awww shucks you guys! So i wrote this a while ago, edited and fluffed it out. but i couldn't get anymore in. so unless I sit around waiting for must to strike. this is what I came up with! I figured you guys didnt wanna wait that long! :)

Chapter 28


"Well" Elizabeth said, leaning towards him, brushing her lips across his. "It seems we have another experiment

Darcy looked at his wife, her eyes sparkling, her hair tousled, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. He did not think he had ever seen anything more beautiful. It only took him a moment to close the distance and he was kissing her like his life depended on it.

Elizabeth chuckled as she found her self flat on her back against the pillows and Darcy's lips pressed against her. His tongue insistent on his share. His weight, where previous he had been heavy, now felt delicious. Her skin alive and every movement of him set her nerves alight. Fire magic raced through her but it was under control and she knew it, now she knew what to expect.

He settled himself between her thighs and her legs instinctively came up to hold him to her, his arousal pressing in to that spot that was still throbbing from his kiss. She broke her lips from his and groaned raising her hips to rub herself against him. She was rewarded with a matching groan.

"God, Elizabeth. What you do to me!"

A small smile curved her lips as she looked in his eyes then deliberately rolled her hips against him again. His eyes went black and his whole body shuddered and she chuckled in delight. He reached between them to free himself from his breeches then looked deeply in to her eyes.

"Are you certain?"

She responded by kissing him and he sighed in delight as he positioned himself at her entrance and thrust home.

Elizabeth moaned in appreciation, this feeling was totally different to her previous experience. Her body was hyper aware of every brush and movement and he touched somewhere inside her that sparked new sensations. She sighed happily as he began to thrust in a familiar rhythm but gasped when his hand found the way between them and began rubbing.

Her eyes flew wide as the, now familiar, sensation built inside her. She held on to his broad shoulders and tucked her head in to his neck. She didn't try to stop the noises that burst from her and when the crescendo came again she cried out louder than before. Her eyes flew open and she could see sparks and gusts of wind, not enough to cause damage but enough to show her energy responding to the overwhelming sensations within her.

When Darcy felt her climax again his brain went blank, white stars burst behind his eyelids and he pumped faster, spilling his seed in to her a matter of seconds later, the intense pleasure of the moment filling him with a rightness not previously experienced.

His eyes flew open as she gasped and he watched in wonder as her aura, purple evident in the golden light, grew brighter. His own aura, the red and green also glowing brightly, flashed also. Then the pair of them were contained in a golden bubble, one aura not distinguishable from the other. Purple flashes pulsing alongside the red and green, a dance of colours that was both ethereal and mesmerising.

They both watched, stunned to silence as their auras pulsed, before the lights settled back in to their normal brightness. Their eyes met and Elizabeth grinned delightedly whilst Darcy sighed in complete contentment and leaned in for a kiss.

This was how things were meant to be.

When Elizabeth made to leave his bed he merely gathered her to him and kissed her sleepily.

"If it is all the same to you." He murmured, nuzzling her neck "I'd rather you sleep right here" before sighing and allowing himself to drift of to sleep, the smell of his wife and their lovemaking the perfect aroma to inspire a deep and contented sleep.


Elizabeth Darcy, nee Bennet, yawned stretched and rolled over, which was when she encountered a warm male and decidedly unclothed form next to her.

She gasped, her hand raised to her mouth and she sat up. Darcy was laid on his side, hair falling endearingly across his forehead. She noted the absence of the wrinkles she so often saw. As she watched him sleep she felt an overwhelming wave of contentment. No remaining doubts clouded her mind, she was where she meant to be. She shivered as she remembered her time in his arms last evening.

Darcy's eyes fluttered open. He watched his wife as she smiled softly, eyes closed. He was filled with an overwhelming sense of relief and good fortune. He had managed to win back her trust and affections, despite having so many mistakes behind him.

"Penny for your thoughts, Mrs Darcy."

Her eyes flew open and she could not help the little squeak of surprise that escaped her.

Darcy chuckled.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed. "I could not possibly."

He pulled her against him and kissed her on the side of her neck.

"Well, you can have mine for free." He murmured against her skin. "I was marvelling at how lucky I am to have such an amazing wife and that I have not driven her away with my idiocy."

Elizabeth sighed "let us think no more of it sir." Her voice was warm "I am quite content with how and where I find myself this morning. Let us not dwell on the past."

Darcy nodded "I love you."

"And I You."

Darcy would have liked to have spent more time in bed, but he did not wish to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Shall we ride out today?" He asked as he prepared to rise. He was stopped by the hand on his arm.

"William, your aura.."

He looked down at himself. Seeing one's own aura was not very easy, so instead he looked at hers. It had the usual gold intensity, the soft glow of purple barely visible, but there was a new edge of green, his green.

"Have I?..." he looked at himself again "has my aura got a purple edge?"

Her eyes were wide, admiring "and mine has green!" She laughed delightedly and threw her arms around him.

"Can you feel anything?" He asked.

She frowned in concentration. "I am not certain, but would I unless there was something wrong?"

Darcy shrugged "it is different for all the Darcy women."

Elizabeth sighed, "but I am one now, for certain."

He drew her to him, kissing her sleep rumpled hair "you always were, my love. It just took me a while to realise what that meant."


