i. interview

Ochaco smiled into the camera and waved as the audience clapped for her. For the last year and a half, she had been out of the public eye due to a horrible spinal injury. After months of physical therapy, Ochaco finally returned to her hero work a couple of weeks ago. Light duty mostly, but she was ready to start kicking ass and taking names.

The heels of her thigh-high boots clicked on the wooden floor as she walked across the set to Aoi, the much lauded daytime talk show host. The young host had been keeping in constant contact with Ochaco and her agency to be the first to get an interview for her return. Her persistence got her exactly what she wanted.

Aoi and Ochaco hugged one another, the audience still cheering and clapping. At first she'd felt nervous backstage, but on that she was out there it wasn't too bad. She knew she looked awesome in her form-fitting skirt and white cozy sweater top.

"You look so good,"Aoi said, then took a step back, gesturing to the white couch behind Ochaco. "I'm so glad you're here. You look so awesome, thanks so much for coming."

Ochaco sat down and the audience had quieted down. "No, thank you for having me. I'm so glad to be here."

Aoi nodded and clapped her hands together. She was a cute girl, pixie cut hair with blue streaks and a sporty build. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're so happy to see you back on the hero scene."

Ochaco laughed and crossed one leg over the other. "Honestly, I'm thrilled to be out and about again."

"I was a little nervous to hug you, thought I might hurt you or something," Aoi said, resting her arms on the armrest of her chair as she leaned toward Uraraka. "But, you're pretty much back to normal right?"

Ochaco nodded. "I'm completely functional again, not a hundred percent just yet, but about eighty-five percent back to what I used to do."

Pictures of Ochaco in the gym appeared on the large screen behind them. Two of which were from her workout a few days ago, while another was of her teaching a self defense class to some students at UA.

"You look great, so when did you get the okay to actually get back to work and in that picture you seem to be teaching a class." Aoi pointed to the picture on the far right then met Ochaco's eyes.

"I was actually invited by UA to come and teach a class for the week, so that's what that was. It was a big deal for me, because outside of physical therapy I hadn't really done my own thing. I just did whatever my physical therapist told me to do."

"So it was pretty scary for you?"

"Absolutely," Ochaco said with a laugh. "I mean the whole experience in itself was horrifying. They at first weren't even sure if I'd walk again, but thankfully I was able to. It was definitely a life changing experience for me."

"I can only imagine. So who kept you company while you were stuck at the hospital all that time?"

Ochaco brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Well, my parents were there a lot of the time, usually rotating each week so they could maintain their business. My friends came to visit frequently as well, especially early on when I was depressed because I just couldn't move and it was terrifying."

"How long before you were able to leave the hospital?"

"About seven months, I was able to do most things for myself, so they let me go home and I did physical therapy everyday for the next four months."

"That's crazy, and now are you still doing physical therapy?"

"No, I stopped about two months ago and have just been building back to my normal routine in the gym."

"Right, right," Aoi said with a smile as she grabbed a couple of cards off the glass end table between them. "We're all so happy for you to be back in action, and just remember I'm told to ask these things, so I don't really care. I swear I don't."

Ochaco laughed and fiddled with her bracelet. "Okay."

Aoi glanced at the card in her hand, while Ochaco looked out at the audience and smiled nervously. She had an idea what would be asked, but she was really hoping they wouldn't.

Aoi scooted forward on her seat, locking eyes with Ochaco. "What you went through was super tough and really tested you?"

Ochaco nodded. "Yeah, of course."

"Obviously, something that helps you get through it is friends and family."

Ochaco reached for the glass of water near her, taking a quick sip. "Yeah."

"And I can imagine a boyfriend makes it even better," Aoi said and gestured to the screen. "Especially when they look like that."

On the screen, Bakugo Katsuki in his hero attire, talking to some kids appeared. Ochaco burst into laughter and covered her face. She regained her composure, but her smile was so wide it was making her face numb. When she turned back to the screen, she groaned as the image changed to one of her and him together at the gym. She was doing the bench press and he was spotting for her.

"We're just friends," Ochaco said, her smile still wide and her cheeks heating. "I swear, just friends."

"That doesn't look like just friends." Aoi pointed to the screen, the image changing to Ochaco having her arm looped through Bakugo's as they were walking out of a smoothie shop. That happened on the same day as the workout though, they were just getting some refreshments, it was nothing serious. "You got your arm looped through his and he's, well it looks like he's smiling at you, but you're just friends?"

"Yeah." Ochaco turned her attention back to Aoi, who gave her a disbelieving stare. "But you don't care, right?"

"I don't, but they do." Aoi gestured to the audience, who cheered.

Ochaco laughed. "I don't think they do."

The crowd cheered louder as Ochaco shook her head, trying her best to fight her laughter.

Aoi nodded. "Oh, they certainly do."

"No," Ochaco replied, ignoring the audience's cheers. "No, they don't."

"Well, okay so let's just say you two are really just friends. You do look cute together and it's only natural that two people such as you and him would come together and workout, right?"

Ochaco uncrossed her legs and smoothed out her skirt. "Yeah, for sure that's just what friends do. But you don't care."

Aoi smiled. "I don't care. Why should I care?"

Ochaco ran her fingers through her hair and giggled. "Right, I don't know."

