Foreword: I have full permission from Thayerblue1 to do this. May God have mercy on our souls, Let's proceed.

Port = Left

Starboard = Right

Sanji Himura Presents

A Naruto/Star Trek: The Original Series/Stargate Crossover Fanfiction

Thayerblue1's Naruto Infinity Divide: War of Anubis

Last time:

The Battle in the Arcanum System had come to an end and the hostile Cai ship imploded….



Location Unknown

Naruto's eyes lethargically rolled open before slowly closing again. He felt cold and numb. There was a vague sensation of weightlessness but he really didn't care. The blonde thought of his beautiful mates and how wonderful they felt in his arms before he drifted back into the dark embrace of sleep….


Two beings were observing Naruto as the blonde floated there. They were non corporeal life forms from a different continuum that really weren't well known or understood by humans. They called themselves 'Q.'

"Q?" asked the male voice.

A female voice replied, "Yes Q?"

The male paused and said, "You brought me here to see something interesting and all I see are dying primates and their ilk."

"You always miss the obvious Q." chuckled the female. 'He clearly doesn't get it.' She chortled some more and said, "That one there. He is the last of the living Otsutsuki. He could do great things."

"Great good things or great evil things?" asked the male Q.

She made a humming sound. "I suppose that is up to him. Good and evil depend on one's point of view after all."

"I wonder if he will survive this trial or sleep forever." pondered the male.

The female said with a smile in her voice, "His thoughts drift to those he loves. He cares more for their lives than his own. How romantic these lower life forms are. Almost poetic isn't it?"

The male said eagerly, "Let's give him a little push then!" The Otsutsuki emblem on the back of Naruto's hand began to glow fiercely before it faded again….

"Q; you idiot!" she hissed. "We came here to observe; not to interfere!"

The male Q quailed. "I just evolved him a tiny bit and summoned-"

"I know what you did Q…." she growled. Giving a long suffering sigh she said, "What's done is done. Let's observe from a distance. He'll be able to sense our presence now if we are close by…."

The two Q vanished….


Stardate Unknown, NX-1602 U.S.S. Wolverine, Bridge

Naruto suddenly awoke and felt freezing cold. He felt his breath condensing in the air in front of him but could see nothing but inky blackness around him. The gears inside the blonde's head started spinning and whirring at warp speed as he slowly looked about. There was no feeling of gravity or motion. The Vulcan hybrid felt totally alone in the darkness. Slowly looking up; Naruto saw the transparent aluminum dome that made up the roof of the U.S.S. Wolverine's bridge. The blonde saw stars everywhere but no signs of debris from the Cai ship. He let out a tiny sigh and thought, 'I'm still on the ship.'

The blonde thought to himself; 'That's right, the Cai ship imploded. Did the Wolverine get caught in the implosion? Was the ship damaged? Is my Samui safe? Is M'rella safe?" He reached out using his sensory abilities and quickly found he could sense the entire ship with ease. He quickly felt the reassuring presence of his mates and loved ones. 'Samui, M'rella, T'Lyra, Shizuka, Alison….They are all safe. Wait! T'Lyra, Shizuka and Alison?! What are they doing aboard the Wolverine?'

Naruto's eyes crackled with chakra and he called out. "Computer; lights!" Red emergency lights flickered on and the blonde hybrid saw his people all out cold floating or lying close to their assigned stations. Naruto maneuvered himself over to the science position where Maya Ayasugi and Shar were unconscious at their duty stations. Carefully moving his Andorian friend away from the console and slipping into the science station chair; Naruto activated the panel and found that all power was out but the ship's batteries were fully charged. He quickly activated emergency life support and was relieved to feel warm, fresh air circulating in. The artificial gravity was malfunctioning but the other emergency systems were coming back online smoothly.

The half Vulcan looked and saw Samui asleep at the navigation station and made his way over to her. He felt how cold she was and gently kissed her lips. Samui's ice blue eyes fluttered open and she smiled at her mate for a second before she asked, "N-naruto; what's going on? Why is it so bloody cold?"

He gave her a tiny smile and said; "I don't know what happened. We're on emergency life support with no gravity and nothing but battery power. Help me wake the others up. We've got to get this ship running again."


Engineering –Impulse Engine Room

Naruto's mate T'Lyra Tolaris awoke from an uncomfortable position on the floor of the impulse engine deck and wondered what had happened. 'I was on the Gettysburg's impulse deck performing routine maintenance checks with Brea for Chief Sassaav when I felt a crushing pressure upon me and blacked out. When I awoke, the emergency lighting was on and there was no gravity. It is also extremely cold which means I was rendered unconscious hours ago. What happened? Were the environmental controls damaged?' The Vulcan beauty sat up easily in the zero-G environment and looked around for her friend Brea Mathiun. She only saw strangers out cold and several of them weren't even wearing Starfleet Uniforms. T'Lyra whispered to herself, "Where is Brea…? Who are these people…?"

