," Senshi said, rubbing her elbow. I frowned and looked at her elbow. There was a giant scare and it went straight through her arm. My eyes widened, how big was this snake.

"Did you get treatment?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Senshi said, but the way she said it made me think she was lying. But at the same time I could tell she wasn't.

"Why though?" Senshi asked.

"You still have the venom in you," I said.

"Is she ok!?" Squalo demanded. I knew he cared.

"It doesn't look like it's doing her any harm. But I need to do more tests," I said.

"Do them!" Squalo demanded. I sighed, like I wasn't going to already.

"Do you need to take more blood?" Senshi asked.

"Not today Sweetie. But I will need to soon," I explained. Senshi nodded.

"Other than doing the tests at one point I can give you the ok to leave," I said.

"Voi, we are going to get the others and then go through Ottavio's old office," Squalo said, turning on his heel.

"Yes Captain," I started to follow him. Senshi trailing after me holding her bag to her chest. This was going to be interesting.


Katastrofa- disaster

Others have been mentioned before.