So this is a story that I've just been experimenting with. I'm putting this first chapter out to see if there's any interest. Unlike other stories I post, I don't know if this is something that will continue.

I'm drawing inspiration from several sources. One in particular is Anaklumos14's Percy Jackson and the Hogwarts Chronicles. This first chapter is reminiscent of the beginning of his story, though it will differ as time goes on. I reached out to him for advice, but I believe he's stopped writing, especially for this genre. There are other ones out there that I've read. I'm taking things I enjoy from the "Percy goes to Hogwarts" genre and putting them together in a story I enjoy.

Characters will be OOC. That's mostly unavoidable in crossovers, since it's mixing two different sets of characters.

Obvious Disclaimer that I don't own any of this. If I did, I wouldn't be in college.

Chapter 1: Number 4 Privet Drive


Percy Jackson's knuckles very slowly loosened from their death grip of the armrests of the seat on the plane that had flown him from JFK International Airport to Heathrow. The flight had been absolutely awful for his nerves. Every bit of turbulence and every air pocket had him thinking that Zeus had changed his mind and just decided to dispose of him for good.

After all, hadn't Thunderpants warned him all those years ago? If he ever set foot in a plane again, he would be blasted into a pile of Ozone Baked Percy BBQ Ribs. Luckily, he seemed to have gotten a free pass. Apparently, the Gods were as sick of him as he was of them. Well, that suited Percy just fine. He would miss Thalia, Nico, Grover, and the rest, but he wouldn't miss the Gods playing games with his life.

Nope, if he had known what was going to happen to him that rainy night in Montauk, he never would have gone to camp.

It would have saved him from being accused of stealing a lightning bolt, which sadly didn't even rank on the top ten of weirdest experiences he had been through since.

It would have saved him from sailing through the Sea of Monsters in a rowboat with a peanut butter toting younger brother and a thermos for protection.

It would have saved him from the experience of that dam quest to save Artemis and Annabeth and being pinned under the sky.

It would have saved him from being blown up and burned alive in a volcano by dog fish men.

It would have saved him from losing Annabeth to beat Kronos, the Titan of Time. Her empty eyes staring blankly at the sky while she bled out from a stomach wound would haunt him until the day he died.

No, when Grover had showed up in Montauk, Percy should have slammed the door in his face, went back to sleep, and just ignored the whole thing. At least if he had died, he wouldn't have had the years of pain that he had been through.

The Gods took the one thing that had really mattered to him. He had loved her, though he wouldn't get the chance to tell her that one. Then they had the audacity to try and make him join them, as if it was some glorious honor. Like he wouldn't want to be as far away from them as possible.

At least it was over. Fresh start in England. That was the deal. Not immortality, no. No, the wish to be left alone by the Gods, forever. He would leave Western Civilization and never return. In return, the Gods would never bother him again. At least there was that. It was over, done with, and he never had to return.

His mom had thought it would be a good idea for him. He had never told her what Annabeth meant to him, but she had known, maybe longer than he had. It was her idea to have him move to England.

She had called her sister, Petunia, who she hadn't seen in years. Her mom had two sisters, but a couple years before Lily had died, Sally had moved to New York to begin a new life and had given birth to Percy a year or two after.

Petunia and Sally had never been close, so when Sally had called, she had been surprised to say the least. She had been reluctant to take Percy in, but two things seemed to have swayed her. Sally would be moving back to England with Paul soon, so it would only be for a couple months, just until Paul and Sally could find a job and a place to live. That and the desperation in Sally's voice had managed to persuade Petunia, and now here Percy was, on to spend his first summer as an English resident with the Dursleys.

His mom had stressed that Petunia cared about politeness and what the neighbors though, and had stressed Percy had to be on his best behavior. At least it was away from camp. It would be good to get some space from New York. It didn't feel like home anymore, even if he would miss the Yankees games. Hopefully his new school, Smeltings, would have a swim team.

