
He, Annabeth and Grover had arrived at the bus station outside town, they quickly found a bus that was headed west. Settling at the back so they could observe all the other passengers, Incase they were monsters. After a couple hours on the bus, the clouds began to converge and darken above them. The hair on Percy's neck stood on end, instincts going haywire. His was alerted by a sudden voice in his head: 'get off the bus!' It urgently shouted, a message to that was quickly relayed to his quest mates, they scrambled to get off the bus, which had briefly stopped in a service area. A crack of thunder, followed by a flash of lightning, the bus exploded, sending debris and shrapnel everywhere. The demigods and started to get back up, hauling their satyr up. They quickly ate some ambrosia, healing their wounds. They quickly dashed into the forest, before sitting down catching their breaths.

"What was that?" Annabeth asked, still heaving.

"I think it was a safe bet that it was Zeus."


Jason, Reyna and Gwen made their way across America, towards Florida. They had a mostly quiet trip, only being hit by monsters in Texas. Upon arriving at Florida, the my were met by the God of night, darkness and charisma, who provided them with a small boat with all the necessary provisions, and assured them that he had negotiated safe passage to the sea of monsters with Neptune. When they boarded the boat, Jason immediately found an old captains hat, he seized the article of clothing and pronounced himself captain. Much to the amusement of his quest mates.

"Reyna, start the boat!" He ordered,

"Aye aye captain," came here quick and sarcastic reply.

"Gwen, plot our course to the Bermuda Triangle."

She echoed Reyna's response. Jason quickly took the helm, spinning the wheel and placing them on course. They had a while to go so Jason decided to spark up some small talk, while able to get good conversation going with Gwen, he only got grunts, or single word answers from Reyna, who was looking increasingly nervous as they approached they sea of monsters.

Eventually they reached an entrance to the sea of monsters, much like his namesake, Jason was going to be venturing in through the Clashing rocks, he prayed to his patron, Juno, for safe passage through them, the combined protection of Juno and Neptune allowed them to pass through unharmed, intent on seeking out Polyphemus' island, and the Golden Fleece. As they sailed within the sea of monsters, they passed a ruined island, which once looked like a resort and spa. Jason noticed Reyna stealing glances at the Island.

"Reyna you know what that place is?" He asked.

"Yeah, I sort of used to live there, it was circe's spa and resort, before some monster attack ruined it and freed the captured men, who then escaped, not before capturing me and my sister, eventually we managed to escape, I made it to the wolf house and she to the Amazons. I haven't heard from her since" she replied, looking longingly at the ruined resort. Jason began to steer the boat towards they island, intent on searching through the wreckage for supplies or a map. He pulled the boat alongside the pier, and moored the boat to it, dropping the anchor for good measure. Reyna was the first to step of the boat, making her way through the mess of upturned sunbeds and umbrellas. They other two questers followed, as she made her way through the shattered glass doors to the lobby. She jumped over the desk before rummaging through the draws, the others following her lead. Jason and Gwen found some ambrosia and nectar, they turned to see Reyna studying a map of the sea of monsters. They other two glanced over her shoulder, her finger tracing along the map, seemingly plotting out her best route.

"The quickest route to the fleece would be going past the sirens, we just need to cover our ears to prevent us from drowning ourselves." She stated. When they reached the boat, Jason, still donning the captain's hat, took his position behind the wheel, whilst Reyna unhooked then from the pier, Gwen began to hoist the anchor. Eventually they were back on their way, slowly making their way to the sirens, then to Polyphemus.


After walking along the road for hours, they found an establishment, which Annabeth deciphered as 'Aunty M's garden gnome emporium'. With their supplies vaporised inside the bus, they decided to see if they could catch up on sleep and to source any food. Upon entering, they observed many life-sized and like stone sculptures. They made their way towards the main reception, where they were greeted by a woman wearing a shawl and sunglasses.

"Hello dears, I'm auntie M, how can I help?" She inquired, a cruel smirk adoring her face.

"We nee-" Annabeth began, before being cut of by Grover blurting out "food!"

"Now now my dear Satyr, that's no way to talk to a lady." She began,

"Wait how does she know I'm a-" Grover began before being cut off by Percy:

"Medusa! Close your eyes!" He cried out, before she ripped of her shawl and sunglasses, the hissing of snakes now evident to the demigods. The questers ran for cover, looking for a safe space to open their eyes. Percy made his way behind a statue, before opening his eyes. He looked around, and found an old shield, discarded by a statue of which he presumed was a demigod. He grabbed it, polishing it quickly with the hem of his shirt, he looked into it, seeing Grover attacking medusa with a stick, using Luke's flying shoes to stay out of her reach. Percy, using his new shield, made his way towards medusa, before turning and cleaving off her head with riptide. Medusa's head, now separated from her body, which turned to dust, lay on the floor, he quickly covered it with the shawl again, before calling out that it was safe. Annabeth shakily looked over from her safe spot, sighing in relief as she saw Percy. She looked around the room before spying a pearl sitting ontop of a large statue. She called it out to Grover, who quickly retrieved it using his flying shoes. She quickly explained how they were persephones' pearls, and when crushed in the underworld, would transport the user out of the underworld. Along with that, they found a map of others and some drachmas in the office that joined the complex, before deducing that the entrance to the underworld was in "dead or alive studios, Hollywood". Percy found some Hermes express packages, which he packed Medusa's head into, before addressing it to Olympus, and dropping a few drachmas into it.