She looked about and thought, 'Even the impulse engines are cold…? They should be-' Focusing on her environment rather than the people; T'Lyra noticed a number of differences in the impulse engine room's layout. 'This ship is not the Gettysburg though it is clearly of Federation design….Just where am I…?'

That's when T'lyra's sharp Vulcan ears heard quiet clinking of someone hopping/climbing up a ladder to the impulse deck where she was currently. A male voice grumbled, "I can't believe I never noticed this ship had so many damn ladders before. Even in zero-g it took forever to get up here without a turbolift. Whoever is on the bridge brought the emergency lights online. I need to get the impulse engines reactivated. Then I can figure out how to restore communications to the bridge."

T'Lyra recognized the voice as Naruto's big Orion classmate Kloene. The green skinned man's head and shoulders came into view and she asked, "Mister Kloene?"

"GAH!" screeched the Orion in a squeaky voice. His face was pale as a ghost. "Don't scare me like that!"

The young Vulcan woman had a flat look on her otherwise lovely face. She said in a stoic tone, "Your terrified overreaction is entirely unwarranted Mister Kloene."

Kloene face palmed and replied, "Petty Officer T'Lyra….you are the only person I've ever met that can sound so respectful and so demeaning at the same time."

T'Lyra stated, "It's a gift."

The big Orion sighed and gathered his thoughts. He said, "You shouldn't be on this ship. Tell me something only T'Lyra would know. I need to make sure you aren't an imposter."

She raised an eyebrow and said, "You are working on Auxiliary Warp Reactors to help my husband Naruto. It's classified information but you let it slip in front of me while playing Three Dimensional Chess with him….Then Naruto put you in checkmate."

Kloene sweat dropped and said, "Ouch. What a painful memory. All doubts have been cleared from my mind that you are the real T'Lyra. How did you get aboard this ship? The U.S.S. Gettysburg was light years away from our location when everything went black."

"I have no explanation." said T'Lyra. "I felt a tremendous pressure and fell unconscious. Then I woke up here. I don't even know what ship this is. You are the first person I've seen that is awake aside of myself."

"So everyone up here is out cold too eh?" asked the big Orion.

T'Lyra nodded. "It would appear so sir."

Kloene shrugged. "Well, welcome aboard the U.S.S. Wolverine, your husband's brainchild."

Her eyes widened. "This is Naruto's Fast Cruiser? I thought that it was still under construction."

"So did we." he replied. "There are a lot of mysteries about this ship. Regardless; here we are aboard with no power but batteries. Will you lend me a hand inputting the start up sequence for the impulse engines?"

"Aye sir." answered T'Lyra in a pleased tone….



"Everyone on the bridge is awake and ready for duty Naruto." reported Samui with a smile. "Thankfully no one was injured during the black out."

Naruto slid from underneath the communications console and replied, "Good. Now we need to get in touch with the rest of the crew." He turned to their beautiful Communications Officer and said, "M'rella; I'm going to have to bypass some things to get the communications panel some power. The backups aren't installed yet."

M'rella purred softly and said, "Hnnnn. You would have thought that this console would have had some priority."

Rafi chimed in, "The ship technically is still under construction M'rella."

"I know…." said the black furred Caitian. Her tail was twitching in frustration. "I just wish we had some power aside of batteries."

About that time the overhead lights came on the various bridge panels and stations started to come online. "Hallelujah! Ask and ye shall receive!" declared Rafi with a huge smile.

"Good job engineering!" said M'rella with delight.

Naruto closed the access panel to the communications station and said, "Excellent. Rafi, Samui, Shar. Check that your stations are online and try to find our location. M'rella; put me on the overhead."


Impulse Engine Room

"She lit up in an instant!" said Kloene triumphantly. "The impulse units are purring like kittens."

T'Lyra was a bit amused at Kloene's enthusiasm. She hid it well enough though. That's when they both heard the overhead com alert whistle.

"This is Captain Naruto M'Fau speaking. We currently have impulse power thanks to our Engineering Division. Well done. At this point I ask that those crewmembers that are conscious start checking on our crewmembers that are not. Our major goals at this point are to restore internal communications and assist our Medical Staff in any way we can. The safety of the crew is paramount. All decks capable of reporting in are to do so as per standard damage control procedures. That is all."

T'Lyra switched on the wall com panel Impulse Engine Room to Bridge. "We have nineteen personnel unconscious here. We report no damage the Impulse Deck. Everything was simply shut down…."


….And so, seventy two hours of semi organized chaos began….


Stardate Unknown, NX-1602 U.S.S. Wolverine, Officer's Staff Room

….Seventy two hours later….