"So there's nothing between the two of you? No love between Uravity and Ground Zero."

Ochaco threw her head back laughing. "No, there's nothing. Just friends."

Aoi raised an eyebrow. "Okay, just friends. Good friends."


"Maybe something more one day."

"I, you know, who knows. But you don't care."

Aoi nodded. "That's right, I don't care at all."

ii. bro

Katsuki could think of a hundred other things he'd rather do than go out clubbing. Weren't they beyond that point by now? They were twenty-six, pro heroes, and under the constant watch of the public. And by the public he meant the media, who just loved to twist things in all the wrong ways. That's just how they were, you'd say something and they'd chop it up and cut you off.

Kirishima didn't care about that in the slightest. He barged into Katsuki's apartment, told him they were going out, and they were gonna have a good time. And all Katsuki heard was that he needed to take that emergency key away from Kirishima since he didn't seem to understand the word: EMERGENCY.

"Hey did you see Uraraka's interview on The Aoi Show?" Kirishima asked while digging around in Katsuki's fridge.

Katsuki ruffled his hair and stood from the couch, turning off his game. He dropped the controller on his black couch and stomped over to the kitchen. "Hey asshole, if you're gonna drink my beers and eat my food, you're gonna have to start paying!"

Kirishima backed out of the fridge, holding the box of half eaten pizza he had last night along with a bottle of ranch and a bottle of beer. "It's all leftovers. I don't eat the fresh stuff."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "It's still my food."

"But I'm hungry." Kirishima placed all the stuff on the counter and proceeded to dig in the cabinets for a plate. Katsuki threw his hands in the air and walked around the kitchen counter, to sit on the bar stool. Kirishima prepared his plate, then spun around on his heels, tossing it into the microwave.

"Obviously, when I move out of here and into my house, I'm gonna have to build an apartment above the garage so you can grow old there," Katsuki muttered, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

Kirishima laughed. "Or you could just let me have that spare bedroom."

Katsuki stuck up his middle finger.

"Ouch, that hurts a little bit." The microwave beeped and Kirishima opened it up, the smell of day-old pizza filled Bakugo's two bedroom apartment. Popping open the ranch bottle, Kirishima globbed some onto the plate, dipped his pizza in it and took a big bite. He swallowed and grabbed the beer bottle. "You didn't answer my question. Did you see Uraraka's interview?"

Katsuki wasn't really the type to watch TV shows or read any tabloids. He preferred to do his job, workout, play video games, and repeat. It was a simpler life that way. "No."

Kirishima took a swig of his beer, fishing his phone from his pocket. "You should."

"Why?" Katsuki snorted. He and Ochaco hung out three to four times a week. Whatever she said in the interview, he was probably already aware of. They worked out at the same gym, lived two blocks away from one another, shopped at the same grocery store, and were sponsored by the same support companies.

"Because you should." Kirishima opened his phone and searched for the video.

"That's a convincing argument."

"Hey," Kirishima said as he handed over his phone. "She's your friend, and it's her first big appearance since her injury. Besides, I think you'll like it."

Katsuki brow creased. There was this glint in Kirishima's eyes. And he wasn't sure how to take it. He clicked his tongue and grabbed the phone, tapping the play button on the screen. It was a short clip, just a two minute snippet. Further proving Katsuki's belief that the media only shared the bits that led to rumors and lies.

Ochaco looked glammed up, in a way he didn't see often despite seeing her frequently. That might have been the best part though. The world saw her all glitz and glam, but he got to see the make-up free natural beauty she was. Her laugh brought a smile to his face. The gleam in her eyes, the blush on her cheeks, he ate it all up. It was good to see her like that again, in the public eye, being appreciated by all.

Katsuki's eyes widened when a picture of himself talking to some kids flashed on the screen behind them. Ochaco laughed, hiding her face in her hands, ears going red. Then another picture appeared of them working out together. Katsuki rolled his eyes, those damn paparazzi vultures had no sense of decency. He shook his head, continued to watch and listen.

Another picture appeared on the screen. He sucked in a breath. Ochaco had her arm looped through his, sipping her smoothie while he looked down at her smiling. He looked up, finding Kirishima looking like a chipmunk as he stuffed more pizza into his mouth. Katsuki looked back at the screen and bit the inside of his cheek.

The talk show host, Aoi, was grilling Ochaco pretty hard about a potential romance between them. Katsuki pursed his lips. They were just friends. He would acknowledge Ochaco as a smart, beautiful, and talented young woman, but that didn't mean there was something there. She was just a friend, and most women didn't care to be his friend. In fact, out of all the women he'd gotten to know and dated and whatnot, Ochaco was the only constant one in his life. And that was strictly because they were friends. Good friends.

The host wiggled her eyebrows, gently patting Ochaco's hand. "Maybe something more one day."

Ochaco scratched the side of her nose and smiled, then bit her lip. "I," she paused and looked into the camera for a brief moment, as if she were talking directly to Katsuki himself. "You know, who knows. But you don't care."

The blue haired host nodded. "That's right, I don't care at all."

The clip ended and Katsuki pressed his lips together as he handed the phone back to Kirishima.

"As your best friend," Kirishima said, stuffing his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. "I feel like you should tell me if you and Uraraka are having some secret tryst."

Katsuki glared. "What!"