Percy stood once the plane taxied to a stop, removing his carry-on from the overhead rack. He didn't have much items with him. Just a carry on with some clothes and a backpack with some supplies. He had a flask of nectar, a baggy with some ambrosia, Annabeth's dagger, bead necklace and Yankee's cap, Tyson's wristwatch shield, several pictures of friends and family, and a small pouch of drachmas. The drachmas wouldn't be able to be used for Iris Messages anymore. They were done through Iris, the Goddess, and he was getting his wish and would be left alone. They wouldn't work anymore. Chiron had given them to him all the same, just in case he needed them.

Then of course, Riptide was in his pocket in pen form. He didn't think that it would be needed either. Gods and Monsters were in Western Civilization, which he was leaving. Neither were supposed to be in London, so he probably wouldn't find much use for the sword anymore. It never hurt to be prepared though. After all, Thunderpants could always break his promise, because that hadn't ever happened before in Greek mythology.

He slung his backpack over one shoulder, grabbed the handle of his carry-on and walked down the plane aisle, exiting the plane behind an elderly woman who had more wrinkles than Mrs. Dodds and in front of a businessman talking on his cellphone.

Upon exiting the plane, he found himself in a large building with high curved ceilings and large glass windows that ran floor to ceiling. It was very impressive, and he couldn't help but think about how much Annabeth would be enjoying the designs, talking his ear off about structural integrity with that cute smile. He quickly and stubbornly squashed that thought back into the depths of his mind.

"Oi, mate, you Jackson?"

Percy turned around, shook out of his thoughts. Standing sullenly before him was a fat teenager. He was crammed into a simple t-shirt that seemed to be rioting against the sheer amount of work it was expected to do in keeping the kid clothed. Black athletic shorts seemed to be similarly struggling. The kid was almost wider than taller, which was a serious accomplishment, since he was also pretty tall. Not as tall as Percy, but he was only an inch or two shorter. Meaning that the kid vaguely resembled a walking, talking bean bag chair crammed into smelly gym shorts.

Still, the kid was probably family. His mom had mentioned Petunia had a son, named Dudley, so this was probably his cousin. He was fat, but unless he was also rude, Percy would keep his mouth shut. The Dursley's were taking him in for a few months with nothing expected in return other than help with house work. So, Percy swallowed the joke that came to mind about cheeseburgers, and instead gave a carefree grin and held out his hand in greeting.

"That's me, man. Petunia around here?" he said, glancing around the terminal. Dudley ignored his hand, and instead glared at him.

"You're late. Mum's in the car," he said with his arms folded over his gut. Definitely his cousin then. Lovely. A charming child, really.

"Seriously? I can't control when the plane takes off or the weather over the Atlantic. How can I be late?" Percy asked, raising one eyebrow in question of his cousin's logic. Dudley rolled his eyes, turned and started walking away. Percy shrugged mentally and followed him towards the exit.

Technically, between Thalia and him, they could control the weather, and create one hell of a storm but that wasn't exactly something you could just brag about.

"You better stay out of my way Yank. I don't want to deal with another freak whose parents didn't love him enough. You can stay with the other one," Dudley complained over his shoulder at Percy, who stopped in his tracks for just a second.

Fat and rude apparently. This summer was going to be fantastic. Well at least there's no guilt involved with mocking him anymore.

"Stay out of your way? Pretty sure I'll always be in your way, no matter where I stand," Percy said, chuckling softly to himself. Dudley stopped and turned, eyeing him with beady black eyes. He kind of resembled a gorilla in a zoo, studying the people watching it and trying to figure out what was going on.

"What are you on about?" Dudley asked, stepping towards Percy. Percy's relaxed stance shifted subtly, his feet planting in a basic martial arts stance, ready to dodge a punch if necessary.

"Well, I mean look at you. I'm pretty sure you're bigger than my mom's apartment in Manhattan. No matter where I stand in your house, I'll be in the way," Percy said, smirking, daring him to do something. Dudley's face screwed up in concentration for several seconds, before understanding flashed across his face, and he glared angrily. His hands balled into fists and his face turned red, and he had to stop himself from trying to hit Percy in a crowded area.

