Hi guys, this is a new story that I have been working on. I hope you enjoy!

Client - Taniyama Mai. Female. 20 years of age.


Mai walked up the steps towards the door which adored with the sign Shibuya Psychic Research. This seemed to be the place, that name was certainly unique. She knocked twice and heard a stern voice say to "come in". Defiantly male, but not very friendly sounding. Taking a deep breath she summoned her courage, opening the door into a brightly lit seating area.

She meandered towards the sofa facing the offices doors, figuring she would be more comfortable if no one could sneak up on her.

She took a moment to ponder how her friend even knew this places existed, because Mai had never heard of it before yesterday. All Mai had done is tell him that strange things were happening at her home and next thing she knows, Yasu is ordering her to show up here. Although they couldn't be that unsuccessful, considering the cost of renting an office is Shibuya.

Just as Mai was wondering just how common it was for people to experience the paranormal in Japan of all places, a tall man walked in from what Mai could only assume was a kitchen. He towered over her, and the look on his face was very intimidating. Why did he seem like he already hated her? He looked like he was barely refraining from glaring at her. Mai tried to shoot him a smile but he ignored her, instead taking a seat at the head of the table, opening his laptop and typing who knows what.

Was it too late to make a run for it?

While contemplating what should would say to Yasu if she did manage to escape, the door to the CEO office opened up. Another unsmiling man walked out, who could not have been much older then herself. He had beautiful raven black hair and midnight blue eyes. Mai would have been gushing all over him had she not been too curious about how such a young man became a CEO... if he was the CEO?

"Taniyama Mai I assume?" He asked, although he looked like he already knew the answer. He took a seat opposite her and Mai notices the aura of professionalism the two men exhibited. Mai watched as the young man took in her profile, registering the dark circles around her eyes, and the way her clothes covered most of her skin.

"Yes sir" Mai answered, trying to smile. "Mr Shibuya right?" He nodded once to assure her of his identity, and Mai wondered about the all black clothing. The older gentleman seemed the colourless type, especially with the way this hair covered his right eye, but he was wearing a white shirt. Shibuya clothes on the other hand gave Mai the feeling that he was in mourning.

"Why are you here today Miss Taniyama?" Shibuya asked, glancing at his watch and crossing his legs. Mai wondered if she was being timed or something. She adverted her gaze.

"A couple week ago, I started getting visits by the spirits of the dead" She risked at peak, and Shibuya had only raised a brow.

"Why do you think they are the spirits of the dead and not something like a poltergeist?" He asked while the silent man typed up what Mai can only assume was the dialogue of the meeting.

"When I was younger I was always interested in ghost stories. There was even a report of a spirit haunting in part of the school I attended, so I ended up reading a lot about it. I obviously don't know enough to be sure" Mai bit her lip, watching as the two men shared a look. "But the spirits in my home seem like they are trying to communicate with me"

"Communicate how?" Shibuya lent forward, not showing any signs of insulting her or her sanity. Which was a good sign Mai supposed.

"At first I would just hear sounds, that seemed to make no sense. I live alone, so footsteps in other rooms, or tapping on windows or knocking on doors" Mai looked up, seeing both men soften. "I thought someone had broken in the first time, so I hid till morning. When I mustered the courage to check what was missing, nothing was, and there was no sign that anyone had broken in. I thought I was being pranked or that I was just being paranoid. The bolts were still on my front door and my windows still locked"

"Did you ever see anyone knocking on windows?" The silent man finally spoke up. He seemed to be a little more apprehensive.

"It was always dark out when it happened, so I never saw anyone" Mai admitted, smart enough to know what is conclusive evidence. "It quickly got worse, when they started becoming vocal. I would hear crying in the middle of the night, and every time, they seemed to be someone different. Then they started whispering to me, asking me questions about their deaths. Some blaming me even"

"Any reason why they would blame you?" Shibuya asked, raising his brow.

Mai gasped, quickly trying to assure them that these people were not her victims. "No no no, I have no idea why they would blame me!" Mai assured. "I just thought they believed I looked like whoever killed them, or that they were confused or something"

"Please do not worry, this is more common then you would think" Shibuya had to try to stop himself from rolling his eyes. "Did it progress further?"

"I was attacked a couple of times too" Mai admitted, feeling that same fear flood her. She wanted to cry. "I was pulled backwards as I was leaving a few weeks ago. Before that I was dragged out of bed by my ankles. I never saw anyone, and I'm pretty sure I would have been dragged down the stairs if I hadn't managed to grab the door frame" She pulled up her sleeve to show them the bruises on her arm. One was distinctly hand shaped. Mai knew she was shaking, and she felt awfully vulnerable.

Shibuya seemed very used to ignoring such things as he inquired about the details of a case. "Have you continued to stay there?"

"After being pulled from my bed and being pushed through the door, I decided to try stay with friends and in hotel rooms. The voices didn't follow but I didn't want to risk it" Mai admitted, feeling guilty about burdening others. That had been the reason she had endured the haunting so long.

"Since you live alone, I don't suppose you have adequate space for our equipment and ourselves to take residence in your home?" Shibuya asked, clearly expecting a no.

"It was my parents home, and so I can spare two bedrooms" Mai's voice sounded breathy and hopeful, her short brown hair falling in front of her eyes, and framing her soft features.

"Then I accept your case, please give your address and contact details to my associate, and we shall be in touch" Shibuya agreed, standing up to leave.

"Thank you so much!"

Hey guys! The next couple of chapters are almost ready to go but I am busy all week. However if you want me to hurry leave a review! Hehe I know I'm cheeky!

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