"I mean, Aoi makes a good point, you two have gotten pretty close since her injury."

"We were close before that, idiot!" Katsuki snapped, hopping down from the bar stool. He needed a beer. No something stronger than beer, but he had nothing else, so it would have to do.

Kirishima turned around and leaned against the counter, beer bottle lazily hanging in his hand. "Sure, sure. But I mean, is there something going on between you two? I know you saw how red and squirmy she was in that hot seat."

Katsuki snatched a bottle from his fridge and popped the top off. He took several large gulps. Not only for his own sanity, but to ease his temper lest he blast Kirishima through the balcony doors.

"There's something there," Kirishima said, grinning. "The whole world can see it."

"We're just friends."

"Bro," Kirishima laughed.

Katsuki took a swig of his beer. "I'm gonna shower."

"You can't wash away your dirty thoughts!"

"Shut the fuck up, Kirishima!"

iii. clean

"It's so good to see the sunshine," Ochaco said, looking at the sky and it's fluffy white clouds.

For the past week it had rained every single day and to celebrate finally being able to get out, Katsuki suggested her coming to his grandmother's place out in Saitama. She had unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago, but his family kept her property to use as a vacation spot whenever they wanted to get out of the city.

Ochaco had never had the chance to see the place in person, but Katsuki had shown her some pictures. They were going to be staying for the weekend and everyone was going to be joining them. Well not everyone, but Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Kyoka. Katsuki told the others to come around five that evening, but asked Ochaco if she'd help him clean the place up a bit before they arrived.

The place didn't need much cleaning though, his family had done well in keeping it nice and clean. The yard had been well manicured, the forest surrounding the meadow made it seem like they'd gone far from the city, when that wasn't the case at all. Butterflies and bees floated around the wildflowers sprouting around the house, giving it an overgrown chic kind of look.

Katsuki put his car in park outside of the detached garage. The driveway continued on, between the garage and house, leading to a barn out in the back. "I'm thinking about moving out here."

Ochaco's head whipped his way. "Really?"

Katsuki cut the ignition to his car and nodded, leaning forward on the wheel, peering out the windshield to the house. "I'm tired of the city. This place has exactly what I want minus a few things."

Ochaco brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "It's beautiful out here, so I don't blame you."

"Come on, let me show you around." Katsuki sank back in his seat and unbuckled his seatbelt. She did the same and climbed out of the car. He grabbed their bags out of the trunk and walked over to the house. "My lease on the apartment is up at the end of the month and rather than renew, I thought this would be better."

"You said there were things missing," Ochaco said, standing behind him as he unlocked the door.

He opened it and turned back out to face her. "Yeah."

"Like what?"

"Well, you for one and Kirishima, but I'm sure he'll just move himself in."

Ochaco's heart skipped a beat. You. Did she hear him right? Maybe he didn't mean it in any specific type of way. They'd been good friends for the past six years, hanging out, depending on one another, it would be a big change. They went to the same gym, shopped at the same grocery store, and bothered each other every few days. The routine would have to change if he moved all the way to Saitama; it was a little over an hour away from where they currently lived.

Katsuki carried the bags inside and placed them by the stairs. "O?"

"Sorry," Ochaco laughed, stepping inside the house.

"I know I kind of just dropped that on you," Katsuki said as he shut the door. "I've been mulling it over for a week now, and I guess I just didn't know how to tell you."

Ochaco bit the inside of her cheek. "Why?"

Katsuki's cheeks flushed and he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding her eyes. "I don't know, I guess because we see each other everyday. If I move here, I don't know what will happen."

She appreciated his concern for their friendship. He had a fair point too, they did see each other just about everyday given all the things they shared. There were even a few times she called him when she got a little too drunk. He was always there for her when she needed a friend. That being said, she hoped that even if he moved, their conversations would continue. And he was only an hour away, so they could definitely visit each other on their days off.

"You're always welcome though," Katsuki said with a small smile.

Ochaco smiled back. "Thanks, Katsuki."


The house itself was cute, charming, and cozy. Three bedrooms, technically four because of the office, and three bathrooms all of which were well taken care of. If Ochaco didn't know any better she would have assumed the house was a couple of years old with a retro decorative flair. The natural lighting also brought in a warmth to the house and provided amazing views of the forest, mountains, and meadow.

Aside from the house though, the hiking trails in all that natural beauty made Ochaco feel alive. It reminded her of her childhood, playing in the wooded area behind her house. After so many years in the concrete jungle, she was happy to come back home. They'd toured the house, and Katsuki suggested they walk around the area before they got everything set-up for their friends.

"Okay, so I'm a little jealous you get to live out here. It's so quiet and peaceful," Ochaco said as they followed the main trail back to his family's property. "All these trails, you get to run around here and I'll be stuck running circles around the park."

Katsuki chuckled. "Just remember while you're running I'm still winning."

She stopped, placed her hands on her hips, and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, is that so? Well let's just settle this then. I bet I can beat you to the barn."

"It's cute that you think you can."

"Not can," Ochaco said, spinning around, darting straight for the barn and through the bushes, rather than following the trail. "Will!"

"Wait, O! Don't go that way!" Katsuki hollered, only to hear a scream then a loud splat. He went down the slope and pushed aside the tall grass and bushes. In a large soupy, mud puddle Ochaco sat, shaking the mud from her arms. Katsuki laughed as he crouched at the edge of the mud puddle.