A disheveled Chief Medical Officer Doctor Shelly Wilson was addressing the staff. She looked exhausted. "There are 429 crewmembers aboard this vessel and by some miracle everyone is alive and accounted for. There are 187 injured crew members that varied from broken bones to minor cuts and bruises but nothing is life threatening. Now that the artificial gravity is functioning again things are running much smoother. As overworked as the Medical Staff is I believe that drafting more people with first aid training is necessary. There are simply too many injured for my staff of 39 to handle Captain Naruto."

The blonde Captain silently slid a data tablet across the table and said, "There are 54 people with more than basic first aid training aboard that are both uninjured and can be spared from other duties. Use them wisely. They are all I can afford to give you at this time."

Shelly started scrutinizing the list and said, "We'll do our best."

Naruto nodded and said, "Our three guests from the U.S.S. Gettysburg is going to be integrated into our regular crew and will be in the following positions: Chief Petty Officer T'Lyra Tolaris will serve in Engineering in the same capacity she did in the U.S.S. Gettysburg. Doctor Alison Fairbanks will be taking over the position of Chief Science Officer to free up Shar for multiple system checks and repairs. Shar; I need you there."

Shar nodded in agreement and said, "All systems show green but some need serious maintenance. I'm on it."

Alison grinned. "Don't you worry; I've got a few tricks up my sleeve Naruto."

"I'm more concerned with you getting along with everyone Alison." replied the blonde hybrid. "With a quarter of the crew being civilian contractors anyway; I don't see why one can't serve as a staff officer. Just try to behave just this once…?"

The redhead frowned. "Alright; alright….I'll be good."

Naruto gave her a secret smile of appreciation and Doctor Fairbanks smiled back.

The half Vulcan turned to Lieutenant Edgar Shores and said, "Mister Shores; you have proven quite capable as our Chief of Security. I want you to remain in that position."

Shores nearly choked in shock. "I appreciate your praise Captain Naruto but what about Lieutenant Nadeshiko?"

"I have other duties for her." answered Naruto. The blonde turned to Freyja Christianson and said, "Lieutenant Commander Christianson; I need you to be my Chief Engineer and keep our warp engines up and running. Lieutenant Kloene himself said they were so unique and specialized that he requires your help. You know them better than anyone. I can't squander your skills on the bridge when you could be in engineering."

Freyja smiled and said, "Thank you sir. I'm much more comfortable in engineering anyway."

The young Captain hummed in the affirmative and pivoted to Shizuka. "Lieutenant Shizuka Nadeshiko; I need you on the bridge as my First Officer."

Shizuka was both surprised and pleased at her 'promotion.' She smiled and said, "Okay then….As First Officer I'd like to know if someone can tell me exactly where the hell we are?"

Ever the humorist; Rafi grinned and said, "Currently we are in the middle of nowhere; standing on the ship's nose as we drift along aimlessly like some kind of cosmic Flying Dutchman."

The Earth raised Vulcan woman growled and said; "This is serious Lieutenant Rafi!"

"We are at the edge of the Milky Way at the border between the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants First Officer Nadeshiko." said Samui in a dour tone. "Rafi and I calculated it yesterday as 77,448 light years from home since our main sensors are now up and running. Now you know exactly where we are."

Shizuka looked a little pale and the whole room was silent. "So how long will it take to get home?" She asked warily.

"We don't know yet because of the time factor."

answered Rafi. "However, we should be able to estimate once we get exact time/space coordinates….Of course that is assuming we don't run into any problems with other unknown empires and have to detour."

Naruto saw several questioning looks and said, "The first steps are to get the crew and the U.S.S. Wolverine back at full operating capacity. Then we will decide about getting home."

"Does anyone know exactly how we got here?" asked First Officer Nadeshiko.

The blonde Captain motioned towards Alison. "I believe that question would be best directed at Doctor Fairbanks."

The redhead perked up and said, "I have a working theory about the ship but T'Lyra, Shizuka and myself I can't account for at this point."

Shelly Wilson asked; "What do you have about the Wolverine Doctor Fairbanks?"

Allison said; "I theorize the U.S.S. Wolverine was displaced through space-time. When the Cai ship self destructed; the implosion caused each piece of debris to be destroyed and made it impossible to reconstruct or recover any Cai technology. Meanwhile; the Wolverine was displaced though space and time which makes it impossible to track."

"Is that even possible?" asked Shizuka in disbelief.

"Sure it is." answered the redhead brightly. "Just keep a microscopic quantum singularity locked in a stasis box and turn the stasis field off when you want to self destruct. Whoosh! Everything is nearby obliterated. It would be difficult and prohibitively expensive but certainly not impossible….The reason The Wolverine was displaced through space and time instead of destroyed is we had an active and very powerful warp field protecting the ship. When the event horizon of the singularity and the warp field interacted we were sent careening out here."

Naruto nodded in understanding and most of the others stared slack jawed with swirls in their eyes. "An intriguing theory Doctor Fairbanks." complimented Naruto.

