Chapter One-The New King

Yuuri Shibuya cried ''I don't want to be Demon King any longer!'' a bright light appeared and Wolfram Conrad Gwendal and Günter looked at the new demon king in shock as the light hit him and he was gone.

A voice rang out throughout the castle it said ''Yuri will forget his time here and he will be a normal teenager you're the new Demon King should arrive soon his name is Harrison James Potter.''

Harry Potter tossed and turned in his bed and his hair grew longer in his sleep his skin started to tan Harry started to gain feminine characteristics a blue stone appeared in the room and floated into his chest and Harrison heard a sweet voice ''It's alright Harrison shh let the changes happen'' his hair changed from black to black and light blue. He stopped struggling and a hand touched his cheek and the voice whispered ''You will have a better life I promise Harrison your mates are waiting Harrison.'' Harry Potter disappeared from Privet Drive the wards around his home crashed down and Dumbledore's trinket's attached to Harry went off blaring and then went silent. Albus Dumbledore's eyes widened and he summoned the order to head over to the Dursley home.

Two weeks later in the Demon Kingdom everyone in the Demon Kingdom heard about Yuuri quitting Wolfram hissed ''That Wimp'' he was cranky because he hadn't slept in two weeks he crossed his arms and sat at the dinning room table everyone was in shock Yuuri had been doing a good job so far.

Günter had water works going down his cheeks Conrad whispered ''I thought he would be okay being king I understand that he's just a teenager he's a child…''

Gwendal hissed ''Don't you dare blame yourself I am to blame as well I suppose I did judge him harshly.'' Conrad looked at his brother in shock a bright light appeared in the room and a boy dropped right into Wolfram's lap.

Wolfram's eyes widened looking at the boy passed out in his arms he looked at the other's in the room. The boy's eyes opened and they were emerald green with black specks going through them he mumbled ''Malfoy'' he passed out again.

Wolfram said ''Is this the new Demon King?''

The Great One's voice said ''Yes this is Harrison Potter.''

Then the voice stopped speaking to them. Wolfram and the other's carried the teenager to The Original King's Temple Ulrike was waiting for him she whispered ''Is this the new King?''

Conrad said ''We came to ask you'' Ulrike walked over and Wolfram squatted down so she could see.

Ulrike said ''I can feel his magic from here it's like there's two magic's in his body his own and ours'' she reached over and opened an eye and she whispered ''His eyes they have black in them they aren't like Yuuri's.'' She looked and said ''I believe he is the 28th Demon King.'' The boy moaned softly and Ulrike said ''I believe he's waking up.''

Harrison mumbled ''Did I get hit by Buckbeak or something?'' he opened his eyes and he was being held by a blond-haired beautiful teenager he had emerald green eyes.

He stared into the eyes in shock. The teen said ''Your awake good''

Harrison jumped out of his arms and yelped and looked around and said ''Where am I? Who are you?'' he looked at the five hot guys looking at him and one girl she looked around 9 years old. Harrison was freaking out he did the first thing he thought he could do was run he ran throughout what looked to be a temple he ran and ran until he reached a chamber with a waterfall inside. He then looked and saw his reflection and he yelped ''I look like a girl!''

He spun around and a voice cried ''Your Majesty please calm down''

They ran into the room and Harrison said ''Why do I look like this? What's going on? Oh, merlin I'm dreaming I have to be dreaming maybe it's one of Voldemort's vision things.''

He started breathing heavily and Ulrike walked over and she said ''Calm down we will explain please calm down'' Harrison looked at the girl in shock he nodded slowly and sat down on the steps and Ulrike said ''You are the 28th King of the Demons you are replacing another king who suddenly left and he didn't want to be the king anymore now tell us what you remember.''

Harrison said ''I was locked in my room…'' he shook his head and said ''I was in my room at my relatives I was sleeping when I felt this pain spread through my body and then there was a voice she told me to let the change happen she made the pain go away it was like a warm light she touched my face I think.''

Conrad then looked at the blue in the boy's hair and it was the same color as the jewel he had given to Yuuri his eyes widened. Their eyes narrowed when they heard the first part of his sentence Wolfram said ''Wait locked in your room your relatives did that.''

Harry mumbled ''I would rather not talk about it.'' he looked at Ulrike and said ''If I'm the demon king do I have to go back to my relatives I go to school but I'm on break right now''

Ulrike said ''You won't have to if you don't want to''

Harrison's eyes widened and he smiled and said ''Okay what does a demon king do then?'' he looked at the group and raised an eyebrow when they looked at him in shock. Harrison said ''What.''

Günter said ''Well King Harry aren't you a little bit um curious''

Harry said ''I haven't heard about demon's before but I'm not shocked I'm a wizard there's a separate world on earth the wizardry world Bad things happen to me all the time so I'm not shocked at all a dark wizard killed my parents when I was a baby tried to kill me I stopped him well my mother's magic saved me, I've been locked in a cupboard under the stairs for the first ten years of my life, then the same dark wizard tried to kill me when I was 11 then when I was 12 a huge deadly snake that was controlled by the same evil wizard he was just in teenage form what else oh my godfather escaped a prison guarded by horrible creatures who suck all the happiness out of you or they can suck out your soul he's on the run now let me see oh last year the same dark wizard had someone put my name in a magical Tourtment that people have died in I fought dragon's mermaids and got kidnapped by a baby sized Voldemort he then killed my first boyfriend and he came back with a full body by cutting open my arm and using it to come back and we fought then my dead parents came back along with my boyfriend and I took his body back to his father and then I get sent back to my magic hating aunt and uncle and have been fed five apples and two bread slices and two cups of water for the whole break.'' He looked at them and said ''Now on my 15th birthday being told that I'm now a demon king in another world isn't that shocking.''

He stared at them and the group of Demon's had their mouths open his stomach growled and Günter said ''Let's get you something to eat my king'' he held out his arm.

Harrison looked at the long-haired male and reached out and took his arm and nodded slowly. He whispered ''Thank you sir.''

Günter said ''My name is Günter von Christ I will be your adviser and teacher your majesty.'' Harrison looked at him and smiled and Günter's cheeks turned red. They left the chamber arm and arm.

An hour later

The other four demons walked into the dining room and Harry was eating Günter was telling him about the kingdom Harrison nodded and listened and he yawned and looked at his soup and drunk the last little bit down and ate the tiny piece of roll after. Wolfram said ''I will show you to your room.'' Harrison looked at him and nodded and Wolfram said ''I sleep well I was betrothed to the last king I can see if I can find another bedroom, I'm not sure if I can or not.''

Harrison said ''You can sleep with me if you want to it's fine, I don't know if I'm going to have a nightmare or not so if you don't mind those, I'll cast a silencing spell on my side of the bed.''

Wolfram nodded and they went into the room and Wolfram looked at the closet and Harrison transfigured a cloth into a pair of PJ's they were short's and a t-shirt Wolfram said ''Can you do that for me I burned my night clothes after Yuuri left.'' Harrison nodded and made Wolfram a pair and they laid down. Harrison turned on his side and Wolfram laid on his back and Harrison mumbled ''Goodnight Wolfram.'' Wolfram said ''Goodnight my king.'' Harrison fell asleep right after that Wolfram turned on his side and looked at the beautiful boy he reached over and moved the boy's hair out of the way and Harrison sighed in his sleep. Wolfram closed his eyes and fell asleep for the first time since Yuuri left.