"Oh my god," Ochaco laughed as she looked down at her clothing, which was caked in mud.

"I tried to warn you," Katsuki said, holding out his hand. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

She took his hand and he pulled her up, keeping her steady from falling back in again. He laughed and shook his head. Mud smeared on her legs, covered her shoes, and a few chunks were in her hair. He picked a piece out and she stared back at him, never taking her eyes from his.

He kept hold of her hand and pulled her back toward the main trail to his house. They walked back to his house and Katsuki led her to the side of the house. For a moment, she thought he'd be spraying her down with a waterhose, which was fair. Going through the house while covered in mud would certainly make a huge mess.

"You can wash up in here," Katsuki said as he pulled her into an outdoor shower.

Ochaco blinked. "This is awesome."

The shower was made of metal pillars with wood planks bolted in. Stone tile flooring and a full blown working shower head. The shower walls were attached to the side of the house where a small storage cabinet was set up. Katsuki opened it up and pulled out a towel, body wash, and loofah, placing them on the bench just out of the showerhead's reach. He let go of her hand and turned on the water for her.

Ochaco let out a breath, her hand closed, the feeling of wanting to hold his hand for a moment longer going through her.

Katsuki stepped back and smiled at her. "The water should get warm in a minute."

"Thank you," she said softly.

"You're welcome."

Steam wafted from the water, lifting into the air. Ochaco kept her eyes locked on Katsuki as she kicked off her shoes. He stepped forward, kneeling in front of her. His hand wrapped around her leg and he gently lifted it to pull off her sock. They continued to stare at one another as he removed her other sock. He stood, her chest grazing against his as he stared down at her.

For years, they'd been good friends. They'd be close. They knew each other's secrets, pulled one another out of their slumps. And in this moment, Ochaco didn't care about their friendship, she wanted to ruin it. For years, she'd done everything in her power to mash down her feelings of wanting more. She always felt like there was something between them. That he felt the same way too, but because they were just friends neither one acted on those feelings. This was the moment to forget about it all.

Ochaco took Katsuki's hand and pulled him inside the shower. The hot water pelted at her skin and dampened her hair. Katsuki kicked off his shoes and stroked the side of her face. Ochaco closed her eyes, turning toward his touch. When his hand dropped away, she licked her lips and looked back at him, pulling off her tank top and tossed it aside. She stood before him, denim shorts, pink lace bra, water soaking her.

"Ochaco," Katsuki breathed, his eyes never leaving hers.

The way he said her name made her weak in the knees. A painful twist of lust swelled in her stomach. His hand brushed against her forearm, the touch made her crave him in a way she never had before. Yes, she also found Katsuki to be attractive, but this was the first time she didn't force it away. It sounded shallow of her, to think only of his physique, because it went beyond that.

"We shouldn't," he whispered.

Ochaco closed her eyes, exhaling as his hands fell against her waist. He placed his forehead against hers, breathing in deep then slowly dragged his nose against the length of hers. The raw feeling of want and desire shot through her veins when his lips hover over hers. His hand lifted from her forearm, glided over her shoulder, and traced the shell of her ear. She wasn't sure how the hell she was even standing, her nerves were on fire. He brushed his thumb against her bottom lip. Their breath mixed together and his hands left her body.

She opened her eyes, but he was gone.

She fell back against the wooden wall, gripping the crown of her hair as she looked to the entrance of the shower, hoping he'd walk back in.

He never did.

iv. guessing

Ochaco stood at the window by the sink, Katsuki on the deck, preparing the table outside. She closed her eyes, gripping the porcelain sink as she replayed them in the shower. The warm water, the touch of his hand, his breath mixing with hers, their lips nearly brushing against one another. And then it just stopped.

She pushed away from the sink and turned on her heels, staring at the vegetables spread on the island. He said they shouldn't. But what did that mean exactly? After all these years of being friends, picking each other up after failed relationships, after dancing in the refrigerator light, after everything they had been through. Did he not feel it?

Everything had been fine between them until that stupid interview with Aoi. For the past month, Ochaco kept hearing that woman's words repeating in her head over and over. She needed to shake all of that off. The only thing that mattered was what was happening right there and then. If Katsuki didn't feel anything beyond a platonic relationship, she would make her peace with that. And even though she kept telling herself that; her heart continued to hurt.

The door squeaked open and boots clomped on the worn wood floors. She forced a smile and turned to Katsuki. He had changed from before, wearing something more dressy than casual. And she'd be lying if she didn't acknowledge how good he looked. No! She had to stop thinking like that because he walked away. He turned her down. Getting her hopes up was pointless. If there was one thing about Katsuki Bakugo that she knew backwards and forwards it was that he didn't waver on his decisions.

"Kirishima called," Bakugo said, remaining near the door as if he were too scared to come any closer. "They'll be here in about half an hour."

Ochaco nodded. "We should get cooking then." She turned back to the kitchen island and placed the wooden cutting board in front of her.

His footsteps clomped behind her.

She pressed her lips together.

His warmth radiated against her back, the smallest distance between their bodies. And somehow felt like he might as well have been on the other side of the world. If she took half a step back, she would be against him. All she had to do was step back.