"You'd better watch your back, smartass," He said, getting in Percy's face, glaring. Percy smiled back, unconcerned and confident.

Game 7 of the World Series, bottom of the ninth, tie ballgame at Yankee Stadium, bases are loaded with two outs. Percy Jackson steps up to plate. He's led the League in home runs for the past two seasons. Let's see what he can do with this at-bat. What a gorgeous day for playing ball.

"I'd recommend the same, but I'm pretty sure your triple chin will prevent that," he said, smirking. Dudley growled, unable to do anything else in the public space with all the people around them.

"Come on," he said through gritted teeth, turning and walking towards the exit once more.

Grand Slam. The crowd goes wild.

Percy followed Dudley out of Heathrow Airport. Luckily for him, Demigod equipment doesn't set off Mortal security systems. It would be rather hard to explain why he's trying to smuggle a sword into England.

One thing bugged him a bit. Dudley had called him a freak, but he had mentioned 'the other one,' like there was another person with the Dursley's. According to his mom, it was just her sister Petunia, Petunia's husband Vernon, and their kid, Dudley. So what did 'other one' mean?

Dudley led Percy out of the airport and to a red sedan parked in the parking lot. Percy clambered into the backseat with Dudley. In the front seat, his uncle sat in the driver's seat and his aunt sat in the passenger seat.

It was like a cartoon. It had to be. The Dursley's resembled caricatures better than actual people. Petunia was tall and thin, with a long neck and beady eyes, but that wasn't what concerned her. No, he was more concerned by the fact that she closely resembled an owl dressed in makeup. She seemed to have a constantly suspicious face. Vernon, on the other hand, resembled Smelly Gabe, if Smelly Gabe wore clean Polo shirts and drank tea instead of Budweiser. He could definitely tell where Dudley's flab came from. Vernon looked like a Walrus was forced into a business suit against its will. It was fat, angry, and made grunting noises when startled.

"Hello Percy, nice to meet you. How was your flight?" Petunia said, smiling politely.

"Hey Aunt Petunia, nice to meet you. It was good. Kind of stormy over the Atlantic. Thanks for taking me in, I hope I'm not imposing," Percy said, smiling easily in return. As long as they could be nice and polite, so could he.

"So, boy. Why are you here? Did you get into trouble over in the States?" Vernon questioned, his mustache moving like a scrub brush attached to his upper lip. He turned to Petunia. "Petunia, I don't want another delinquent in my house." Percy took note of that. The other one. Another delinquent.

"Vernon!" Petunia looked scandalized, but it felt somewhat fake. As if she was afraid of what Percy would think of their family, more than actual care about Percy.

"No, my mom's moving back here. She needs a few months to find a place to stay and a new job. She wants me to come over early and get settled before going off to school," Percy said to Vernon. Vernon opened his mouth to interrogate him more, but Petunia cut him off, nervously.

"I'm sure you're tired from your trip. How about we get home and you can get some rest?" She said, shooting a glance at Vernon who looked like he wanted to argue but accepted it.

"That sounds nice, thank Aunt Petunia," Percy said, knowing that annoying them all immediately wasn't smart, no matter how amusing it was.

Petunia resembled the stories his mom had told. Sally had been the middle sister. Petunia was the older, bossy sister that was worried about what everyone thought of her. Lily was the smartest sister and had been close with Sally. Sally and Lily had spent time talking and mailing letters after Sally moved to New York. She had moved for a change of scenery and to go to university. She had been forced to drop out of university to care for her uncle, and the rest was history.

As Vernon drove out of London, headed towards Percy's jail cell, ahem, home for the summer, Percy mentally buckled himself in for a hellish summer with weird relatives. Just a couple months of this, and then his mom would be here with Paul. Paul was pretty great, and he really loved his mom. When Percy had told his mom that he had to leave America, Paul had barely hesitated before agreeing to move with his mom. He treated his mom like she deserved. She deserved some happiness, after dealing with Gabe and Poseidon leaving her. He didn't blame Poseidon necessarily, as he knew that the God hadn't been allowed, but his mom deserved better.