No one in the family could doubt the connection that had been forged between Darcy and Elizabeth. Richard gave them both a knowing look on his next visit and Eleanor had hugged her, whispering "you look happier than when last we met!"

They returned for the season, after Easter spent at Pemberley, and were welcomed by all whom they cared for. Elizabeth, showing her bump proudly, was declared the belle of the ton. Whispers among the ton completely died away in the wake of the couple who were so obviously in love.

Elizabeth's Darcy legacy manifested quickly and , as one might expect, powerfully. She inherited a little of Georgiana's abilities, but on a totally different scale, with some of Darcy's powers also. If she focussed on a person she could feel their emotion and location, without the need to scry. Any extreme emotions came to her automatically, sometimes very useful and sometimes a little inconveniently so. For example; the time she was in bed with her husband, practicing magic whilst making love. They had found fire magic created an interesting heat pattern which contributed to feelings of pleasure. It was not a good time to feel her youngest sister's hilarity. Clearly Lydia was having an amusing conversation and Elizabeth found herself giggling at a most inconvenient point in time.

Darcy had been rather offended for a time, until she explained. After that she found a way to dampen the feelings coming in, creating another type of shield to reduce the influences around her.

Although she couldn't prove it, Elizabeth was certain their child would be magical. She could feel the baby responding to the magic around them and they seemed happiest when she was using her magic.


Jane and Bingley purchased an estate close to Pemberley. They had decided to set Caroline up in her own establishment, on their return to London. Their loyalty was with the Darcys, as Jane had stated, and so they had given her the news. When she had thrown a tantrum Bingley had held firm and threatened banishment to the north. Their Aunt would, no doubt, take her in but their would be no parties, no balls and very little chance for a match.

Caroline found herself in a tentative and unstable position. Her connection to the Darcy family could not be relied upon and even Bingley rarely extended himself to include her. She may have her reputation, despite her scandalous behaviour, but she had few friends. She had considered taking her revenge on Elizabeth and spreading her story, but knew the consequence would be to herself only and, after seeing them at a ball together one day, knew that no one would believe her. Elizabeth was too popular, now that she and Darcy were so clearly getting along well.

She quickly found herself a willing gentleman to marry. He might not be as grand as the Darcys, but he was a gentleman. Little did she know that she was marrying a country gent and she found herself mistress of an estate about the same size as Longborn. The neighbourhood was similar to Meryton, a fact that Jane was happy to relay to Elizabeth, who laughed heartily.

Elizabeth and Darcy, of course, returned to Pemberley for the summer and stayed for her confinement. Kitty and Georgiana returned with them, eagerly awaiting their new nephew or niece and Jane finally moved in to her new abode at the end of August.


On the first day of September Elizabeth gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She had her mother's brown eyes and the Darcys were delighted to see a strong spark of magic in her. What power she would wield could only develop with time and they were happy to wait.

Darcy walked in to her birthing room, just after the midwife had left. Elizabeth had scandalised the woman by declaring her intention to nurse the baby herself and he smiled at the sight of his daughter attached firmly to her mother's breast.

He laid gently on the bed beside Elizabeth, not wishing to disturb either of the most important women in his life.

He mock frowned at the baby "that is my place."

Elizabeth laughed. "I am afraid you will have to wait for your turn, and the wait might be a while."

Darcy sighed dramatically "I suppose I shall have to suffer then!"

Elizabeth nudged him with her elbow, chuckling at his playfulness.

"We need a name?" He said, asking her thoughts.


He gave her an incredulous look and she chuckled.

"Oh alright. What do you suggest? I think we should honour your mother somehow, but there are enough Annes in the family."

"Your middle name is Rose, we could combine them? Rosanna or Roseanne?"

Hmmmm, Elizabeth hummed and watched as the little girl fell asleep, mouth coming off her nipple with a soft pop. "Rosanna. It has a certain charm to it."

"Roseanna Georgia Darcy?"

Elizabeth beamed at him "it is perfect."

He leaned over and kissed her gently "You are perfect, the wonderful enchanting Mrs Darcy."

She rolled her eyes and then looked serious. "You are not upset that she is not an heir?"

Darcy looked seriously at her "that is your mother speaking. Pemberley is not entailed, it could be hers if she is all we are blessed with."

He kissed her again and she sighed in relief. She then looked suspicious at his cheeky grin.

"Of course I see this as an opportunity."

"How so?" She questioned.

"We just need to practice more."

Her laughter filled the chamber and Darcy's rich laugh joined hers, the sound so much more frequent of recent months. Everyone nearby knew that the enchanting Mrs Darcy was wielding her own brand of magic, again



so, thats all folks! i hope you liked it. lpinney thanks for the encouragement to get it out there. I know there are a few loose threads that I could pull. I'll see if the magic muse comes forth.

I am hoping to get a brotherly concern up on kindle sometime. probably with bonus chapters. so keep an eye out. might try to get the witches up too. again, new chapters likely.

i am also working on my next mash which is a pride and predjudice aboard the titanic. I am having lots of fun researching, so let me know if you'd be interested and I'll get a wiggle on. :)

hope everyone is staying safe, and enjoying the great JA and all the wonderful stories out there!