"I'm gonna finish outside," he said, his breath danced across her bare shoulders.

Ochaco licked her lips. "Okay."


Katsuki had been outside for almost fifteen minutes. His mind still clouded with Ochaco. Her scent, her warmth, her body in that dress. The fucking shower situation. He'd finished everything outside. All that was left was help with the cooking. Where he'd have to be close to Ochaco. Where he'd have to confront what had happened. And he would, but not until he got his thoughts together.

He should have kissed her. He should have pushed her against the wall and kissed her the way he'd been wanting to for the last several months. The feelings inside of him were so conflicting and it was hard for him to make sense of it all. Ochaco wasn't just some other girl, she was his friend. He loved her and cared about her. Of all the women he'd dated and slept with, not a single one meant nearly as much as Ochaco.

Two years ago, he almost gave in to his feelings. Pushing them beyond the boundaries of friendship and to something more romantic. Then she introduced him to a guy that she was dating. Nothing special. A schmuck. He gave them about three or four months and he damn well called it. They were over at four months and he almost kissed her when they were at the bar and she was complaining about all the men, all the time she had wasted. Then she looked him dead in the eye and said: accept for you.

That was his moment. And he pussied out. He wasted the moment, waving as it failed by. She had leaned in, she looked fucking gorgeous, and there might as well have been a flashing neon sign above her head that said "give me your affection, dumbass".

After those two times, he swore to himself they would only be friends. They would be there for one another and that was all it would ever be. He made his peace with it, but that damn interview. The way she looked into the fucking camera like she was sending him a message. And Kirishima pestering him to do something for the last week. It brought all those feelings back, all those horrible, awful, beautiful feelings. This wasn't supposed to happen. He invited her over to help him prepare the meal, that was it, but then they went on the walk.

She fell in the mud. The look on her face caught somewhere between adorable and humiliated. She laughed and it wrecked everything. When he got her to the shower, he gave it for a brief moment. Then he remembered if they kissed...or even more the friendship would be ruined and he could lose her.

Despite what people said, you can't be friends with your ex. And people who said they were, they were never truly in love. Or maybe they were. He didn't know, but for him he knew in his heart that if they didn't work, he couldn't be friends with her because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life being friends with a woman who should have been the person he woke up to every morning.

Katsuki turned back to the window. Ochaco was at the sink, washing something. She must have felt his eyes on her because she looked right at him, a small smile coming to her face. He smiled back and turned around, staring at the patio table.

He hurt her and he knew it.

v. real

Thank goodness, Kirishima and Kaminari could keep a conversation going for hours, add in Mina and Kyoka teasing and joking with their boyfriends Ochaco, nor Katsuki had to really talk to one another. At least not directly. They also sat on opposite sides and ends of the table, which brought Ochaco some peace of mind. She wanted to talk to Katsuki, but at the same time after the whole shower incident and then that little moment in the kitchen...she really didn't know how to start a conversation with him.

The sun had long since gone down and they had cleared out three bottles of wine in the span of two and a half hours. All the food had been eaten and it was delicious, of course it should have been, given Katsuki was some sort of wizard in the kitchen. Ochaco looked his way only to find he was already staring at her. She licked her lips and stood from her seat, a little too suddenly.

"You okay, girl?" Mina asked with a giggle. "Too much wine?"

Ochaco hadn't even had two full glasses, which was odd given how she was feeling. Really, she wanted to stuff mochi into her mouth until she turned into one herself. "I'm gonna get us some water." She reached for the glass pitcher in the middle of the table. "Be right back."

She flitted off before Mina or Kyoka could ask anymore questions. When she made it into the kitchen, Ochaco placed the pitcher on the kitchen counter and gripped her hair. It all sucked. Things had been going so well for them. They had been successfully platonic for six years, sure she had momentary slip ups where she had felt something more, but she kept it together. Now, it was crumbling all around her.

And they still had the whole night ahead of them. It was only eight and knowing her friends they'd easily be up until midnight before heading to bed. She kinda wished they would have been going home, so she could have caught a ride with them.

The door opened behind her and she dropped her hand, whirling around to see who it was. Her eyes widened and she held her breath as Katsuki stood in the doorway, holding some dirty dishes. She grabbed the pitcher and walked to the fridge to get some ice from the freezer.

Katsuki stayed quiet, his boots clomped on the floorboards as he went to the sink. The dishes clinked, then the water ran for a moment before shutting off again. Ochaco cracked the ice free from the tray, letting them clatter into the bottom of the pitcher. She closed the freezer door, holding an empty tray in one hand and the pitcher in the other. Katsuki hadn't moved from the sink yet.

Her heart rate had increased, thumping, pounding, hammering into her rib cage. Despite holding something cold in her hand and the comfortable ambient temperature of the house, Ochaco's hands were getting quite sticky with sweat. And she didn't want to think about the heat swelling on her cheeks. She closed her eyes and took in a few breaths and slowly exhaled.

"O," Katsuki said softly.

Summoning every ounce of courage, Ochaco turned around. Katsuki stood near the sink, eyes warm, face fighting a grimace. She pressed her lips together, then walked to the kitchen island, using it as a barrier between them. When she put the pitcher and ice tray down, Katsuki brought eye contact and rubbed his hands on his jeans.