Still, a couple months with these people was going to be absolute hell. Especially if there was an even worse person at their home. The other delinquent. Because that was totally reassuring when Dudley was treated as a perfect normal sweet boy. This other person must be some sort of mutant, the way that the Dursley's seemed to fear them.

These thoughts kept him occupied as they drove to their home. Percy occasionally answered trivial questions about his life but was mostly silent. Dudley kept glaring at him sideways, as if looking for a moment alone to try to retaliate.

Finally, the red sedan pulled into a driveway in a small neighborhood. Every house on the street, Privet Drive, was identical. Percy stepped out of the car, stretching his legs as he took in his bearings. The street was small, and very quiet compared to his New York apartment, which was constantly filled with the distant noises of traffic and sirens and people. All in all, it seemed like a peaceful place, even if it seemed rather artificial with how each house was identical. He'd have to go explore the neighborhood at some point.

Percy followed the Dursley's as they clambered out of the car. It was amusing how they didn't know what to do with him.

"Boy! Get down here and help your cousin with his luggage!" Vernon yelled up the stairs as they walked into the house.

"Coming!" came the answering call. Wait, cousin?

His thoughts were interrupted as a teenager came down the stairs, and they both looked at each other, mildly surprised. They were similar looking. Kind of oddly similar. The kid had messy black hair that didn't want to sit flat, and he was kind of scrawny, with emerald green eyes behind round glasses. A cool looking lightning bolt scar sat on his forehead. He was in baggy clothes that just made him seem skinnier. His clothes kind of looked like Dudley had gone through his wardrobe, assaulted all his clothes by squeezing his flab into the poor kid's clothes, before returning the abused and traumatized clothes to the teen.

All in all, the kid resembled him and his mom.

Harry finished signing the letter to Ron, gave it to Hedwig, and sent her off, mentally preparing himself to run and hide more. The Dursley's were hosting an American cousin in the house, and he would be sleeping in Harry's bedroom with him. Vernon had tried forcing him to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs this summer, to hide the freak away, but a quick witted mention of Sirius had turned Vernon a lovely shade of Magenta before the man had run away.

Despite being able to threaten the Dursley's with the infamous serial killer that was his godfather, the summer was still looking to be the worst one in recent memory. So far, the past couple months had been spent smuggling food into his room. Dudley had finally grown too fat, and his school had imposed a diet. Aunt Petunia, not wanting her precious Diddy-kins to feel bad, had swiftly imposed the diet upon the rest of the family. Harry had discovered in June, to his horror, that he would be expected to survive on carrot sticks, grapefruit, and mineral water. He had immediately mailed every friend he had, asking for assistance.

On top of that, his floorspace was now being rented out to an American cousin named Percy Jackson. Apparently, Petunia had a second sister, who was slightly older than Lily but still younger than Petunia. Sally had apparently moved to America for university. No one had ever mentioned Sally to him, but then again, he hadn't been told anything about his life at all for eleven years. He was just scared of having to deal with another Dudley, one who he couldn't threaten to do magic on. He was interrupted from his thoughts by a call from downstairs.

"Boy! Get down here and help your cousin with his luggage!" came the voice of his uncle. Well, his cousin was here. Time to face the music.

"Coming!" He called, standing and giving the room a final look. Nothing wizard related was standing out. All books and school supplies had been carefully tucked inside his trunk. Hedwig's cage was also in the closet, though Harry was letting her fly around outside. He was hoping she would perch on a tree in their yard during the day, that way he didn't have to explain why he owned an owl to Dudley 2.0.

He came out of his bedroom, heading down the stairs as he mentally prepared himself. Only to stop at the bottom of the stairs at the sight of his newly-discovered cousin.