"Why thank you Captain M'Fau." replied Alison sounding pleased with herself.

Shar caught the gist of the theory and stated, "So a super gravity field and a warp field reacted to each other and we ended up here….whenever that is." Hearing Alison hum in agreement he just sighed.

"Do you have any theories about yourself, Shizuka and T'Lyra Doctor Fairbanks?" asked Samui.

Alison reached in her pocket and pulled out a pair of antique ivory dice. She rolled them on the table and said, "Snake eyes! Looks like divine intervention to me."

Everyone else face faulted….

….After Alison collected her dice; Naruto said authoritatively, "We have 429 people on this ship. Our Staff Officers are young and inexperienced by Starfleet standards and approximately one quarter of our crew are civilian contractors which have no military discipline at all. It is going to be very difficult to turn this group around from a disorganized mob into an efficient crew unit. I must ask all of you as well as myself to act with patience, responsibility and above all else maturity. We don't have anyone out here to fall back on and every decision counts. We are alone. That being said, I believe we are also capable of being the best. Please reflect upon this as you carry out your duties."

Then he asked; "….Are there any further questions or topics that need to be discussed?" Seeing the room was quiet; the blonde shinobi said; "Dismissed. We all have jobs to attend to…."


Chapter 1

2004*, Earth, Sol system

Colonel Jack O'Neil was having a very bad day. Anubis threatens to take over Earth, and without timely assistance, would destroy the SGC program. The Prometheus, Earth's first interstellar ship, is in the fight of its life, literally.

U.S.S. Wolverine, Bridge

Naruto was shocked at the sight of the first planet that he saw. But sharpened his meddle when he saw that ships patrolling the space around the planet.

"Captain, I know where we are," the newly minted Science officer Doctor Fairbanks spoke with uncertainty. "We are at sector 001**, Earth."

Naruto was sure that this was Earth, but not their Earth. "Open up communications between us and that ship."

"Aye, Sir." The communications officer spoke. "Channel open"

Naruto spoke, "This is Naruto M'Fau of the USS Wolverine."

Naruto was cut off when the commander of the Ha'tak*** spoke, not through words, but with violence. The Wolverine shook. "Red Alert. Damage report," he barked at his officers.

Shizuka took a look at her console, "Minimum damage."

Doctor Fairbanks then reacted "Sir, the weapons fire is sub-par to our phasers, but there is nothing in the computer about this type of ship."

The communications officer then spoke up, "Sir, there is another ship trying to communicate with us. Audio only."

"Pipe it through," Naruto commanded.

The audio was sent through the speakers of the bridge, "A standard SOS message," Naruto concluded, "Let's help them then. Arm phasers and photon torpedos and target that ship." As soon as there was confirmation that everything was in order, the command that would change the galaxy was given, "Fire at will."

20 minutes later, the Ha'tak fleet was destroyed, leaving the Prometheus.

The Prometheus, Bridge

Colonel Jack O'Neil was flabbergasted at the power of this new ship while the rest of the crew was making connections that they shouldn't be making at the moment. "Open a line to that ship," General Hammond barked. The crew of the Prometheus got right to work.

"Line open sir," the communications officer reported to General Hammond.

"Great hunting. I'm General Hammond, United States Air Force."

USS Wolverine, Bridge

The communications officer alerted Naruto of the new communication from the planet. "Pipe it through", Naruto said as he sat down finally.

"Great hunting. I'm General Hammond, United States Air Force," The audio said.

"I'm Acting Captain Naruto M'Fau of the Wolverine. Peace and long life."

The crew of both ships celebrated, but for entirely different reasons.


* In my research of Anubis' invasion of Earth, it didn't nail down a precise date of the invasion itself, so I went to the standby of air dates. Season 7's finale was in 2004, which ironically was the launching point of Stargate Atlantis.

** Sector 001 is Star Trek's Earth. I'm absolutely sure that you don't need that explanation now do you?

*** A Ha'tak is the primary mothership of the Goa'ud. Usually pyramid shaped, a Ha'tak can easily host an entire fleet of spaceships inside and can host a system lord. Ra, in Stargate, was destroyed in a Ha'tak. To put a Ha'tak on a relative scale to Star Trek's ships, the U.S.S. Enterprise-D would match a Ha'tak in terms of size, but not, as you can see in the chapter, necessarily in firepower.

Author's Notes:

Well, the Prologue chapter is in the books, and I must say that I am very happy with how it turned out. This story assumes that you have a basic grasp of the base story up to Chapter 52, and a rudimentary grasp of Stargate mythos. I would like to thank Thayerblue1 for the opportunity to present this crossover, and I do have his blessing.


Sanji Himura

Date of Chapter 1 Commission: 7/21/2020
Date of Chapter 1 Upload: 7/22/2020