She rubbed her thumb up and down against her index finger. "I'm sorry."

Katsuki's eyes snapped to her, mouth agape and his head slowly shook. "No, you shouldn't be sorry about anything."

"I shouldn't have done what I did."

"You didn't do anything."

"But I did."

Katsuki walked over to her, standing a step away. He towered over her, at least an entire foot. She looked up at him and smiled weakly. What had happened was a momentary lapse in judgement. It wouldn't happen again because if it did, their friendship would be effectively ruined. And losing Katsuki wasn't an option.

"Katsuki." Ochaco bit the inside of her cheek. "You're my best friend and I love you. I don't want to ruin that."

He shook his head and closed the distance between them. "You didn't. I did."

"I pulled you into the shower."

"I almost kissed you." He reached for the side of her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I hurt you and I'm sorry."

Ochaco closed her eyes, melting into his touch.

"And I've been kicking myself for doing that."

"It's not a—"

"It is a big deal because I love you too," Katsuki said, locking eyes with her. "No, I don't just love you. I am in love with you."

Her chest tightened and a breath escaped her. His hand moved from her face, drifting down her sides until his fingers laced with hers. She never took her eyes away from him. Had she really heard him right? She shook her head and licked her lips. "Then why did you pull away? How do I know you don't feel guilty? I know that I look like a sad puppy left out in the rain when I'm hurt."

Katsuki closed his eyes and leaned down, resting his forehead against hers. "We've been friends for so long, I'm scared to go beyond that. If we didn't work out, I would never get over you."

"And what if we do work?"

Katsuki considered her words for a moment.

"Let's ruin the friendship," Ochaco said, her arms snaked around his neck, her body pressed against his. She pushed herself up on her toes, her lips pecked against his. He didn't pull away this time.

Without a word, Katsuki placed his hands just beneath her ass, gripping her thighs tight before lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He pressed his lips against hers, placing her on the kitchen island. Her fingers combed through his hair. He sucked on her bottom lip, nipping lightly. She smiled and did the same, but tugged at him. Katsuki moaned, his hands gripped her sides.

She rolled her head back as he trailed kisses down her neck. His hands stroked up her sides, brushing against her breast, then rested on her shoulders. He sucked on her skin at the base of her neck, rolling his tongue on it, sending tingling sensations across her body. She trembled as his fingers slipped under the straps of her sundress and slowly slid down to her boobs. He pulled her forward, capturing her mouth in a heated kiss.

His tongue slid against hers. She gripped his hair, pulling him back to kiss his neck. Her hands left his hair and worked to undo the buttons of his shirt. Katsuki grabbed her hands and pulled away, panting heavily. Ochaco let out a shaky breath, eyes studying his. He smiled at her and kissed her once again, gently. The way his lips felt against her, the way his calloused hands moved against her bare skin, it was everything she wanted and more.

"We still have company," he whispered into her ear then nibbled at her earlobe.

Ochaco closed her eyes. "Right."

He released his hold on her hands then leaned over to glance out the window in the door. Ochaco turned her head and peered out the window as well. Their friends had relocated to the dart board hanging on the tree in the middle of the yard. They didn't seem to care about their absence and if they did, they didn't show it. She bit the inside of her cheek, debating what would be the right move.

Fact: Katsuki was delicious and she craved him.

Fact: Her nipples could cut glass and her sex pulsed with desire.

Fact: He was in between her thighs and had kissed her like he was suffocating and needed air.

"Fuck it," Katsuki growled, pulling Ochaco into him.

She gasped, securing her legs around his waist and gripped his shoulders. "Katsuki what are you doing?"

"What I should have done a long time ago." Katsuki captured her lips in another kiss. Ochaco kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He carried her down the hall and up the stairs, never once did he stop kissing her. She moaned in pleasure as he kissed her neck.

He pressed her up against the door, her body tight against his as he turned the knob. The door fell open, but Katsuki held her tight. He stepped into the room, kicked the door close, and laid her back on the bed. His warmth left her as he stood at the foot of the bed, towering over her, eyes filled with wild passion and desire. Her knees were bent, feet perched on the edge of the bed. The fabric of her dress pooled around her sex, covering her black cotton panties.

"Come here." Ochaco reached for him.

Katsuki smirked and shook his head. He undid the buttons of his shirt, never taking his eyes off of hers. The muscles of his chest and abs made her mouth water. Yes, she had seen him shirtless before, but something was different about this time. His shirt dropped to the floor, then he went for his belt, undoing the buckle. Ochaco bit her lip, heat swelled at her sex, the dampness soaking her skin and panties.

He pulled his belt free and it clattered on the wooden floor. Ochaco went to sit up, but he pushed her back down gently. She gripped the sheets and arched her back as his hand glided down her chest, in between her breasts, over her stomach, and over the lips of her sex. His fingers brushed so gently, goose flesh covered her body. When his hand left her body, Ochaco looked back at him, certain her eyes were glowing with lust and hunger.

He undid the button and zipper of his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles, then kicked them aside, remaining only in his boxers. Ochaco drank him in, every chiseled muscle that she wanted to explore with her hands, her tongue, her teeth. She wanted to pull down his boxers, expose him entirely, touch his length, make it harder than it had ever been before. The desire to taste him, feel him within her put her in a frenzied haze.