He had been expecting the stereotypical American. His experience with the Dursley's had taught him that his mom's genetics didn't know how to stop asking for another slice of pie, and Americans were stereotypically overweight. His mental image of his cousin had been some blob that resembled a beached whale with a bad haircut.

Instead, he found himself staring at a person who looked more like him than the Dursleys. A tall, lean teenager a few years older than him, with a nice tan and windswept black hair. His eyes were green, but while Harry's were emerald green, Percy's were sea-green, like the Mediterranean on a summer day. While the Dursley's seemed constantly suspicious, his cousin seemed easy going and laidback, and Harry instantly liked him.

His cousin had toned muscles which were visible despite the green t-shirt that had the words "Goode Swim Team" stamped across the front. He seemed to have a constant smile that reached his eyes.

He had never felt at home with the Dursley's. They had never felt like family. This person felt like family already, even though they had never talked. It was like they glanced at each other and just recognized family. Harry smiled.

The kid smiled at him and held out his hand.

"Hey, I'm Harry. Welcome to England," He said, smiling. The Dursley's seemed to be vaguely disgusted by the action. Percy grabbed his hand without hesitation.

"I'm Percy. Nice to meet you, roomie?" He said, asking the last part.

"Yeah, you're staying with me," Harry said.

"Show him to his room boy," Vernon grumbled, walking out of the room, seeming to want to be as far away from his house guests as soon as possible.

"Right. We're up here. Need help with that?" Harry said, offering to help with the luggage.

"Nope, I've got it," Percy replied, picking up his carry-on. Harry led him upstairs to a small corner bedroom. Dudley followed them upstairs, drilling holes into Percy's back with an angry glare. Percy smirked to himself.

At the top of the stairs, Dudley squeezed his way past Percy in the hallway to corner Harry, shoving him against the wall and holding onto Harry's shirt in his meaty fist.

"You two freaks stay away from me, or you'll regret it," He growled, jabbing a finger into Harry's face. Percy sighed internally. Apparently, this was going to be an ongoing thing.

"Hey tubby, he's not a donut, you don't have to threaten to eat him," Percy said, stepping in. Dudley slowly turned towards Percy, releasing Harry.

"What did you call me?"

"You heard me. Oh, did I offend you? I can call you something different if you want. Fatass? No, that's rude. The Incredible Bulk? No, that actually sounds cool. What about Big D? No, because that makes it sound like you have a Big D, and I'm guessing you don't. Any suggestions? I'm trying to think of a polite way to call you fat," Percy said, enjoying the various shades of magenta Dudley's face was turning.

"I'm not fat! It's muscle! I'm in perfect shape," Dudley growled, advancing on him. Percy backed up into Harry's bedroom, Harry right behind him.

"Yeah you're in perfect shape. Your mom must be proud. You've achieved a perfect circle," Percy said, closing the door in Dudley's snarling face. Percy leaned on the closed door, chuckling at his own joke. The door thumped once, loudly, as if Dudley had kicked or punched the door, before stomping footsteps walked away down the hall.

Percy turned to find Harry staring at him silently, with wide eyes. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Um, sorry. I just don't like bullies, and I didn't like how he was treating you," Percy apologized awkwardly. Well done Jackson, you've successfully isolated yourself in ten minutes. His thoughts were stopped by Harry's face splitting into a wide grin.

"What are you apologizing for? That was brilliant!" he said, smiling.

"It kind of was, wasn't it?" The two teens looked at each other, before they dissolved into laughter, remembering Dudley's face. When the laughter died down, Harry gestured around the small room.

A bed, presumably Harry's, was pressed against one wall. A collapsible cot, presumably his, was pressed against the opposite wall. The room itself was pretty barren, except for piles of broken and forgotten toys.

"It's not much, since it's also kind of a storage room, but welcome to Number 4 Privet Drive," Harry said, gesturing to the room around them.

Maybe the rest of the summer wouldn't be so bad.

Read and Review. Let me know if this should continue. It's starting in Harry's fourth year, right before the World Cup.