She craned her neck as he got down on his knees. His hands pushed her dress aside. Ochaco's breath hitched in her throat as he hooked a finger on her dampened panties. He smirked and pulled it aside, exposing her womanhood. She shivered as his breath kissed against her wet skin.

"Katsuki," she breathed as the heat of his face pressed against her thigh. The pleasure that radiated through her was indescribable and he hadn't even done anything. Her heartbeat quickened, electrifying sensations tingled through her spine, and the growing dampness of her pussy told her she was going to come undone.

"Let me please you," Katsuki said and gripped her leg, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed. She sucked in a breath as his lips pressed against her womanhood. Her legs spread apart, and his tongue found her clit. Ochaco moaned, back arching, hands clenching the sheets. His tongue movements were slow, but purposeful. He sucked ever so often, sending her into a fit of pleasure. Her toes curled as his tongue slipped into her body then flicked at her clit.

Not one single thing had ever made her feel so damn good. She opened her mouth, but not a single sound came out. She covered her face with one hand, while the other reached for Katsuki's blond locks. He continued to explore her womanhood with his tongue, burying his face between her legs.

She let out a mewl, closing her legs around his head. He didn't stop. He went faster and harder. His fingers plunged into her while his tongue lapped at her clit. Ochaco moaned, her body squirming between him as the tension and pleasure and ecstasy grew within her.

"Katsuki! I can't…" she breathed, overtaken by the delightful sensations. He wound her up tight, taking her all the way. She screamed in pleasure, gripping the sheets as he continued to thrust his fingers into her while sucking and flicking her clit.

"Come for me," Katsuki commanded before using his tongue to once again explore her. She gasped as his fingers rubbed circles into her clit. He switched it up again, driving her absolutely mad. Was this what she had been missing out on her entire sexual life? No one had ever made her feel this way in a span of three minutes. "I'm gonna make you come for me."

Ochaco moaned as he inserted three fingers, pumping into her fast and hard. The sensation was too much, she was going to lose control. Katsuki gripped her thigh as she bucked involuntarily. Her body had a mind of its own, tense muscles, sweat on her skin, she couldn't breath as pleasure and delight and lust raged within her. He'd brought her to a high that she didn't even know was possible.

"Katsuki!" she cried.

Delirium and ecstasy tore through her body. Her toes curled in, her mouth open as her short, quick breaths escaped her. He'd unraveled her and she wasn't sure if she could even be put back together. Katsuki licked her one last time before letting her go and rose to his feet. She let out a breath and met his lustful gaze as he wiped her juice from his chin. He smirked and leaned forward, grabbing her panties and pulled them away.

"You don't need these." He flung them across the room.

Ochaco shook her head and sat up. He didn't push her down, instead he only watched her. She smiled at him, running her fingers down his abs. He closed his eyes, head falling back, a grunt of approval rumbled from his throat. His bulge pressed hard against the thin fabric of his boxers. She laid her hand against his cock. It throbbed in her hand and she gave it a gentle squeeze. Katsuki grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back. She moaned when his lips crashed onto hers.

When they broke away, Ochaco grabbed the hems of Katsuki's boxers and pulled them down. Her eyes drifted to his cock. He stroked the side of her face and she lifted her hands above her head. Katsuki grabbed the pools of fabric around her then pulled it over her head. He let it fall to the floor then reached behind her to unclip her bra. Her boobs bounced free. She shed off her bra and scooted closer to the edge of the bed.

She grabbed his ass, pulling him closer and dug her nails into him. He groaned as her mouth went around his cock. Her tongue massaged his length. His hand gripped her hair as she pulled back and sucked him back in several times. She brought one hand around his hip, clawing his skin, before lightening her touch at his thigh, then cupped his balls. At first she gently moved her fingers over them, then tugged gently. Katsuki sucked in a breath, his hands clenched at his side.

Ochaco pulled away from his throbbing cock and stroked with her hand, pumping several times before looking up at him and licking his length. He shook his head, then let go of her hair then nodded for her to scoot back. She crawled back onto the bed, remaining on her elbows, knees bent and open as he approached and stroked his length several times before eyeing her like a hungry lion.

He placed his hand on her knee and pushed it down, then grabbed her waist, flipping her over with ease. Her breast bounced and his hands gripped them, squeezing hard then, massaging them as his thumbs brushed against her hardened nipples. Ochaco sucked in a breath as he kissed her shoulder blade and dragged his tongue down her spine. He released her breast, his large cock brushed against her ass then poked at her wet entrance.

She licked her lips, resting on her hands and knees, wanting nothing more than for him to go inside her. She wanted to feel his cock pulsing against her walls. She needed him to be in deep. A shaky breath left her as Katsuki's hands traced her ribs and rested at her hips. The warmth swelled around her and desire pooled at her core.

He leaned forward, grabbing one arm, then the other. He pushed her down gently, pinning her hands behind her back. Excitement fired off on every nerve ending as Katsuki held her wrist in one hand while the other rubbed at her clit. She moaned pushing back into him, his muscles rippled against her back.

"Easy," Katsuki whispered into her ear and kissed her temple.

Ochaco bit her lip as he teased her, pressing the tip of his cock at her entrance. He rubbed it against her lips then her clit. She squirmed, but Katsuki didn't stop, nor did he release her wrists.

"Do you want me inside you?" he asked, voice low and gravelly.

Desire, need, and want had her speechless. Pleasure shot throughout her body as he pressed his thick member further inside. She shivered, breathing huffy. "Yes. I want you all over me."

Katsuki pulled out again, earning a whimper from Ochaco. She peered up at him, panting as he stared back at her. He licked his lips, resting his full length between her legs. She pushed back, stroking her wetness on him. He closed his eyes and moaned. Ochaco ground her pussy on his throbbing erection. Two could play the teasing came. She smiled as Katsuki rocked his cock against her wet slit.

Blood stormed through Ochaco's body, the craving and want had reached its peak. Her sex rippled and her nerves sparked with primal hunger. A ravenous hunger to have him thrusting within her. She squirmed, trying to get him inside her. An orgasm built within her. He was going to get her again without ever putting his cock inside her. Ochaco closed her eyes and shivered as a fevered heat washed over her. Her ass bucked against his waist, his cock sliding across her clit.

An explosion so delicious and so disorienting broke her. A weak cry escaped her as the orgasm shot through her body. She writhed under him as wetness dripped from her. Katsuki squeezed her ass then chuckled. "Okay, O," he whispered, placing his cock at her entrance again. "I'll stop teasing you."

Ochaco almost doesn't believe him. He seemed to be enjoying it too much. Not that she was complaining. Her body felt so light and pleased she almost couldn't make sense of the world around her. It was just them, on a bed, and a single table lamp for light.

Katsuki pushed inside her. She gasped, his length and thickness filled her up and stretched her. He groaned, obviously feeling her walls tightening around him. His cock pulsed inside her, then he slowly pulled out only to thrust back in. He repeated the motion, their skin slapping together. Ochaco gritted her teeth, the pain and pleasure swirling into a mix of something she didn't know how to handle. She gave in, her body relaxing as Katsuki found a steady rhythm, pushing in and out.

His pace quickened. Ochaco moaned with each thrust. Her breast bounced wildly. He let go of her wrist, gripping her shoulders to pull her into an upright position. She laid her head against his chest and rolled toward his neck as his cock rested within her body, throbbing with want. Ochaco smiled and grabbed his head, pulling his lips onto hers. He moaned against her mouth as she ground her body against him.

Katsuki pulled out of her and flipped her over. He pushed her down on the bed and went for her breasts. Ochaco mewled as his mouth sucked on her swollen breast while his hand massaged the other. She clawed at his back, wanting him to thrust back inside her. He resisted, dragging his tongue across her chest, nipping and sucking on the other breast.

Ochaco reached for his face and tugged him up. He released her breast from his mouth and pressed his lips onto hers. She tilted her pelvis up, his cock pressed to her entrance. He pulled away from their kiss, his darkened eyes gazing down at her. His arm rested above her head while his other focused on her hips. He kissed her again, softly. A chaste kiss compared to everything else.

"I'm in love with you, O," Katsuki said as he pushed himself inside her. "And I have been for a long time."

Ochaco let out a breath as he moved in and out of her. She cupped his face in her hands and stroked his cheeks. "What took you so damn long?"

Katsuki smirked. "Don't you sass me." He thrust into her. Her back arched and her eyes rolled back into her head as he picked up the speed. She cried out as he pulled back, grabbing her legs and rested them on his shoulders. He pumped into her.

Ochaco whimpered, covering her mouth. She bit her finger as Katsuki continued to push into her. His whole length was in her, so deep, so hard. All her nerve endings had caught on fire. She smiled as he dropped her legs and rested his chest against hers, continuing a gentle rocking rhythm that she matched.

"I'm in love with you too," Ochaco said before capturing his lips in another kiss. His tongue brushed against her lips then tangled with hers. She clawed his shoulders as another orgasm began to build. His pace quickened again. "Harder," she moaned as she broke their kiss.

Katsuki obliged, slamming into her. She yelped as he thrust into her ten times, fucking her senseless. Her orgasm ignited her body, but he doesn't slow even for a second. He growled as he allowed himself to come undone, spilling into her and melting into his orgasm. Katsuki pants, supporting himself with his arm rested above her head. He buries his face into her hair and leaned toward her neck, kissing it softly.

Ochaco sank into the pillows and stared up at the ceiling, before a stifled laugh escaped her. Katsuki lifted his head and rested his forehead against hers. "What are you laughing at?"

"I should have made a move sooner," she said, pecking his lips. "Is that what I have been missing all these years?"

Katsuki pulled out of her and kissed her forehead before falling on the bed beside her. "A woman like you deserves to be pleased like this everyday."

She rolled onto her side, resting her cheek in the palm of her hand. She traced a finger up and down his arm. "Let's do it again."

Katsuki smirked and climbed back on top of her. "Only if you will be mine."

Ochaco kissed him deeply. "It's always been you, Katsuki."

He smiled and kissed her back, settling between her legs.


Kirishima stood at the foot of the stairs. Muffled moans and the slapping of skin reached his ears. He chuckled and walked back to the back patio where Mina, Kaminari, and Jiro were waiting.

"So?" Mina asked, eyes glittering and smile wide.

"They're totally doing it," Kirishima said.

Mina clapped her hands together and pointed at Kaminari. "Give me my money!"